Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (Anak Perusahaan PT KAI) - Maret 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (Anak Perusahaan PT KAI) - Maret 2013 - PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek adalah salah satu anak perusahaan di lingkungan PT KERETA API (Persero) yang dibentuk sesuai dengan Inpres No. 5 tahun 2008 dan Surat Menneg BUMN No. S-653/MBU/2008 tanggal 12 Agustus 2008.

Pembentukan anak perusahaan ini berawal dari keinginan para stakeholdernya untuk lebih fokus dalam memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas dan menjadi bagian dari solusi permasalahan transportasi perkotaan yang semakin kompleks.

PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek ini akhirnya resmi menjadi anak perusahaan PT KERETA API (Persero) sejak tanggal 15 September 2008 yaitu sesuai dengan Akte Pendirian No. 415 Notaris Tn. Ilmiawan Dekrit, S.H.
Penerimaan Calon Pegawai
PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek
Tahun 2013
PT. KERETA API COMMUTER JABODETABEK , memberikan kesempatan kepada putera – puteri untuk berkarier dan membangun perusahaan.

1. Kriteria untuk dapat mengikuti rekrutmen adalah sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (Anak Perusahaan PT KAI) - Maret 2013
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
  2. Jenis kelamin : pria dan wanita
  3. Usia maksimal 35 tahun, per 15 Maret 2013
  4. Memiliki/ memperoleh ijazah sesuai dengan formasi yang dibutuhkan dengan Nilai rata – rata 7,00.
  5. Berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna
  6. Tinggi badan untuk wanita serendah – rendahnya 155. CM dan untuk pria serendah- rendahnya 160. CM dengan berat badan seimbang /ideal
  7. Bersedia ditempatkan sesuai formasi yang ditetapkan.
  8. Berkelakuan baik
  9. Tidak pernah terlibat narkoba dan atau psikotropika.
  10. Tidak bertato baik pria maupun wanita
  11. Khusus pria tidak bertindik
  12. Tidak sedang dalam ikatan kerja langsung dengan instansi lain.
2. Bagi yang memenuhi kriteria, dapat mengajukan permohonan lamaran dengan melampirkan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
  1. Foto copy ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
  2. Foto copy kartu tanda penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku
  3. Past Foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 cm. Sebanyak 4 (empat) buah
  4. Surat keterangan bebas narkoba dari instansi yang berwenang ( diserahkan pada saat wawancara/seleksi akhir)
  5. Surat keterangan kelakuan baik dari kepolisian yang masih berlaku
  6. Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter
  7. Surat pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek bermeterai Rp. 6000,-
  8. Curiculum Vitae, mencantumkan pengalaman kerja
3. Prosedur Melamar :
  • Lamaran dapat dikirimkan langsung melalui e-mail : hrd@krl.co.id dengan melampirkan seluruh persyaratan yang diminta, maksimum attachment/file yang dilampirkan dalam e-mail adalah 4 Mb
  • Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui pos ke alamat
Bagian SDM
PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek
Stasiun Juanda Lt. 2, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda I, Jakarta Pusat 12120

(non migas) Lowongan kerja fresh graduate di Bank BNI Syariah : Officer Development Program

Bank BNI Syariah
PT Bank BNI Syariah yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembang, mengundang Anda untuk berkarir dan ikut serta membesarkan industri perbankan syariah, melalui :
Officer Development Program
Jakarta Raya
  • Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 26 tahun.
  • Pendidikan minimal S1* dari perguruan tinggi terkemuka Fakultas:
  • Ekonomi
  • Hukum
  • Ilmu Komunikasi
  • Teknik
  • Sistem Informatika, Manajemen Informatika, Ilmu Komputer
  • MIPA
  • Pertanian
  • IPK minimal 3.00
  • Bersedia mengikuti program ikatan dinas
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di unit BNI Syariah di seluruh Indonesia.
  • Sudah memiliki ijazah atau ijazah sementara (surat keterangan lulus)
  • apply here

(non migas) Lowongan kerja di PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk

