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Tampilkan postingan dengan label lowongan kerja migas. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Lowongan Kerja Perusahaan Gas Negara 2014

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk yang sering disebut PGN merupakan perusahan minyak dan gas (Migas) milik pemerintah Indonesia yang diberi amanat untuk mengelola dan mengatur penggunaan sumberdaya mineral ini supaya dapat digunakan secara merata dan adil. Dalam melaksanakan bisnis dan usahanya Perusahaan Gas Negara diawasi dan diatur menurut undang-undang sebagai mana sebagai perusahaan BUMN yang lain yang sifatnya digunakan secara merata untuk kepentingan seluruh lapisan masyarakat. PGN melaksanakan tugas dan amanat perusahaan mulai dari proses penambangan, perencanaan, produksi sampai dengan proses distribusi yang dilakukan melalui agen-agen yang ditunjuk perusahaan untuk mengelola proses penyaluran sampai ke tangan masyarakat sesuai apa yang tercantum dalam kitab undang-undang dasar negara Indonesia. Perusahaan Gas Negara berusaha mengembangkan teknologi yang dimiliki dalam sistem transmisi dan distribusi gas secara modern supaya efisien dan efektif dalam kapasitasnya sebagai pengangkut gas bumi dari produsen ke konsumen.

Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) memiliki komitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan publik sekaligus BUMN terkemuka yang memprioritaskan pada pelayanan konsumen supaya tidak beralih pada perusahaan lain atau perusahaan asing khususnya dalam era perdagangan bebas seperti sekarang ini. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara kembali membuka seleksi karir dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja PT PGN
Posisi jabatan:
  1. Production Planning
  2. Marine Terminal Superintendent
  3. Shorebase Supervisor
  4. Operation and Maintenance
  5. Supervisor
  6. Engineering Manager
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman kerja
  3. Pendidikan minimal D3
  4. Lulusan universitas dalam dan luar negeri
  5. Indek prestasi minimal 3,00 dari skala 4,00
  6. Disiplin dan ulet
  7. Memiliki pengalaman organisasi
  8. Menyukai bidang Migas
  9. Siap melakukan perjalanan luar kota
  10. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh Indonesia
Jika anda sesuai dan tertarik dengan kualifikasi diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran dan cv lengkap anda melalui alamat email dibawah ini:

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero)
Email: hrd@pgnlng.co.id
Keterangan lebih detail silahkan menuju kesini

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Lowongan Kerja PT Nusantara Surya Sakti 2014

Nusantara Surya Sakti atau sering disebut NSS merupakan perusahaan otomotif atau dealer kendaraan bermotor roda dua khsusnya dengan merk Honda. Perusahaan mempunyai kometmen sebagai perusahaan kendaraan bermotor terbesar di Indonesia yang didukung oleh ribuan kantor pelayanan diseluruh Indonesia. NSS awal berdirinya dikota Semarang, Jawa Tengah dan sekarang telah memiliki kantor samapi dengan di wilayah Ibu Kota Jakarta. Nusantara Surya Sakti tercatat juga sebagai dealer resmi dari Astra Honda Motor yang merupakan lini usaha dari perusahaan multinasional PT Astra International yang tidak hanya berpengalaman didunia otomotif melainkan sudah merambah juga ke sektor usaha agribisnis, asuransi dan produsen onderdil kendaraan bermotor. Nusantara Sakti memiliki sistem perusahaan yang cenderung disiplin dan hal ini dapat mampu mambawa perusahaan kearah yang lebih baik, baik dari segi SDM maupun calon nasabah yang dapat leluasa memilih kendaraan yang disukai.

Nusantara Surya Sakti (NSS) tidak mau kalah dengan dunia perbankan dan pembiayaan yang saat ini sedang trend dengan sistem syariah, NSS Syariah memberlakukan semua calon nasabah dapat melakukan kredit kendaraan dengan uang muka lebih ringan yaitu dibawah 20% dari harga kendaraan. PT Nusantara Surya Sakti kembali membuka peluang karir dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja PT Nusantara Surya Sakti
  1. Staff Administrasi
  2. Management Trainee
  3. Human Resource Development
  4. Legal Officer
  5. Staff Development Program
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal SMA, SMK, D3 dan S1 semua jurusan
  3. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  4. Mampu bekerja secara tim dan individu
  5. Mampu berbahasa inggris
  6. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  7. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran, cv, foto terbaru dan fotocopy ijazah anda ke alamat dibawah ini:

HRD Nusantara Sakti Group
Jln KH Agus Salim No 60 Laweyan, Solo
Solo, Jawa Tengah
Email: Lyan.bestari@nusantara-sakti.com
Info selanjutnya silahkan baca disini

Lowongan Kerja 2014 PT Pertamina (Persero)

