Rabu, 24 April 2013

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2013 di PT. INCONIS

We are a company with experiences in providing services, general consultant and management for Oil & Gas industry projects. We are looking for professional candidates of below positions:
Drilling Field HES Officer
Qualifications :
• Bachelor degree from reputable majoring in Engineering, Safety and Occupational Health with min GPA 3.0
• Have Leadership Skill
• Have experience oil and gas industry min 3 years. Experience in major oil company or EPC Company and process safety is preferred
a. Need to submit detail resume for every project handled
• Must have valid K3 Migas certificate (can be submitted after interview or assessment)
• Willing to work in Sumatera with 12 Hrs shift and 14 days on and 14 days off
• Fluent in English. Min TOEFL 500 or TOEIC (600) from recognize Institution
• Good communication skill and able to delivered presentation
• B1 Driving Licensed (can be submitted after interview)
Night Drilling Supervisor
• Minimum 5 years experience, in petroleum industry with at least 2 years as Night Drilling Supervisor with international exposure.
• Holding valid IWCF well control certificate and RSES induction training.
• Fluent English and speaking and writing. Bahasa and French is appreciated
The assigned PERSONNEL shall perform the following SERVICES:
• Provide on-site supervision in order to carry out safely and efficiently drilling, completion and workover programs in accordance with COMPANY established operational procedures and policies ;
• Provide on-site technical expertise to resolve practical problems and to minimize non-productive time ;
• Take every decision in case of emergency to guarantee the safety of all persons involved, the well, the other COMPANY related assets and the environmental protection;
• Direct and coordinate service company engineers/technicians in order to ensure that they provide their functions safely, efficiently ;
• Comply with COMPANY established HSE procedures and policies ;
• QA/QC control all consumables and materials delivered, to ensure they are conforming with their specifications ;
• Supervise the maintenance and stock control of company owned equipment ;
• Ensure the quality control of the reporting issued from the rig including the daily well cost estimate in timely manner ;
• Monitor the planned rig maintenance program and recommend rig modifications if required;
• Transfer know how to Junior Drilling Engineer.
• QA/QC control all consumables and materials delivered, to ensure they are conforming with their specifications;
• Supervise the maintenance and stock control of company owned equipment ;
• Ensure the quality control of the reporting issued from the rig including the daily well cost estimate in timely manner ;
• Monitor the planned rig maintenance program and recommend rig modifications if required ;
• Transfer know how to Junior Drilling Engineer.
• The challenge is to optimize operation performance fully achieving all well productivity, development and delineation goals within a high safety and environment awareness level.
WORKSITE: Drilling Rig
Work Schedule: Rotation either 28/28 or 14/14
Age: 35 years minimum
Please send your CV (word format) to recruitment@inconis.com

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2013 di Mermaid Drilling Ltd; 3 positions