Media Relations Officer
Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya), Bogor (Jawa Barat)
  • To support Corporate Communications Superintendent in its region to execute the regional’s communication strategy align with Holcim Indonesia’s vision to be the Healthy Living Condition provider specifically for its region. Assignment will be covering but not limited to develop media relationship plan, maintain media stakeholder database, coordinate any media event regularly, develop communication materials for its region (internally and externally), media monitoring and follow up action, prepare media monthly report, and cooperate with other related directorates to develop positive stories to enhannce company reputation.
  • Provide support to region’s corporate management on crisis and issue management.
  • Provide support to region’s corporate management on corporate events and internal communications. 

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree preferably majoring in Communications or Business / Economy.
  • Minimum 2 years experience preferably related to Media Relations.
  • Media relations and management experience.
  • Microsoft Office &  Lotus Notes literate.
  • Excellent  in English written and verbal.
  • Able to  diagnose communications requirements and develop a structured approach to engage stakeholder groups.
  • Able to facilitate communications between relevant parties and enable knowledge transfer between stakeholders.
  • Able to  write and deliver a range of communication materials across different channels, tailored for the appropriate audience.
  • Organized with high level of attention to detail and result oriented.
  • Able to act independently and also good team player.
  • Working base : Narogong Plant - Bogor

Log on to our website http://www.holcim.co.id/people-and-jobs/online-application.html
and submit your online application.

Lowongan kerja Underwriter OIL&GAS

PT Asuransi Astra Buana is an established General Insurance company under Astra International Group. As a consistent market leader, we are continuously growing to give the best solutions, to perfectly match our clients’ insurance needs. Covering award-winning retail brands such as Garda Oto and commercial insurance products, our branches can be found in major cities all over Indonesia. As the winner of Indonesia Most Admired Company Award (IMAC), Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA), Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA), we've created an environment where dynamic and creative individuals can achieve their goals, both professionally and personally. We challenge you to grow together with us to bring “peace of mind to millions”

Underwriter OIL&GAS
Jakarta Raya
Your challenge is to assess risks, mainly for large industrial and oil/gas business accounts. You have to arrange insurance coverage & to propose insurance terms & conditions including risk recommendation and also negotiate and make reinsurance placement.

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Oil Engineering, Mining Engineering, or Chemical Engineering from a reputable university
  • Exceptional analytical skills, solid integrity, and strong orientation to detail
  • Dynamic, adaptable, self-motivated and pleasant personality
  • Result driven - strives to make a difference; enjoys a challenge to achieve the objectives
  • Solid leadership and able to work independently or as a team

Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted
apply here

(non migas) Lowongan kerja di PT Koran Media Investor Indonesia

PT Koran Media Investor Indonesia
BeritaSatu Media Holdings, a leading media company in the reporting and production of multiplatform news and analysis about Indonesia, is currently seeking a number of creative, experienced and energetic individuals to join a talented team of professional as:

Internal Audit
Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Selatan
  • Audit and review operational daily activities
  • Analyze operational and management processes and system controls’ effectiveness and efficiency
  • Develop of new systems to ensure that efficient and effective controls
  • Auditing the system and procedure of operational in every units

  • University graduate in accounting and finance with min. 1 year experience in Internal Audit or External Audit (in Public Accountant/KAP) or fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  • Good understand and strong knowledge in Audit field (Cash, Invoice, Reconciliation Cash)
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Excellent in interpersonal skill and communication
  • Must have own vehicle and driving license (SIM C)
  • Well proven in English (oral and written)

If you meet all of above requirements, please send you’re detailed
CV with a recent photograph and other relevant information to:


(non migas) Lowongan kerja di PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk

PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk
Perusahaan distribusi minuman Ultrajaya Group, dengan lebih dari 800 karyawan yang tersebar di 20 kantor cabang di pulau Jawa membutuhkan tenaga muda dan profesional untuk posisi :