Pertamina adalah sebuah perusahaan BUMN pemerintah Indonesia yang bergerak dalam usaha minyak dan gas serta memiliki kegiatan usaha di sektor non migas. Perusahaan yang awalnya bernama Pertamin ini memiliki cabang dan unit layanan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia bahkan sampai ke daerah pedalaman. Begitu vitalnya perusahaan ini karena hampir digunakan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia sebagai bahan bakar industri maupun rumah tangga yang diedarkan melalui agen Pertamina maupun pedagang eceran. PT Pertamina melakukan kegiatan usahanya mulai dari proses penambangan sampai dengan proses distribusi yang semuanya dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang merupakan anak usahanya sendiri, beberapa anak usaha Pertamina diantaranya Pertamina EP, Pertamina Geothermal Energy, Pertamina Hulu Energi, Pertamina Retail, Pertamina Dana Ventura sampai dengan Pertamina Patra Jasa.

Pertamina berkomitmen tinggi menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia yang kuat serta didukung oleh SDM dan sistem pendanaan yang kuat, setelah sukses menjadi perusahaan berkelas di Indonesia kini Pertamina mencoba melebarkan sayap usahanya ke negara tetangga yaitu Bangkok dan Thailand melalui bisnis hilir. PT Pertamina Persero kembali membuka seleksi pekerjaan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina
  1. Specialist New Energy and Green Technology
  2. Assistant Manager Commercial
  3. Senior Specialist EOR Technology
  4. Senior Specialist Geology
  5. Senior Specialist Geophysics
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  3. Pendidikan minimal S1
  4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  5. Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman
  6. Teliti dan jujur
  7. Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
  8. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  9. Memiliki penegteahuan tentang manajemen resiko
  10. Siap bekerja diluar kota
Apakah anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi diatas, segera daftarkan diri anda sekarang juga dengan cara mengirim lamaran, cv, foto terbaru dan fotocopy ijazah anda melalui alamat dibawah ini:

PT Pertamina
Email: pcc@pertamina.com
Info lanjut silahkan menuju kesini

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Lowongan Kerja Total Bangun Persada Terbaru 2014

total bangun
PT Total Bangun Persada adalah salah satu perusahaan Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang konstruksi bangunan. Perusahaan yang sudah lama berdiri di Indonesia ini telah berhasil mengerjakan berbagai proyek besar baik miliki pemerintah maupun swasta yang dilaksanakan dengan tepat serta menggunakan bahan baku bangunan yang berkualitas tinggi. Total Bangun Persada senantiasa melakukan peraturan-peraturan yang ada khususnya dalam bidang konstruksi supaya dalam pelaksanaannya sesuai dengan harapan dan tidak memakan waktu yang lama. Berbagai macam teknologi modern diterapkan dalam usaha pembangunannya supaya tidak terjai penyelewengan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Seperti hanlnya PT Wijaya Karya, Total Bangun Persada akan terus berupaya meciptakan suasana kerja yang nyaman untuk semua karyawannya supaya tidak terpengaruh dengan kondiri ekonomi karo yang labil serta gejolak politik yang sedang memanas menjelang pemilihan umum tahun 2014 ini.

PT Total Bangun Persada (TOTL) berkomitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan yang sehat dan kuat dari segi ekonomi supaya dapat terus maju melebarkan sayap usahanya dan dapat memenangkan lagi proyek-proyek besar seperti yang sudah dilaksanakan sebelumnya. Total Bangun Persada kembali membuka peluang kerja dengan kualfikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan PT Total Bangun Persada
  1. Assistant Internal Auditor
  2. Trainee
  3. System Implementor
  4. Analyst
  5. Quality Assurance
  6. Drafter
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan
  3. Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman kerja
  4. Sehat jasmani rohani
  5. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  6. Disiplin
  7. Jujur dan Ulet
  8. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  9. Siap kerja lembur
  10. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  11. Siap melakukan perjalanan luar kota
  12. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran, cv, foto terbaru dan fotocopy ijazah anda ke alamat sebagai berikut:

PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk
Jl Letjen S Parman 106 Jakarta 11440
Email: hrd.recruitment@totalbp.com
Informasi lanjut silahkan menuju kesini

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Terbaru

PT Pertamina merupakan perusahaan BUMN terkaya di Indonesia yang berani mengembangkan usahanya diluar sektor migas yang menjadi ampuaanya. Perusahaan yang usahanya langsung diawasi oleh menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan ini terus mengalami peningkatan dari segi aset disetiap tahunnya, pendapatan Pertamina tentunya paling banyak diperoleh dari sektor migas, namun sektor lain seperti minimarket diarea SPBU pengisian bahan bakar minyak juga memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar terutama dalam menyumbang pendapatan margin dari sektor non migas. Pertamina patut mendapat acungan dua jempol berkat usahanya yang tahu kemarin mampu meraup pendapatan bersih mencapai lebih dari Rp 280 triliun, selain itu Perseroan Pertamina juga berhasil menggandeng perusahaan migas kawakan PGN (Perusahaan Gas Negara) yang ini diharapkan dapat mendongkrak pendapatan ditahun 2014 ini. Tidak cuma disitu, tahun ini pertamina persero juga berencana mengakuisisi perusahaan batu bara ternama yangh bernama PT Bukit Asam.

