Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Migas 2013 di PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores & Group; 3 positions

Sebuku Group is one of the fastest growing Steel and Mining Companies in South East Asia. With mines scattered all over Kalimantan and Sumatera, Sebuku Group seeks rapid expansion through the exploration of huge and highly prospective mining sites and growth through the acquisition of high quality Mining Assets.
We are seeking professionals who possess strong analytical thinking, proactive behavior, fast learning ability, excellent communication and interpersonal skills to join our successful team.
• Male/Female.
• Fresh Graduated and Bachelor Degree, Majoring in Geology.
• Knowledgeable and capable of using geological software, preferably Master Mining Software (AutoCAD is a minimum requirement).
• Responsible for conducting the planning, implementation and mapping activities of the mine as well as drilling and geological analysis.
• Proactive, hardworking, disciplined, results oriented and able to work under pressure.
• Willing to work in any site at South Kalimantan.
Domiciled in South Kalimantan is preferably.
• Female or Male.
• Fresh Graduated and Bachelor degree majoring Metallurgy.
• High motivation,hard worker, dynamic with good personality.
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.
Domiciled in South Kalimantan is preferably
Mining Engineer
• Female or Male, posses at least a Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering.
• Fresh Graduated.
• Has excellent skills operating mining software such as Surpac, Vulcan, AutoCad, spreadsheets is must and knowledge of Minescape.
• Understand relevant mining technical aspects: geotechnical, hydrology and geohydrology, mine surveying, coal quality control.
• Understand relevant mining regulation and codes as well as applicable coal - related environment regulation.
• Willing to be placed in our Site at South Kalimantan.
• Willing to be travel to our Companies Site.
Domiciled in South Kalimantan is preferably
Send your complete application to:
Jl. Pluit Utara Raya. 18, Jakarta Utara 14450

Penerimaan Pegawai Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Dinas Perijinan Kabupaten Bantul Tahun 2013, Tingkat SMK – Februari 2013

NOMOR : 813/059
TAHUN 2013
Persyaratan pelamar meliputi persyaratan umum dan persyaratan khusus.

a. Persyaratan Umum :
  1. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
  2. Warga Negara Indonesia dan KTP Kabupaten Bantul.
  3. Memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan ketrampilan yang dipersyaratkan.
  4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS, Calon/Anggota TNI dan POLRI dan tidak sedang terikat perjanjian/kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain.
  5. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik.
  6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai CPNS/PNS/TNI/POLRI atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai BUMN/BUMD atau Pegawai swasta.
  7. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap karena melakukan tindak pidana kejahatan.
  8. Tidak pernah terlibat dalam suatu kegiatan/gerakan yang menentang Pancasila, UUD 1945, Negara dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.
  9. Sehat jasmani yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan dari Dokter Puskesmas di wilayah Kabupaten Bantul.
  10. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Polres.
  11. Berusia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 21 tahun per 01 Januari 2013.
  12. Nilai rata-rata ijazah SMK 7,50.
  13. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer.
  14. Berpenampilan menarik.
  15. Tinggi badan minimal untuk laki-laki 160 cm dan perempuan 155 cm.
b. Persyaratan Khusus :
  1. Customer Service (K1) : Laki-laki/perempuan, SMK Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran / Sekretaris
  2. Customer Service (K2) : Laki-laki/perempuan, SMK Jurusan Bangunan
  3. Customer Service (K3) : Perempuan, SMK Jurusan Akuntansi
Tata Cara Pelamaran/Pendaftaran :
Penerimaan Pegawai Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Dinas Perijinan Kabupaten Bantul Tahun 2013 – Februari 2013
  1. Silahkan download Formulir Pendaftaran, Kartu Tanda Peserta Seleksi, dan format Surat Pernyataan melalui website (21 Januari 2013 s.d. 06 Februari 2013).
  2. Diharapkan agar pelamar datang sendiri ke tempat pendaftaran dengan membawa berkas yang ditentukan. Jadwal Pendaftaran dilakukan pada hari Selasa dan Rabu atau tanggal 5 dan 6 Februari 2013 Pukul 08.00 WIB sampai dengan 13.00 WIB, beralamat di Rumah PELUK (Peduli Keluhan Kawan) Jalan Gajah Mada Nomor 02 Bantul (Utara Bank Bantul). Berkas lamaran dikumpulkan dalam map snelhecter folio kertas buffalo dengan ketentuan warna Merah untuk lulusan SMK Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran/Sekretaris, berwarna Hijau untuk lulusan SMK Jurusan Bangunan dan berwaena Kuning untuk SMK Jurusan Akuntansi.
  3. Harap mencantumkan Nama, Alamat, dan Nilai Rata-rata Pada halaman depan map snelhecter
Ketentuan Lain
  1. Peserta yang dinyatakan diterima sebagai Pegawai Non PNS Dinas Perijinan Kabupaten Bantul Tahun 2013 diumumkan pada tanggal 26 Februari 2013 pukul 12.00 WIB di papan pengumuman serta website Dinas Perijinan Kabupaten Bantul dan BKD Kabupaten Bantul.
  2. Peserta yang dinyatakan diterima diwajibkan hadir di Dinas Perijinan Kabupaten Bantul pada tanggal 28 Februari 2013 pukul 08.00 WIB untuk mengikuti pengarahan dan penandatanganan kontrak kerja.
  3. Keputusan Panitia Pengadaan Pegawai Non PNS Dinas Perijinan Kabupaten Bantul Tahun 2013 bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  4. Seluruh tahapan proses seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya (gratis).

