Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) Untuk Berpengalaman - Juni 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) Untuk Berpengalaman - Juni 2013 - PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang konstruksi terutama bendungan dan konstruksi air lainnya. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada 12 November 1980 dan 120% dimiliki oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) sebagai salah satu BUMN Konstruksi yang terkemuka, memberi kesempatan kepada Putra-Putri bangsa untuk bergabung membangun Perusahaan dengan mengisi posisi sebagai :

Project Manager
Kualifikasi :
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) Untuk Berpengalaman - Juni 2013
  • Pendidikan S1 Teknik Sipil
  • Berpengalaman Minimal 5 tahun di kontraktor sebagai Project Manager dalam proyek skala sedang dan besar
  • Memahami Sistem kerja & Metode Kerja bidang konstruksi
  • Memahami Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008 dan OHSAS 18001:2007
  • Memahami Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah Indonesia
Staf Legal
Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan S1 dari bidang Hukum atau Teknik Sipil, dengan IPK minimal 3,0
  • Usia maksimal 30 Tahun
  • Penampilan menarik
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang Administrasi Kontrak di industri Jasa Konstruksi
  • Menguasai aspek administrasi kontrak dan legal
  • Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi oral yang baik dan efisien
  • Dapat berbahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan & tulisan
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), silakan melamar secara online sebelum 04 Juni 2013 melalui laman :

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Sumber Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) Untuk Berpengalaman - Juni 2013

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Calon Pegawai Baru PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Tingkat SLTA, SMK dan D3 Tahun 2013 - Juni 2013


A. Kriteria Pelamar:
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
  2. Jenis Kelamin : Pria
  3. Sehat jasmani /rohani dan tidak berkaca mata serta tidak buta warna
  4. Berkelakuan baik
  5. Berijazah SMA IPA / SMK Mesin Otomotif, Listrik atau Elektronika dan  NEM rata-rata sekurang-kurangnya 6,50
  6. Diutamakan yang memiliki ijazah Diploma III (D3)
  7. Usia pelamar per 31 Mei 2013 maksimal 27  tahun
  8. Tinggi / Berat Badan sekurang-kurangnya 160 cm (berat badan ideal)
  9. Tidak pernah terlibat Narkoba atau Psikotropika
  10. Tidak bertato dan bertindik
  11. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
  12. Lulus dalam mengikuti Seleksi Calon Pegawai Baru yang diselenggarakan oleh Panitia Rekrut PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Tahun 2013.
B. Persyaratan umum lamaran :
Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Calon Pegawai Baru PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Tingkat SLTA, SMK dan D3 Tahun 2013 - Juni 2013
  1. Ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir;
  2. NEM yang telah dilegalisir;
  3. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
  4. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4X6 (4 buah);
  5. Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Klinik Kereta Api (alamat klinik dapat di lihat di website : rekrut.kereta-api.co.id)
  6. Foto copy Akte Kelahiran/ Kenal Lahir  ;
  7. Asli Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian yang masih berlaku;
  8. Surat Pernyataan bersedia  ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah perusahaan bermaterai Rp. 6.000,00(ditulis tangan sendiri);
  9. Curiculum Vitae, mencantumkan pengalaman bekerja sampai dengan saat ini,
  10. Ijazah tertinggi yang dimiliki bila ada;
  11. Sertifikat keahlian lainnya bila ada.
  12. Surat keterangan bebas narkoba dari kepolisian
  • Persyaratan a,b,c,d dan e di upload di web
  • Persyaratan f,g,h,i,j dan k diberikan pada saat seleksi tahap IV (kesehatan)
  • Persyaratan l diberikan pada saat penanda tanganan kontrak magang
C.  Prosedur melamar :
  1. Pelamar harus mengisi/ entry data pada Formulir lamaran kerja yang tersedia melalui Website : rekrut.kereta-api.co.id , pelamar secara otomatis akan memperoleh nomor register mulai tanggal 1-12 Juni 2013;
  2. Setelah registrasi, pelamar log in menggunakan user dan password yang telah diisi pada saat registrasi;
  3. Kemudian pelamar meng-upload  file dokumen lampiran sesuai persyaratan umum lamaran huruf a,b,c,d dan e paling lambat tanggal 12 Juni 2013;
  4. Semua proses rekrut melalui website.  Diluar itu tidak dilayani.
D.  Ketentuan lainnya :
  1. Pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi, hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap 1 / administratif dan memenuhi kriteria serta sesuai sort list yang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 25 Juni 2013
  2. Pengumuman/pemanggilan peserta yang akan mengikuti proses seleksi, dapat diakses di website : rekrut.kereta-api.co.id dan tidak dilakukan surat menyurat.
  3. Setiap pelaksanaan seleksi, peserta wajib membawa kartu tanda peserta yang dicetak melalui website dan diperlihatkan kepada panitia pada saat seleksi.
  4. Dalam proses seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun dan dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan.
  5. Dalam proses seleksi ini berlaku sistem gugur dan keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  6. Peserta seleksi yang tidak hadir pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, dianggap mengundurkan diri
E. Tahapan Seleksi
  • Tahap I : Administrasi
  • Tahap II : Wawancara  
  • Tahap III : Tes Psikologi
  • Tahap IV : Tes Kesehatan
F. Pelaksanaan Seleksi
  1. Pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi, hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap 1 / administratif yang dilakukan di daerah masing-masing dan memenuhi criteria serta sesuai sort list yang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 25 Juni 2013 melalui Website : rekrut.kereta-api.co.id
  2. Penetapan Kelulusan setiap tahapan seleksi, dapat diakses di website : rekrut.kereta-api.co.id dan tidak dilakukan surat menyurat.
  3. Setiap pelaksanaan seleksi, peserta wajib membawa kartu tanda peserta yang dicetak melalui website dan diperlihatkan kepada panitia pada saat seleksi.
  4. Lamaran yang sudah dikirim tidak dikembalikan.
  5. Lamaran yang pernah dikirim ke PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) sebelum pemberitahuan ini dinyatakan tidak berlaku.
  6. Dalam proses seleksi ini dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan.
  7. Dalam proses seleksi ini berlaku sistem gugur dan keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  8. Peserta seleksi yang tidak hadir pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, dianggap mengundurkan diri
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Wilayah Lowongan Kerja dan DAFTAR NAMA DAN ALAMAT KLINIK UNIT KESEHATAN (UK) PT. KERETA API INDONESIA (PERSERO), Silakan langsung menuju laman resmi PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero):