Pertamina dalam rangka menghadapi perdagangan bebas dan masyarakat yang serba sibuk seperti saat ini akhirnya meluncurkan program aplikasi baru yang dapat diakses melalui BlackBerry, iOS dan Android, aplikasi tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mencari informasi yang terkait dengan pertamina seperti lokasi pengisian bahan bakar, harga BBM dan lainnya yang dapat mempermudah masyarakat secara umum. PT Pertamina (Persero) kembali membuka peluang untuk bergabung bersama melalui kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina
Secretary to Vice President
  1. Diutamakan wanita
  2. Berpenampilan menarik
  3. Mudah beradaptasi
  4. Pendidikan minimal D3 sekretaris
  5. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  6. Mampu berbahasa inggris
  7. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  8. Memiliki pengalaman dalam berorganisasi
  9. Cepat tanggap dan cekatan
  10. Disiplin dan jujur
  11. Siap detempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Segera daftarkan diri anda sekarang juga dengan cara mengirim aplikasi lamaran yang disertai foto terbaru, fotocopy ijazah dan transkrip nilai melalui alamat dibawah ini:

PT Pertamina (persero)
Email: hrssphewmo@pertamina.com
Keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan lihat disini

Lowongan BUMN Perum Jasa Tirta II Terbaru 2014

perum jasa tirta
Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta II merupakan perusahaan yang dikelola oleh pemerintah Indonesia yang bergerak dalam usaha pengembangan tata kelola perairan dan irigasi serta sebagai sumber energi untuk pembangkit listrik PLTA di Indonesia. Daerah operasional Perum Jasa Tirta II adalah di wilayah Jawa Barat yang bersumber dari sungai citarum sebagai pangkalan dan sumber hidrologi yang kemudian dimanfaatkan secara merata dan berkeadilan. Dalam menjalankan kegiatannya Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta juga dibanto oleh beberapa perusahaan dan seluruh lapisan masyarakat supaya tidak terjadi penyalah gunaan dan penyelengan yang dilakukan oleh oknum yang kurang bertanggung jawab. Sumber daya dan potensi di Jawa Barat khususnya semua tergantung pada perusahaan BUMN ini dalam upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan energi serta irigasi baik untuk konsumsi rumah tangga maupun sebagai irigasi pada lahan pertanian, budidaya perikanan serta untuk keperluan industri.

Perum Jasa Tirta II memiliki kurang lebih 75 area operasional yang mencakup beberapa wilayah di Jawa Barat mulai dari Indramayu, Cimahi, Sumedang sampai dengan wilayah Bogor dan Ibu Kota Jakarta. Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta 2 Tahun 2014 ini sedang membuka seleksi penerimaan kerja dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Perum Jasa Tirta II
Tenaga Kerja Waktu Tertentu
  1. Diutamakan Wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1 semua jurusan
  3. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  5. Usia tidak lebih dari 30 tahun
  6. Berpenampilan menarik
  7. Tidak buta warna
  8. Siap ditempatkan di wilayah operasional Jawa barat dan sekitarnya
Apakah anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera daftarkan diri anda sebelum tanggal 24 Februari 2014 dengan cara mengirim lamaran, curriculum vitae, foto terbaru dan fotocopy ijazah anda ke alamat dibawah ini:

Kepala Biro SDM
Perum Jasa Tirta II
Email: renbangsdm@gmail.com
Keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan lihat disini

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Lowongan Kerja Sampoerna Agro 2014

sampoerna agro
PT Sampoerna Agro merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam usaha perkebunan di Indonesia yang tersebar diseluruh antero nusantara. Samporna Agro memiliki 4 jenis perkebunan yaitu kelapa sawit, kecambah, karet dan produk sagu, dari sektor inilah Indonesia mampu memperoleh suntikan dana dari pendapatan pertahunnya, selain itu sektor perkebunan memang sangat cocok di Indonesia sebagai negara agraris yang subur untuk berbagai jenis tanaman. PT Sampoerna Agro memiliki jaringan yang sangat luas dan dari beberapa produk perkebunannya, kelapa sawit memiliki kontribusi terbesar dalam menyumbang pendapatan negara. Sampoerna agro selain bekerja pada sektor budidaya dan pemeliharaan juga sekaligus bergerak pada bagian distribusi produknya melalui agen-agen perusahaan yang telah ditunjuk secara resmi. PT Sampoerna juga aktif dalam kegiatan sosial diantaranya adalah kegiatan belajar yang diadakan perusahaan dengan pemerintah dalam rangka pemerataan dalam bidang pendidikan supaya mampu bersaing dikanca Internasional.

