Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Saya ahli di bidang Accounting, IT Support, Pengalaman 17 Tahun

Saya lagi cari kerjaan...

Posisi masih kerja dah 15 tahun dikantor ini, 2 tahun kantor sblm nya, mau resign, soalnya satu dan lain hal
Jabatan terakhir : Finance
Sebelumnya : Accounting dan IT Support
Jenis Kelamin : Laki2
Umur : 38 Tahun
Lulusan : D1 Akuntansi

Saya bisa Accountng sd laporan keuangan, Service dan Install Komputer, pernah bantu atur management perusahaan, dan aplikasinya

Mohon bantu yach gan, cocok buat perusahaan kecil, atau perusahaan baru,
Saya bantu dari awal , accountingnya , jaringan komputer nya, sampai management dan finance nya

yang butuh saya bisa ke 081514404776 atau email Irvan_d@yahoo.com


[ Bintara, Bekasi Barat ] [ 21 Mei 2014 ] Dicari Kasir Perempuan untuk Refleksi

Lowongan Kasir Perempuan untuk Refleksi untuk di lokasikan di Bintara, Bekasi Barat.
Untuk calon karyawati (khusus perempuan) yang saat ini sedang mencari pekerjaan dan tertarik untuk bekerja sebagai kasir maka kami Kurnia Refleksi adalah badan usaha resmi yang bergerak dibidang pelayanan jasa refleksi keluarga serta kebugaran yang sedang berkembang. Untuk mendukung unit bisnis kami yang sedang berjalan kami memerlukan "tenaga kasir" dengan persyaratan sbb:

1. Wanita umur 19 thn - 30 thn
2. Jujur, amanah, dan mau belajar
3. Lebih diutamakan lulusan smk atau sederajat
4. Diutamakan yang berpengalaman dibidang yang sama min 2thn
5. Berpenampilan bersih dan menarik
6. Ramah dan sopan
7. Berdomisili di sekitar Bekasi Barat
8. Mempunyai kendaraan pribadi

Lamaran beserta foto terupdate dapat dikirimkan ke Harry (pemilik) alamat email louiscentralac@gmail.com

(Langsung email saja semua pertanyaan karena pemilik tidak main kaskus)



Dibutuhkan pegawai baru untuk pembukaan restaurant di Jakarta Selatan

Dibutuhkan pegawai baru untuk pembukaan restaurant di Jakarta Selatan. Restaurant Healthy Food akan segera dibuka di Jl. Bakti Jakarta Selatan pada awal bulan May 2014.

Dibutuhkan karyawan di posisi sous chef, cook, cashier, waiter dan dishwasher. Adanya pengalaman kerja akan lebih baik untuk kesempatan di terima di posisi tersebut.

Sous Chef dan Cook akan bekerja sama dengan nutritinoist untuk menghasilkan kualitas makanan dan minuman organik yang konsisten dan terjamin mutunya bagi tamu restaurant.

Silahkan email resume anda ke fahdsaleh1@gmail.com

Terima kasih.


[Jakarta] [Mei 2014] Dicari Digital Marketing / SEO Professional, Fulltime Onsite

Flazz Online Solution merupakan software house penyedia layanan pembuatan website, server & domain, digital marketing.

Kami membutuhkan Fulltime Onsite Digital Marketing / SEO Professional untuk bekerja di software house kami.

Kriteria yang dibutuhkan:
- Mempunyai ide-ide cemerlang untuk mempromosikan bisnis
- Memahami online marketing seperti: social media marketing, forum marketing, email marketing, dll
- Memahami teknik SEO whitehat diutamakan
- Kreatif, bersikap jujur, disiplin, bertanggung jawab dan mampu bekerja dalam tim ataupun individual

- Mempromosikan bisnis kami agar dapat meningkatkan penjualan
- Mempromosikan bisnis client kami agar dapat menigkatkan penjualannya
- Melakukan SEO untuk kami dan client kami

Lokasi kantor kami di Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat

Jam kerja fulltime:
senin - jumat: 09:00 - 16:00
sabtu: 10:00 - 14:00

Gaji all in one.

kirimkan cv anda via email ke admin@flazzonline.com, kalau bisa sertakan juga salah satu ide ada dalam melakukan marketing via online / digital marketing
dengan subject : "Lamaran Kerja Digital Marketing"
cantumkan juga gaji yang diinginkan


Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

[JKT][12 Apr 2014] Dibutuhkan ERP Solution Sales / Account Manager for IT Consulting

Hai kawan2, saya monaca, recruiter dari Monsoon (www.mySAPexpert.com).

Kali ini monaca sedang mencari seorang ERP Solution Sales (Account Executive / Account Manager / Business Development Manager) yang berpengalaman untuk klien saya. Klien saya merupakan perusahaan IT Consulting yang berlokasi di Jakarta.

Title: ERP Solution Sales
Employment Type: Permanent & Full-time
Office Location: Jakarta Selatan

• At least 2 years of experience in selling ERP Solution (SAP or Oracle or Microsoft) to mid-size companies.
• Fluent in English, both verbal and written.
• Able to speak Mandarin (Chinese) fluently would be a BIG plus.
• Able to join immediately or max. 1 month's notice.

If you think this is very suitable for you, please show your interest by sending us your updated CV/Resume to our email.

To: mysapexpert(at)gmail.com
Subject: (Full Name), over (Years) as ERP Solution Sales
Example: Budi Santosa, over 3 Years as ERP Solution Sales
Attachment: attach your updated CV/Resume in a single .DOC format

Terima kasih.



Dibutuhkan Segera gan....
Staff pengajar di lembaga pendidikan...

syarat :
1. Wanita umur 18 - 25 tahun
3. Senang dan sayang dengan dunia pendidikan dan anak2
4. Bersedia mengikuti Training dan sistem pengajaran
5. Bersedia bekerja dengan team
5. Gaji Pokok + Insentif yang menarik

Lokasi Kerja :
Jakarta Barat
(Kedoya -Green Garden - Cengkareng - Kembangan)

Kirim segera gan... interview segera.... Segera Kerja

Kirimkan CV ke :


[BEKASI][DRIVER DIREKSI][5 April 2014] untuk PT. Grha Humanindo Manajemen

- SMA,
- terbiasa dan bisa mengendarai mobil (memiliki sim A)
- rapih
- diutamakan pria
- memiliki wawasan jalan di jakarta dan sekitarnya
- standby 24 jam

- gapok UMR
- uang makan+transport
- lemburan berdasarkan jam
- asuransi bpjs
- diutamakan berdomisili di tanjung duren dan sekitar nya

PT. Grha Humanindo Manajemen
JL. Jend Ahmad Yani, Komp perkantoran bekasi mas, blok B no.16
Bekasi barat,paTokannya rukan di seberang RS Mitra kel bekasi barat



