Senin, 23 September 2013

Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) - September 2013

Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS)
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)
Tahun 2013
Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) - September 2013 - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia – LIPI membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan Perguruan Tinggi dalam dan luar negeri dari berbagai bidang ilmu, untuk bergabung menjadi :
  1. Peneliti : 190 orang
  2. Penunjang Peneliti : 60 orang
dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut
Persyaratan Umum
Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) - September 2013
  1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia.
  2. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
  3. Memiliki integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
  4. Tidak Berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri / Pegawai Negeri di instansi lain.
  5. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik.
  6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri atau pegawai swasta.
  7. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap.
  8. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan pemerintah.
  9. Berkelakuan baik.
  10. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Persyaratan khusus
  1. Mempunyai kompetensi yang diperlukan.
  2. Usia minimal 18 tahun. Usia setinggi-tingginya 30 tahun bagi pelamar berpendidikan S1; dan 35 tahun bagi pelamar berpendidikan S2, dan 40 tahun bagi pelamar S3. Batasan usia dihitung berdasarkan rencana penetapan TMT CPNS sesuai ketentuan Kementerian PAN dan RB yaitu tanggal 1 Desember 2013.
  3. Umur ijasah terakhir setinggi-tingginya 6 tahun.
  4. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,75 dengan skala 4,00.
Dokumen-dokumen yang dipersyaratkan :
Pada saat registrasi online :
  1. Pasfoto.
  2. Fotokopi ijasah pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
  3. Untuk proses penerimaan CPNS, dipersyaratkan Ijasah Pendidikan terakhir, sedangkan Surat Tanda Kelulusan TIDAK BERLAKU. Untuk pelamar lulusan dari luar-negeri, diwajibkan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Penyetaraan Ijasah dari Dikti – Kemdikbud, atau Surat Keterangan telah mengajukan permohonan Penyetaraan Ijasah.
  4. Fotokopi transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
  5. Berkas pasfoto dalam format JPEG dengan ukuran kurang dari 30 KB. Sedangkan berkas fotokopi ijasah dan transkrip dipindai menjadi satu berkas dijital dalam format PDF dengan ukuran kurang dari 500 KB.
Pada saat verifikasi fisik sebelum ujian tulis :
  1. Kartu Peserta Ujian yang dicetak langsung dari situs SIPC LIPI.
  2. Fotokopi ijasah pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
  3. Fotokopi transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
  4. KTP.
  5. Berkas harus ditunjukkan pada petugas verifikator di lokasi.
Pada saat ujian wawancara :
  1. Kartu Peserta Ujian yang dicetak langsung dari situs SIPC LIPI.
  2. Fotokopi ijasah pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
  3. Fotokopi transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
  4. KTP.
  5. Tugas akhir / tesis / disertasi.
Persiapan sebelum mengajukan lamaran
Proses awal registrasi lamaran melalui situs SIPC LIPI merupakan tahapan paling krusial. Proses ini dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh pelamar. Untuk mengurangi kesalahan, pelamar dihimbau untuk mempersiapkan seluruh data dan dokumen pendukung yang diperlukan. Dalam proses verifikasi, panitia tidak memiliki (dan tidak diberi) wewenang untuk melakukan perubahan pada isian Anda. Sehingga ketidaksesuaian antara isian dan berkas lamaran yang dikirimkan kemudian akan berakibat pada ketidaklulusan pada tahap I.
Untuk menghemat waktu akses, sebelum mengisi formulir lamaran ini pastikan bahwa Anda telah menyiapkan data-data dan dokumen pendukung minimal, yaitu :
  1. Nomor Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP).
  2. Tahun dan nomor ijasah pendidikan terakhir.
  3. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir.
  4. Berkas dijital pasfoto warna berukuran 200 x 150 piksel dalam format JPEG (dengan nama ekstensi JPG) dan maksimal berukuran sebesar 30 KB.
  5. Berkas dijital fotokopi ijasan dan transkrip dalam format PDF (dengan nama ekstensi PDF) dan maksimal berukuran 500 KB.
  6. Surat elektronik (Email) yang biasa dan selalu Anda akses secara berkala. Informasi khusus akan disampaikan melalui surat elektronik secara langsung.
  7. Judul dan abstrak tugas akhir / tesis / disertasi.
  8. Untuk pelamar lulusan dari luar-negeri, diwajibkan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Penyetaraan Ijasah dari Dikti – Depdiknas, atau Surat Keterangan telah mengajukan permohonan Penyetaraan Ijasah.
Ketentuan Lain
  1. Pelamar/peserta seleksi tidak dipungut biaya;
  2. Keputusan Tim Pengadaan CPNS LIPI Tahun Anggaran 2013 bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat;
  3. Seluruh informasi yang berkenaan dengan proses rekrutmen diumumkan dan hanya bisa diakses melalui website;
Pendaftaran Online
Silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui laman :
Catatan :

