Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Pengumuman Rekrutmen POLSUSKA PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), Tingkat SLTA Tahun 2013 - Juli 2013

Pengumuman Rekrutmen POLSUSKA PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), Tingkat SLTA Tahun 2013 - Juli 2013 - PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa transportasi terbesar di Indonesia, yang mengutamakan profesionalisme dan kinerja,  memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkarier sebagai Polsuska dengan persyaratan dan kriteria sebagai berikut :

A. Kriteria Pelamar :
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
  2. Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak buta warna dan tidak berkacamata
  3. Berkelakuan baik
  4. Berijazah SLTA (SMA IPA/IPS, SMK) dengan Nilai NEM  Rata- rata sekurang-kurangnya 6,5
  5. Usia pendaftar per 31 Juli 2013  Setinggi-tingginya 25 Tahun
  6. Tinggi / Berat Badan :
    • Pria  minimal 167 cm / berat badan seimbang / normal
    • Wanita  minimal 162 cm /berat badan seimbang / normal
  7. Belum menikah
  8. Berpenampilan Menarik
  9. Tidak pernah terlibat Narkoba dan Psikotropika
  10. Tidak bertato dan bertindik
  11. Diutamakan memiliki kemampuan Beladiri yang dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat
  12. Lulus dalam mengikuti Seleksi Penerimaan Calon POLSUSKA yang  diselenggarakan oleh PT Kereta Api (Persero) Tahun 2013.
B. Persyaratan umum lamaran :
Surat lamaran dengan melampirkan :
Pengumuman Rekrutmen POLSUSKA PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), Tingkat SLTA Tahun 2013 - Juli 2013
  1. Ijazah SLTA
  2. Nilai NEM
  3. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku
  4. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 cm,
  5. Sertifikat bela diri yang dimiliki bila ada
  6. Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Balai Pengobatan PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
  7. Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah dari Kelurahan setempat
  8. Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian yang masih berlaku
  9. Surat Pernyataan Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah perusahaan bermaterai Rp. 6.000,00
  10. Curiculum Vitae, mencantumkan pengalaman bekerja sampai dengan saat ini,
  11. Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari Kepolisian
Keterangan : 
1-7 di upload di website
8-12 diberikan pada saat penandatanganan kontrak magang

C. Tahapan Seleksi
  • Tahap I   : Seleksi Administratif
  • Tahap II  : Tes Psikologi
  • Tahap III : Tes Parade dan Kesamaptaan
  • Tahap IV: Tes Kesehatan Lengkap
D. Wilayah Kerja

Daerah Operasi / Divisi Regional


DAOP 1 Jakarta
DAOP 2 Bandung
DAOP 3 Cirebon
DAOP 4 Semarang
DAOP 5 Purwokerto
DAOP 6 Yogyakarta
DAOP 7 Madiun
DAOP 8 Surabaya
DAOP 9 Jember
SUBDIVRE 3.1 Kertapati

E. Prosedur melamar :

Pelamar harus mengisi/entry data pada Formulir lamaran kerja yang tersedia melalui  Website : pelamar secara otomatis akan memperoleh nomor register mulai tanggal 13 Juli 2013;
  1. Setelah registrasi pelamar log in menggunakan user dan password yang telah diisi pada saat registrasi;
  2. Kemudian pelamar meng-upload  file dokumen lampiran sesuai persyaratan umum lamaran huruf a,b,c,d,e,f dan g paling lambat tanggal 19 Juli 2013;
  3. Semua proses rekrut melalui website.  Diluar itu tidak dilayani
F.  Ketentuan lainnya :
  1. Pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi, hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap 1 / administratif dan memenuhi kriteria serta sesuai sort list yang akan diumumkan pada tanggal  30 Juli 2013
  2. Pengumuman/pemanggilan peserta yang akan mengikuti proses seleksi, dapat diakses di website : dan tidak dilakukan surat menyurat.
  3. Setiap pelaksanaan seleksi, peserta wajib membawa kartu tanda peserta yang telah disediakan oleh panitia daerah dan diperlihatkan kepada panitia pada setiap tahapan seleksi.
  4. Dalam proses seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun dan dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan.
  5. Dalam proses seleksi ini berlaku sistem gugur dan keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  6. Peserta seleksi yang tidak hadir pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, dianggap mengundurkan diri.