Poll: Sales & Marketing Sekolah Musik

Dibutuhkan segera Karyawan k

Lembaga Pendidikan Sanggar Musik Indah - 30 tahun
membentuk instruktur dan musisi berbakat Indonesia
membutuhkan Karyawan yang handal dalam menjual
produk dan jasa kami dengan kualifikasi:

A> Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara
B> Lippo Karawaci - Tangerang

- Pria / Wanita usia max.35th
- Pendidikan SMK
- Menguasai Matematika dan komputer (Ms.Office)
- Jujur & Teliti
- Komunikatif, mampu bernegosiasi dan membangun
tim kerja

Walk in Interview setiap hari Sabtu Pk.10.00 -

Kirim Lamaran anda ke alamat kami:

HRD Sanggar Musik Indah ~ (Totally Great Shop)

Summagung 3 P2 No.8, Kelapa Gading



loker admin accounting staff & marketing staff

Permisi Mimin/ Momod sekalian, numpang posting loker yak..

Kami perusahaan PMA baru berdiri yg bergerak di bidang perdagangan besar membutuhkan karyawan sbb:

1. Admin Accounting Staff
- Wanita, usia maximal 27tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMK jurusan akuntansi
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun (fresh graduate diperbolehkan melamar)
- Bahasa Inggris fasih baik lisan dan tulisan (penting!)
- Mengerti dasar akuntansi
- Pekerja Keras, Jujur, Loyal dan Team work Minded

2. Marketing staff
- Pria, usia minimum 23tahun
- Pendidikan minimal S1 Electric Engineering
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun (fresh graduate diperbolehkan melamar)
- Bahasa Inggris fasih baik lisan dan tulisan (penting!)
- Mengerti sedikit tentang mesin2 dan sparepart
- Memiliki Sim. C
- Pekerja Keras, Jujur, Loyal, Komunikatif dan Team work Minded

Lokasi kerja: Jakarta Pusat

Kirim CV beserta foto terbaru anda (tanpa foto tidak akan kami proses) ke email meivi_lee@yahoo.com secepatnya!


Butuh Kerjaan di digital printing

agan2 dan sista2 yg saya hormati..

barang kali agan, sista/kenalan/temen punya usaha digital printing temen saya lagi nyari kerjaan di bidang ini..
temen saya udah pengalaman di dunia printing selama 2tahun sebagai operator mesin print.. dia juga anak nya rajin dan cekatan..
apabila diantara agan sista tersedia lowongan yg tempat usahanya daerah jaksel/depok bisa kontak ane di


terima kasih atas perhatian nya..

salam kaskus



PT KARYA SEJAHTERA ABADITAMA adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam pendistribusian produk produk telekomunikasi, dengan cakupan area JABOTABEK. dan saat ini kita membutuhkan karyawan untuk kami tepatkn di posisi :


-Pria Atau Wanita dengan usia Max 27 tahun
-Pendidikan minimal D3 Akutansi
-Mampu membuat dan menyusun laporan keuangan (Neraca, Rugi laba, Dll)
-mempunyai Pengetahuan Tentang Pajak (Pph, PPN, dan lainya)
-jujur dan teliti
-mampu mengoperasikan komputer
-jujur, teliti dan bertanggung jawab
-mampu berkerja sama dengan team
-diutamakan mempuyai sertifikat Brevet A/B

Please send your complete application and CV to:
Email : hrd@ksaxl.com
: hrd.ptksa@gmail.com

atau ke alamat kita
Ruko Green Garden Blok A7 no 43
kedoya Utara, kebon Jeruk, JAKARTA BARAT 11520



Dibuka lowongan kerja sebagai:


untuk WAKE CUP coffeeshop.
instagram: @wakecupindonesia

- Penampilan Menarik
- Bersih dan Rapih
- Maksimal Umur 23
- Pandai berbicara
- Ramah murah senyum
- Cepat tanggap dan mau belajar
- Minimal lulusan SMA

Silahkan kirim CV berikut FOTO ke info@wakecupindonesia.com
Atau drop CV berikut FOTO ke WAKE CUP cabang Lobby Graha BIP Jl. Gatot Subroto kav 23, Jakarta Selatan



Tolong dibantu yaa agan", hehehehe. masi newbie nih

Ini saya ada info lowongan di perusahaan saya nih,,
barangkali ada yang butuh kerja sebagai marketing.
Berikut lengkapnya :


1. Tenaga Marketing Pria / Wanita
2. Usia Max. 40 Tahun
3. Memiliki SIM C / SIM A
4. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri
5. Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang Marketing

1. Gaji
2. Uang Transport
3. Uang Makan
4. Komisi

LAMARAN kirim / bawa sendiri ke :
Raya Waru Sidoarjo 61256


[Tangerang] [30 April 2014] [Dicari Admin Untuk PT. DAYA PRESINDO UTAMA]

PT. Daya Presindo Utama membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Administrasi Surat Jalan dan Maintenance

Pria (Maintenance) / Wanita (Surat Jalan)
Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK setara
Dapat berbahasa Inggris
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer
Menguasai program Microsoft Office (Excel)
bersedia turun ke lapangan

Kelengkapan Berkas Lamaran:
Surat Lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup
Fotocopy Ijazah dan Transkrip nilai
Fotocopy KTP
Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4x6
Surat permohonan kerja
Surat keterangan catatan kepolisian
Surat keterangan dokter
Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga
No. Hp/ponsel yang dapat dihubungi

Kirimkan Lamaran/CV anda ke email:
dengan Subject "Lamaran Admin Maintenance / Lamaran Admin Surat Jalan" (pilih salah satu)
atau dapat dikirimkan ke alamat:
Kawasan Pergudangan Pantai Indah Dadap
Jl. Raya Perancis No.2 Blok CN No. 42 - 46
Kosambi Timur - Tangerang 15213
Kepada HRD DPU

Terima Kasih


[ Jakarta ] [ 30 April 2014 ] Dicari Drafter (Anak Interiror) Livinghome Interior

Hi Semua,

Kami Dari Livinghome Interior sedang mencari seorang drafter yang pastinya anak Desain Interior.

