Rabu, 17 April 2013

Pengumuman Penerimaan Kadet TNI AL Tahun 2013, Tingkat SMA - April 2013

Pengumuman Penerimaan Kadet TNI AL Tahun 2013 - April 2013 - Program penerimaan Kadet Akademi Angkatan Laut merupakan salah satu kegiatan pembangunan kekuatan personel guna memenuhi kebutuhan perwira yang disiapkan untuk mengawaki organisasi TNI AL.
Keberhasilan pencapaian sasaran penerimaan Kadet AAL, sangat ditentukan oleh pelaksanaan kampanye/publikasi dan seleksi yang mengacu kepada ketentuan yang berlaku dalam penerimaan Perwira Prajurit Karier dan dilaksanakan secara terkoordinasi dengan orientasi untuk memperoleh calon Kadet AAL yang berkualitas dari seluruh daerah secara proporsional.

Sebagai penjabaran dari program penerimaan dan pedoman pada pelaksanaan penerimaan Kadet AAL TA 2013 baik di tingkat daerah maupun tingkat pusat, perlu disusun rencana pelaksanaan kegiatan (Renlakgiat) tentang penerimaan Kadet AAL.
Persyaratan Pendaftaran Kadet Akademi Angkatan Laut
Pengumuman Penerimaan Kadet TNI AL Tahun 2013, Tingkat SMA - April 2013
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia.
  2. Beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
  3. Setia kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia tahun 1945.
  4. Berumur sekurang-kurangnya 17 tahun 9 bulan dan setinggi-tingginya 22 tahun pada saat pembukaan pendidikan tanggal 1 Agustus 2013.
  5. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
  6. Tidak sedang kehilangan hak menjadi prajurit berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap.
  7. Pria, bukan anggota/mantan prajuirt TNI/Polri dan PNS TNI.
  8. Berijazah SMA/MA program IPA bukan paket C
  9. Belum pernah kawin dan sanggup tidak kawin selama dalam pendidikan pertama.
  10. Memiliki tinggi badan sekurang-kurangnya 165 cm (Pria) dan 160 cm (Wanita) serta memiliki berat badan seimbang menurut ketentuan yang berlaku.
  11. Bersedia menjalani Ikatan Dinas Pertama (IDP) selama 12 tahun.
  12. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
  13. Harus ada surat persetujuan dari orang tua/wali.
  14. Bagi yang memperoleh ijazah dari negara lain, harus mendapat pengesahan dari Kemdiknas.
  15. Tidak bertato/bekas tato dan tidak ditindik/bekas tindik telinganya atau anggota badan lainnya, kecuali yang disebabkan oleh ketentuan agama/adat.
  16. Bersedia mentaati peraturan bebas KKN baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Apabila terbukti secara hukum melanggar sebagaimana yang dimaksud, maka harus bersedia dinyatakan tidak lulus dan atau dikeluarkan dari Dikma, jika pelanggaran tersebut diketemukan dikemudian hari pada saat mengikuti pendidikan pertama. Contoh blanko kesanggupan tidak melakukan penyuapan/ KKN seperti pada contoh No. 2.
Waktu pendaftaran : 15 April 2013 – 03 Mei 2013 di laman :
Download pengumuman :

Selasa, 16 April 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, D3 dan S1 - April 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, D3 dan S1 - April 2013 - PT Bank Syariah Mandiri adalah bank syariah terbesar di Indonesia. Berdiri pada tanggal 1 Novermber 1999. Bank ini hadir sebagai bank yang mendominasikan idealisme usaha dengan nilai-nilai rohani yang mendasari operasinya. Harmoni antara dualisme usaha dan nilai-nilai rohani inilah yang menjadi salah satu keunggulan Bank Syariah Mandiri dalam kiprahnya di perbankan Indonesia. Sebagai bank syariah terbesar di Indonesia, Bank Syariah Mandiri membutuhkan karyawan yang memiliki tujuan yang sama dengan tujuan perusahaan dalam memajukan ekonomi islam di Indonesia bahkan dunia.