Sales Supervisor (Jabodetabek)
Jakarta Raya - Jabodetabek
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Maks 32 tahun
  • S1 segala jurusan
  • Berpengalaman di Distribusi (consumer goods) minimum 3 tahun
  • Memiliki leadership dan integritas, disiplin, mampu bekerja sama dalam tim dan di bawah tekanan serta target, dan menguasai sistem distribusi
  • Memiliki SIM A
  • Berdomisili di Jabodetabek

Kirim CV dan Lamaran lengkap disertai foto terbaru ke :

Jl Rawa Terate I No. 5, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur

(non migas) Lowongan kerja part time dan freelance di PT Sumber Inovasi Energia

PT Sumber Inovasi Energia
We are an emerging company in B2B automotive sparepart. We are looking for a positive, go getter and creative individual to grow with us.

Sales and Account Representative
Jakarta Raya
Candidate will be responsible to market the product and develop the business.


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
  • Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Sales - Corporate or equivalent.
  • Honest, hardworker, team player and able to work individually, positive attitude, a go getter and creative.
  • Experience in automotive sparepart or transportation preferred.
  • Female candidate preferred.
  • Attractive commission.
  • Part-Time and Freelance position(s) available.

Please apply to: hrd@sienergia.co

Mining job Vacancy at MS COAL - Mitrada Sinergy

JOB MSCoal - PT. Mitrada Sinergy is rapidly growing coal mining company with its own coal concession, located in Central Kalimantan. It delivers comprehensive services to mine exploration, mining operation, processing and distribution. We are growing Coal Mining Company currently seeking a smart person, motivated, hard worker and high potential candidates to fulfill the position:



• Responsible to scheduling, maintenance and repair heavy equipment based on schedule
• Control budget and cost of maintenance planning program
• Responsible to develop and maintain the quality network of supplier
• Ability to equipment strategy development


• Male, age max 40 years old
• Min S1 degree majoring in Machine Engineering
• Minimum 2 years experience (managerial level) in coal mining industry
• Experience in maintenance task identification, planning, scheduling, allocation and completion for mining equipment
• Having knowledge in heavy equipment technical and operation, fluid, and oil analysis
• Good conceptual and analytical thinking
• Able to work under pressure
• Having good negotiation, leadership skill, problem solving
• Placement in Central Kalimantan



• Responsibility in purchase activity and supply chain
• Handle all import procedure
• Monitoring and controlling all purchase request by accurate system
• Maintain available supplier who has good record
• Provide all logistic dept. and company s inventory request


• Preferably, Male 35 age years old
• Minimum 2-3 years experiences in purchasing field from mining company
• Hold min Diploma Degree in Engineering / Industrial / Mechanical or other related background
• Hand on experience in analyzing and solving machine-related problems and needs
• Strong leadership profile, having a high negotiation and analytical skill
• Highly attentive to details ability to multi-task and problem solving
• Ability to perform in time – pressures and met deadlines
• Good knowledge about heavy equipment spareparts and their substitutions
• Location for Muara Teweh – Kalimantan Tengah

Please send your application to recruitment@mscoal.com Or dhea@mscoal.com with detailed resume and recent photograph and put job title name on subject email.

Mining job vacancy at Mining Service Company, many positions

PT Partner Resource Indonesia, adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kontraktor pertambangan dan penyewaan alat-alat berat yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembang pesat saat ini.

Untuk mendukung pertumbuhan pesat, kami mengundang tenaga professional berpengalaman yang berdedikasi tinggi, handal, produktif, menyukai tantangan, mau bekerja keras, mampu bekerja sama dalam satu tim, loyal dan mempunyai integritas yang baik, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan, lebih diminati yang mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan, dan siap ditempatkan di project site kami, untuk bergabung mengisi posisi-posisi dan dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

1. Project Manager (Code: PM)
• S1 Teknik Pertambangan/Teknik Geology/Civil
• Pengalaman Min. 10 tahun di bidang Pertambangan dan Project Management
• Memiliki Sertifikasi Kompetensi Minimal POM
• Memiliki kemampuan: Analysis, Commercial Management, Leadership, Strategic
Planning, Mining Software, MS Office Application, Problem Solving, Organization Skill, Management Interpersonal skills, Komunikasi yang Baik