Kriteria Sebagai Berikut:
- Pria / Wanita Welcome
- Full Time / Freelance / sampe anak magang kalo mau boleh..
- Harus bisa Autocad, 3D Max, and Google sketchup
- Bisa bekerja dalam Team

Untuk CV tolong di sertakan portofolio yaaa gan, CV bisa dikirimkan ke livinghome.interior@gmail.com

Thank You


[Yogyakarta][29 Maret 2014] Lowongan Staff Marketing

Reliance Soft adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang instalasi cctv dan pembuatan jasa program/website. Melayani kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin meningkat, kami membuka lowongan dengan posisi sebagai Marketing, dengan syarat sebagai berikut :

1. Pria / Wanita, belum berkeluarga
2. Pendidikan D3 / S1 segala jurusan
3. Mengerti tentang komputer / teknologi
4. Berbahasa baik dan mampu memasarkan / menawarkan produk
5. Rajin bekerja, disiplin, dan bertanggungjawab
6. Punya kendaraan sendiri
7. Bersedia memenuhi target (+bonus/insentif)

Alamat Perusahaan :
Gedung Talents
Jln Magelang Km 6.5
(Utara McDonalds Barat Jalan, Sebelum Terminal Jombor)
Telp : 0274 4362008
Contact Person : Indra / 0274 4362008

Cara Melamar :
Kirimkan Lamaran anda melewati
Email : reliance.soft@yahoo.com
atau bisa juga dikirim ke alamat kantor kami langsung.


[Bekasi] [20 April 2014] Lowongan Kerja Cahaya Bagi Negeri (CBN) Indonesia


Yayasan Cahaya Bagi Negeri (CBN) hadir untuk memberitakan kasih dan kebaikan Tuhan melalui media dengan cara kreatif dan kontekstual. CBN bergerak di media Televisi dan media lainnya.

Program TV CBN yang menjadi tayangan utama dan paling dikenal adalah Solusi, tayang sejak tahun 1999 di Televisi Nasional. Tidak hanya menayangkan program TV tetapi para pemirsa yang ingin didoakan atau berkonsultasi tentang permasalahan hidup dapat menghubungi layanan Konseling Center CBN 24 jam-melalui telepon, SMS, chatting dan email.

Spoiler for WARDROBE CBN:


Spoiler for WEB CONTENT CBN:



Perusahaan baru dan berkembang di Bandung membutuhkan tenaga Admin

Langsung to the point gan, kita membutuhkan 1 orang wanita tenaga administrasi yang berpengalaman untuk perusahaan baru dan berkembang di Bandung. Perusahaan bergerak di bidang property dan jasa tenaga ahli untuk proyek2 di luar negeri.

Persyaratan sbb:

1. Jujur, Loyal dan bertanggung jawab
2. Wanita
3. Pendidikan minimal SMA
4. Berpengalaman diutamakan, minimal 2 Tahun
5. Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik secara lisan maupun tulisan (Harus)
6. Menguasai MS Office dan Internet dengan baik
7. Mampu bekerja baik secara mandiri dengan pengawasan minimal
8. Berpengalaman mengatur rencana perjalanan termasuk mempersiapkan tiket pesawat setiap karyawan yang akan melakukan perjalanan dengan baik.
9. Berpengalaman membuat laporan dan notulen
10. Mengarsipkan dokumen dengan baik dan rapih
11. Memberikan dukungan pada karyawan yang membutuhkan petunjuk perjalanan
12. Berdomisili di Bandung

Bagi kandidat yang sesuai akan kami berikan bonus menarik setiap bulannya

1. Gaji
2. Uang makan dan Transport
3. Bonus menarik

Kirim CV, lamaran dan foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 ke email hrdprasco@gmail.com

Kandidat harap menjelaskan tanggung jawab dan pekerjaan sebelumnya, alasan anda keluar dari pekerjaan sebelumnya dan apa yang anda harapkan dari pekerjaan anda yang akan datang.



Halo gan ...
saat ini kita lagi butuh editor foto ...
Jobdesc : Retouch Photo (Croping, Tone, Detailing, Dsb) - Layout Album dan FA

Kriteria yang di cari :
1. Diutamakan Domisili Jakarta Timur (Luar Kota Boleh, disediakan tempat tinggal)
2.Mengerti OS Windows/Mac
3.Menguasai Minimal Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom
4. Jujur dan Rajin (Pastinya)
5. Punya taste yang bagus.

cukup itu aja ..
silahkan yang minat bisa kirim CV dan porto nya ke :



Translator Game Bahasa Mandarin <--> Indonesia

Hallo semuanya...

Kami sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Publisher Games Online membuka kembali kesempatan untuk menimba pengalaman kerja di perusahaan kami. Untuk menunjang operasional, kami sedang mencari kandidat dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :

Lowongan : Translator games bahasa Mandarin ke Indonesia.

Detail :
- Menguasai bahasa dan tulisan Mandarin (nilai plus jika mengerti beberapa dialek-nya; seperti Canton, Hunan, etc.) dan Indonesia
- Pria atau wanita, mengerti Game Online, dan lebih diutamakan seorang gamers sejati.
- Pendidikan minimum D3/S1, menguasai komputer dasar (Ms. Office, Internet)
- Jujur, bertanggung jawab , kreatif, bermotivasi tinggi
- Mampu bekerja serta berkoordinasi dengan baik dalam team
- Bersedia bekerja keras dan memiliki target waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan.

Jika berminat, kamu dapat mengirimkan CV, Pas Foto terbaru dan gaji yang diharapkan, juga dokumen-dokumen pendukung lainnya ke : hrd@craga.co.id

Terima kasih,


Lowongan Kerja Web Developer

Kami sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Publisher Games Online memberikan kesempatan untuk menimba pengalaman kerja di perusahaan kami.
Kami Membutuhkan 1 Orang (Laki-laki) untuk ditempatkan sebagai Web Developer. Adapun kriteria yang dibutuhkan:
1. Lulusan / Mahasiswa Semester Akhir Teknik / Sistem Informatika*
2. Usia Max 30 tahun
3. Menguasai HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL
4. Menguasai Wordpress (vBulletin plus lebih diutamakan)
5. Pengalaman dalam mendesign web dengan high traffic (dalam bidang games lebih diutamakan)
6. Komunikatif, mampu bekerjasama dalam grup maupun individu
7. Dapat berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
8. Jujur, Bertanggung Jawab
9. Diutamakan tinggal / mau tinggal / sudah ada kos di sekitar Jakarta Barat.