Sampoerna Agro saat ini lebih fokus pada produksi minyak kelapa sawit (CPO) serta bibit kelapa sawit variets unggul, berkualitas dan tahan segala macam cuaca yang itu di kelola oleh anak perusahaannya yaitu PT Binasawit Makmur. PT Sampoerna Agro kembali membuka peluang kerja dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Sampoerna Agro
Sampoerna Agro Talented Achievers For Result
  1. Laki-laki atau Perempuan
  2. Minimal lulusan sarjana S1
  3. IPK minimal 2,75
  4. Lulusan baru
  5. Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun
  6. Single
  7. Mampu bekerja secara tim
  8. Disiplin dan jujur
  9. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Anda tertarik dan memiliki kualifikasi diatas, segera daftarkan diri anda sekarang juga dengan cara mengirim lamaran, cv, foto terbaru dan fotocopy ijazah anda ke alamat dibawah ini:

PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk
PO BOX 234/JKS CA Jakarta 12930
Email: star.hrd@sampoernaagro.com
Keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan baca disini

Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

Lowongan Migas October Star Energy

Oil and Gas Career in Star Energy as a leading Asian energy Company, Currently we are looking for a professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following position:

Qualification & Experience:

  • Has 4 year of working experience in drilling and work over and preferable with offshore experience. Lead or supervisory experience is a must.
  • Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas. Job role in Drilling/Well Engineer.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas) or equivalent.
  • 1 Full-Time position(s) available.

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Obtains relevant data, carry out analysis on site and recommends immediate actions as necessary.
  • Communicate with service contractors about technical issues and any changes in the drilling program.
  • Monitors the daily progress of the well operations and current daily cost, comparing actual costs with cost expenditure proposals.
  • Recommends changes or improvements to rig work techniques, which could lead to optimization of expenditure.
  • Monitor and promote all HSE issues within area of department.
  • Performs all other duties as may be required by the business needs.

Qualification & Experience:
  • Has 4 year of working experience in in Oil & Gas/Geothermal Industry is required for this position.
  • Building contract, negotiation skill, wide networking with other operator and vendors is preferred.
  • Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas or equivalent.
  • Hold PTK – 007 Certification is preferred.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Mechanical) or Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas).
  • 1 Full-Time position(s) available.

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Ensures the correctness and accuracy of all bid-related documentation, certification requirements and approval levels.
  • Coordinates the Bid processing and performs all related activities relates to the preparation of bid packages, bid evaluations and the selection of service contractors, including sourcing and alternatives. Interfaces with contractors with regards to any related administrative matter.
  • Prepares services contract, any required amendments or extensions and related supported documentation and/or administration.
  • Ensures the monitoring and controlling on expenses in within the budget.
  • Performs all other duties as may be required by the business needs.

If you love challenges and look forward to enriching professional and experience, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to :

Star Energy
Wisma Barito Pacific 8-11th Floor Tower A
Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav 62 - 63, Palmerah - Slipi Jakarta Barat 11410.
Lowongan Kerja Migas October Star Energy deadline 9 November 2013.

Oil Gas Career October KSO Pertamina EP-Indospec Energy Limau Ltd

Jobs in Oil Gas Petroleum industry Indospec Energy Limau Ltd and KSO Pertamina EP

Oil Gas Career October KSO Pertamina EP-Indospec Energy Limau Ltd company in engaged in upstream sector of oil and gas fields, including exploration and exploitation and focused on secondary and enhanced oil recovery techniques to extract additional oil from mature onshore in Indonesia, is searching for a high potential and dynamic candidate to be part of the engineering team for the position:

Qualification & Experience:

  • Have 10 year experience in Oil & Gas industry
  • Having experience in engineering/construction/maintenance
  • Male, age 32 - 40 years old
  • Possess a bachelor degree from civil, electric engineering, or other relevant education background.
  • Well communication in English, both verbal and written
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office
  • Placement : Jakarta Office

Qualification & Experience:
  • Have 10 year experience in Oil & Gas industry
  • Male, age 32 - 40 years old
  • Bachelor degree in related discipline.
  • Well communication in English, both verbal and written
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office
  • Placement : Jakarta Office

If you love challenges and look forward to enriching professional and experience, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to :  recruitment@ieldq.com

KSO Pertamina EP-Indospec Energy Limau Ltd
AXA Tower 25 th Floor, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Oil Gas Career October KSO Pertamina EP-Indospec Energy Limau Ltd deadline 31 October 2013

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Lowongan Kerja Migas Oktober PT FMC Santana Petroleum Equipment Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Migas Oktober PT FMC Santana Petroleum Equipment Indonesia company in the global leader of technology solutions for the energy industry focuse in oil and gas industry, especially in designing, manufacturing, and servicing wellhead. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Have 3 – 5 years’ experience related to mechanical and or hydraulics related equipment preferably in the Oil and Gas or similar type industry, or 1 – 2 years’ experience within FMC performing subsea installations, work overs, interventions or drilling
  • Engineering degree preferred, or a relevant trade certificate.
  • Previous relevant offshore experience in subsea, well-testing, drilling or a related discipline.
  • Recognized training certificate from OPITO, RGIT or similar training body.
  • Able to work with limited supervision or guidance.