2. Mining Engineering Superintendent (Coder MES)
• S1 Teknik Pertambangan/Teknik Geology/Civil
• Pengalaman Min. 7 tahun di Mining Engineering seperti Mine Design, Scheduling dan Operation
• Memiliki Sertifikasi Kompetensi Minimal POP
• Memiliki kemampuan Analysis, Leadership, Strategic Planning, dan Problem Solving
• Memlilki Kemampuan Secara Baik untuk mengoperasikan Mining Software dan Aplikasi MS Office

3. Mine Planning Engineer (Code: MPE)
• S1 Teknik Pertambangan/Geology/Civil
• Pengalaman Min. 3 tahun di Mining Engineering seperti Mine Design dan Scheduling
• Memiliki Kemampuan Secara Baik untuk Konsep Mine Design/Scheduling dan Operation serta mampu secara baik mengoperasikan Mining Software dan Aplikasi MS Office

4. Surveyor (Code: SV)
• Pendidikan Min. STM Pertambangan/D3 Geodesi/Pertambangan/Geology
• Memiliki Sertifikasi Surveyor
• Pengalaman Min. 4 tahun di Surveying Tambang
• Memiliki Kemampuan Secara Baik untuk memimpin dan mengoperasikan berbagai macam total Station, GPS
• Menguasai pekerjaan pengukuran dan pemetaan tambang
• Menguasai dengan baik software untuk proses perhitungan volume dan Aplikasi MS Office

5. Mining Production Superintendent (Code: MPSPT)
• Pendidikan Min. SMA atau Sederajat/D3/S1 Pertambangan
• Memiliki SIM BII dan Sertifikasi Kompetensi Minimal POM lebih diminati
• Pengalaman Min. 15 tahun di bidang Produksi Tambang, dimana Min. 4 tahun terakhir pada posisi Mining Supervisor
• Mampu rnengoperasikan min. 3 type alat berat diantara digger/loader, hauler, dozer, grader
• Mampu merealisasiken perencanaan Design Tambang yang dibuat oleh Engineering
• Mempunyai Kemampuan Analysis, Leadership dan Problem Solving

6. Plant Maintenance Superintendent (Code: PMSPT)
• Pendidikan Min. STM atau Sederajat/D3/S1
• Memiliki SIM BII dan Sertifikasi Kompetensi Minimal POM lebih diminati
• Pengalaman Min. 15 tahun di bidang Perawatan Alat-Alat Berat, dimana Min. 4 tahun terakhir pada posisi Maintenance Supervisor
• Mampu memberikan ketersediaan alat produksi & pendukung sesuai target melalui perawatan schedule dan non schedule dengan biaya yang wajar
• Mempunyai Kemampuan Analysis, Leadership dan Problem Solving

7. Plant Maintenance Planner (Code: PMPL)
• Pendidikan min. STM/D3/S1 Teknik Mesin
• Sertifikasi Kompetensi Minimal POM lebih diminati
• Pengalaman Min. 3 tahun di bidang Perencanaan Perawatan Alat-Alat Berat
• Mampu mengoperasikan dengan baik MS Office Application (MS Excel, MS Word)

8. Procurement & Store Foreman/Supervisor (Code: PRSPV)
• Pendidikan Min. STM atau Sederajat
• Pengalaman Min. 8 tahun pada pekerjaan Purchasing and Store
• Bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan barang secara langsung serta menjaga ketersediaan pasokan persediaan
• Bertanggung jawab atas harga, spesifikasi, serta tanggal pengiriman untuk menentukan tawaran yang terbaik diantara pemasok potensial
• Melakukan evaluasi dan verifikasi setiap permintaan, spesifikasi serta batasan permintaan
• Mempunyai kemampuan yang baik dalam bernegosiasi

9. Project Administration Supervisor (Code: HAMGRS)
• Pendidikan Min. D3/S1 Psikologi/Hukum/Manajemen
• Pengalaman Min. 6 tahun di bidang human asset, Personalia & General Affairs proyek
• Memahami dan menguasai implementasi UU dan peraturan-peraturan yang terkait dengan Ketenagakerjaan, Industrial Relations
• Memiliki kemampuan dalam mengelola administrasi project, human asset, recruitment dan pelatihan serta general affairs
• Menguasai MS Office