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV lengkap (utama No. HP & Email), fotokopi KTP, dan foto 4 x 6. Bisa di scan lalu kirim email ke hrd@craga.co.id

Silahkan mencantumkan salary pada body email


Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Lowongan Kerja PT.Angkasa Pura I Lulusan SLTA


In order to meet the human resource needs of Field Operations, PT. Angkasa Pura I (Limited) provides the opportunity for power integrity and dedicated to join PT.Angkasa Pura I (Limited) as the Aviation Security personnel Rescue & Fire Fighting with the following criteria:
1. General Requirements:
a. Male / Female max 35 years old as of 1 April 2013; b. Minimum high school education / equivalent; c. Status as a labor outsourcing in Angkasa Pura I, the power Avsec / Fire Fighting Rescue and have a minimum of 2 years working as a labor outsourcing Avsec / Rescue Fire Fighting; d. Basic licensed Avsec / Junior Avsec for qualified applicants Aviation Security; e. Basic licensed PKP-PK / Junior PKP-PK for qualified applicants Rescue Fire Fighting; f. Willing to be placed in the working area PT.Angkasa Pura I (Limited);
2. Special Requirements:
a. Performing Well; b. Male Height min. 165 cm, Height Women min.160 cm, weight of each proportional; c. Able-bodied, No Defects, No tattooed, pierced No, not of glasses, Not Color Blind & Drug Free; d. Can speak English and have the ability to operate a computer.
3. Applicants only be made online on the web daftar.ap1.web.id, with a limit of registration dated March 29, 2013. Applicants are required to upload a file in the form of image (Jpeg / Jpg), as follows:
a. Scan application letter and curriculum vitae; b. Scan a letter of recommendation from the General Manager stating the status of labor outsourcing Avsec / Fire Fighting Rescue in Space Pura I work with the minimum of 2 (two) years and performing well; c. Scan diploma and transcript of grades; d. Scan Letter Non Narcotic, Psikotoprika & addictive substances (drugs) e. Scan License Certificate (Avsec / PKP-PK) f. Scan valid ID; g. Scan recent color photos (red background)committee

4. Committee will be declared a candidate is not accepted as a candidate to have passed though officials later known if there are requirements that were not true.
5. Candidates in the admission process, the c did not charge.
6. Phase of the selection process will be conducted in three (3) airports, namely: Ngurah Rai, Juanda Airport and Airport Sepinggan. Transport and accommodation costs during the test is the responsibility of each participant.
7. To the administrative requirements will be announced via the WEB Angkasa Pura I (www.angkasapura1.co.id), Headquarters PT.Angkasa Pura I (Limited) & Branch PT.Angkasa Pura I (Limited) for further selection.
8. Admission committee's decision is final and prospective employees can not be contested.

Lowongan kerja Customer Service Bank BTN daerah jabodetabek


PT. State Savings Bank (Persero) Tbk. an opportunity for those of you who look attractive, has a passion for achievement, friendly, honest, hard working, conscientious and innovative, and able to communicate well to fill the position of:
1. QUALIFICATIONS: WNI, Male / Female, not married; Dressed interesting; Education minimal D3, GPA Min. 2.75 (4.00 scale); Maximum age 25 years per date. March 31, 2013; Height (TB): Height: Male min. 160 cm and women min. 155 cm; Weight Loss (BB) proportional.

2. REGISTRATION PROCEDURE: Registration file: Cover letter typed or handwritten in black ink and affixed signatures applicant, addressed To:
PT. State Savings Bank (Persero) Tbk Prospective employees up Admission Committee Year 2013
Cover letter accompanied with the following documents: Recent color photo of size 4 × 6, 1 (one) sheet; Photo across the body with a recent color postcard size clothing polite and tidy as much as 1 (one); Photo copy of valid ID; Copy of last education diploma certified by a competent authority; Original Curriculum Vitae File Delivery Application: Schedule the delivery of the applicant as well as selection for the position of Customer Service Administrative Staff is dated 12 till March 24, 2013 at 09.00 pm till 16:00 Application documents are included in a brown envelope with the application code on the envelope affixing top left (Customer Service / CS). Files application was delivered directly by the applicant to:
Pusdiklat Bank BTN
Jl. KH. Mansjur No mas. 86, Tanah Abang
Central Jakarta


a. Only the best qualified applicants will be called and will be included in the subsequent selection process b. The selection process uses SYSTEM FALL and selection decisions are ABSOLUTE and can not be contested.

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Lowongan kerja Di PT.Platinum Ceramics Surabaya

We are the leading ceramics tiles manufacturer in Indonesia. Consistent with our vision to be the premier and dominate ceramics Tiles Company with global reach, we are seeking highly qualified and dynamics professionals to support our expansion and to be part of our winning team:

Sales Representative (Bali)

  • Male , maximal 30 years old.
  • Minimum bachelor degree (S1) Management or related field in the university with GPA 3.00 (scale 4.00).
  • Minimum 2 (two) years experience in the material building sales and marketing.
  • You should be good in computer literated especially Microsoft Office, Excell and power point.
  • Proficient in Indonesian and English both spoken and written.
  • Posses a hands-on approach and demonstrate good communication and interpersonal skill, ability to work under pressure.
  • Able to driving a car and having SIM A and SIM C.
  • Willing to be placed at Bali

If you share our passion in achieving our vision and the commitment to excellent, please send your resume, contact numbers, and a recent photograph (write the title position on the envelope or on the email subject) also a creative portfolio presentation (hardcopy or CD), must submitted within two weeks after the date of publication to:



JL. Panglima Sudirman No. 23 - 25, Surabaya 60271

Attn : HR-GA Platinum Ceramics Industry
Email: hrd-corpf@platinumceramics.com

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineering Di PT.Indofarma

PT. Indofarma (Persero) Tbk, a state-owned company engaged in the field of Pharmacy provides career opportunities with job opportunities as follows:
Responsible for promoting products and services to the pharmaceutical / food through exhibitions and visits

Age max. 30 yrs
D3/S1 Education Electrical Engineering / Engineering

Experienced 2 thaun as Sales Marketing Product Engineering

Preferred understand pharmaceutical machinery industry market / food
Please send application letter, CV, Pas terakhit photos (3X4), no later than March 19, 2013 via post, stating the position code on the top left corner of the application envelope to:
HR field
PT. Indofarma (Persero) Tbk
Jl. No. Indofarma. 1 West Cikarang 17,530

Lowongan Kerja di PT.Pembangkit Jawa-Bali

PT Power Jawa-Bali is one of the subsidiaries of PT PLN (Limited), which is engaged in Power Generation in Indonesia, opening opportunities for Indonesia's best sons and daughters to join us through the Program On the Job Training (OJT), with the following requirements :

