Senin, 22 April 2013

Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia Seleksi ITB - April 2013

Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia Seleksi ITB - April 2013 - Penerimaan Jalur PCPM (Pendidikan Calon Pegawai Muda) Bank Indonesia (Khusus Alumni ITB)

Program penerimaan calon Pegawai Bank Indonesia yang disertai dengan pengembangan dalam rangka kaderisasi Pimpinan Bank Indonesia.

Untuk mendapatkan calon Pegawai yang dikembangkan sejak dini dalam rangka kaderisasi Pimpinan Bank Indonesia.

Tahapan Seleksi:
Seleksi administrasi, tes bahasa Inggris, tes profil kepribadian, wawancara Psikologi, tes Psikiatri, tes kesehatan MCU, wawancara akhir BI.
Jurusan yang dibutuhkan
  • Teknik Industri ITB
  • MIPA Statistika ITB
  • MIPA Matematika ITB
  • Sistem Informasi ITB
 Kriteria Pelamar
Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia Seleksi ITB - April 2013
  • Lulusan S1, dengan IPK minimal 3.12 (skala 4.00)
  • Nilai pada Mata Kuliah Inti (core) minimal B
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman dalam kegiatan lingkungan kampus (Universitas/Fakultas)
  • Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris
  • Tidak memiliki catatn perilaku/pelanggaran tata tertib
 Daftar Dokumen Kelengkapan Administrasi Peserta
  • Fotocopy ijazah S1 atau Surat Keterangan Lulus yang dilegalisir oleh Perguruan Tinggi yang menerbitkan ijazah.
  • Fotocopy transkrip nilai S1 yang dilegalisir oleh Perguruan Tinggi yang menerbitkan ijazah.
  • Fotocopy akta kelahiran peserta
  • Fotocopy KTP/SIM
  • Asli Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) yang masih berlaku.
  • Pasfoto terbaru berwarna ukuran 4x6 (2 lembar).
  • Fotocopy sertifikat TOEFL, IELTS, kursus pendidikan non formal
 Tata Cara Pendaftaran:
  • Lengkapi formulir isian pelamar yang dapat diambil di kantor ITB Career Center, atau
  • Silakan unduh pada tautan berikut

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) - Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) - Mei 2013 - PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero)PII adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang dibentuk dan berada di bawah pembinaan dan pengawasan Kementerian Keuangan, yang memiliki tugas untuk menyediakan penjaminan proyek infrastruktur dengan skema Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta (KPS).

Pendirian PII merupakan bagian dari upaya pemerintah untuk melakukan percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia dengan menyediakan dukungan kontinjen/penjaminan atas risiko yang ditimbulkan oleh tindakan atau non-tindakan pemerintah yang berdampak pada penurunan nilai keekonomian proyek KPS infrastruktur

Tujuan pembentukan PII adalah sebagai berikut:
Lowongan Kerja PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) - Mei 2013
  1. Menyediakan penjaminan pada proyek Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha/Swasta (KPS) dibidang Infrastruktur.
  2. Meningkatkan kelayakan kredit (creditworthiness), utamanya bankability proyek-proyek KPS Infrastruktur.
  3. Meningkatkan tata kelola (governance), konsistensi dan transparansi dalam proses pemberian penjaminan.
  4. Meminimalkan kemungkinan terjadinya sudden shock terhadap APBN dan ring-fencing eksposur kewajiban kontinjensi Pemerintah
To support our business growth PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) are now seeking a dynamic and self motivated professionals for the following managerial position :
Senior Vice President Project and Guarantee Consultation (PGC)
  • MBA or MM from Overseas University is an advantage.
  • At least 12 years experience in Financial Industry, Investment Banking, Project Finance or Financial Advisory
  • Having exposure in Project or Infrastructure at least 3 – 5 years
  • Good communication skill with government officers, international consultants and private sectors
Senior Vice President Business Development (BUD)
  • MBA or MM from Overseas University is advantage.
  • At least 12 years Experience in development of infrastructure projects, including 5 years in development of infrastructure projects.
  • Good liaison skill with government officers and private sector
Senior Vice President Project Appraisal and Structuring (PAS)
  • Advanced degree in Economics, Finance or Accounting from Overseas University is an advantage.
  • At least 15 years Experience in Risk Management/Executive Role in Financial Industry, Banking, Insurance or Real Sector, including Experience in Infrastructure Project for 3 – 5 years
Senior Vice President Project Monitoring and Claim Assessment (PMC)
  • At least Master Degree from a Reputable University
  • At least 7years experience in Investment Banking, Project Finance or Financial Advisory
  • Having exposure in Project or Infrastructure at least 3 – 5 years
  • Have serious interest in developing Infrastructure Projects
  • Good communication skill with government officers and international consultants
  • Literacy in Legal Matters is advantage
Vice President Project Legal Advisory (PRL)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Master Degree in Law is preferable
  • At least 5 years experience in handling transactions involving multi stakeholders and experience in reputable law firms is preferable
  • General Requirements:
  • Bachelor’s Degree from Reputable University
  • Computer & IT Literate
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, in Bahasa and English
For those who are interested in PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero), application & resume must be sent before 03 May 2013 to:
Bagian Human Resource
Sampoerna Strategic Square Building
NorthTower, 14th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Kav 45-46, Jakarta 12930 – Indonesia