Job Description and Responsibilities :
  • To provide a high quality service while performing installation or work-over on a customer’s well using FMC
  • equipment.
  • To be an FMC representative offshore to ensure FMC equipment is installed and/or worked on using FMC approved procedures.
  • To ensure all quality, safety and environmental procedures are adhered to.
  • Ensuring any improvements, non-conformances are conveyed correctly for appropriate follow up.

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:  recruitment.id@fmcti.com  Put code “SUBSEA TSP” in the email subject or

Human Resource Department
PT FMC Santana Petroleum Equipment Indonesia

Manufacturing / Production
Cakung Cilincing KM 2,5
Website: http://www.fmctechnologies.com
Lowongan Kerja MIgas Oktober PT FMC Santana Petroleum Equipment Indonesia deadline 3 November 2013.

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Lowongan kerja migas di PT Sugico

PT Sugico
Sugico is a fast growing mining and energy company with its corporate headquarters located in the heart of Jakarta. Formed in 1986, Sugico has rapidly expanded its coal, gas, and mineral resources across Indonesia.

Sugico is transforming the energy sector in Indonesia by leading the exploration and development of coalbed methane (CBM) and coal resources throughout the country.

Sugico is also developing its capabilities in additional resources and new business sectors including Gold, Silica Sand, Iron Sand, and Underground Coal Gasification (UCG).
Drilling Engineer - CBM Project
(Jakarta Raya)
  • S1 in Petroleum, Mechanical or related discipline with strong Academic record required
  • Indonesian Nationality
  • Min. 2 – 3 Years of experience diversified Oil&Gas or CBM industry experience in Drilling, Completion & Workover activities
  • Excellent technical proficiency in design and managing drilling operation
  • Self-starter, innovative, pro-active and work independently
  • Having at least Drilling Software experience
  • Possess good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Excellent spoken and written communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia
  • Familiar with 350 HP Rig using Kelly
  • Familiar with CBM Project
  • Have known with PQ/HQ coring
  • Familiar with Rig Utilities
  • Have known with production test also
  • Have / familiar with CBM Drilling Program
  • Well known with CBM operation
  • Min. 2 years experience in the same position, preferably in mining & energy industry.
  • Mature with high motivation and able to work under pressure. Able to work independently and in team, have a pleasant personality and strong interpersonal skills.

Please submit your application letter complete with CV, recent photograph and expected salary, to
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 68-70, Menteng
Jakarta 10310
or send to our email address:
selfia@sugico.com or hrd@sugico.com

For further info about the company, please visit www.sugico.com

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Lowongan Migas November PT Bintangmandiri Perkasa Drill

Drilling Well Engineer Jobs PT Bintangmandiri Perkasa Drill

Lowongan Migas November PT Bintangmandiri Perkasa Drill company in the drilling services Oil & Gas, Mineral and Coal, inviting qualified and highly talented professionals with high commitment to be part of our team as :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Having experience as minimal rigger 3 years.
  • Having rigger's certificate car faucet from PUSDIKLAT MIGAS CEPU that stills to apply.
  • Readily works at the site.
  • Readily works eventually.

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • On hands fraught tool
  • Pre cheklist each the day before tool at utilizes
  • For reporting to talk shop daily

PT. Bintangmandiri Perkasa Drill
Jalan Tekno 5 Kav A/2 No. 20 - 21, South Tangerang 15314, Indonesia
Telephone No.:021758xxxx
Lowongan Migas November PT Bintangmandiri Perkasa Drill deadline 8 Desember 2013.

Jumat, 06 Desember 2013

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy October CNOOC SES Ltd

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy October 2013 a multinational Oil & Gas company based in Jakarta, CNOOC SES Ltd seeking professionals who possess strong analytical thinking, proactive behavior, fast learning ability, excellent communication and interpersonal skills to join our successful team as :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Has 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position preferably in engineering design function in Oil and Gas Company
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical / Instrumentation Engineering, Structural Engineering min GPA is 2.80 (out of 4.00) from a reputable University
  • Required language: English, Bahasa Indonesia (oral & written)
  • Full-Time position available

Qualification & Experience:
  • Has 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position including highly specialized engineering accomplishments, and drilling assignments
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering min GPA is 2.80 (out of 4.00) from a reputable University
  • Required language: English, Bahasa Indonesia (oral & written)
  • Full-Time position available
  • Willing and able to travel offshore as required