1. Qualification
Industrial Engineering / Engineering / Electrical
Mechanical Engineering / Electrical
Gas Technology
Financial Management / Accounting
Industrial Engineering / Engineering / Electrical
Business Law / Civil
Industrial Engineering
Marketing Management, Economic Development
Information Technology / Computer / Information Systems
Mechanical Engineering / Electrical
Civil Engineering / Environmental
Civil Engineering / Environmental
Financial Management, Accounting
Financial Management, Accounting
Industrial Engineering
Electrical Engineering / Engineering / Chemical
Electrical Engineering / Engineering / Industrial
Management, Civil Law
Industrial Engineering, Financial Management
Electrical Engineering / Engineering / Civil
2. Age:
S1 born in 1986 and thereafter; D3 born in 1988 and thereafter
3. Academic value: a minimum GPA of 2.75, with a minimum B accreditation Programs
4. Status: Never married (whether recorded or not recorded)
5. Physical Condition:
Physically and mentally healthy, not color blind, drug-free, and if wearing glasses (up to 4 diopters)
1. Applicants first fill out an application online at the website listed PT PJB www.ptpjb.com (career menu), and then in print.
2. Applicants send application letter with a list of the selected Professions Code and registration number online, in the cover letter (upper right corner), to include complete file and sorted according to the following order:
a. Recent color photograph size 4 x 6 as 1 (one)
b. Copy of ID cards and birth certificates
c. Application
d. Form field (point 1), a duly completed and signed applicant
e. Copy of diploma S1 or D3 (which has been legalized)
f. For those who have not come out diplomas S1 or D3, in order to attach a copy of the Certificate of Graduation (SKL) that have legalized
g. Copy of last school transcripts that have legalized
h. Surat Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid at the time of enrollment
i. Certificate latest healthy (issued in January 2013 and thereafter)
j. Attach the self on the stamp Rp. 6000, - about:
1. Willing to be placed throughout the Unit of PT PJB
2. Not engaging in substance abuse and other addictive substances.
3. Not currently undergoing a bond with other agencies and are not currently receiving scholarships from other institutions that are binding.
4. Able to delay marriage during the On the Job Training (OJT).

k. Registration / application addressed to:
Mailbox / PO BOX. 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya
1. Registration via online applications opened on March 4, 2013 and received via post office box no later than March 20, 2013 (Cap Pos Delivery).
2. Applicants may only apply to one profession.
3. The Company may make adjustments to the projected placement in accordance with the needs and refer qualified candidates.
4. Not done communications (correspondence, telephone) during the selection process takes place.
5. The entire selection process does not cost anything and applicants to ignore those who promise to help pass the selection process.
6. Costs to and from the responsibility of the participant selection.
7. Decision of the selection is at its absolute discretion and will be final.
(The Selection Administrative / retrieval Selection Phase 2 will be announced in the fourth week of March 2013)
1. The recruitment process using knockout, with the following stages:
a. Selection Administration
b. Selection Academic & English
c. Selection of Psychology
d. Selection Competency Based Interview
e. Selection Health & Kesamaptaan
2. Calling participants and test locations for each stage of the selection will be announced via the website of PT PJB (www.ptpjb.com) and via Short Message Services (SMS).

Lowongan Kerja Staf Teller Bank BTN Daerah Jabodetabek


PT. State Savings Bank (Persero) Tbk. an opportunity for those of you who look attractive, has a passion for achievement, friendly, honest, hard working, conscientious and innovative, and able to communicate well to fill the position of:
WNI, Male / Female, not married;
Dressed interesting;
Minimum Education D1, GPA Min. 2.75 (4.00 scale);
Maximum age 25 years per date. February 28, 2013;
Height (TB): Height: Male min. 160 cm and women min. 155 cm; Weight Loss (BB) proportional.

Registration file:
Cover letter typed or handwritten in black ink and affixed signatures applicant, addressed To:
PT. State Savings Bank (Persero) Tbk
Prospective employees up Admission Committee Year 2013
Cover letter accompanied with the following documents:
Recent color photo of size 4 × 6, 1 (one) sheet;
Photo across the body with a recent color postcard size clothing polite and tidy as much as 1 (one);
Photo copy of valid ID;
Copy of last education diploma certified by a competent authority;
Original Curriculum Vitae
File Delivery Application:
Schedule the delivery of the applicant as well as selection for the position of Administrative Staff Teller is the 13th till February 24th, 2013 at 09:00 pm till 16:00
Application documents are included in a brown envelope with the application code on the envelope affixing top left (Teller Staff / TL).
Files application was delivered directly by the applicant to:
- Jabodetabek:
Pusdiklat Bank BTN
Jl. KH. Mansjur No mas. 86, Tanah Abang
Central Jakarta
a. Only the best qualified applicants will be called and will be included in the subsequent selection process
b. The selection process uses SYSTEM FALL and selection decisions are ABSOLUTE and can not be contested.

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Lowongan Kerja Calon Pegawai Baru PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) seluruh Indonesia Tahun 2013

PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) is an Indonesian state-owned financial company engaged in life insurance. Our company supported by 17 Regional Offices and 71 Branch Offices in Indonesia. PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) is currently looking for talented and motivated candidates to fill the following positions:


•    Male and Female, with max age 27 years old on 1 April 2013
•    Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Mathematics / Statistics, Accounting, Management, Industrial Engineering and Insurance Management with GPA min 2.75
•    Computer literate, min MS Office Word, Excel, Power Point
•    Fluent in English
•    Willing to be placed in all areas of the company

Recruitment Location:
1.    Bandung
2.    Semarang
3.    Surabaya
4.    Palembang
5.    Medan
6.    Makasar
7.    Ambon
8.    Jayapura
9.    Samarinda
10.    Banjarmasin
11.    Denpasar
12.    Manado
13.    Pekanbaru
14.    Padang
15.    Malang
16.    Yogyakarta
17.    Jakarta

If you are interested, please send your complete application (please write recruitment location selected) with your latest photograph to:

Divisi SDM
PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)

Jl Ir. H. Juanda No. 34 Jakarta Pusat 10120.
Application received no later than 20 January 2013.
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via phone for Test and Interview.

Lowongan Kerja di Bank Muamalat Indonesia seleksi kota Bogor dan Bandung Maret 2013

With the development of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk business., As one of the best Islamic bank in Indonesia, we are looking for the best candidates will get the education and training over a period of time to fill strategic positions that will be placed at their branch offices. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. are located throughout Indonesia.

Muamalat Officer Development Program (MODP)
  • Education min.S1 with minimum GPA 2.75 from reputable university • Age max 27 years old at time of application • Willing to not married during the education • Have a good knowledge of the basic principles of Islam and Islamic Banking • Good leadership and good analytical skills • Have confidence and be able to communicate well • Ability to communicate actively in English both written and verbal • Do not have a family relationship with the employees and Directors of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk. • Willing to follow the educational program within the time and place specified • Willing to be placed in the branches of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. that exist in Indonesia. • Preferred men.

Those candidates are suitably qualified, it can send a full CV and a passport photo no later than March 8, 2013 via email to: recruitment@muamalatbank.com
The selection process will be conducted in 2 different locations, namely Bandung and Bogor.
Enter the code MODP 34-37 Bandung / Bogor (according to your choice of location selection) on the subject of e-mail.