10. Project Accountant (Code: ACC)
• Pendidikan Min. D3/S1 Akuntansi
• Pengalaman Min. 6 tahun di bidang Akuntansi
• Menguasai perhitungan dan aplikasi perpajakan (Brevert A&B)
• Memiliki Kemampuan secara baik untuk analisa serta pelaporan yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas keuangan project
• Mampu bekerja secara tim, mandiri dan di bawah tekanan serta mengerti bahasa Inggris (writing & Speaking) dan Aplikasi MS Office

Surat lamaran, CV lengkap dan photo (4x6 Berwarna back ground merah) dapat dikirimkan ke email

recruitment@partner.co.id atau PO Box 1578 JKS 12310

Mining Vacancy at G-Resources Martabe, North Sumatra

PT. Agincourt Resources is a subsidiary of G-Resources.

G-Resources is a Hong Kong listed gold mining and exploration company. It has acquired the world-class Martabe gold-silver project in northern Sumatera, Indonesia. Already in development, Martabe is expected to commence production of gold in 2011. The mine will be capable of producing at a rate of 250,000oz gold and 3M oz silver per annum.

Martabe with a resource base of 6.5Moz gold and 66Moz silver will form the core starter asset around which a globally competitive, Asia-Pacific focused gold company will be built. G-Resources seek to rapidly grow production to more than one million ounces of gold annually through exploration of the large and highly prospective Martabe property and through acquisition of other quality gold assets.

PT. Agincourt Resources is pleased to invite applications for the following roles:

Business Analyst Supervisor (CR 0314)

This position will be based at Martabe site with FIFO schedule 4/2 weeks and reports directly to the Local Business Development Superintendent.
Key aspect of this role are to identify and analyse the new and on-going business process potential products and services under community business development to enhance and improve the fixed and applicable business opportunities for local community.

Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
• Bachelor Degree in Economic, Finance, Industrial Engineering or relevant management disciplines.
• Minimum 3 years experience in the area of development of local community business.
• Advanced knowledge in feasibility study, project management, business plan and general management.
• Good understanding in business counselling.
• Strong presentation & communication skills, including negotiations, analytical and conceptual skills.
• Competence in speaking, reading and writing English.
• Computer literacy MS Office.

Females with the required qualifications and experience are encouraged to apply.

Applications, including full details of applicant s qualifications, experiences and work history, should be sent not later than March 20th, 2011 to:

HR & Admin Department – PT Agincourt Resources
Or email: recruiting@g-resources.net

Please put the position title & code (CR 0314) on your application subject
Only short listed candidates will be notified for further processes

Mining Job vacancy at National Mining Company

Perusahaan Jasa Pertambangan membutuhkan segera karyawan dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Supervisor Operation

- Pendidikan S1-Diploma
- Perkapalan.Tehnik/Ekonomi
- Usia max. 40 thn
- Pengalaman 2 thn
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Siap ditempatkan di Kapal/Perairan

2.Asst. SPV Opertion

- Pendidikan S1-Diploma
- Perkapalan/Tehnik/Ekonomi
- Usia Max 35 thn
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Siap ditempatkan di Kapal/Perairan Bangka dan sekitarnya.

3. Welder

Pendidikan SMA/SMK
- Usia Max 35 thn
- Pengalaman Minimal 1 thn
- Siap ditempatkan di Kapal/Perairan Bangka dan sekitarnya

4. Staff Logistic

- Pendidikan SMA/SMK
- Usia Max 35 thn
- Pengalaman Minimal 2 thn
- Mempunyai SIM A dan C
- Siap ditempatkan di Pulau Bangka

5. Driver

- Pendidikan SMA/SMK
- Siap ditempatkan di Pulau Bangka
6. Office Boy

- Pendidikan SMA/SMK
- Usia Max 30 thn
- Mempunyai SIM C
- Siap di tempatkan di Pulau Bangka

Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV, Copy KTP & Foto, Maksimal 2 minggu setelah iklan terbit ke: POBOX 159 Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung 33100 atau email ke: hrd@satriaanugerah.com / hrd.satriaanugerah@gmail.com

Mining Jobs vacancy at MARTABE ( Gold Mining)

PT. Agincourt Resources is a subsidiary of G-Resources.