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Pengumuman Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero) Tingkat S1/D4/D3 Tahun 2013 - Mei 2013

Pengumuman Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero)

Tingkat S1/D4/D3 Tahun 2013 
Penempatan di Seluruh Indonesia

1.      Persyaratan :

         Jenis Kelamin :

a)    Laki-Laki untuk jurusan : T. Elektro, T. Mesin, T. Industri, T. Sipil.

b)   Laki-Laki atau Perempuan untuk jurusan : Manajemen.

         Status belum menikahdan bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani Diklat Prajabatan;

         Lulus S1/D4 atau D3 dengan batas usia :

: Kelahiran 1987 dan sesudahnya
: Kelahiran 1989 dan sesudahnya

         Jurusan pendidikan yang dibuka adalah :

1)        S1/D4 :

a)        Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat/Teknik Tenaga/Power;

b)        Teknik Mesin;

c)        Teknik Industri;

d)        Teknik Sipil;

2)        D3 :

a)        Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat/Teknik Tenaga/Power;

b)        Teknik Mesin;

c)        Teknik Sipil;

d)       Manajemen (Jurusan Manajemen Bisnis, Manajemen Industri, Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi Niaga dan Manajemen Pemasaran)

         Nilai IPK > 2,75 (Untuk : T. Elektro, T. Mesin, T. Industri, T. Sipil)

         Nilai IPK > 3,00 (Untuk : Manajemen)

Mengisi data pendaftaran dan menyerahkan berkas lamaran langsung datang ke Kantor CDC FT UI (Gedung Engineering Center Lantai 3 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia Depok. Lamaran disampaikan mulai tanggal 22 April 2013 sampai dengan 05 Mei 2013 Jam 08.00 WIB s.d. 16.00 WIB (Senin s.d Jumat) dan Jam 09.00 WIB s.d. 15.00 WIB (Sabtu dan Minggu).

Kelengkapan Berkas lamaran sebagai berikut :

a.       Surat Lamaran yang ditujukan kepada PT PLN (Persero) c.q. Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta;

b.      Riwayat Hidup (CV);

c.      Copy akte kelahiran (jika belum ada, bisa disusulkan pada saat tes psikologi);

a.      Copy Ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir;

b.      Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir;

c.      Copy KTP;

d.      Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 2 lembar;

e.       Bagi  pelamar  dari  lulusan  program  Lintas  Jalur  (D3  yang  meneruskan  S1),

wajib melampirkan Transkrip Nilai dan ijazah D3 yang dilegalisir.

Selama proses seleksi, apabila ada ketidaksesuaian data ataupun ketidaksesuaian jurusan peserta dengan yang dibutuhkan, peserta dinyatakan GUGUR.