Lowongan Kerja di Erha Clinic Jakarta Maret 2013

Male / Female, age max. 35 years Education min.S1 from all majors Having experience min. 3 years as a manager in the areas of Hospitals, Clinics, Pharmacies, Retail, Healthcare and F & B Industry
Male / Female, age max. 30 years Education min. Pharmacist profession, Nursing S1, S1 all majors Preferred experience min. 1 year in network Clinic / Hospital / Pharmacy
Male / Female, age max. 30 years Education min. D3, S1, preferably majoring in Communication Having an attractive appearance

Male / Female, age max. 26 years Education min. SMF / D3 / S1 Pharmaceuticals Preferably have a driver's license Pharmacist Assistant
Female, age max. 26 years Education min. Nursing D3, which is preferably air-STR
Female, age max. 26 years Education min. Beauty vocational school or high school graduate As with 1 year experience beautician / facial therapist
Male age max 30 years Education min D3 majoring in Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering Preferably have experience min. 2 years as maintenance or technician
Male, age max. 26 years Min.D3 Education majoring Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering Preferably have experience Min.1 th as maintenance or technician
Frontliner (FL)
Men and women age 26 years max Education min D1 Preferred experience Thorough, honest and attractive
Male / Female, age maks.25 years Education min. Diploma in any discipline Preferred experience as SPG / Sales assistant Look attractive
Male / Female, age max 27 years Min D1 / D3 all majors Working with fast, thorough, neat and honest.
IT Officer (IT)
- Male / Female age max 30 years old - Education min D3, S1 Engineering Information Systems / Information - Min 1 year experience in the field of web programming (ASP, PHP, MS SQL, SQL Server, HTML)
General Provisions
Willing to work shift Service-oriented Willing to be placed in Jakarta
Complete application letter and CV please send to the following address:
PT Erha Clinic Indonesia (HR Recruitment)
Gd. Wisma Nusantara Lt 15 -17
Jl. MH Thamrin no. 59 Jakarta Pusat
Tel: 021-39835858 and 08111771290
Email: Fidia.Novenz @ aryagroup.co.id

Pengumuman Penerimaan Brigadir Polisi POLRI Tahun 2013 lulusan SMA

Indonesian Police

Giving Opportunities:
Youth-Young women graduates citizen SMA / MA or equivalent Department IPA / IPS or SMK (Except Catering and Beauty) to follow the educational establishment Police Brigadier TA 2013
Registration Date:
02 s / d March 29, 2013
Open Education: May 27, 2013

Old school: 7 (seven) months

Outpout: Karma Police Brigadier Two (Bripda) with an income of Rp. 3.1159 million plus other benefits.

- Final Score (Ganungan UN values ​​and school): at least 6.5
- Domicile at least 1 year in the Police Registration
- Never married
- Age at the time of open education:
* Minimum 17 years 5 months
* Maximum 21 years
- Height minimum
* Men's 163 cm
* Women 160cm

Lowongan Kerja El Nusa

Lowongan Kerja PT Elnusa Tbk, didirikan pada tanggal 25 Januari 1969 dengan nama PT Electronika Nusantara. Pada tanggal 9 September 1969 adanya perubahan nama menjadi PT Elnusa. PT Elnusa Tbk secara resmi terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bursa Efek Indonesia) pada tanggal 6 Februari 2008.

PT Elnusa Tbk kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 untuk kandidat-kandidat yang memenuhi syarat dan kualifikasi dibawah ini dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Wireline Loging Engineer
• Oversees the daily operations of a wireline truck, manages the operators, and provides staff leadership. The Field Engineer promotes and maintains good customer relations.
• Responsible for all wireline operations both in the shop and in the field. And also responsible for the safe operation, maintenance, and record keeping for the wireline trucks, tools, and equipment. Another specific

• Assembles and performs perforating gun services in various field locations.
• Drives company pickups and pickups pulling trailers.
• Runs logging services such as Cement Bond logs, Gamma Ray Logs, Noise/Temperature Logs, and correlation logs.
• Ensures the operation of perforating and setting services offered by the company is done safely, efficiently and according to established standards and guidelines.
• Ensures that all safety practices are implemented before, during and after the well service operation.
• Provides technical assistance to other field operation personnel on location to assure work is carried out according to set schedules and procedures.
• Completes all job related paperwork and logs.
• Performs troubleshooting of tool, equipment, and truck problems.
• Maintains company vehicles, tools, and equipment.
• Supervises Operators in the field and in the shop.
• Performs other related duties as assigned.

• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Mechatronic/Electromechanical), Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas), Geology/Geophysics or equivalent.
• At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas or equivalent.

General Requirements:
• Willing to travel to remote sites, strong analytical skill, able to lead 20 - 30 person, computer literacy is a must, fluent in English both oral and written. Detail oriented, energetic, good looking personality and attitude. Have an excellent health, high motivation and ready to work hard.
• 7 Full-Time position(s) available.

If you meet the above requirements, please apply by send email and other related certificate (Subject : "WLE") to:

Lowongan Terbaru 2013 Elnusa Maret

PT Elnusa Tbk Email : muhammad.satria@elnusa.co.id
Expired : 25 March 2013
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process.

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Lowongan Kerja PT.KMI Wire And Cable

Lowongan-kota-PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk is one of the leading cable manufactures in Indonesia, seeking highly competent professionals to support our business growth. We would like to invite qualified personnel to be part of the dynamic team as:

Legal Specialist
Assist Manager in necessary permits, review draft commercial contract and other legal documents
General Requirement :

  • Bachelor degree in Low from Reputable University
  • Maximum 33 years old
  • Female / Male
Technical Skill:
  • Minimum 3 years working experience (especially in manufacturing) and able to handle :Internal and external legal drafting, Mediation, Litigation, Internal and external document processing company
  • Active English (both written and oral)
Soft Skills:
  • Fast Learner and good analytical thinking
  • Be able to work under pressure and multi tasking condition
Send your Application to:
Jl. Raya Bekasi km 23,1 Cakung Jakarta Timur 13910
Email to: rekrutmen@kmi.co.id

Lowongan Kerja Di PT.Avrist Assurance

Lowongan-kota-PT Avrist Assurance (Avrist) is the FIRST joint-venture life insurance company in Indonesia, with a proud 35 years track record in providing life insurance, accident and health, credit life and pensions to both individuals and group clients, including sharia insurance/takaful through multi-channel distribution. We are currently seeking:

Accounting Staff

  • Bachelor degree in Accounting Major
  • Strong knowledge and update in Indonesian Accounting Standard (PSAK/IFRS)
  • Male/Female
  • Strong computer skills in Microsoft office and Accounting Program
  • Have excellent English both oral and written and good communication skill
  • Having strong analytical skill
  • Well organized, honest and highly discipline
  • Able to work both in a team and independently
  • Highly motivated, able to work hard, posses initiative
Send your application letter included CV to:
PT Avrist Assurance (Avrist)