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Catatan :

Lowongan kerja juni 2013 : Lowongan kerja mining di British Mining Indonesia, BRITMINDO

PT. BRITMINDO is an established professional Mining company providing services that include Mine Development, Mine Management, Operational Improvements, Technical Studies and Consultancy to the leading Indonesian mining companies.
Our Corporate Vision is to raise the professionalism and quality of mining in Indonesia by providing reliable, high quality services.
Our team includes qualified expatriate and Indonesian mining engineers, geologists and other key disciplines who work at both our Jakarta Head office and various site locations throughout Indonesia. We are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all our employees to ensure that we remain a leading and respected mining company.
Due to our rapid growth at present, we are looking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to fill the following positions:

The Manager will lead the mining discipline, driving a culture of teamwork and performance to ensure continued growth and success by achieving key commercial, safety and business targets.
• Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineer
• Minimum 5-8 years experiences in mining in similar role
• A proven talent for identification and management of opportunities and risks by overlaying contractual, financial, and technical awareness in a similar operating environment is essential.
• Outstanding leadership credentials and the ability to drive results will set the successful candidate apart from industry peers.
• Willing to work extended hours to meet deadlines.
• Comprehensive knowledge of mining management principles and practices.
• Has skills such as initiative, technical ,problem solving, creative thinking, reporting communication skill: written & Verbal in English and Indonesian, information monitoring planning & organizing, attention to details, meeting facilitation and negotiation
• Preferably held a “POU” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Strong commitment to safety
• Ready worked in remote area

• To provide the leadership and coaching within the engineering group
• To determine the work activities and priorities of the engineering groups
• To ensure the completion of projects on time and within budget and to the required standard of quality, meeting the needs of both the company and clients
• To provide competent and professional short and long term planning functions to ensure the targets set by the project management are met on time
• To manage the operations of the mine planning, general engineering, costing and environmental department.