Sumber  Pengumuman Rekrutmen POLSUSKA PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), Tingkat SLTA Tahun 2013 - Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Waskita Karya (Persero), Tingkat STM, D3 dan S1 - Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Waskita Karya (Persero), Tingkat STM, D3 dan S1 - Juli 2013 - PT. WASKITA KARYA (Persero) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dibidang penyedia jasa pelaksanan konstruksi. Dari tahun 1980 perusahaan ini memulai melaksanankan proyek-proyek berteknologi tinggi.

PT Waskita Karya (Persero) membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk menangani untuk proyek-proyek High Rise Building yang akan ditempatkan di berbagai posisi antara lain:

Civil Engineer (CE)
Jakarta Raya
Persyaratan :
  • Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun.
  • Minimal D3/S1 Teknik Sipil
  • Pengalaman 2 tahun di posisi yang sama
  • Berkemampuan analisis desain struktur & estimasi harga
  • Mahir AutoCAD 2D- 3D, SAP 2000
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
  • Siap menerima tantangan
Surveyor Pengukuran (SP)
Jakarta Raya
Persyaratan :
  • Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun.
  • Minimal STM / Sederajat
  • Pengalaman 3 tahun di Proyek Bangunan Gedung dibidang Pengukuran /Surveyor
  • Menguasai alat ukur (Theodolit, Waterpass)
  • Mampu membaca gambar
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Wilayah Indonesia
  • Siap menerima tantangan
Site Engineer (SE)
Jakarta Raya
Persyaratan :
  • Pria
  • Usia maksimal 45 tahun
  • Minimal D3/ S1 Teknik Sipil
  • Menguasai Auto Cad dan Microsoft Project
  • Memahami analisa biaya dan scheduling
  • Memahami shopdrawing & dokeumen kontrol
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Indonesia
Site Manager (SM)
Jakarta Raya
Persyaratan :
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Waskita Karya (Persero), Tingkat STM, D3 dan S1 - Juli 2013
  • Pria
  • Usia maksimal 45 tahun
  • Minimal D3/ S1 Teknik Sipil
  • Pengalaman 2 tahun di posisi yang sama
  • Memahami dokumen kontrak, Rencana Anggaran Proyek, Rencana Mutu Proyek
  • Menguasai teknik konstruksi dan mengikuti perkembangannya
  • Memahami Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008 dan OHSAS 18001:2007
  • Memahami Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
  • Memahami analisa biaya & scheduling
  • Mempunyai kemampuan problem solving & decision making yang bagus
  • Mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Program Ms. Office)
  • Bersedia ditempatkandi seluruh Wilayah Indonesia
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT Waskita Karya (Persero), kirimkan lamaran & CV dan Pas Foto terbaru sebelum 26 Juli 2013 ke alamat :

Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. No. 12 Cawang - Jakarta Timur

Catatan :

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013




ConocoPhillips is an integrated energy company with interests around the world. Headquartered in Houston, the company had approximately 29,800 employees, $153 billion of assets, and $245 billion of revenues as of Dec. 31, 2011.
The company has announced plans to reposition its upstream and downstream businesses into two stand-alone, publicly traded corporations during the second quarter of 2013. Once the repositioning is complete, ConocoPhillips will become one of the industry s largest and most diverse global pure-play exploration and production companies, and Phillips 66, the downstream company, will become one of the largest U.S. - based refining companies, with integrated operations that also include segment-leading marketing, midstream and chemicals businesses.
ConocoPhillips repositioning is subject to market conditions, customary regulatory approvals, the receipt of an affirmative ruling from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the execution of separation and intercompany agreements and final board approval.
This position will reside within the Indonesia BU organization of the future ConocoPhillips, the upstream company.
ConocoPhillips is an equal opportunity employer.