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan - Recruitment For Facilitator PNPM (D3, S1 Fresh Graduated, Experienced) Macrh 2014

lowongan kerja PNPM 2014
lowongan-kota.blogspot.com - The spirit of co evening all, here we want to return job information coming from one of the companies specializing in finance and is a community empowerment program, established by the Government of Indonesia with main tasks to alleviate the poverty in Indonesia, that is Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perdesaan or PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan.This company profile you can see this as follows.PNPM Mandiri was first established in 2007 and officially launched at Palu Central Sulawesi by the President of Republic of Indonesia. The Program is recognized as the largest poverty reduction programs in the world based on community empowerment. At opresent, PNPM Rural was implemented in approximately 60,000 villages nationwide. PNPM Mpd is fully adopt the mechanisms and procedures of Districs Development Program (Indonesian : Program Pengembangan Kecamatan/PPK) which has been implemented since 1998.
To support the performance of the company and improve service to small communities in financing civil, Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perdesaan  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

Fasilitator Pengguliran dan Pengembangan Usaha (F-PPU)

  • D3/S1 from all majors (preferably from Economic Education)
  • Have relevant experience at least 6 years (S1) or 8 years (D3)
  • Experienced in financial management and management of savings and loan
  • Preferable experienced in rural economic empowerment, experienced in the strengthening and network development of micro-lending institutions
  • Max age 50 years old
Fasilitator Kecamatan Pemberdayaan (FKP)

  • Min S1 from all majors
  • Have relevant experience (community empowerment) at least 3 years (S1) or 5 years (D3)
  • Have a good knowledge of local culture and customs, preferably fluent in local language at placement area
  • Computer literate, min MS Office
  • Willing to reside in the location task
  • Max age 45 years old
Fasilitator Kecamatan Teknik (FKT)

  • Min S1 majoring in Civil Engineering (Fresh graduate), preferably S1 Civil Engineering with relevant work experience (infrastructure projects) at least 3 years or D3 majoring in Civil Engineering with relevant work experience (infrastructure projects) at least 5 years 
  • Have a good knowledge of local culture and customs, preferably fluent in local language at placement area
  • Preferably have organizational experience and have been active in community empowerment activity, social workers, or other community assistance activities
  • Computer literate, min MS Office
  • Willing to reside in the location task
  • Max age 45 years old 
For those of you who are interested in the position for a job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above, please submit your application letter with CV, legalized copy of diploma and transcript, copy of ID Card, photograph 3x4 (2 pieces) to PO BOX 163 BJM or via email to rekrutment_fasilitator_kalsel@yahoo.co.id.For official rules and registration procedures you can see through the official information.info
Please indicate the position code on the left side of the envelope or your email subject. Closing date 15 March 2014. Your application will be kept as strictly confidential. Please ensure your contact telephone number included in your CV. 

Bank Muamalat - Recruitment For Technology Relation Officer Develpoment Program (S1,S2) March 2014

lowongan kerja bank muamalat 2014
lowongan-kota.blogspot.com - We continue to return job information coming from one of the Islamic banks in Indonesia and is the Indonesia's second-biggest sharia lender in terms of assets, that is PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk or Bank Muamalat.Profile for Islamic banks you can see this as follows.Bank Muamalat recorded total assets of Rp 50.74 trillion for the end of September 2013.During 2012, Bank Muamalat accepted numerous international awards to appreciate its performance, among others The Best Islamic Financial Instritution in Indonesia 2012 from Global Finance Award New York, as well as The Best Islamic Finance Bank in Indonesia 2012 from Alpha Southeast Asia Hong Kong.
To support the performance targets by 2014 and increase the number of customers,PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

Technology Relation Officer Develpoment Program (TRODP)


  • Minimum education Bachelor's Degree (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.75. Preferably from Computer Science, Informatics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Statistical Science, etc.
  • Maximum age 27 years old at time of application
  • Not Married and willing to not married during the education
  • Have a good knowledge of the basic principles of Islam and Islamic Banking
  • Have a good leadership and analytical skills
  • Have a good confidence and communication skills
  • Able to communicate in English active both written and spoken
  • Not having a family relationship with the employees and Directors of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk.
  • Willing to follow the educational program within the time and place specified
  • Willing to be placed in the branches of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk nationwide
  • Preferably Male
For those of you who are interested in the position for a job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above,please submit full detailed resume and recent photograph, with the position code (TRODP) as email subject, to hc.jateng@muamalatbank.com (Central Java & DIY) or hc.jatim@muamalatbank.com (East Java).For information on procedures and formal registration procedure you can see through the official information.1-2
Closing date 20 March 2014.All applicants must write a valid telephone number / mobile phone which can be contacted. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. 

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Lowongan Kerja Pontianak Maret 2014 MANAGER HRD Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Pontianak Maret 2014 MANAGER HRD Terbaru - karir kerja adalah suatu hal yang penting bagi setiap orang karena dengan bekerja anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari penghasilan bekerja, anda bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Untuk posting blog loker ini kami berikan kepada anda yang berada di Pontianak atau ingin bekerja di kota tersebut. Karena ada perusahaan diPontianak sedang mencari tenaga kerja.

Salah satunya adalah Perusahaan & PLANET SELANCAR MANDIRI, PT Pontianak, yang sedang mencari orang untuk menempati posisi kerja sebagai MANAGER HRD , untuk itu jika anda merasa bisa untuk menempati posisi tersebut yang bertumpu pada tingkat pendidikan terakhir yang anda tempuh anda bisa coba melamar pekerjaan tersebut dari membaca info lengkap yang kami berikan dibawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja MANAGER HRD Maret 2014 



Kami perusahaan yang berkembang pesat, yang mengkhususkan pada pakaian remaja dan pakaian selancar Brand Internasional. Kami mencari kandidat profesional untuk bergabung dengan Tim kami sebagai:


  • Pria/wanita, maksimal 40 tahun
  • Jurusan Psikologi / Managemen / Hukum / Human Resources, Pasca Sarjana sebagai nilai lebih
  • Min. 3 tahun pengalaman menangani permasalahan ketenaga kerjaan seperti rekruitmen , hukum perburuhan, payroll, Program Pengembangan Manusia dan diutamakan pernah bekerja di perusahaan properti
  • Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan, percaya diri dan dapat memotivasi diri sendiri
  • Dapat bekerja secepatnya
  • Penempatan di Pontianak

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap disertai pas foto terakhir dan gaji yang diinginkan. Cantumkan kode Posisi yang dilamar pada subjek lamaran ke alamat email:


Semoga setelah anda membaca info Loker di Pontianak Maret 2014 sebagai MANAGER HRD anda langsung memperisapkan surat lamaran kerja untuk segera melamar pekerjaan tersebut sebelum peluang lowongan kerja tersebut ditutup pada bulan ini.