G-Resources is a Hong Kong listed gold mining and exploration company. It has acquired the world-class Martabe gold-silver project in northern Sumatera, Indonesia. Already in development, Martabe is expected to commence production of gold in 2011. The mine will be capable of producing at a rate of 250,000oz gold and 3M oz silver per annum.

Martabe with a resource base of 6.5Moz gold and 66Moz silver will form the core starter asset around which a globally competitive, Asia-Pacific focused gold company will be built. G-Resources seek to rapidly grow production to more than one million ounces of gold annually through exploration of the large and highly prospective Martabe property and through acquisition of other quality gold assets.

PT. Agincourt Resources is pleased to invite applications for the following roles:

Superintendent Mine Technical Services (MD 0312)

This position will be based at Martabe Project and reports directly to the Mine Manager.
The main accountabilities of the role are to :
• Provide expertise in the long-range and short-range mine planning functions in order to assist Department in achieving their goals.
• Provide assistance in the training and development of National Staff employees to ensure that they increase their core competencies, produce results suitable to management and to the efficient operation and development of Martabe, and continuously improve their capabilities and the quality of their work.
• Analyse and assist in developing strategic plan goals and directions for the long-range mine plan and advise the long-range planning group to ensure that strategic goals and long-range planning goals are in alignment.

Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
1. Mining Engineering Graduated and POM
2. Good Communication and Writing In English
3. Various Mining Software sound knowledge
4. A relevant Engineering Degree with a minimum of 10 to 15 years experience in world class underground metalliferous mining operations
5. Strategic Mine Plan experience
6. Thorough knowledge of Mine Planning, Grade Control & Practice
7. Productivity / Business Improvement
8. Knowledge of Mine Mill and variance Environmental standard and audit
9. Experienced in the management of mine technical functions.
10. Advanced computer skills (Microsoft suite and mining software )
11. Strong people management skills and the ability to lead and develop an effective Technical Services team,
12. Strong commitment to safety plans, procedures and standards.
13. Prior experience in an expatriate environment would be advantageous

Senior Field Assistant (RD 0302)

This position will be based at Martabe Project with FIFO schedule 4/2 weeks and reports directly to the Geologist.
The main accountabilities of the role are to:
• Assist field exploration programs
• Ensure good quality in the field.
• Lease with Community Relations for land access

Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
1. Minimum Senior High School
2. Minimum 5 years experience in the same field
3. Demonstrates the ability to work in professional
4. Excellent interpersonal skills & health condition
5. Expected implement programs on an assigned with guidance from his superior
6. Train the Field Supervisor and Assistant in technical work
7. Able to supervise drilling operation included drill hole preparation and rig moving
8. Manage the sub-ordinary of field work

Females with the required qualifications and experience are encouraged to apply.

Applications, including full details of applicants qualifications, experiences and work history, should be sent not later than 17th March 2013 to:

HR & Admin Department – PT Agincourt Resources

Or email: recruiting@g-resources.net

Please put the position title & code (MD 0312) on your application subject
Only short listed candidates will be notified for further processes

Mining Job vacancy at PT Telen Orbit Prima (Strategic Business Unit of PT United Tractors Tbk)

PT Telen Orbit Prima (Strategic Business Unit of PT United Tractors Tbk) is one of Indonesia’s coal producers located in Kapuas District of Central Kalimantan. To achieve our vision, we have following positions to offer for the right person that we can develop and grow together:


• Diploma degree in any social major
• Fresh Graduate or with exp max. 2 years in the same position in coal industry
• POP certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill
• Max.26 years and willing to be located at mine Site (remote area)