3.      Panggilan peserta, kelulusan tiap tahapan tes dan lokasi tes akan diumumkan melalui website website CDC FTUI : serta akun twitter rekrutmen PLN di @rekrutmenpln serta ditempel di lokasi tes.
4.      Tahapan Seleksi Meliputi:

a.      Seleksi Administrasi

b.      GAT

c.      Tes Akademik dan Bahasa Inggris

d.      Tes Psikologi dan diskusi kelompok

e.      Tes Kesehatan

f.       Wawancara

g.      Diklat Prajabatan


1.  Peserta yang dinyatakan memenuhi syarat seleksi akhir akan diangkat sebagai Pegawai PT PLN (Persero) dengan tingkat / level jabatan sebagai berikut :

         Tingkat D3 pada Grade Basic 2

         Tingkat S1/D4 pada Grade Specific 4

2.    Tidak ada korespondensi berkaitan dengan rekrutmen ini dan keputusan Tim Penerimaan Pegawai tidak dapat diganggu gugat
3.      Tidak dipungut biaya apapun dalam mengikuti seleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh PT PLN (Persero)
4.      Tidak ada sistem refund atau penggantian biaya transportasi dan akomodasi yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan seleksi.


Lowongan Kerja Pertambanagn 2013 di PT Kaltim Prima Coal; 10 positions; 1 of 2 ads

▪ Possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree/ Post Graduate Degree, in Finance/ Accountancy/ Taxation or equivalent.
▪ Required skill(s) Accounting, Taxation, Finance Management and financial analysis, Team Leader, Decision Making.
▪ At least 10 years of experience in Accounting/ Audit Firm or Mining Companies. Familiar with IFRS, Indonesia Taxation and Mining Regulation.
▪ Demonstrated high level of leadership and managerial skills with a minimum of 5 years prior supervisory/ management experience.
▪ Demonstrated extensive background in the financial area including financial analysis, financial reporting, financial modeling, tax reporting.

▪ Tertiary qualifications (S1 degree) in business management/ accounting, Master degree is preferred.
▪ At least 10 (ten) years internal audit experience. Ideally in a large scale corporate environment covering operational, risk, assurance audits as well as audit work at a recognized senior level and exposure to the oil, gas or mining industries.
▪ Managerial and supervisory experience.
▪ Project management skills.
▪ Attention to detail together with analytical and problem solving skills.
▪ Hold professional/ expertise certification from recognized professional institution (such as Certified Internal Auditor from The Institute of Internal Auditor).

▪ A bachelor’s degree in human resources management, education or social sciences, or studies with core concentrations in human resources management or business.
▪ Considerable experience in the delivery of managerial and leadership subjects (as a trainer for minimum 5 years).
▪ Have knowledge of adult learning theory, the methods and principles of curriculum and training design, and the best practices for teaching groups and individuals.
▪ Instructional and facilitation skills.
▪ Time management, analytical thinking and problem solving skills.
▪ Ability to formulate learning objectives, to evaluate training effectiveness, and to assess training needs.
▪ Have the ability to instruct and communicate with organizational personnel regarding training needs for management.

▪ Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mechanical Engineering.
▪ Experience in heavy equipment maintenance.
▪ Excellent interpersonal skills to establish and maintain customer relations.
▪ Knowledge and ability to implement safety policies & procedures.
▪ Have good knowledge and experience in mechanical installation techniques and standards.
▪ Have high personal energy level and enthusiastic to work in a dynamic project environment.

▪ Minimum 3 (three) years working experience in mechanical disciplines (preferably coal fire power plant construction/ operation, rotating machinery) with sufficient exposure to capital projects.
▪ Understand project management tools and techniques.
▪ Knowledge and experience in equipment installation techniques and standards.
▪ Familiar/ experience working in a dynamic project environment.

▪ Minimum D3 Secretary Academy graduate or equivalent, plus minimum 3 years of experience in secretarial duties.
▪ Written and oral communication skills in Bahasa and English (minimum Level 6).
▪ Skills in standard office software (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
▪ Knowledge of office practices and administrative procedures.
▪ Ability to keep confidentiality of sensitive information.
▪ Responsiveness, work accuracy, initiative, creativity, assertiveness, patience, flexibility.

▪ Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mining Engineering.
▪ Having 2 years’ experience in Mine technical engineering position with practical production experience an advantage.
▪ Excellent skills in computing and data analysis programmers.
▪ Having experience in using MINEX software.
▪ Excellent planning, analytical, organization and problem solving skills together with mechanical aptitude to solve technical difficulties.