• Bachelor degree in mining engineering
• Minimum 7 years experience as senior engineer or similar roles in mining engineering projects
• Experience in mine design concepts and operations in mining, scheduling and
• Has knowledge and familiar with Mincom, drilling and blasting activities, cost control system, explosive usage and procedures, AMI codes standards and RTKPL Procedures.
• Good communication skill: written & Verbal in English and Indonesian
• Preferably hold a “POM / POU” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Ready worked in remote area

• Handle technical support to the operation
• Monitor equipment performance
• Maintain high safety standard and safe work practice all the times
• To participate in producing and delivering coal to the required standard blend and quality on time and to budget
• Review daily production and ensure compliance with mine planning
• Recognized mining engineering qualifications
• Minimum 7 years experience in large open cut mining and or similar role
• A working knowledge of surface, Xpac and minescape mine planning software will be advantage
• Proven experience up to supervisory/superintendent level with mining contractors
• Experienced in subcontractor management, cost and staff management
• Good communication skill: written & Verbal in English and Indonesian
• Preferably held a “POM” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Be efficient, honest, team player, with analytical skills, attention to detail and quality and be persistent and system oriented
• Strong leadership and team building skills
• Ready worked in remote area

• To plan, co-ordinate and supervise the work teams to deliver a product which meets the required standard, on time and to budget while satisfying the needs of the clients and the company.
• Lead organize and provide direction for employees to ensure outstanding performance is achieved in people performance, HSE&Q outcomes and the business results
• Actively contribute to a positive teamwork environment at all times
• Communicate openly and honestly at all times
• High School certificate
• Experienced at Operator, Leading hands and Foreman level within Mining Production
• Understanding of most types of Mining Equipment
• Minimum 4-5 years experience in the similar role
• Preferably held a “POP” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Good communication skills, written – verbal, both in English and Bahasa
• Ability to operate most of type of Mining equipment
• Strong leadership and team building skills
• Ready worked in remote area

• To co-ordinate and supervise the removal of overburden and the mining and transport of coal in a safe environment and to meet production targets with high standard perform-ance.
• Actively contribute to positive teamwork
• Communicate openly and honestly at all times
• Senior High school degree
• Minimum 2-3 year experience in a similar role.
• Understanding utilization all equipment and productivity
• Ability to operate most of type of Mining equipment
• Strong leadership and team building skills
• Ready worked in remote area

6. SENIOR MINE ENGINEER ( 2 position, Jakarta & Balikpapan Based )
• Prepare short and long term mine plan ( production and project)
• Prepare periodic reports and production reconciliation as required

• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering
• A minimum of 5 years experience in Mine Planning
• Advcance level to operating Minescape, Xpac & Minex pit optimation software
• Good knowledge in Basic mining practice
• Previous management and supervisory experience in a production coal mine
• Preferably held a “POP” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Good communication and presentation skills including report writing – Good English is essential.
• Strong leadership and team building skills
• Ready to travelling in remote area

• Prepare geological model and interpretation.
• Geological model review, check and validation.
• Prepare quality modeling and geo statistic.
• Prepare Geological model output such contour, sections etc.
• Prepare resources estimation and report.
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Geology with min 5 years experience in coal mining explora-tion (drillings and mapping activity), engineering and consulting,
• Capable to operate MineScape Stratmodel.
• Preferably posses a “POP” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Highly skill in geological interpretation and resources estimation.
• Understand resources reporting standards
• Excellent understanding in exploration database validation.
• Excellent use of GIS Software and (Mapinfo etc)
• Willing to work extended hours to meet deadlines.
• Good communication and presentation skills including report writing – Good English is es-sential.
• Strong leadership and team building skills
• Ready Travelling to remote area

• Prepare short and long term mine plan ( production and project)
• Prepare periodic reports and production reconciliation as required
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering
• A minimum of 1-3 years experience in Mine Planning
• Capability to operating Minescape (open cut), Xpac or Surpac
• Good knowledge in Basic Mining Practice
• Previous management and supervisory experience in a production coal mine
• Preferably held a “POP” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Strong commitment to safety and high professional standards of performance
• Good communication skills, written – verbal, in English
• Ready worked in remote area

• Technical and mine planning support to the operation
• Monitor equipment performance and processing mine data
• Develop and maintain cost control reporting system
• Provide back up to the site based personnel.
• Review daily production and ensure compliance with mine planning.
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering
• Knowledge about software minsecape and Surpac are preferable
• Minimum 3 years practical operating mining experience in a similar role.
• Good communication skills, written – verbal, in English
• Good in Excel programmed
• Preferably held a “POP” Mining Indonesia competency certificate.
• Be an efficient, honest, team player, with analytical skills, attention to detail and quality, be persistent and systems oriented.
• Knowledge of heavy Equipment is preferable
• Ready worked in remote area