• Bachelor degree in mining engineering from reputable university with min. GPA 2.75
• Having min.3 years experience in the same position
• Familiar with MineScape (Core/Strat Model/Open Cut)
• POP certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill


• Bachelor degree in mining engineering from reputable university
• Having min.3 years experience in the same position in coal industry
• Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
• POP certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill


• Bachelor degree in civil engineering from reputable university
• Having max.1 years experience in the same position in coal industry
• Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
• POP certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill


• Bachelor degree in mining / environtment / agriculture / forestry from reputable university
• Having min.5 years experience in mining coal
• POM certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill


• Bachelor degree in occupational health & safety / environmental engineering / related discipline from reputable university
• Having min.2 years experience in the same position in mining coal industry
• Having experience of making K3L system will be advantage
• Having POP ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18000 certification or other environment management


• Having min.5 years experience in the same position in mining coal industry
• POP certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill

We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package. Please send your comprehensive resume (with position code as email subject) together with a copy of your related certificates to:

annaaap@unitedtractors.com (Max 2MB Attachments)

Mining Job vacancy at British Mining Indonesia, exp. March 2013

PT BRITMINDO (British Mining Indonesia) is an established professional Mining company providing services that include Mine Development, Mine Management, Operational Improvements, Technical Studies and Consultancy to the leading Indonesian mining companies. Our Corporate Vision is to raise the professionalism and quality of mining in Indonesia by providing reliable, high quality services. Our team includes qualified expatriate and Indonesian mining engineers, geologists and other key disciplines who work at both our Jakarta Head office and various site locations throughout Indonesia. We are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all our employees to ensure that we remain a leading and respected mining company.

Due to our rapid growth at present, we are looking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to fill the following positions:


The Manager will lead the mining discipline, driving a culture of teamwork and performance to ensure continued growth and success by achieving key commercial, safety and business targets.

• Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineer
• Minimum 10 years experiences in mining in similar role
• A proven talent for identification and management of opportunities and risks by overlaying contractual, financial, and technical awareness in a similar operating environment is essential.
• Outstanding leadership credentials and the ability to drive results will set the successful candidate apart from industry peers.
• Willing to work extended hours to meet deadlines.
• Comprehensive knowledge of mining management principles and practices.
• Has skills such as initiative, technical ,problem solving, creative thinking, reporting communication skill: written & Verbal in English and Indonesian, information monitoring planning & organizing, attention to details, meeting facilitation and negotiation
• Preferably held a “POU” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Strong commitment to safety


• To provide the leadership and coaching within the engineering group
• To determine the work activities and priorities of the engineering groups
• To ensure the completion of projects on time and within budget and to the required standard of quality, meeting the needs of both the company and clients
• To provide competent and professional short and long term planning functions to ensure the targets set by the project management are met on time
• To manage the operations of the mine planning, general engineering, costing and environmental department.

• Bachelor degree in mining engineering
• Minimum 7 years experience as senior engineer or similar roles in mining engineering projects
• Experience in mine design concepts and operations in mining, scheduling and planning
• Has knowledge and familiar with Mincom, drilling and blasting activities, cost control system, explosive usage and procedures, AMI codes standards and RTKPL Procedures.
• Good communication skill: written & Verbal in English and Indonesian
• Preferably hold a “POM” Mining Indonesia competency certificate


• Handle technical support to the operation
• Monitor equipment performance
• Maintain high safety standard and safe work practice all the times
• To participate in producing and delivering coal to the required standard blend and quality on time and to budget
• Review daily production and ensure compliance with mine planning

• Recognized mining engineering qualifications
• Minimum 7 years experience in large open cut mining and or similar role
• A working knowledge of surface and minescape mine planning software will be advantage
• Proven experience up to supervisory/superintendent level with mining contractors
• Experienced in subcontractor management, cost and staff management
• Good communication skill: written & Verbal in English and Indonesian
• Preferably held a “POM” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Be efficient, honest, team player, with analytical skills, attention to detail and quality and be persistent and system oriented