▪ S1 degree in Civil Engineering
▪Having min 3 years plus of relevant industry/ management experiences, and having budgeting skills are essential for senior position.
▪ Extensive experience and proven skills in Civil Engineering/Construction and/or earthmoving industries. Having experience in Civil Projects at mining industry will be an advantageous.
▪Ability to work with a diverse team of professionals and equipment operators.
▪ Analytical, problem solving skills together with aptitude to solve technical difficulties.

▪ Bachelor Degree (S1) in (Law, Social Science, Psychology or Mass Communication) with 7 – 9 years working experience in industrial relation
▪ Strong knowledge of Manpower Regulations of Indonesia.
▪ Capability to do negotiation in conflict and pressure situation.
▪ Maintain good relation with officials from the Department of Manpower, Disnaker, Industrial Relation Court and all Unions in KPC as well as with KPC employees.

▪ Bachelor Degree (S1) in Electrical Engineering with at least 3 years in electrical engineering of relevant mining / industry experiences.
▪ Have an understanding of how to manage projects, including engineering , procurement and construction of fixed plant’s electrical and control systems.

1. Good communication in both written and spoken English
2. Good interpersonal and organizational skills
3. Highly self-motivated and strong analytical skills
4. Computer literate (MS Office)
5. Creative, self-starter, team player and having self-integrity

Please send your application with a comprehensive CV (include Salary Expectation) and a recent photograph, within 2 weeks after this advertising published with email address:
Superintendent Recruitment

PO BOX 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
Or Email:
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process

Lowongan Kerja Pertambangan di PT Kaltim Prima Coal; 4 positions; 2 of 2 ads

▪ S1 degree in Civil Engineering
▪ Having min 3 years plus of relevant industry/ management experiences, and having budgeting skills are essential for senior position.
▪ Extensive experience and proven skills in Civil Engineering/Construction and/or earthmoving industries. Having experience in Civil Projects at mining industry will be an advantageous.
▪ Ability to work with a diverse team of professionals and equipment operators.
▪ Analytical, problem solving skills together with aptitude to solve technical difficulties.
▪ Tertiary qualifications (S1) in Environmental or Mining Engineering with at least 3 years experience in mining environment sound is preferable.
▪ A good understanding of mining operations and associated environmental issues.
▪ An adequate experience in environmental monitoring and management in the field related to AMDAL.
▪ Excellent lateral thinking and practical conceptual thinking.
▪ Excellent planning, analytical and organization skills to coordinate the monitoring activities within the mine and community areas.
▪ Have a degree in computing or other relevant subjects, and/or hold a relevant certificate(s) from Microsoft or other recognized organization in computing services.
▪ Have experience and proven skills in user support environment (minimum 5 years) with a broad knowledge in the field of computing and communications and a strong organization and planning capability.
▪ Have experience in people management with a minimum of 3 years in a supervisory role (with direct subordinates).
▪ Having good willing to solve any problem or doing some research & development to get solution or improvements.
▪ Having knowledge on security & AV matters.
▪ Having knowledge on CCTV concepts/designs.
▪ Having knowledge on data recovery concepts.
▪ Have a strong customer focus with good interpersonal and negotiation skills.
▪ Have excellent written and oral communication skills to produce reports and deal with diverse range personnel.
▪ Microsoft Certified Holder.
▪ Have experience and proven skills in administering UNIX (Linux & HPUX) and Windows servers (minimum 3 years) with a broad knowledge in the fields of computing.
▪ Have good knowledge of UNIX and Windows server operating systems.
▪ Have a degree in computing or other relevant subjects, and/or holding a relevant certificate(s) from Microsoft or recognized organization in computing services.
1. Good communication in both written and spoken English
2. Good interpersonal and organizational skills
3. Highly self-motivated and strong analytical skills
4. Computer literate (MS Office)
5. Creative, self-starter, team player and having self-integrity
Please send your application with a comprehensive CV (include Salary Expectation) and a recent photograph, within 2 weeks after this advertising published with email address:
Superintendent Recruitment

PO BOX 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
Or Email:
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process