• To provide the coal quality and processing plan which guides the mining operation in alignment with the clients coal requirements.
• To handle blending process for Coal Quality
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering or Geology
• Minimum 2‐3 year experience in a similar role at coal projects
• Good knowledge in Management stock pile and Blending process
• Good communication skills, written‐verbal, in English
• Good in excel programmed
• Ready worked in remote area

If you want to take your professional career to a new level in a committed, exciting workplace with a dynamic view of mining please send your application and CV by email ( max 350kb), not later than 2 week from this advertisement date to : recruitment@britmindo.com
(Please give a position name in email subject)

Lowongan kerja Migas di PETROSEA, tbk., exp June 2013

PT Petrosea Tbk has been designing, building and mining in all corners of Indonesia since 1972 and today is recognized as one of Indonesias leading mining, engineering, and construction contractors with international standard capabilities. Due to our rapid growth at present, we are currently taking applicants for below position:
(Assignment: Project Sites)

Monitor, control and analyze operation data, processes, procedures and performance, using established continuous improvement techniques in order to identify, prioritize and implement opportunity for improvement in mining project.
1. Min. Bachelor Degree in Mining, Civil, Mechanical or Industrial Engineering.
2. Min. 2 years working experience in an open-cut mining operation.
3. Strong computer skills, preference is competent using statistical software application such as MINITAB.
4. Strong on analytical (multi variance data) skills.
5. Good communication and presentation skills.
6. Demonstrate ability to influence others and lead change.
1) Promotion of HSE programs targeting zero work related injuries and illnesses.
2) Analysis of operational data (such as VHMS, PLM, VIMS, MIC, OpsDB, FMS) to determine performance or cost issues and work toward solution which can be delivered to the project.
3) Work in a team and set up benchmarking criteria by which improvements can be measured.
4) Develop and follow a specific method/discipline to measure the gap between current process capability with the project’s goals.
5) Establish necessary systems to maintain the improvements, and based on the results continuously adjusts the project strategic action plan.

Cost Control Manager
Provide various dimensions of the project budget into different breakdown budget structures to enable functional managers in making cost effective decisions/transactions.
To report cost performance, issues, concerns and opportunities to the top management in a timely manner for suggested corrective actions.
1. Minimum Bachelor degree in Engineering with Accounting/Finance knowledge
2. Min. 6 years experiences in cost control fucntion in Mining Industry
3. Good command in English, written and verbal
4. Willing to work extended hour
5. Fluent in English, written and verbal
6. Computer literate, and familiar with Finance & Accounting software
7. Excellent working knowledge of financial software packages and programsFamiliar with accounting system

1) Develop and maintain in-house cost system in order to ensure data quality.
2) Prepare cost accounting records such as subcontracting, field service, sales costs and research and development costs including computes project costs, compares actual costs in order to estimates and analyse variances.
3) Analyse the cost records and calculation of unit cost for products or services related to a specific job or project.
4) Examine any cost that seems contrary to past experience.
5) Set up cost control structure for each project /business lines.
6) Control cost on a day to day basis against budget.
7) Provide 3 months rolling and yearly cost forecast to connect with procurement plan.
8) Analyze and update lifecycle cost of major equipment in plant and its impact to project performance.
9) Responsible for cost reports: by project, by equipment, etc.
10) Under limited supervision, conduct moderately complex cost audits.
11) Prepare and emit statistical reports for the comparison of costs and determination of profitability by product.
12) Prepare estimates of new or proposed product costs
13) Analyse actual versus standard costs and prepare reports of variances.