Saat ini, PT Bank Syariah Mandiri sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut;

1. Management Development Program (MDP)

Persyaratan Umum:
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, D3 dan S1 - April 2013
  1. Lulusan S1/S2 perguruan tinggi terpilih dari berbagai disiplin ilmu kecuali Keagamaan, Keguruan, Seni, Sastra/Budaya, Filsafat, Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan
  2. Aktif di organisasi, baik didalam maupun di luar kampus
  3. IPK minimal 3.01 untuk lulusan S1 dan IPK minimal 3.20 untuk lulusan S2
  4. Dapat berbahasa inggris baik secara lisan maupun tulisan
  5. Usia maksimal 26 tahun
  6. Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama masa pendidikan MDP
  7. Bersedia ditempatkan di jaringan BSM seluruh Indonesia
2. Account Officer (AO)

Persyaratan Umum:
  1. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
  2. Pendidikan minimum S1 semua jurusan
  3. Pengalaman minimum 3 tahun sebagai Account Officer di perbankan
  4. Memiliki pengetahuan yang lengkap dan detil mengenai produk perbankan khususnya perbankan syariah
  5. Menyukai tantangan, target oriented, dan mobile
  6. IPK minimal 2.75
  7. Dapat berkomunikasi secara persuasif
  8. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan
  9. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal MS Office (Word, Excel, dan Power Point)

3. Asisten Account Officer (AAO)

Persyaratan Umum:
  1. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
  2. Pendidikan minimum S1 semua jurusan
  3. Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman minimum 1 tahun sebagai Sales/Marketing mikro perbankan
  4. Aktif di organisasi, baik didalam maupun di luar kampus
  5. IPK minimal 2.75
  6. Menyukai tantangan, target oriented, dan mobile
  7. Dapat berkomunikasi secara persuasif
  8. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan
  9. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal MS Office (Word, Excel, dan Power Point)

4. Frontliner (Customer Service dan Teller)

Persyaratan Umum:
  1. Usia maksimum 27 tahun (mempunyai pengalaman sebagai frontliner min 2 tahun), Freshgraduates (25 tahun)
  2. Pendidikan minimum D3 (lebih diutamakan S1)
  3. IPK minimal 2.75
  4. Lebih diutamakan yang belum menikah
  5. Energik, percaya diri, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan menyukai tantangan
  6. Mampu mengoperasikan computer minimal MS Office (Word, Excel, dan Power Point)
  7. Tidak memiliki keluarga inti (orang tua/suami/istri, saudara kandung) yang bekerja sebagai karyawan Bank Syariah Mandiri
  8. Belum pernah mengikuti proses seleksi Frontliner Bank Syariah Mandiri dalam 6 bulan terakhir

5. Pelaksana Back Office

Persyaratan Umum:
  1. Usia maksimum 27 tahun (mempunyai pengalaman sebagai frontliner min 2 tahun), Freshgraduates (25 tahun)
  2. Pendidikan minimum D3 (lebih diutamakan S1)
  3. IPK minimal 2.75
  4. Lebih diutamakan yang belum menikah
  5. Energik, percaya diri, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan menyukai tantangan
  6. Mampu mengoperasikan computer minimal MS Office (Word, Excel, dan Power Point)
  7. Tidak memiliki keluarga inti (orang tua/suami/istri, saudara kandung) yang bekerja sebagai karyawan Bank Syariah Mandiri
  8. Belum pernah mengikuti proses seleksi Frontliner Bank Syariah Mandiri dalam 6 bulan terakhir

Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, form aplikasi pendaftaran dapat di download Disini
Registrasi online tanggal 22-27 April 2013.
Sumber Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, D3 dan S1 - April 2013

Lowongan kerja april 2013 : Lowongan kerja mining di PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara

Lowongan kerja april 2013 : Lowongan kerja mining di PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara

PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) operates the Batu Hijau copper/gold mine in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NIB) PTNNT is committed to becoming a leader in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Company is inviting skilled, trained, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian workers professionals to be a part of our team for the positions:


A primary focus of the Reps. Compliance Executive is to establish & maintain relationship and coordinate professional relations within Government Institutions and parliament at Sumbawa Besar & Sumbawa Barat Districts.

• University graduate from Social science is highly desirable.
• Minimum of 3 years experience working in the extensive relations with government institutions and parliament.
• Have a self-motivation discipline and ability to work as a Team Leader as well as a part of the team.
• Knowledge in the regulations in Republic of Indonesia as needed for operations.
• Good communication and report writing skits in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
• Have a good, strong, pleasant and professional personality, with ability to easily adopt with changing government environment.
• Experience in working with multinational companys operation and understanding about mining company is a value added.


To ensure all the project works are completed within schedule, budget, complying with NNT SHLP and ESR and responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system.