Qualification & Experience:
  • Has 10 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position including highly specialized engineering accomplishments, and drilling assignments
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering
  • Minimum GPA is 2.80 (out of 4.00) from a reputable University
  • Required language: English, Bahasa Indonesia (oral & written)
  • Full-Time position available
  • Willing and able to travel offshore as required

Qualification & Experience:
  • Has 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position preferably in engineering design function in Oil and Gas Company
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Petroleum Engineer or related engineering field.
  • Minimum GPA is 2.80 (out of 4.00) from a reputable University
  • Required language: English, Bahasa Indonesia (oral & written)
  • Familiar with production engineering, production operation and reservoir engineering
  • Knowledge of electrical submersible pump engineering and operations
  • Full-Time position available

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:  recruitment@cnooc.co.id  . Oil and Gas Job Vacancy October CNOOC SES Ltd deadline 18 October 2013.

Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Oil Gas Production Engineer Jobs PT Indobara Bahana

Job in Oil Gas Production PT Indobara Bahana

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy in the a company in the  including distributing, engineering, and procurement and contracting company for pumps, rotating equipment, fire protection, safety, security, environmental solution and services. Currently gives opportunities for you who meet the qualifications, have a strong dedication, motivation and high integrity to join the following positions:


  • Have 1 year experience in Engineering
  • Male, S1 Technical Engineering (Mechanical / Electrical / Civil) GPA minimum 3.00
  • Fresh Grad are welcome too
  • Posessed knowledge in Coating
  • Able to operate MS.Office
  • Able to work in a team

Job Description and Responsibilities :
  • Making Bill Quantity (BQ) Coating and Fire Stopper
  • Survey On Site
  • Technical is BQ Coating's Proposal and Fire Stopper
  • Technical clarification

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:

PT Indobara Bahana
Telephone No.: +6214209908
Website: http://www.indobara.co.id
Oil Gas Production Engineer Jobs PT Indobara Bahana deadline 27 November 2013.

Lowongan Migas November PT COSL Indo

Oil and Gas Job Career in PT COSL Indo

Lowongan Migas November PT COSL Indo company in the provider of integrated oilfield services in offshore China, Currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Working experience +/ 2 years (preferably Tendering in Logging Oil Service Industry)
  • Excellent communication skill in English and can speak Mandarin
  • Personality : Discipline and energetic
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Excellent computer literate & strong analytical skill
  • Good team player & interpersonal skill
  • 1 FullTime position(s)available
  • Placement will be in HO – Jakarta

Job Description and Responsibilities :
  • Manage the required administrative & technical documents for prequalification bid and bid proposal
  • Involved in tender preparation, and also continue monitor upcoming tender & tender news
  • Assist and cooperate with marketing department to handle administration documents for Logging Tender, provide the tender data, translate the tender documents, etc

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:

Prudential Tower Jl Jenderal Sudirman Kav 79 Jakarta
Lowongan Migas November PT COSL Indo deadline 27 November 2013

Minggu, 29 September 2013

Oil and Gas Job September Weatherford

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy company in the build innovative mechanical solutions, technology applications, and services for drilling and production in all sectors of the oil and gas industry,  Weatherford looking for a professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following position:

Qualification & Experience:

  • Previous exposure to Liner Hanger or Downhole tool system preferred
  • Petroleum or Mechanical engineer
  • Computer Aided Drafting (AutoCAD, Solidworks, ProE or equivalent) – preferred
  • Good customer and employee interpersonal skills
  • Proficient verbal & written English communication skills
  • Microsoft Office skills
  • Ability to work unsupervised
  • Highly organized and self-motivated
  • We offer career growth in an exciting, challenging and rewarding professional environment both in the position advertised and beyond.

FIELD ENGINEER LINER HANGER Jakarta/Bekasi and Balikpapan
Qualification & Experience:
  • Has 3 years’ experience in running Liner Hanger system
  • Hydraulic DownholeTools experience
  • Good customer and employee interpersonal skills
  • Proficient verbal & written English communication skills
  • Basic Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, etc.)
  • Ability to work unsupervised
  • Highly organized and self-motivated

Qualification & Experience:
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or equivalent
  • Has 3 5 years’ experience in liner hanger business and operation
  • Strong operational and technical skills in relation to relevant Weatherford products and services
  • Good customer and employee interpersonal skills
  • Ability to develop staff to full potential
  • Hydraulic DownholeTools experience
  • Proficient verbal & written English communication skills
  • Basic Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, etc.)
  • Ability to work unsupervised
  • Highly organized and self-motivated

Qualification & Experience:
  • Has 8 – 10 years experience in Liner Hangers or down hole completion tools
  • Must be familiar with workshop activities
  • Have spent 4 – 5 years working offshore installing Liner Hanger equipment
  • Deep water experience preferred
  • Proven organizational, project management and client liaison skills
  • Flexible to accommodate operational requirements
  • Ability to supervise inspection technician and others if required
  • Excellent spoken and written English is required

Qualification & Experience:
  • Has 12 year experience in Liner Systems
  • Mechanical aptitude
  • Proficient verbal and written communication skills
  • Individual must be able to follow instructions
  • Self motivated and committed to service quality a must
  • Basic Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel) – preferred
  • Forklift certification preferred
  • Overhead crane certification preferred

If you love challenges and look forward to enriching professional and experience, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to : jakarta.recruitment@ap.weatherford.com . Put Position Title as your Email Subject . Oil and Gas Job September Weatherford deadline 11 Oktober 2013.