Control, monitor and supervise Business Mining Process by variance in the Project mining operations to ensure production is achieved in accordance with Project parameters, Project schedule and budget and in compliance with Petrosea and Project safety and environmental policy and guidelines.
1. Min. Bachelor degree in Mining Engineer.
2. Fluent in English, written and verbal.
3. Good leadership and communication skill.
4. Willing to be placed in all mining project location.
5. May be required to work flexible hours to meet Project requirements.
1) Provide leadership and direction to all mining engineering staff to ensure the safest and efficient mining operations to achieve production targets.
2) Work with Senior Mining Engineer to develop weekly, monthly and shutdown schedules for inclusion in the BMP plans by the Senior Mining Engineer.
3) Assist with the implementation of the BMP system through leadership of technical assistants, production of accurate and timely reports, and troubleshooting problems encountered with the system.
4) Responsible to implement long term mine plans and short term detailed mine execution plans at all levels using the BMP process and to provide the necessary production parameters needed by BMP on a continuous feedback basis to enable short term control to achieve the long term mine plan.
5) Assist the Mining Engineer to develop and update mine plans and production schedules in accordance with project criteria.
6) Implement and manage the mining operations in accordance with the mine plan to achieve production schedules.
7) Prepare timely and accurate information on project progress for inclusion in progress claims and reports prepared by the Senior Mining Engineer.
8) Organize, coordinate and manage production meetings internally and with the Client and arrange for distribution of minutes.
9) Responsible for the optimization and utilization of mining equipment by the Mining Supervisor to achieve production targets.
10) Ensure smooth coordination between Mining operations and Maintenance to maximize availability and utilization of all mining equipment.
11) Monitor and manage the performance of all mining engineering staff.
12) Assist the Project Manager in the training and mentoring of personnel as required by the company.
13) Assist the Project Manager in promoting the development of teamwork.
14) Promote and develop an open ethical work environment.

Perform, direct and control the mechanical design of material handling systems by providing leadership and support to the people in the unit to ensure that schedules, budgets and manhours are achieved comply with company and client standards and procedures.
• Min. Bachelor degree preferably in Mechanical Engineering
• Min. 8 years experiences in Mechanical Materials Handling and Piping, Process Design, and Process Engineering
• Strong leadership, analytical thinking
• Excellence computer skill
1. Analyse and review the quality of estimates produced by the diciplines to ensure Engineering estimates are accurate, complete and deliver on time.
2. Perform, dlan, direct and review design activities produced by the diciplines to ensure designs are fit for purpose comply with budget, client and industry specifications in timely manner delivered.
3. Analyse and review contract to ensure the overall contract are comply with the scope of work and contract terms and conditions as they apply to mechanical and piping engineering.
4. Develop and maintain resources including coordinate the allocation of design work within the discipline group to ensure timely and efficient production of quality designs
5. Control and coordinate the development of new ideas, methods and innovative designs through the application of quality, competitive mechanical and piping engineering in order to improve the companys marketability, efficiency and profitability.
6. Establish, review and promote the Development Program for staff and graduate engineer, in order to develop and enhance their performance and motivation.
7. Establish and review timely progress report for Mechanical and Piping engineering activities for further analyse by Engineering Manager.
8. Maintain and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements

(Placement : Site)
Provides first level of supervision over a several mining sections of the mining production resources at the mine project to achieve the production targets and objectives of the project in accordance with the project parameters and guidelines.
1. Min. High School graduate.
2. Min 3 years as Mining Operator Lead Hand.
3. Good command in English.
4. May be required to work flexible hours to meet Project requirements
1) Responsible to implement short term detailed mine execution plans at the position level using the BMP process and to provide the necessary production parameters needed by BMP on a continuous feedback basis to enable short term control to achieve the long term mine plan.
2) Supervise the performance of operators, technicians. Lead hands and unskilled personnel in the Mining operations in the shift by shift BMP process using short term variance.
3) Monitor and control mining production on an hourly basis including loading / unloading point to ensure smooth day to day operations.
4) Monitor and control survey personnel in conducting survey activities.
5) Responsible to mine execution plans and necessary production and safety targets, understand the daily, weekly and monthly plans and targets, make sure clear understanding from subordinates.
6) Communicate with workshop in regards to repairing downed equipment and assistance in a timely manner to ensure scheduled PM equipment is given to Maintenance team on time.
7) Ensure strong disciplinary procedures are enforced and followed consistently, assist to manage the crew manpower and make sure the right people are in the right places doing the right things.
8) Monitor dewatering activities, Pit Services and day works, these are 3 primary focus areas in and outside of the Pit, ensure these are monitored at all times.
9) Minimise exposure to personnel and the environment by identifying hazards and risks during the planning phase of the work packages and Implement all safety procedures, rules and regulations and statutory regulations in accordance with the Safety Management Plan