• Degree in relevant engineering discipline preferably in civil.
• Certified of Competency for Middle Operational Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environment from DEMR.
• Intermediate English competency.
• Computer skills in Microsoft Office, graphics software and Email.
• Computer skills in Microsoft Project.
• Knowledge of Industry Standards and Codes applicable to discipline.
• At least ten year’s experience in construction at mining I heavy Industry.
• Ability to manage time effectively and prioritise tasks.
• Effective interpersonal skills.
• Minimum five years experience in ONQC position in Mining / heavy industry.
• Specific computer skills appropriate to discipline.
• Knowledge of regulations applicable to Batu Hijau site.
• Able to read and interpret parts, service manuals arid technical reference books.


Train all aspect of Safety Health and Environment training program in accordance with PTNNT competency standards of Task Skill, Task management Skit, Task Contingency Skill and Cost Effective.

• Degree in Engineering, OHS, Education or equivalent.
• Certified of TAA4O1 or equivalent
• Knowledge of spoken arid written English.
• Train the Trainer qualifications.
• Highly developed interpersonal communication.
• Certified of Competency for Frontline Operational
• Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environment from DEMR.
• A minimum of 5 (five) years recent experience as a practical trainer in this field.
• Knowledge of spoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia.
• Experience as a workplace or Industrial trainer.
• Ability to integrate Office computer system.


to plan organize and control activities of the PTNNT Contracts Department in order to approve, manage, and administer commercial aspects of services procurement activities within Mining business, implernent3tion arid maintenance of varied initiatives to encourage and support local services business plus secondary cross functional support and oversight over the whole Contracts Department in support of the Contracts Manager’s role and objectives Including acting as second in command in the absence of the Contracts Manager. Activities must be conducted in accordance with PTNNT standards, policies and procedures, Indonesian Law and Batu Hljau Mine Contract of Work while at the same time ensuring a high level of support service to user departments for goods procurement bidding, negotiating. purchase agreement and order preparation, administration and management and applying an ethical, efficient, risk managed, consistent and cost effective approach at every stage of the process.

Contract types include a fill range of services and vary greatly include heavy mobile and fixed equipment operation and maintenance, catering, medical services, explosives services, major shipping and logistics, security, aviation, passenger

ferry, tugs and marine support, met lab services, product support and technical reps, training, drilling, civil and construction, etc.

• Degree in business, law, engineering or equivalent
• Minimum 10 years experience in contract management.
• Sound understanding of relevant Indonesian business, legal system, company law, immigration, manpower, tax, importation, mines and energy regulations.
• Well developed computer skills to be able to implement and maintain effective processes and procedures.
• Strong leadership, analytical capabilities and negotiating skills, sound business sense, documentation skills with high attention to details
• Advanced English language and Bahasa Indonesia.
• Experienced MlMS/Ellipse user and/or equivalent Contract management system.


This position reports to the General Supervisor HSLP Mining Operations. The position will have 5 direct reports and be responsible for implementing health and safety initiatives aimed at reducing injuries and incidents across a broad range of work

activities. The key responsibilities for this position include, supervision coaching and mentoring of direct reports in the mine area, conducting safety system audits that ensure compliance with company and national policies, developing and reviewing procedures and programs that drive continuous improvement, coach mentor and assist supervisors to understand and implement their safety and health responsibilities, analyze department statistics and develop and implement programs to address deficiencies, management of regulatory requirements and proposes methods to meet the current regulations.

• Formal qualification in mining, milling or heavy industry, human resource management, training or training development with program implementation skills or an equivalent discipline is essential, with 3-5 years experiences.
• Certificate of Competency for Frontline Operational Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environment from DEMR (POP or POM).
• Graduate from University (S1) - prefer with Occupational Health and Safety or mining related discipline.
• Must have sound knowledge of health and safety management systems OHSAS 18001 and Indonesian health and safety Regulations.
• Must have a minimum 7-10 years of experience in a similar role.
• Must have sound knowledge of risk management principals arid ability to facilitate team based risk assessments.
• Must have experience and or formal qualifications in safety system audits.
• The position places demands on time and therefore the incumbent will be required to be self motivated in their approach and have the ability to prioritize work.
• Must have previous supervisory experience in a similar role.
• Must be able to speak to large groups.
• Must have intermediate to advanced skills in Microsoft office suite.
• Must have intermediate report writing skills in Bahasa and ability to converse in English.


This position will be responsible for identifying, tracking and reporting on threats to Newmont area of operations, identifying security breaches or product theft and take immediate action to notify Supervisor or Security Control as required and operating tactically in a complex urban and field environment with limited resources.