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy September TRIPATRA

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy September 2013 TRIPATRA company in the consistently offered best solutions in energy industry. Our key strength is delivering high quality services in Engineering, EPC, O&M, and project management services to assist world-wide clients in various sectors: Oil & Gas, Downstream & Petrochemical, Mining, and Infrastructure.  Currently we are looking for a professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following position:

Qualification & Experience:
Has 5 years of relevant experience in the design of offshore platform/fabrication.
Bachelor degree from civil/structural engineer

Qualification & Experience:
Has 5 years of relevant experience in the design of offshore platform.
Bachelor degree from Mechanical engineer

Qualification & Experience:
Has 5 years experience of applicable experience in the design of offshore oil & gas subsea pipeline system.
Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering/Pipeline engineering

Qualification & Experience:
Has 5 years experience in E/I
Bachelor degree from Instrument engineer

Qualification & Experience:

  • Bachelor Science Degree in an engineering related field or a Construction Management degree and 8 years applicable experience in logistic activities for major offshore oil and gas platform projects. The logistic coordinator must be experienced in the use of computer applicable to the control of logistic projects.
  • Could join ASAP
  • Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Shall monitor the logistic on the project.
  • Preparing and monitoring mobilization and demobilization for all material and raise offshore material request as requested.
  • Coordinate the material control/storekeeper also manage and control on effective and efficient store for all material (electrical, mechanical, instrument, tools, including rigging equipment).

Qualification & Experience:
  • Bachelor Degree in engineering with at least Eight (8) years’ experience associated with project-control aspects of onshore/offshore Oil and Gas (O&G) development projects.
  • Familiar with the engineering project progresses (dependency and inter-dependency between engineering disciplines). Along with the required deliverables to achieve the milestones target
  • Proficiency in the appraisal and analyses of project progress, S-curve, and the ability to forecast any schedule delays or deviations and advise corrective measures againts them
  • Will be responsible for the administration of the Artemis (or any other equivalent project planning systems), project schedule and CTR tracking.
  • Could join ASAP

Qualification & Experience:
  • Bachelor Degree in engineering with at least ten (10) years’ experience of facilities/project engineering experience including at least five (5) years of managing onshore/offshore facilities, construction, installation and/or fabrication experience and at least 5 (five) years as a project lead with similar scope EPCI both onshore/offshore of oil and gas project and attained experience in managing full cycle of EPCI work.
  • Must have excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills and superior planning and organizational skills.

If you love challenges and look forward to enriching professional and experience, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to :  budi.sinaga@tripatra.com , put put job title name as the email subject. Oil and Gas Job Vacancy September TRIPATRA deadline 10 Oktober 2013.

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Oil and Gas Career Tool Pusher PT Halliburton Indonesia

Oil and Gas Career company in the largest providers of products and services to the energy industry, PT Halliburton Indonesia Currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Has 4 years working experience in the related field. Oil& Gas or Mining industry experience is preferred.
  • Skills are typically acquired through completion of an High School graduate.
  • Honest, discipline, highly self-motivated, initiative, team player, and good adaptability
  • Self motivated and able to work under pressure and strict deadline individually or in a team
  • Good attitude, self motivated     
  • Good command of oral and written English.
  • Good interpersonal and organizational skills.

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Supervises and coordinates Work Over activities at one or multiple well sites
  • Oversees rig personnel in erecting, dismantling, and transporting Work Over rigs and related equipment.
  • Coordinates delivery of Work Over tools, fuel, water and other supplies necessary to Work Over operations.
  • Supervises preparation of equipment for impending Work Over operations.
  • Directs rig personnel in mixing and circulating mud through the borehole.
  • Makes recommendations for potential changes in Work Over parameters, in order to improve well production.
  • Orders valve devices, drill bits and equipment necessary to control the flow of gas or oil within the well.
  • Supervises prospecting drillers for seismic prospecting or the obtainment of core samples.

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:

PT Halliburton Indonesia
Cilandak Commercial Estate, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Oil and Gas Career Tool Pusher PT Halliburton Indonesia deadline 25 Oktober 2013.