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Migas 2013 di PT Elnusa Tbk.

PT Elnusa Tbk. a national pride world class company for total solution in Upstream Oil and Gas Services ( We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:
Job Descriptions
1. To develop and maintain PT. Elnusa Tbk. non — operational assets (properties) in accordance with company’s strategic and financial growth objectives.
2. Generate & maintain working relationships with government, property developers, investors, consultants, and others related to the works.
3. Coordinate with other related Departement / Division regarding the technical and quality specifications of projects to build and provide inputs when necessary to ensure that the projects meets the standard quality and safety requirements
4. Feed Top management with internal and external analysis on strategic information about non-operational assets (property) development.
5. Develop & evaluate all services and operational manuals to ensure that they are accurate, current and applicable to the existing conditions.
6. Generate non-operational asset (property) management as a profit center.
Job Requirements:
1. Minimum Bachelors Degree (S1) from reputable University (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Business Management, Law). Post Graduate I Master Degree (S2) is preferable.
2. Preferably female. 30—45 years old.
3. At least 7 years of proven working experience in the related field is required, preferably Property Manager in the last job position.
4. Strong analytical thinking about property development is a must.
5.Ability to work effectively under pressure.
6. Commitment to integrity, excellence, and customer satisfaction
If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please forward your application with complete curriculum vitae, recent photograph and other qualifications (maximum 1MB) to:
Applicants will be treated strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will he notified

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Migas 2013 di PT Donggi-Senoro LNG

