Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

Lowongan Kerja di Bali 23 November 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Bali tanggal 23 November 2013.
  • New Hotel need Front Office, Accounting, Coresponden. Send email to : info@mhostelbali.com or bring CV to Jalan Raya Seminyak No. 19
  • Cari Admin, Marketing, Karyawan Bakery Pastry / Bakker. Kirim CV ke : admin@jambulresto.com Telepon : 082339597449
  • Butuh Bartender, Waiter / Waitress, Cook with experience 1 tahun, Good English untuk resto bella Italia Jalan Kartika Plaza No. 8X Telepon : 758067
  • Dibutuhkan segera, Wanita, S1 (Akuntansi) baru lulus / fresh graduated, bisa komputer, Hubungi : Ford Denpasar Jalan Gatot Subroto Timur 210A Denpasar Telepon : (0361)262263 email : hrd.fordbali@gmail.com
  • Dicari Engineer Str menguasai AutoCad, Microsoft Excel minimal D3 Tenaga Sipil, Pelaksana Proyek minimal STM Bangunan D3 & S1 Tenaga Sipil. Kirim  CV ke CV. Segitiga Bali Telepon : (0361)9189000 / email : dex1_smith@yahoo.com
  • Dicari Marketing minimal D1 Perhotelan untuk Kampus Denpasar & Koord Kampus minimal S1 untuk Kampus Segera Telepon : (0361)255457 CV : info@mediterraneanbali.com
  • Dicari Perusahaan Pariwisata untuk Finance Controller, Accounting Supervisor pengalaman, bisa MYOB. Kirim lamaran ke A True Balinese Experience  Jalan Diponegoro 150B-12 Phone : 239440 email : hrd@atruebalineseexperience
  • Dibutuhkan Karyawan posisi : Teller, Customer Service & HRD. Syarat : Wanita, Menarik, Ulet, Maksimal 30 tahun, Minimal S1 dan berpengalaman bank. Kirim Lamaran & CV ke BPR Tata Anjung Sari Jalan Teuku Umar Barat 19 Denpasar
  • Dicari Drafter MEP & Sipil Politeknik, S1, Hubungi : Dian Mandiri Kontraktor Jalan Sidakarya 36A Denpasar, Telepon ; 724568 email : dianmandiri36@yahoo.com
  • GDH Tour & Travel need urgent Reservation (female), Operator (male), Ace (male / female) Product (female) experience 1 tahun. email : nurdin@gdhbali.com Phone : (0361)7857896
  • Looking for Waiter / Waitress, minimum 1 year experience. Please send your CV to Kori Restaurant, Poppies 2 Legian Kuta
  • Taco Casa Restaurant Ubud butuh Cook minimal 1 tahun, pengalaman, umur maksimal 25 tahun SMS : 082145245144
  • Urgently needed Spa Therapist Cont Artemis Villa Telepon : (0361)736136 email : info@artemis-villa.com
  • Walk in Interview 21-22 untuk Group Company di Qatar, Doha, untuk posisi : Facial Terapis, Hair Dresser / Make Up, Cook, Chef, Restaurant Manager, Call : (0361)238150





Alamat / Kota / Negara: Jl. Sompok Baru No. 102A Semarang

Contak Person: yudha / andri

Telp.: 024 8317825

Email: yudha_msssmr@yahoo.com

Kode dz58:

Lowongan Kerja PT Angkasa Pura Property, Legal Staff - November 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Angkasa Pura Property, Legal Staff - November 2013 - AP Properti merupakan anak perusahaan PT Angkasa Pura (AP) I. Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) AP 1 mengelola bandar udara milik negara seperti bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai (Bali), Hassanuddin (Makassar), dan Djuanda (Surabaya). Selain AP Properti, terkait bisnis properti, AP I memiliki anak usaha di bidang hotel, yakni AP Hotel. PT Angkasa Pura Properti (AP Properti) sepanjang 2013 menggarap proyek sedikitnya Rp 800-an miliar. Proyek tersebut terdiri atas dua proyek properti dan satu terminal private jet. Ketiganya berlokasi di Bali.