Oil Gas Vacancy Wells Completion Engineers

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy in the multinational operator company in Oil and Gas industry in Malaysia, NES Global Talent Indonesia company specialist in Oil and Gas Recruitment Consultants based in Jakarta and Head Office in Manchester UK, looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Has 15 years experience in completion engineering design and operations
  • Proven abilities in deepwater and/or subsea completion operations
  • Knowledge of Well Delivery Process/technical assurance, DtL (Drill the Limit), QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) and deployment of new technology
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering or equivalent
  • Track record in delivering result in challenging environment
  • Familiar with Well Engineering drilling operational knowledge, DtL concept, well control aspect and management of emergency situations
  • Processes a valid International Well Control Forum (IWCF) certificate at supervisory level of combined Surface and Subsurface BOP stack
  • Strong HSE leadership for Completion and Intervention Operations and good understanding of the well engineering interface issues in a multi-disciplinary environment will be highly beneficial
  • Ability to stay alert for long periods (24 hours operations), take quick decisions and act on them appropriately
  • Capable of using MS-Office suite of programs and other relevant software e.g. EDM (Engineers Data Model)
  • Processes valid medical certificate and offshore survival/HUET OPITO approved certificates
  • Should have a reasonable command of written & spoken English

Special Challenges:
  • Manage the well services interface issues in a multi-disciplinary offshore/onshore working environment
  • Ensure adequate data collection to support rigorous analysis of well/wellhead hardware performance and failures
  • Ensure well maintenance tasks meet regulatory HSE requirements taking into account the inherent hazardous nature of well completions and intervention operations
  • Monitor well completions and intervention contracts and contractors. KPI: Actual/Planned cost within 10%

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Responsible to design, program and schedule for execution of the rig and non-rig assisted completion, and well intervention activities such as initial completion, work-over, coiled tubing, well clean out, well testing, wire-line and other special down-hole operations.
  • To provide technical expertise and support for optimum well completion and exploration/appraisal well testing activities.

  • HSE leadership for Completion and Intervention Operations
  • Plan budget & resources for implementation of the rig and non-rig assisted activities
  • Deliver in accordance with the well delivery process, cost effective and innovative well, completion design solutions, assuring well integrity with lowest cost of ownership during the well lifecycle, maximizing production/well availability
  • Apply service & deliver the technical concept optimizing the processes of well delivery and well servicing in accordance with the EP63 process (Design, Drill Service & Abandon Wells) for construct and maintain wells
  • Maintain the well integrity within agreed expenditure targets, KPI (Key Performance Index): LTI (Lost Time Injury), TRCF (Total Recordable case Frequency), HPI ( High Potential Incident), Productivity, Spills
  • Develop and maintain standards, procedures and work instructions
  • Facilities/participate in C/StL (Complete/Service The Limit) workshops and implement global work standards in support of rig and non-rig wells activities assuring HSE standards and quality of resources are deployed
  • Ensure adequate resources are in place & available to execute the rig and non-rig assisted well completion/interventions & wellhead maintenance task
  • Identify & review spares required to support wells over their life cycle

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:  recruiter@nesglobaltalent.com . Oil Gas Vacancy NES Global Talent Indonesia as Wells Completion Engineers deadline 8 Oktober 2013.

Senin, 23 September 2013

Oil Gas Career September RGE Indonesia

Oil and Gas Career company in supplying spare parts to the oil and construction industries, RGE Indonesia looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degreein engineering, mathematics or physical science subject
  • Has 10 year of working experience for this position with a strong operating company
  • Has been worked in SKK-Migas
  • Relevant hands on experience in reservoir modeling, field development planning, reserves reporting, constructing reservoir simulation models, designing well locations or drainage pattern, optimizing well production profiles, estimating production availability and designing and implementing well tests
  • Knowledge and understanding of secondary and tertiary oil recovery
  • Possess good analytical reservoir engineering skills, understanding of drive mechanism of reservoir, knowledge of reservoir simulation using industry standard modeling packages including Eclipse and PETEX suite
  • Written and oral communication, presentation and reporting skills are also essential to ensure effective deployment and utilization of the Exploration & Development Department deliverables
  • Excellent communication skills both oral and written, presentation and reporting skills are also essential to ensure effective deployment and utilization of the Exploration & Development Department deliverables
  • The ability to coach and mentor junior team members
  • Have a wide networking
  • Willing to work in Jakarta

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for all reservoir engineering activities which include material balance modeling & dynamic reservoir modeling, design drainage pattern, fluid characterization and PVT modeling, PVT analysis and special core analysis, production forecasting, reservoir management and production policy, volumetric & recovery efficiency calculations under the supervision of Operation GM. Ensure the Company’s operations are achieving business objectives and schedule completion, efficiency, quality, service, and cost-effective management of resources.

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:

RGE Indonesia
Thamrin, Central Jakarta
Website: http://www.rgei.com
Oil Gas Career September RGE Indonesia closing date 23 Oktober 2013.