Responsible for the technical support and reliability of all Rotating/Mechanical Equipment (turbomachinery, compressors, engines, etc.) in COPI both onshore and offshore. Coach, train and evaluate the performance of rotating equipment personnel.
• Provide expertise and technical guidance in installation, maintenance and repair of rotating equipment.
• Optimize the performance of rotating equipment.
• Give primary attention to gas compression, power generation, reciprocating compressors, gas turbines (Solar, Rolls-Royce RB211 s and Avons), and the mechanical systems and processes supporting these components.
• Drive strategy and programs and primary rotating equipment maintenance in accordance with the ConocoPhillips maintenance and reliability framework.
• Provide budget estimates and costs for programs and strategies and rotating equipment work for Operations for the purposes of the budget and LRP.
• Support failure investigation processes, RCA, identification of problems through analysis, and provide technical solutions for rotating equipment problems.
• Engage with OEMs to get full technical support for all COPI issues with rotating equipment.
• Follow up on findings from turbo machinery performance monitoring (predictive maintenance) to prevent equipment failures.
• Have excellent teamwork with all Operations and Maintenance personnel to ensure appropriate support.
• Attend all routine Operations morning meetings to represent the M&R group.
• Position is located in the Jakarta Office; however, will need to periodically visit the field installations and with personnel onshore and offshore.
• Mechanical Engineering degree with a minimum of 7-15 years of experience in oil and gas industry.
• Rotating equipment engineering experience with an operations or maintenance background.
• Fundamental skills in fluid dynamics, energy conversion, dynamic response and vibration applied to machinery and equipment. Knowledge of RR Avons/RB211 s and Solar turbines. Experience in Video images coping equipment and interpretation of images is desired.
• Broad knowledge in diagnosing, troubleshooting and repair of rotating equipment (including turbo machinery) used in gas/condensate/oil facilities.
• Broad understanding of various rotating equipment manufacturers products and services.
• Understands of how to use CMMS to provide sound planning, material ordering and work execution.
• Know-how in planning, condition/performance monitoring, instrumentation, data acquisition and control system.
• Demonstrates strong leadership and communication skills and the ability to maintain effective relationships with team members and both office and field operations personnel.
• Good communication skills in English (speaking & writing).

This position has principle purpose as follows: Provide Process Engineering support, guidance and assistance to the Operation Team in all matters relating to facility engineering design and operability issues, with a strong emphasis on value adding activities and risk minimization; Responsible to provide innovation for plant production optimization; Responsible to provide technical assistance to all Area Field Engineer of Onshore/Offshore Operation Engineering; Responsible to provide daily technical assistance and support to the oil and gas plant operation.
• Provide Process Engineering support to Area Field Engineer and Operation team for day to day operation.
• Seek opportunity to reduce operating cost, increase production and conserve energy.
• Develop Front End Loading (FEL) for any expansion/ modification project to improve plant performance.
• Participate and contribute in all aspects of the process/ facilities design for all phases of onshore Project. This includes concept optimization, development of process simulations, Process Flow Diagram (PFD), P&ID, equipment/line sizing, SAFE charts, and all other process documentation required by other engineering disciplines. This also includes specification, purchase, testing, installation, commissioning and start-up of all process equipment and systems.
• Participate in onshore project commissioning, start-up, operational trouble-shooting, and project close-out.
• University degree in Chemical Engineering, with at least 10 years of process design and operation, experience in oil and gas facilities or petrochemical plant with most of this time is in gas conditioning and processing.
• Strong technical/engineering skills with a working knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus general understanding of other discipline activities.
• Demonstrated ability in the use of Process Engineering tools/ Process Simulators and Computer.
• Models, including HYSIS, PIPESIM, and equipment rating programs.
• Experience with gas turbines, waste heat recovery steam systems and water treating is highly desirable.
• Experience with Basics of Design, Process Design & Safety System Design.
• Basic knowledge of process chemistry, including chemical treatment.
• Experience on Drafting of Operating Instructions/ Standard Operating Procedure.
• Good knowledge on Process Safety Management.
• Experience with Process Evaluations/ analysis.
• SAP experience or similar computer based system.
• Strong leadership and interpersonal skill.
• Strong team player with proactive approach to decision making process.
• Ability to work under diverse cultures and nationality.