Monitor, control and supervise the mining production resources to achieve the production targets and objectives of the project in accordance with the project parameters and guidelines.
1. Fluent in English, written and verbal
2. Familliar with mining software
3. Having at least 4 years of experience in the similar role (as Mining Supervisor)
4. Certified in POP
5. Understand the SHE aspects of mining operations
6. Good communication and leadership skill
7. Willing to be placed in all company location
8. Excellent computer skill
9. May be required to work flexible hours to meet Project requirments
1. Responsible to implement short term detailed mine execution plans at the position level using the BMP process and to provide the necessary production [arameters needed by BMP on a continuous feedback basis to enable short term control to achieve the long term mine plan.
2. Surpervise the performance of mining foremen, operators, technicians and unskilled personnel in the mining operations in the shift by shift BMP process using short term variance.
3. Identify the development and training needs of the mining foremen, operators, technicians and unskilled personnel in the mining operations for the benefit of the Project Manager.
4. Coordinate and supervise Mining production and other mining team to ensure smooth operations at loading points.
5. Control production on an hour by hour basis and prepare timely and accurate reports on project progress as requires by the project.
6. Assist Mining Superintendent in liaise and co-ordinate with maintenance departement to optimize and maximize mining equipment availability and utilization in achieving production target.
7. Minimise axposure to personnel and the environment by identifying hazards and risks during the operation phase of the work packages and implement all safety procedures, rules and regulations in accordance with the Safety Management Plan.

Operation Superintendent
To effectively supervise all supply base resources in the field to ensure that the supply base is managed in a safe, efficient and profitable manner and all client contractual rewuirments are met. And to provide HSE leadership to all people who work or operate from the supply base.
• Bachelor degree in any disciplines
• Have 5 years in lifting industry in oil & gas company
• Have strong leadership and character and able to manage, motivate chief ordinate by respect and avoid favouritsm
• Understanding of HSE principle using common sense practices in all aspect of base Operataion
• Has good personality and excellent communication skill
• Fluent in english both oral and written
• Strong PC skills using various software
1. To manage and provide leadership to supply Base Supervisor controlling on a day to day basis all labour, direct or subcontract, and all non-labour resources in order to achieve the daily work requirements of the day.
2. Ssist the supply Base Management team to promote and develop team work.
3. Ensure supply base supervisors plan and manage that all necessary resources are available at site in order to meet the work schedule through regular site meetings and development of the daily plan.
4. Understanding the basics of the supply base budget and ensure that costs do not exceed budget.
5. Provide input into the Daily Plan, weekly progress and management reports.
6. Initiates, develops and assists with the implementation of each task and equipment utilization to improve effciency.
7. Assist the Supply Base HSE Superintendent in actively promoting a HSE culture and awareness.
8. Provide a safe and healthy work environment by ensuring tha pertinent topics are discussed at daily pre-start meetings and weekly toolbox meetings.
9. Assist the supply base Manager to communicate, both written and verbally, with senior management,supply base personnel and the various Cllient’s to ensure an open and ethical work environment.
10. Monitor and manage the performance of all supply base operations staff.
11. Documents and records field variations and client instructions.

Operation Supervisor

• to supervise & monitore all lifting and transport activities
• to provide HSE leadership to all people who work under and around you
• identify any equipment defects ensusring defects are repoted as per policy
• ensure all operators complete pre-start check sheet, closely monitor these sheets
• ensure that only properly qualified & authorised personnel operate equipment
• identifiying training requirements liaise with training superintendent to fulfil training reqruitments
• ensure that all equipment is used in accordance with its inherent design capability
• choose on the most efficient and cost effective method of moving materials
• record accurately on each work order equipment and labour usage Requirement:
• Diploma degree in any disciplines
• Have 5 years experience in lifting and oil & gas industry
• Have strong leadership and able to driving people
• Multi task job oriented
• Fluent in english both oral and written
• Able to work both independently and team work
• Has a good personality and excellent communication skill
• Strong PC skill using various software
1. Attend Pre-start and HSE Meetings.
2. Arrange manpower
3. Choose on the most efficient and cost effective method of moving materials
4. Plan and execute all activities in a safe and efficient manner
5. Ensure the all equipment is used in accordance with its inherent design capability
6. Mentor subordinates
7. Accurately record all equipment and labour hours
8. Ensure that only properly qualified & authorised personnel operate equipment
9. Ensure equipment defects are reported and repaired
10. Ensure equipment is not operated with a known defect that is or could be detrimental to safe operation
11. Identify training requirements of subordinates
12. Maintain a high level of house keeping