AP Properti adalah Anak Pratama Afiliasi PT Angkasa Pura (AP) I. Badan Pratama Afiliasi Milik Negara (BUMN) AP 1 mengelola bandar Udara Milik` negara seperti Ulasan Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai (Bali), Hassanuddin (Makassar), Dan Djuanda (Surabaya). Selain AP Properti, terkait bisnis tersebut properti, AP I memiliki Anak Pratama Afiliasi di Hotel Kepemilikan Modal, yakni AP Hotel.

PT Angkasa Pura Property mengundang para kandidat terbaik untuk bergabung menjadi :

Legal Staff
Kulaifikasi :
Lowongan Kerja PT Angkasa Pura Property, Legal Staff - November 2013
  1. Pria/Wanita, Usia maks. 35 tahun
  2. Memiliki pengalaman 2 - 3 tahun
  3. Pendidikan min. S1 Hukum dari Universitas Terakreditasi dengan IPK 3.00
  4. Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dibidang Hukum, Korporasi, Konstruksi dan Drafting dibidang Bisnis Properti
  5. Memiliki analisis yang kuat
  6. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan bertarget
  7. Memiliki kepemimpinan yang baik dan komunikasi yang efektif
  8. Memiliki motivasi yang kuat
  9. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tertulis
  10. Mengerti komputer
  11. Bersedia ditempatkan diberbagai cabang di Indonesia
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT Angkasa Pura Property, silakan kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap Anda sebelum 01 November 2013 ke e-mail :

Catatan :

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru desember 2013 di Perusahaan bidang Tambang Batubara

Kami Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Tambang Batubara Sejak Tahun 2006, membuka lowongan kerja sebagai Project Manager, dengan persyaratan 1. Positions/ title of the job : Project Manager
2. Job Description = Develop a project strategy with respect to the use of company resources, joint venture participants, consultants, and sheet resources for each component of the work; Develop a project schedule that co-ordinates all activities and resources required to achieve project target; To ensure all mining process & sources well Runas the government regulation for 1(31 (Health, Environment and Safety program); Responsible for Operational director for Mining, CPP and barging Activity; Liaise with Mining Section Manager and Commercial Manager to formulate and implement project management strategy which optimist company; Take a preventative action the event of actual or potential quality problems, safety hazards, delays of financial losses; Monitor the progress and performance of all functions areas of the Project Team; Take action to improve quality, expedite hi schedule and minimize cost as appropriate; Take corrective action in the event of actual or potential quality problems, delays or financial losses.
3. Salary Range Rp15 —35 juta
4. Benefit / Allowance = Jamsostek, travel allowance
5. Location = Muara Teweh I Mine Site near Muara Teweh (kalimantan Tengah)
Qualification Minimum 5-10 years of being a project manager Silahkan kirim CV anti ke email : HRD@harfatarunamandiri.com atau Kirim langsung lamaran ke Jl Arteri mangga dua rays, Ruko Textile Blok Cl no.1 jakarta utara 14430

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Migas Desember 2013 di Sakari Resources

Sakari Resources
Sakari Group is a coal mining company having its own operations in South and East Kalimantan. we offer a stable career and competitive employment terms for those who aspire to grow with us. Due to continuous improvement and progress in our operation, we have vacancies for the following positions:-
1. CGLM Superintendent
Location :Sebuku
• A graduate degree in law
• 7 year experience in Government Relation and Land Compensation matter
• English is a must
• Have a sound managerial skill
• Computer literate
• Have a strong understanding of local government, law and community relation
• Excellent interpersonal and organization skills.

2. Land Compensation Supervisor
Location :Sebuku
• A graduate degree in law
• 5 year experience in Land Compensation matter
• English is a must
• Have a sound managerial skill
• Computer literate
• Have a strong understanding of local government, law and community relation
• Excellent interpersonal and organization skills.

3. Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Location :Sebuku
• 5 year experiences in complex geography
• University Graduate majoring in geotechnical, geological or civil
• A sound base in the application of geotechnical engineering to problem solving;
• Ability to use instrument and technical equipment skill and Geotechnical Software
•Strong interpersonal communication and critical thinking skills
• Good command in English
• Coal mine experience is necessary

4. Electrical Supervisor
Location :Sebuku
• Minimum 7 year experience in electrical maintenance
• Having experiences in coal mining industries is preferred
• Has an A driving license

If you are interested to join with us send your CV to hrd@ptscs.com and put the position you are applying as the subject of the email not later than 4 January 2013.