FSLA Status: Regular, full-time
Job Title: Operation Engineer
Department: Operations
Supervisor: Rig Manager
Geog. Region(s): Indonesia / Preferred Indonesian
Position Summary
The Operation Engineer provides operational support to Rig Manager on a daily basis to support a safe and profitable operation. Assist in all aspect related to operation and maintenance of the drilling unit including Class and regulatory compliance.
Reports to:
• Rig Manager
Primary Responsibilities/Duties
Operations Management
• Perform frequent offshore trip, focusing on training in specific operation to establish good knowledge to details in operation.
• Assist and proactive involvement in risk assessment and JSA related to procedure and specific job tasks.
• Assist, monitor and follow up on the daily drilling operations, make records of performance, safety and trend parameter for contentious improvement to the operation.
• Assist and ensures the drilling program complies with the Operator”s contractual requirements.
• Assist Manager in verifying that the preventative maintenance of all equipment is performed, including safety and emergency equipment.
• Assist in overseeing that all installations and modifications to the rig is perform to good engineering standard.
• Assist in liaising with the Operator”s representative concerning drawing, technical document, and identifies and resolves any incompliance issues regarding rig platform interface issues.
• Assist Managers in prepare necessary documentation for Import/Export between countries.
• Monitor and file all rig records, logs and documentation.
• Verifies that rig certificates are up to date at all times.
• Prepare necessary documentation for Import / Export.
• Assist in purchasing and logistic to ensure that the rig is in smooth operation.
FSLA Status: Regular, full-time
Job Title: Operation Engineer
Department: Operations
Supervisor: Rig Manager
Geog. Region(s): Indonesia / Preferred Indonesian
Environment, Occupational Health, and Safety Program Implementation
• Assist Rig Manager to verify the implementation of all company safety, environmental protection, and occupational health policies and procedures.
• Participates in the client Operation meetings and promote performance and safety attitude.
• Assist in monitoring and evaluate accident investigations to ensure they are fully and correctly reported and that any necessary corrective action is successfully implemented.
• Assist in managing and development, coordination, documentation, training, and testing of emergency preparedness plans and procedures, and ensures emergency preparedness drills and exercises are performed and documented regularly with good results.
• Ensures compliance according to the Rig Station Bill.
General Duties
• Assist Rig Manager in establishing goals and priorities. Assist Rig Manager in implementation and monitoring of annual goals and plans.
• Assist and ensures Rig Manager and Rig supervisors are informed of any operational, maintenance, environmental, health, safety, training, and quality issues and develop and implement effective solutions to address issues.
• Ensures effective communication with manager and onshore personnel.
• Keep and maintain updated knowledge of all local regulations, codes, and standards, and ensure the rig and personnel are in compliance.
• Makes certain that the filing system is systematic and maintained and in good order.
• Performs special projects as assigned by the Rig Manger.
• Follows all company”s policies and procedures and performs all duties in accordance.
Performance Indicators:
• Work is planned and organized
• Feedback from supervisor / internal colleagues
• Co-operative and flexible regarding tasks and work load
• Capable of working in a structured manner
• Evaluation skills of performance and Safety
• Quality of work – presentable and lay out
• Loyalty
FSLA Status: Regular, full-time
Job Title: Operation Engineer
Department: Operations
Supervisor: Rig Manager
Geog. Region(s): Indonesia / Preferred Indonesian
• Proactive in work situations
• Involvement in Safety performance of the unit
• Involvement of Operational performance (Downtime)
• Compliance to regulatory and statuary requirement
• Communication with other departments within the company organization
• Open minded regarding improvements and suggestions
• Reporting within deadlines and accurate
• Makes recommendations for improving to the Manager that benefits company”s total performance.
• Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Petroleum Engineering Degree or equivalent engineering degree is required
• Skilled in AutoCAD.
Professional Experience:
• Minimum with 1 year of experience as Engineer.
Licenses, Certificates, Credentials, and Other Requirements:
• Medical Certificates are needed as required by local regulations.
• Pre-employment and random drug tests are required.
Please send your email to:

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2013 di PETRONAS CARIGALI

Through drive and support from its staff, PETRONAS, in its short history, has demonstrated remarkable growth and performance to emerge as a Fortune Global 500 company. Incorporated in Malaysia in 1974, PETRONAS, in its 30 years of operations, has established a global footprint that includes exploration and retail operations in more than 30 countries, and counts among its 30,000 strong workforce people of 28 nationalities.
Under the Production Sharing Contract arrangement with SKK MIGAS, PETRONAS CARIGALI Indonesia Operation is looking for 2 positions below to support our development project.
Legal Officer
General Requirement:
1. Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable university with proficient in English.
2. Minimum 3 years of experience in similar position. Having experience in oil and gas industry is preferred.
3. Able to demonstrate in handling legal action/litigation.
4. Certified in PTK007 is desired but not mandatory.
5. Indonesia Bar qualification would be an advantage.
Financial & Accounting Services
General Requirement:
1. Bachelor Degree in Finance, Accounting, Banking from reputable university.
2. Having ability to make change for cash accurately.
3. Knowledge of modern office practices, procedures, equipment and standard clerical techniques.
4. Fluent in written and spoken English.
5. Having skill to prepare and maintain accurate records, files, and reports.
6. Having skill in the use of Microsoft Office (Power point, excel, word), MYOB & Ogwin system.
Those who have close qualifications above are encouraged to send your updated CV to: recruitment_pcino@petronas.com.my
Please put position title as the email subject.
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
(Please keep attachment to less than 300kb)

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Mikro, Asisten Pemasaran - Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Mikro, Asisten Pemasaran - Mei 2013 - PT Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Mikro yang beroperasi di wilayah Area Bogor (Cibinong, Citeureup, Cileungsi, Depok, Bogor PGB Grosir dan Bogor-Kedung Badak) memberikan kesempatan bagi para profesional muda untuk bergabung dalam mengembangkan tim profesional yang terampil dan berkarakter.

Asisten Pemasaran
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Mikro, Asisten Pemasaran - Mei 2013
  • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
  • Pria/Wanita, Max. 26 tahun pada tanggal 01 Mei 2013
  • Belum Menikah
  • Mampu bekerja dalam target
  • bisa mengendarai kendaraan bermotor dan mempunyai SIM
  • Pendidikan Min D3 segala jurusan (PTS. 3,00/PTN 2.75)
Kirimkan surat lamaran anda dilengkapi dengan CV, Pas photo berwarna, fotokopi KTP, fotokopi transkip nilai dan ijazah, paling lambat 05 Mei 2013.

Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke alamat  email :

* hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.
Sumber Lowongan Kerja PT Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Mikro, Asisten Pemasaran - Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT. Graha Sarana Duta (Telkom Property), Tingkat STM, D3 dan S1 - April 2013


Apabila Sdr/i berlatar blkng Pendidikan STM/D3/S1 :
  1. TEKNIK MESIN (diutamakan program studi konversi energi)
  3. TEKNIK ELEKTRO ARUS LEMAH (elektronika,telekomunikasi)
  4. TEKNIK PENDINGIN (refrigerasi dan tata udara)
Jl GAYUNGAN PTT NO 17-19 Surabaya Jawa Timur.

Pada :
Tes Tertulis (2 jam) dan Wawancara (30 menit) :
Jumat, 26 April 2013, range waktu :08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Sabtu, 27 April 2013, range waktu :08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Minggu, 28 April 2013, range waktu :08.00 – 16.00 WIB


Mechanical Electrical (ME) Technician, Supervisor, dan Chief Engineering
(Penempatan : Surabaya atau Seluruh Indonesia)

Persyaratan :
1. Pendidikan :
  • STM Mekanik / Listrik / Elektronika / Pendingin, atau
  • D-III / Politeknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Konversi Energi / Teknik Listrik (arus kuat) / Teknik Elektronika (arus lemah) / Teknik Refrigerasi dan Tata Udara, atau
  • S-1 Jurusan Teknik Mesin Konversi Energi / Teknik Listrik (arus kuat) / Teknik Elektronika (arus lemah).
2. Berpengalaman kerja atau Belum Berpengalaman.
3. Memiliki kecukupan ilmu teknis dan kemampuan teknis.
4. Laki-Laki / Perempuan max 40 tahun, cerdas, pekerja keras, dapat bekerja tanpa pengawasan, dewasa, mandiri, disiplin, jujur, rajin, rapi, bersih, komunikatif, dapat mengoperasikan komputer, bersedia bekerja shift dan/ atau diluar waktu kerja normal, bersedia melaksanakan pekerjaan ke luar kota penempatan.

Kemampuan Teknis :
Lowongan Kerja PT. Graha Sarana Duta (Telkom Property), Tingkat STM, D3 dan S1 - April 2013
  1. Mampu mengoperasikan, melakukan perawatan dan melakukan perbaikan untuk peralatan utility gedung / bangunan dengan baik dan benar sesuai bidang pendidikan dan pengalamannya, sebagaimana perangkat tersebut di bawah.
  2. Mampu mengisi cheklist harian, lembar pendataan parameter operasional dan membuat laporan kegiatan serta analisa sederhana.
  3. Mampu menggunakan peralatan kerja dengan tepat, baik dan benar
  4. Mampu bekerja tanpa kecelakaan kerja, tanpa pengawasan dan sesuai target penyelesaian
  5. Mampu membaca dan mengerti dokumen SOP, SMP dan Standar – standar Internasional.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab :
A. Bidang Mekanikal
  1. Sistem Pemipaan Air Bersih (air bersih, air kotor, air bekas, air hujan, pipa venting, drainase, tanki tekan, peralatan sanitary, asesoris pemipaan)
  2. Sistem Fire Fighting, baik sprinkler, hydrant, siameese (pompa kebakaran utama, pompa kebakaran diesel, jockey pump, tanki tekan)
  3. Sistem Lift (elevator, escalator, gondola)
  4. Pompa dan kompresor
  5. Generator Set
  6. STP (sewage treatment plant) / WTP (water treatment plant)
  7. Mechanical Safety Devices

B. Bidang Elektrikal
  1. Trafo Tegangan Menengah
  2. Panel Tegangan Menengah
  3. Capasitor Bank
  4. Panel Distribusi Utama
  5. Sub Panel Distribusi
  6. Grounding
  7. Penangkal Petir
  8. Panel Sinkron antar genset
  9. Motor – motor listrik
  10. Motor Generator
  11. Rangkaian Listrik
  12. Instalasi listrik
  13. Instalasi KWH meter 1 dan 3 phase

C. Bidang Elektronika
  1. Inverter
  2. BAS (Building Automation Sistem)
  3. LSP (Lighting Switching Program)
  4. Sound System, pagging, emergency call
  5. Fire Alarm (smoke detector, heat detector, indicating valve, flowswitch, alarm bell)
  6. CCTV
  7. Telepon, internet, TV
  8. Panel – panel control otomatis
  9. Electronics safety devices

D. Bidang Ventilation & Air Conditioning

1. Ventilation (Fresh Air, Exhaust fan, heat exchanger, Pressure riser fan, dll)
2. Air Conditioning Non Sentral (Split, VRV)
3. Air Conditioning Sentra
  • Chiller
  • Chilled Water Pump
  • AHU / FCU
  • Cooling tower (air / water cooled)
  • Condensor Water Pump
  • Expantion tank 
Sumber Lowongan Kerja PT. Graha Sarana Duta (Telkom Property), Tingkat STM, D3 dan S1 - April 2013