Lowongan Kerja Tasikmalaya Maret 2014 SALES SUPERVISOR Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Tasikmalaya Maret 2014 SALES SUPERVISOR Terbaru - karir kerja adalah suatu hal yang penting bagi setiap orang karena dengan bekerja anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari penghasilan bekerja, anda bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Untuk posting blog loker ini kami berikan kepada anda yang berada di Tasikmalaya atau ingin bekerja di kota tersebut. Karena ada perusahaan diTasikmalaya sedang mencari tenaga kerja.

Salah satunya adalah Perusahaan & TIRTAKENCANA TATAWARNA, PT Tasikmalaya, yang sedang mencari orang untuk menempati posisi kerja sebagai SALES SUPERVISOR , untuk itu jika anda merasa bisa untuk menempati posisi tersebut yang bertumpu pada tingkat pendidikan terakhir yang anda tempuh anda bisa coba melamar pekerjaan tersebut dari membaca info lengkap yang kami berikan dibawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja SALES SUPERVISOR Maret 2014 



PT TIRTAKENCANA TATAWARNA merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi dan logistic cat dan furniture. Visi kami adalah menjadi pendistribusi dan logistic cat dan furniture terdepan di Indonesia. Saat ini PT TIRTAKENCANA TATAWARNA memiliki lebih dari 56 cabang diseluruh Indonesia, untuk memastikan layanan yang handal ke seluruh pelanggannya. Dalam rangka mendukung pengembangan perusahaan , kami mengundang anda yang berjiwa muda dan energik untuk menjadi bagian team kami , sebagai :


  •     Pria / Wanita maksimal 35 tahun
  •     Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun, fresh graduate
  •     Pendidikan Min D3 / S1
  •     Bertanggung jawab , jujur dan teliti
  •     Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan , deadline
  •     Insentif menarik berupa Mobil dinas
  •     Diutamakan domisili di Tasikmalaya dan sekitarnya

Submit your application letter, comprehensive resume and supporting documents to :

Semoga setelah anda membaca info Loker di Tasikmalaya Maret 2014 sebagai SALES SUPERVISOR anda langsung memperisapkan surat lamaran kerja untuk segera melamar pekerjaan tersebut sebelum peluang lowongan kerja tersebut ditutup pada bulan ini.

Lowongan Kerja Banjarmasin Maret 2014 SALES REPRESENTATIF Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Banjarmasin Maret 2014 SALES REPRESENTATIF Terbaru - karir kerja adalah suatu hal yang penting bagi setiap orang karena dengan bekerja anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari penghasilan bekerja, anda bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Untuk posting blog loker ini kami berikan kepada anda yang berada di Banjarmasin atau ingin bekerja di kota tersebut. Karena ada perusahaan diBanjarmasin sedang mencari tenaga kerja.

Salah satunya adalah Perusahaan & WUERTH INDAH, PT Banjarmasin, yang sedang mencari orang untuk menempati posisi kerja sebagai SALES REPRESENTATIF , untuk itu jika anda merasa bisa untuk menempati posisi tersebut yang bertumpu pada tingkat pendidikan terakhir yang anda tempuh anda bisa coba melamar pekerjaan tersebut dari membaca info lengkap yang kami berikan dibawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja SALES REPRESENTATIF Maret 2014 

WUERTH INDAH, PT Banjarmasin

Perusahaan Multinasional terkemuka yang bergerak di bidang product perawatan otomotif, sejalan dengan perkembangan bisnis, membutuhkan individu – individu yang professional dan berkualitas untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :


Kualifikasi :
  •     Pria, maks. 40 thn
  •     Pengalaman kerja min. 1 thn
  •     Memiliki kendaraan bermotor (lebih diutamakan)
  •     Memiliki relasi yang luas, & berorientasi dengan target
  •     Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
  •     Penempatan di BANJARMASIN (BJM)
Kompensasi yang diberikan :
  •     Gaji Pokok
  •     Tunjangan ( makan, sewa motor, asuransi, jamsostek, THR )
  •     Jenjang karir
  •     Insentif yang menarik.

Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas, segera kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap disertai pas photo terbaru, (untuk posisi Sales) mohon mencantumkan kode area yang diminati, yang ditujukan ke :


Semoga setelah anda membaca info Loker di Banjarmasin Maret 2014 sebagai SALES REPRESENTATIF anda langsung memperisapkan surat lamaran kerja untuk segera melamar pekerjaan tersebut sebelum peluang lowongan kerja tersebut ditutup pada bulan ini.

Lowongan Kerja Samarinda Maret 2014 AREA SALES MANAGER Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Samarinda Maret 2014 AREA SALES MANAGER Terbaru - karir kerja adalah suatu hal yang penting bagi setiap orang karena dengan bekerja anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari penghasilan bekerja, anda bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Untuk posting blog loker ini kami berikan kepada anda yang berada di Samarinda atau ingin bekerja di kota tersebut. Karena ada perusahaan diSamarinda sedang mencari tenaga kerja.

Salah satunya adalah Perusahaan & MOTASA INDONESIA, PT Samarinda, yang sedang mencari orang untuk menempati posisi kerja sebagai AREA SALES MANAGER , untuk itu jika anda merasa bisa untuk menempati posisi tersebut yang bertumpu pada tingkat pendidikan terakhir yang anda tempuh anda bisa coba melamar pekerjaan tersebut dari membaca info lengkap yang kami berikan dibawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja AREA SALES MANAGER Maret 2014 


Perusahaan Distribusi yang sedang berkembang membuka kesempatan kepada tenaga-tenaga muda profesional dan energik untuk bergabung pada posisi sebagai berikut:


Area Samarinda

  •     Pria, Usia maks. 37 tahun.
  •     Pendidikan minimal S1.
  •     Pengalaman min. 3 tahun pada posisi yang sama.
  •     Tegas, jujur dan bertanggungjawab.
  •     Memiliki leadership yang kuat.
  •     Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point).
  •     Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas.
  •     Penempatan di Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur.

Hanya Kandidat yang terpilih akan dihubungi.
Lamaran dan CV Lengkap (cantumkan kode posisi di kanan atas amplop) dikirim via pos ke:

HRD PT Motasa Indonesia
Komp. Gateway Blok F No. 8, Jl. S. Parman - Waru
Sidoarjo 61256, Jawa Timur
Atau via email ke:

Semoga setelah anda membaca info Loker di Samarinda Maret 2014 sebagai AREA SALES MANAGER anda langsung memperisapkan surat lamaran kerja untuk segera melamar pekerjaan tersebut sebelum peluang lowongan kerja tersebut ditutup pada bulan ini.