Perform all engineering planning and implementation of well services operations in conjunction with multi disciplined technical team involved in Onshore or Offshore Well Service Operations.
• Ensure safety and environmental awareness is a top priority with all employees and contractors and that all work is conducted in accordance with the safety philosophy "at ConocoPhillips, our work is never so urgent or important that we cannot take the time to do it in a safely and environmentally prudent manner". Commit to Zero: zero incidents, injuries, and illnesses.
• Prepare well service procedures in accordance with COP well design and delivery process.
• Prepare well service AFE and cost trackers, monitor actual spend versus approved value and prepare AFE supplements whenever required by COP or BPMigas requirements. Participate in BPMigas approvals including workplan and budget (WP&B) meetings.
• Conduct After Action Reviews and prepare Final Well Reports and Well Handover documents.
• Monitor well service operations, providing guidance to field personnel, and incorporate learning from previous operations to ensure continuous improvement and best practices are incorporated. Assist onsite if problems arise causing a major deviation from the planned program.
• Ensure Well Services Operations are properly captured in the COPI reporting system (WellView®) and perform quality control of the report and advise Well Service Supervisor if need to report revisions.
• Ensure Well Services complies with all procurement policies and possibly become contract manager for Well Service related contracts. Actively improve contractor HSE performance, ensure service or equipment failures are properly documented, rectified, and closed-out, and review Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
• Liaison with other parts of ConocoPhillips, to drive experience capture and enable a learning organization. Work with integrated teams providing technical recommendations and/or support to the following: Chief of Well Services (onshore and offshore), Team Lead Well Services (onshore and offshore), Well Services Supervisors, COP subsurface, Production Operations, Drilling Engineers, Completion Engineers, Finance, and service company personnel. Implement new technology within ConocoPhillips Indonesia whenever appropriate.
• Monitor well service schedules and well service requirements to ensure that adequate resources are available for well service, workover, and testing operations.
• Accept delegation of authority of the Team Lead Well Services Engineering, Team Lead Well Service Operations (offshore or onshore), and Chief Completion Engineer as required.
• Minimum Bachelors degree in engineering.
Required & Preferred Skills/Competencies
• Experience with slickline, e-line, and coil tubing interventions and rig workover operations. Strong technical skills in both completion engineering and well services / completion operations and familiar with completion equipment such as: packers, SCSSVs, sand screens, nipples, plugs, locks, flapper valves, gas lift equipment, etc.:
• Capable of working in a diverse multi-cultural, multi-national, highly team oriented environment.
• Demonstrated strong networking and communication skills.
• Proven operational, motivational, planning, mentoring, and coordination skills.
• Well developed planning and organizing skills. Willingness to air, and adept at working through, problems.
• Uncompromising adherence and commitment to our SPIRIT Values (Safety, People, Integrity, Responsibility, Innovation, and Teamwork).
• Self-starter requiring little to no direct guidance. Individual that is willing to accept risks and aggressively pursue continuous improvement.
• Excellent judgment and decision making ability regarding both technical and personnel matters.
Desired Experience Level
• 4-10 years of industry experience, in all aspects of well services, completion, and production operations.
Special Skills, Training & Certifications
• IWCF or IADC well control certification is preferable.
• Proficient computer skills with working knowledge of MAXWELL, WellView®, and production software such as Inflow / Outflow performance.