PT Donggi-Senoro LNG (“DSLNG”) is the first LNG Joint Venture project developed as a downstream business activity in Indonesia. DSLNG”s facility located in Uso, Banggai Regency of Central Sulawesi, has a production capacity of 2 Million tonnes of LNG per annum. Striving to be a world class facility, DSLNG is committed to becoming a safe and reliable provider of LNG.
To strengthen the team in DSLNG, we are looking for dynamic professionals to fill the following positions:
Head of Security (CAD-HOS-03)
Basic Function:
Manage, monitor, review and control all activities related to security services at Site, Jakarta and other DSLNG work locations. Assure security operation is conducted in an effective and efficient manner with all stakeholders and comply with Government regulations/internal company policy.
• Bachelor degree in any discipline.
• Professional Certification in security service area
• Experience in security service area or 5 - 8 years experiences in managerial exposure in Oil & Gas industry are preferable
Supply Chain Manager (CAD-SCM-03)
Basic Function:
Manage, monitor, review and control all activities related to supply chain management (procurement, contract management, warehousing and logistics), to ensure smooth running of company”s operations in compliance with government regulations and internal company policy. Develop various Supply Chain policies, SOPs, guidelines and other required forms.
• Bachelor degree in any discipline
• Preferably master degree such MBA or equivalent
• Experience in supply chain and/or logistic management preferably in Oil & Gas industry or 5 to 8 years” experience in managerial exposure in Oil & Gas industry
• Preferred with certification in supply chain management
Maintenance Manager (TD-MM-03)
Basic Function:
Lead the maintenance department and external services contractors. Develop maintenance management structures consisting of in-house and contractor resources. Deliver the maintenance part of the OIP: complete and competent organization, processes & systems, procedures, and resources at handover during the project phase. Establish long-term maintenance plan, budgets and ensure adherence to targets. Ensure the availability of equipment for LNG production as per business plan and high reliability.
• Bachelor Degree in Engineering Science or equivalent
• Experience in the Chemical, Oil or Gas industry for 10 to 15 years
• LNG process & equipment experience minimum 8 years
• Computerized Maintenance Management System minimum 10 years
• Experience in Reliability Centered Maintenance technique for 2 – 3 years
Instrument Supervisor (TD-IS-03)
Basic Function:
Lead and build the instrument section in the maintenance department. Develop and review 3rd party work for Planned Maintenance Programs, Inspection Programs, SIL/IPF Testing programs, spares review during the project phase. Lead the safe planning and execution of maintenance work for LNG plant and associated facilities.
• Diploma in Instrument Engineering from college or university
• Oil & Gas instrumentation and QMI maintenance and engineering minimum 10 years
• LNG process & equipment experience minimum 8 years
• Computerized Maintenance Management Systems minimum 10 years
• Yokogawa DCS system, SIS / IPF systems minimum 8 years
Workshop Supervisor (TD-WS-03)
Basic Function:
Lead all activities within the plant maintenance workshop. Contribute to development, testing, and improvement of Computerized Maintenance Management System. Develop work procedures. Lead the safe planning and execution of all activities in workshop and related areas.
• Diploma in Engineering from college or university
• Workshop operations for Oil & Gas (preferred LNG) equipment minimum 10 years
• Computerized Maintenance Management Systems minimum 10 years
Mechanical Supervisor (TD-MS-03)
Basic Function:
Lead and build the mechanical section (static and rotating) in the maintenance department. Develop and review the 3rd party work for Planned Maintenance Programs, Inspection Programs, spares review. Contribute to development, testing, and improvement of Computerized Maintenance Management System. Lead the safe planning and execution of maintenance work for LNG plant and associated facilities.
• Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from college or university
• Oil & Gas mechanical maintenance and engineering minimum 10 years
• LNG process & equipment minimum 8 years
• Computerized Maintenance Management Systems minimum 10 years
Electrical Supervisor (TD-ES-03)
Basic Function:
Lead and build the electrical section in the maintenance department. Develop and review the 3rd party work for Planned Maintenance Programs, Inspection Programs, spares review. Lead the safe planning and execution of maintenance work for LNG plant and associated facilities.
• Diploma in Electrical Engineering from college or university
• Oil & Gas electrical maintenance and engineering minimum 10 years
• LNG process & equipment minimum 8 years
• Computerized Maintenance Management Systems minimum 10 years
• Electrical safety minimum 10 years
• Variable speed drives, generators minimum 5 years
Warehouse Supervisor (TD-WS-03)
Basic Function:
Lead and build the warehouse section in the maintenance department. Develop materials management & warehouse work procedures. Develop and implement warehouse layout, special storage requirement areas for capital and insurance spares, outside storage areas, dangerous goods storage and bin locations. Manage warehouse organization, physical warehouse and outside laydown areas.
• Diploma in Engineering from college or university or equivalent work experience
• Materials management in Oil & Gas (LNG preferred) minimum 10 years
• Warehouse Supervisor (similar position) minimum 5 years
• Knowledge of procurement in Oil & Gas minimum 10 years
• Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (Materials Management module) minimum 10 years
Contract Engineer (TD-CE-03)
Basic Function:
Obtain the best possible commercial terms and conditions for the technical contracts in the early phases of the DSLNG project, especially the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract.
• Bachelor Degree in Engineering Science or equivalent
• Proven expertise to lead multicultural teams toward a common objective.
• Specific experience in the Asian business theatre
• Experience in procurement and contracting in the petrochemical industry for 10 to 15 years, with minimum 7 years in a senior position
Shift Supervisor (TD-SS-03)
Basic Function:
Coordinate, organize and manage the plant operation to ensure safe, reliable and efficient operation that meets the Process Safety requirements and LNG production target requirements.
Requirement for the above position (Shift Supervisor, Field Operator, Panel Operator):
• Technical College or equivalent
• Experience in Gas/Refinery/LNG plant experience in plant operations for 10 - 15 years
• Must be able to review/develop operating procedures/manuals
• Assist in the review and selection of all operations consumables
General requirement for all positions:
• Be proficient in oral and written English
• Work Location – Site Office, Central Sulawesi
The company will provide excellent remuneration and benefits package commensurate with qualification and experience.
Please send your complete application letter, CV, recent photograph, current renumeration and expected renumeration to
and put job title name and code as the email Subject (not more than 300kb).
Only short listed Candidates will be contacted

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Migas 2013 di OSCT INDONESIA