• Diploma degree and good communication In English is preferable.
• Certified of Competency for Frontline Operational Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environment from DEMR.
• 5 years experience in managing the people with the same field.
• Good in manage the people.
• Good in interpersonal communication skill.
• Preferably have a proven record of good working relationships with governmental agencies in related.
• Must have excellent speaking and communication skills (English & Indonesia) and able to speak to groups and communicate abstract concepts.
• Proven Leadership skill.
• Good administration skill.

All applications will be treated confidentially and must be sent no later than 7 days after the publication of this advertisement. Please specify position name and code you are applying for on the top right corner of your application letter only short listed candidates wilt be contacted.

Send your application letter to:
HR Recruitment - PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara
JI. Sriwijaya No. 258, Mataram 83126, NTB, Indonesia P0. BOX 1022
Fax: 0370-636318 Ext. 48042, e-mail: PTNNT.Recruitment@nnt.co,id

Lowongan kerja April 2013 : Lowongan mining di PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals

Lowongan kerja April 2013 : Lowongan mining di PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals
Urgently Required

PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals is a gold mining and exploration company, operating, operating a Contract of work (COW) in the island of Halmahera, North Maluku. The company is a joint venture between Newcrest Mining Limited and PT Aneka Tambang. The company has vacant positions at Gosowong – North Halmahera with working roster 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off.

1. Assistant Manager (AM)
2. Production Superintendent (PS),
3. Underground Foreman (UF)

1. Holds a legitimate education certificate with experience in Underground Mining operation
a. Assistant Manager - min bachelor degree in Mining Engineering +10 years Underground Mining experience (3 years in middle management level), international experience will be an advantage, management skill is required
b. Production Superintendent - min bachelor degree in Mining Engineering with 5 years Underground Mining experience (2 years in supervisory level)
c. Underground Foreman - min bachelor degree with 4 years Underground Mining experience I High School degree with 10 years Underground experience (5 years in Supervisory level)
2. Holds Indonesia Government Operational Certificate
a. Assistant Manager - min POM
b. Production Superintendent – min POP
c. Underground Foreman - POP is an advantage
3. Holds Indonesia Government Blaster Certificate (Blaster-2)
4. Holds a legitimate health certificate
5. Fluent English and computer literate
6. Willing to perform Newcrest Values: Care about people, Work together, Value innovation and problem solving, Act with integrity and honesty, Seek high performance

4. Jumbo Operator (JO)
5. Solo Drill Operator (SD)
6. Bogger Operator (BO)
7. Mine Control Officer (MCO)

1. Holds a legitimate High School (or similar) education certificate
2. Holds a legitimate health certificate
3. Have mm 3 years experience in Underground Mining operation
4. Holds a drivers license (B2)is an advantage
5. Holds Indonesia Government Blaster Certificate (Blaster-2), will be an advantage
6. Competent to perform applied equipment operation in Underground Mining, or Mine Control/Dispatch System for Mine Control Officer
7. Female employees/Applicants are welcome to apply for Mine Control Officer
8. Willing to perform Newcrest Values: Care about people, Work together, Value innovation and problem solving, Act with integrity and honesty, Seek high performance

If you believe you have the required, knowledge and experience to undertake these roles, please send the application and resume with code reference to the following address before 23 Apri1 2013:

PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals

Lowongan kerja April 2013 : Lowongan kerja mining di AEMPIRE GROUP

Lowongan kerja April 2013 : Lowongan kerja mining di AEMPIRE GROUP
Recruitment of AEMPIRE GROUP

As an international resource and energy company committed to exploitation and trading of coal, iron ore, nickel ore, and ocean shipping in Asia, PT ALLINDO INDONESIA (subsidiary of AEMPIRE GROUP) provides its employees with competitive salaries and welfares, extensive promotion prospects and excellent career development. For business expansion of the company, we are eagerly seeking talents for positions in Indonesia as follows:

1. Mine Manager (KTT)
2. Human Resource Management Specialist
3. Legal Affair Specialist
4. Public Relation Specialist
5. Accounting Specialist

1. Workplace in North Sulawesi or East Kalimantan
2. Male, Indonesian citizen with certificate of POM or POU, Mm. qualification S1 degree (No.l-5)
3. Over 1 year work experience (No.2), over 2 years experience (No.3-4), over 10 years experience (No.1).
4. Within 35 years old (No.2-4), within 30-45 years old (Not)
5. Preferably fluent English or Mandarin speaking and writing skills (No.2-5)
6. Ability to work in a team, be honest, responsible, and advocate Chinese society and culture
7. Preferably with overseas education or working experience

Please submit application and CV to:

With email subject: Full Name + Job Title
And look up for more information and job positional