(Assignment: Project Sites)
Leadership of the surveying staff and resources to provide operations with adequate survey control to implement mine designs and to reconcile material handling for monitoring recovery, productivity and submission of progress claims.
1. May be required to work flexible hours to suit Project requirements.
2. Min. 3-4 years experiences as surveyor.
3. Able to operate mining survey equipment.
4. May be required to work flexible hours to suit Project requirements.
5. Good communication skill
6. Willing to be placed in all project.
1) Leads the development, implementation and continuous improvement of a set of standard procedures and systems for survey data collection, handling and data base maintenance.
2) Ensure that the integrity, clarity and thorougness of the information that is collected and produced by the survey function is of a high standard.
3) Responsible for the timeliness and accurancy of field survey work and calculations necessary for submission of monthly progress claims.
4) Work closely with both mining engineering and operations to provide an effective link between mine design and its implementation in the field.
5) Maintain a strong capability in the mine planning software and ensure that staff are similiarly up to date with their skills.
6) Coach and mentor surveyors and mining engineers to ensure that they understand the survey control requirments for managing the technical implications within contracts.
7) Participate in production and technical meetings both internally or externally.
8) Contribute to the compilation of tenders by providing mine planning and design support needed by the senior estimator.

Providing special training to all sites especially in all Crane and Rigging and also continues improving operation technique.
1. Have experience in Mining and equipment such as Crane and Rigging
2. Has proficient knowledge about the mining process
3. Good communication in English & Computer literate
4. Good presentation and leadership skill.
1. Conduct Crane and Rigging training to all Petroseas sites and improve the operation technique.
2. Analyse present Crane and Rigging operating system and improving it.
3. Proactive with HSE in investigating issues connected with incident that caused by equipment miss operating.
4. Coordinate and liaise with training superintendent in order to arrange training on site.
5. Practice continuous improvement by improving processes and procedures.

To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in email to recruitment.jkt@petrosea.com in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a file size not more than 350kb.

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero), Operation Staff dan Maintenance Staff, Tingkat SMK dan D3 - Juni 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero), Operation Staff dan Maintenance Staff, Tingkat SMK dan D3 - Juni 2013 - PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP). PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) saat ini mengelola lapangan panas bumi Dieng dan Patuha dari sisi hulu (upstream) hingga sisi hilir (down stream).

Saat ini PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) membutuhkan beberapa calon tenaga kerja yang akan kami tempatkan di Unit Patuha sebagai:

Operation Staff
Dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :
  • SMK Jurusan Mesin & Listrik
  • Rata – rata nilai ijazah minimal 7 (mengirimkan fotocopy ijazah & transkrip legalisir)
  • Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
  • Bahasa Inggris Aktif
  • Pria, usia maksimal 22 tahun
  • Sehat jasmani & rohani serta tinggi badan minimal 160 cm
  • Tidak berkacamata, tidak buta warna dan melampirkan surat keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari Rumah Sakit / Laboratorium.
  • Melampirkan fotocopy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
  • Melampirkan fotocopy KTP yang berlaku & foto warna terbaru 4 x 6 (2 lembar)
Maintenance Staff
Dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero), Operation Staff dan Maintenance Staff, Tingkat SMK dan D3 - Juni 2013
  • Diploma 3 (D3) Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Konversi Energi & Teknik Sipil
  • IPK minimal 3.00 (mengirimkan fotocopy ijazah & transkrip legalisir)
  • Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
  • Bahasa Inggris Aktif
  • Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
  • Sehat jasmani & rohani serta tinggi badan minimal 160 cm
  • Tidak berkacamata, tidak buta warna dan melampirkan surat keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari Rumah Sakit / Laboratorium.
  • Melampirkan fotocopy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
  • Melampirkan fotocopy KTP yang berlaku & foto warna terbaru 4 x 6 (2 lembar)
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero), Surat Lamaran & CV lengkap dapat dikirimkan dengan menggunakan amplop coklat tertutup dan menuliskan PATUHA di pojok kanan atas amplop paling lambat 14 Juni 2013 ke:

Recruitment PT. Geo Dipa Emergi (Persero)
Gedung Recapital Lt. 8 Jl. Aditiawarman Kav. 55
Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12160

Sumber Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero), Operation Staff dan Maintenance Staff, Tingkat SMK dan D3 - Juni 2013