Has experience since 1984, protecting Indonesian natural environment from Oil Spill Pollution, OSCT INDONESIA is the largest OIL SPILL RESPONSE CENTRE in Indonesia and is one of the largest in the World
Code: OSC
Will be combating oil spills to protect Indonesia s natural environment with the latest technology.
• S1 graduate of Mechanical Engineering or similar faculties
• Male / Female, SINGLE, 20-30 years old
• Willing to travel to offshore-platforms and remote locations around Indonesia & abroad
• Lumpsum Benefits for Combating Oil Spills
• Height above 165 cm preferred
• Fluent in English, both oral & written
• Willing to be placed on duty up to 6 months (back to back) in Qatar, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Batam, Sorong and Medan
will be making oil spill contingency plans to protect Indonesia s natural environment with the latest technology.
• S1 graduate of Environmental Engineering or similar faculties
• Male / Female, single, 20-30 years old
• Able to make project report
• Having a good level of accuracy
• Ability to communicate effectively with the team and clients
• Able to work under pressure and able to meet targets
• Willing to travel to offshore-platforms and remote locations around Indonesia & abroad
• Height above 165 cm preferred
• Fluent in English, both oral & written
Code: MTC
Will be handling over 200 oil companies and private companies and also coordinating internationally accredited IMO LEVEL 1, 2 and 3 Trainings with trainers from Indonesia and around the World.
• D3/S1 graduate, background in Marketing, Advertising, Business or similar faculties
• FEMALE, single, 22 - 30 years old
• Innovative, communicative, with a good personality, and excellent negotiation skills
• Enjoys making new acquaintances and wide networking
• Excellent in making business proposals, preparing presentation materials and sales presentations
• Good looking and well presented
• Commission intensive
• Minimum 1 year experience in similar position
• Fluent in English, both oral & written
• Willing to travel to offshore-platforms and remote locations around Indonesia & abroad
MARKETING (JAKARTA Office Placement)
Code: MKT
Will be marketing rental of oil spill response equipment and services to 200 oil companies and private companies in Indonesia and around the World.
• D3/S1 graduate, background in Marketing, Advertising, Business or similar faculties
• FEMALE / MALE, single, 22 - 30 years old
• Innovative, communicative, with a good personality, and excellent negotiation skills
• Enjoys making new acquaintances and wide networking
• Excellent in making business proposals, preparing presentation materials and sales presentations
• Good looking and well presented
• Commission intensive
• Minimum 1 year experience in similar position
• Fluent in English, both oral & written
• Willing to travel to offshore-platforms and remote locations around Indonesia & abroad
Code: DGD
Will be operating AutoCAD, Photoshop, Mapping Software and Visio.
• D3/S1 graduate from reputable University, majoring in Civil Engineering, Design Interior, Architecture or Graphic Designer
• 2 – 3 years experience in similar position
• Fluent in operating AutoCAD 2D / 3D, Photoshop, and Visio
• Fluent in Computer literate is a must (software: Ms. Office)
• Creative and have a good sense of design skills
• Passionate and excited for great designs
• Must submit design portfolio and references per email
• Able to generate great conceptual ideas, and translate it into a great design visuals
• High level, team work and known for good interpersonal skills
• Strong personality with high level of energy and initiative
• Fluent in English, both oral & written

Code: CCO
Will be standby handling daily and emergency calls and supporting operations for combating oil spills to protect Indonesia s natural environment.
• D3/S1 graduate, background in Communication, Management, or similar faculties
• 3 SHIFTS AVAILABLE (SHIFT 1 06.00 – 14:00), (SHIFT 2: 14:00 – 22:00), (SHIFT 3: 22:00 – 06:00)
• FEMALE preferred for SHIFT 1. MALE preferred for SHIFT 2 and SHIFT 3
• Single, 20-30 years old
• Fresh Graduated are Welcome
• Innovative, communicative, with a good personality
• Fluent in English, both oral & written
Code: ACC
Will be Accounting, having experience and handling accounting for a company.
• D3/S1 graduate of Accountancy or a professional Accounting qualification, with minimum of GPA of 3.50, with a minimum Score B for Accounting
• FEMALE, SINGLE, 23-25 years old
• Handle input and journals all transactions (petty cash, Bank, Receivable & Payable)
• Handle input and journals all inventory movement of items in the warehouse or rent
• An energetic team player with high level of integrity, excellent analytical & interpersonal skills
• Able to work creatively and under pressure within tight deadlines
• Fluent in English, both oral & written
If you meet the above requirements, please send an application letter indicating which position you are applying for, with Resume/CV Signed by hand, 4 x 6 cm photo of yourself and the relevant supporting documents by e-mail or post not later than 2 week to:
Training will be provided by the company at no charge, and all positions requires good command of verbal and written english (TOEFL > 450 preferred) and active use of computer applications
(Word, Excel, Powerpoint).