Perform all completion engineering planning and implementation for offshore well operations and well servicing.
• Actively participate in promoting safety and environmental awareness with all staff, contractors, and vendors such that operations are carried out in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
• Conduct all completion engineering for completions including but not limited to completing MaxBook, writing detailed procedures, conducting after action reviews, and compiling end of well reports. Completion engineers are typically responsible for the rig completion and any rigless completion operations.
• Represent Well Operations on several Integrated Venture Teams and Integrated Project Teams. Ensure Well Operations maintains compliance with Capital Project Management Systems (CMPS) guidelines for FEL gate approval.
• Work in compliance to COP Well Control Manual, Casing and Tubing Design Manual, and all other applicable Wells Excellence Documents.
• Monitor day to day completion operations and well servicing and provide onsite support as required.
• Generate completion cost estimates, assist in the Well Operations planning and budget, BPMigas Workplan and Budget (WP&B) cycle, and internal and partner AFE approval.
• Document lessons learned to ensure continuous improvement and best practices are incorporated.
• Lead weekly Well Operations team meetings, Drill Well on Paper (DWOP) sessions, or other meetings as required.
• Maintain compliance with COPI procurement policies. As Contract Manager for several key Well Operations contracts, be responsible for contract monitoring, organize biannual contract management meetings, and preparation of tenders.
• Mentor and develop junior Drilling, Completion, and Production Engineers on a continuous basis.
• Serve as a representative on relevant Networks of Excellence (NOE) and continue to keep abreast of new technology both within COP and industry. Identify innovative completion techniques to reduce completion costs and/or maximize project value.
• Accept delegation of authority from Chief Offshore Well Operations or Chief Completion Engineer as required.
• Minimum Bachelors degree in engineering.
Required & Preferred Skills/Competencies
• Strong background in Completions, Well Servicing, and Well Testing. Drilling, Reservoir, and/or Production Engineering experience is desired.
• Capable of working in a diverse multi-cultural, multi-national, highly team oriented environment.
• Proven operational, motivational, planning, mentoring, and coordination skills.
• Demonstrated excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
• Working understanding of all financial aspects of drilling, completions, and well services including budgeting, reporting, and accounting.
• Greater than working knowledge of Inflow/Outflow analysis.
• Working knowledge of WellView®, tubular stress analysis (WellCat®), as well as other standard computer software.
Desired Experience Level
• Minimum 5 years of industry experience preferably in all aspects of completions, well services, and production operations.
Special Skills, Training, & Certifications
• IWCF or IADC well control certification is preferable.

Server Admin Analyst will be part of global server team. Responsible for the delivery of excellent quality service and ensure the continuing functionality of all servers, storage and backup to meet business operational requirement. This job is also responsible to manage all UNIX and Windows Server Administrator activities. On occasional basis, the job is also required to assist the storage and backup system administrator role. The job will require a lot of communication and coordination with the regional and global server team for strategy, planning, and server operation.
• Perform daily admin role for UNIX / LINUX/ AIX/ Windows Server Administrator job including but not limited to server patching, account management, security management, hardware management and performance tuning.
• Handle and Resolve user s service request through Work Excellence process.
• Handle and resolve user s problem through Remedy Ticket.
• Update information completeness of all servers in the approved inventory tool (in Remedy Resource Manager).
• Occasionally work together with other team in IT to solve the problem and deliver project such as Storage Administrator, Database Administrator, Network Engineer and application team, etc.
• Create regular server administrator reports i.e. patching level, audit report and availability report.
• Analyze and forecast future hardware/software needs.
• Run a project i.e. server and workstation hardware refresh, Workstation deployment and installation, etc.
• Perform part of procurement process i.e creating Scope of Work for material and service, conducting technical evaluation, etc.
• BSc degree required, preferable in technical discipline, business-related discipline or computer sciences / information technology from an accredited institution.
• At least 5 years experience supporting multiple/mixed platform servers such as and UNIX, LINUX, Widows Server, VMware, storage (SAN/NAS) and Networking.
• Have up-to-date and general knowledge of the complete spectrum of enterprise-scale infrastructure systems technology, including multi platform servers, storage, LAN, WAN, cloud computing and backup systems.
• Have expertise, knowledge and experience on UNIX/LINUX/AIX and Windows Server administrator, servers and workstations installation and deployment, multi platform tape backup system installation, multi platform server and workstation hardware troubleshooting and problem resolution.
• Have general knowledge and experience on LAN and WAN networking, Database System, multi platform operating system, providing IT service in a multinational company and project management.
• Able to work beyond regular office hour and/or standby 7 x 24 hrs and in the weekend time.
• Strong written and oral communication English skills.
• Ability to work in a national business setting and support remote operations users technical applications environment.
• Good teamwork, creative problem solving, and people networking skills.

Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply.

To apply please visit: not later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Petugas Administrasi Bank Rakyat Indonesia - Juli, Agustus 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Petugas Administrasi Bank Rakyat Indonesia - Juli, Agustus 2013 - Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) adalah salah satu bank milik pemerintah yang terbesar di Indonesia. Pada awalnya Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) didirikan di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah oleh Raden Bei Aria Wirjaatmadja dengan nama De Poerwokertosche Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Hoofden[1] atau “Bank Bantuan dan Simpanan Milik Kaum Priyayi Purwokerto”, suatu lembaga keuangan yang melayani orang-orang berkebangsaan Indonesia (pribumi). Lembaga tersebut berdiri tanggal 16 Desember 1895, yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai hari kelahiran BRI.

BRI Jakarta melalui jasa PT Sumberdaya Dian Mandiri membutuhkan calon pegawai baru dengan posisi sebagai :

Petugas Administrasi Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Khusus Jakarta dan sekitarnya)
Tanggung Jawab :
  • Membantu pekerjaan Administrasi Kantor Pusat BRI
Persyaratan :
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Petugas Administrasi Bank Rakyat Indonesia - Juli, Agustus 2013
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 Pria/Wanita Penampilan menarik
  • Fresh graduate pendidikan D3-S1 silahkan melamar.
  • IPK min 2,75 lulusan Universitas yang terakreditasi
  • 1200 posisi tersedia.
  • Maksimal umur 25 tahun
  • Belum Menikah
  • Bersedia Menjaminkan Ijasah terakhir selama bekerja
  • Berkesempatan menjadi karyawan BRI dengan jenjang karir yang pasti
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), silakan melamar secara online sebelum 09 Agustus 2013 melalui laman :
Catatan :

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) - Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) - Juli 2013PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (persero) sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN)  memanggil putera terbaik Ibu Pertiwi untuk menjadi bagian dari solusi bangsa dan negara melalui gerakan hati, pengabdian seutuhnya, dan kontribusi nyata dalam menegakkan pilar penurunan biaya logistik dan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.

Kulifikasi Pendidikan :
  1. S1 Manajemen
  2. S1 Akuntansi
  3. S1 Psikologi
  4. D3 Manajemen
  5. D3 Teknik Sipil
  6. D3 Teknik Informatika
  7. D3 Teknik Elektro
  8. D3 Tenik Mesin
  9. D3 Akuntansi

Persyaratan :
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) - Juli 2013
  • Lulusan S1 dan D3 atau sederajat
  • Pengalaman bekerja 0 s.d 5 tahun
  • Usia D3 maksimal 28 tahun dan Usia S1 maksimal 31 tahun
  • Memiliki IPK Min. 3.00
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
  • Antusias dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
  • Mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai perusahaan: People First, Integrity, Customer Centric, Sustainable, Quality

Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir dan bergabung bersama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), silakan registrasi secara online sebelum 16 Juli 2013 melalui laman :
Sumber Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) - Juli 2013