• To plan, co-ordinate and supervise the work teams to deliver a product which meets the required standard, on time and to budget while satisfying the needs of the clients and the company.
• Lead organize and provide direction for employees to ensure outstanding performance is achieved in people performance, HSE&Q outcomes and the business results
• Actively contribute to a positive teamwork environment at all times
• Communicate openly and honestly at all times

• High School certificate
• Experienced at Operator, Leading hands and Foreman level within Mining Production
• Understanding of most types of Mining Equipment
• Have ability in employees supervision
• Minimum 4-5 years experience in the similar role
• Preferably held a “POP” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Good communication skills, written – verbal, both in English and Bahasa
• Ability to operate most of type of Mining equipment
• Computer literacy
• Ready worked in remote area

5. GEOLOGIST MODELING ( Site & Balikpapan Based )

• Prepare geological model and interpretation.
• Geological model review, check and validation.
• Prepare quality modeling and geo statistic.
• Prepare Geological model output such contour, sections etc.
• Prepare resources estimation and report.

• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Geology
• Geologist with three until five (3-5) years experience in coal mining exploration (drillings and mapping activity), engineering and consulting,
• Capable to operate MineScape Stratmodel.
• Preferably posses a “POP” Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Highly skill in geological interpretation and resources estimation.
• Understand resources reporting standards
• Excellent understanding in exploration database validation.
• Excellent use of GIS Software and (Mapinfo etc)
• Willing to work extended hours to meet deadlines.
• Good communication and presentation skills including report writing – Good English is es-sential.
• Strong leadership and team building skills
• Ready worked in remote area


• To provide the coal quality and processing plan which guides the mining operation in alignment with the clients coal requirements. Paramount in this is the profitability of the mining operation.

• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering or Geology
• Minimum 2‐3 year experience in a similar role at coal projects
• Appropriate industry experience
• Ready worked in remote area
• Knowledge and understanding of clients, consultants, suppliers & subcontractors
• Good communication skills, written‐verbal, both English and Bahasa
• Computer literacy
• Ready worked in remote area


• To co-ordinate and supervise the removal of overburden and the mining and transport of coal in a safe environment and to meet production targets with high standard perform-ance.
• Actively contribute to positive teamwork
• Communicate openly and honestly at all times

• Senior High school degree
• Minimum 2-3 year experience in a similar role.
• Understanding utilization all equipment and productivity• Ready worked in remote area


• Periodic surveys of mining progress of both overburden and coal stockpile reconciliation
• Understand topographical surveys of Greenfield and productions coal mines
• Preparation of mine plans / section as per the mining law of Indonesia and per other needs,
• Prepare detailed surveys of mine workings,
• Preparation of plans from field surveys
• Mine planning and maintaining computer models of mine.

• Male min. 20 years and max 30 years old,
• Min STM Tambang, D3 Geodetic from reputable University,
• Having minimum within 1‐2 years experience on civil construction & mining,
• Able to communicate in English
• Willing to work at mine site, and remote area
• Knowledge of mine planning and survey related software


• Periodic surveys of mining progress of both overburden and coal stockpile reconciliation
• Understand topographical surveys of Greenfield and productions coal mines
• Preparation of mine plans / section as per the mining law of Indonesia and per other needs
• Prepare detailed surveys of mine workings,
• Preparation of plans from field surveys
• Mine planning and maintaining computer models of mine.

• Having minimum within 3‐5 years experience on civil construction & mining,
• Able to communicate in English
• Willing to work at mine site, and remote area
• Knowledge of mine planning and survey related software


• Prepare detailed surveys of mine workings
• Preparation of plans from field surveys
• Preparing data processing for mining progress in the field
• Coordination with Surveyor supervisor about the report data and assist his job as request

• Having minimum within 1‐2 years experience on civil construction & mining,
• Able to communicate in English
• Willing to work at mine site, and remote area
• Familiar with surpac software

If you want to take your professional career to a new level in a committed, exciting workplace with a dynamic view of mining please send your application and CV by email( max 350kb), not later than 2 week from this advertisement date to :


(Please give a position name in email subject)