Oil Gas Career September RGE Indonesia

Oil and Gas Career company in supplying spare parts to the oil and construction industries, RGE Indonesia looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degreein engineering, mathematics or physical science subject
  • Has 10 year of working experience for this position with a strong operating company
  • Has been worked in SKK-Migas
  • Relevant hands on experience in reservoir modeling, field development planning, reserves reporting, constructing reservoir simulation models, designing well locations or drainage pattern, optimizing well production profiles, estimating production availability and designing and implementing well tests
  • Knowledge and understanding of secondary and tertiary oil recovery
  • Possess good analytical reservoir engineering skills, understanding of drive mechanism of reservoir, knowledge of reservoir simulation using industry standard modeling packages including Eclipse and PETEX suite
  • Written and oral communication, presentation and reporting skills are also essential to ensure effective deployment and utilization of the Exploration & Development Department deliverables
  • Excellent communication skills both oral and written, presentation and reporting skills are also essential to ensure effective deployment and utilization of the Exploration & Development Department deliverables
  • The ability to coach and mentor junior team members
  • Have a wide networking
  • Willing to work in Jakarta

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for all reservoir engineering activities which include material balance modeling & dynamic reservoir modeling, design drainage pattern, fluid characterization and PVT modeling, PVT analysis and special core analysis, production forecasting, reservoir management and production policy, volumetric & recovery efficiency calculations under the supervision of Operation GM. Ensure the Company’s operations are achieving business objectives and schedule completion, efficiency, quality, service, and cost-effective management of resources.

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:

RGE Indonesia
Thamrin, Central Jakarta
Oil Gas Career September RGE Indonesia closing date 23 Oktober 2013.

Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Cilacap Untuk Pelamar Umum september 2013

LOKER CPNS BUMN OKTOBER 2013 - Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Cilacap Untuk Pelamar Umum september 2013 Kabupaten Cilacap jika ditinjau secara geografis merupakan sebuah kabupaten terluas di Jawa Tengah dengan luas mencapai 2.142,59 km2 yang terdiri atas 24 Kecamatan, 15 Kelurahan. Cilacap berada di provinsi Jawa tengah (Jateng) dengan populasi penduduk mencapai 1.642.107 jiwa. Cilacap merupakan kabupaten yang begitu berkembang dan dikenal dengan adanya lembaga pemasyarakatan yang aktif hingga sekarang meliputi Nusa Kambangan LP Kembangkuning, LP Permisan,  LP Batu, dan LP Besi. Kabupaten yang dijabat seorang Bupati yakni Bapak Prathita Sedyapramana Putra, SE sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk calaon pegawai negeri sipil melalui Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Cilacap Untuk Pelamar Umum september 2013 dengan formasi berikut ini

Formasi CPNS Cilacap
  1. Guru SD Negeri
    1. Guru Kelas - S1 PGSD (22 Formasi)
    2. Guru Agama Islam - S1 Pendidikan Agama Islam (2 Formasi)
    3. Guru Penjaskes - S.1 Pendidikan Penjaskes (2 Formasi)
    4. Guru Tuna Netra - S.1 PLB (1 Formasi)
    5. Guru Tuna Rungu - S.1 PLB (1 Formasi)
  2. Guru SMP Negeri
    1. Guru BP/BK - S.1 Pendidikan BP/BK (2 Formasi)
    2. Guru Bhs. Inggris - S.1 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris (2 Formasi)
    3. Guru Penjaskes - S.1 Pendidikan Penjaskes (1 Formasi)
    4. Guru Seni Musik - S.1 Pendidikan Seni Musik (1 Formasi)
  3. Guru SMA Negeri
    1. Guru BP/BK - S.1 Pendidikan BP/BK (2 Formasi)
  4. Guru SMK Negeri
    1. Guru Bhs. Inggris - S.1 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris (1 Formasi)
    2. Guru BP/BK - S.1 Pendidikan BP/BK (1 Formasi)
    3. Guru Otomotif - S.1 Pendidikan Otomotif (1 Formasi)
    4. Guru Matematika - S.1 Pendidikan Matematika (1 Formasi)
Prosedur Pelamaran Bila kamu suka dengan salah satu formasi diatas silakan ikuti pada tahapan berikut ini

Persyaratan Berkas/Umum/Khusus (Baca pada sumber)
Pendaftaran di situs (20 s.d. 30 September 2013)

Untuk Info detail bisa anda lihat pada situs resminya yang ada pada sumber dibawah. Demikianlah loker terbaru dari Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Cilacap Untuk Pelamar Umum september 2013 moga saja nantinya bisa membantu dan kami berharap anda diterima menjadi abdi negara di berbagai daerah masing-masing. Atas kunjungannya diucapkan terimakasih. Gbu
HOT NEWS Dianjurkan untuk Belajar latihan Ribuan kisi-kisi soal CPNS dalam bentuk sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Test) dan LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer) yang akan dipakai dalam Ujian penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2013 ini Salah satunya Dengan Cara belajar memakai Software CPNS, PDF CPNS, Ebook CPNS yang ada disini :

CPNS Kabupaten Cilacap (sumber)

Rekrutmen D3 di Bank BNI (Persero) September 2013

LOKER BUMN CPNS OKTOBER 2013 - Rekrutmen D3 di Bank BNI (Persero) September 2013 Bank Negara Indonesia atau yang dikenal dengan Bank BNI merupakan bank yang berdiri sejak 5 Juli 1946 yang tergolong dalam badan usaha milik negara atau BUMN. BNI termasuk Bank yang memounyai sejarah cukup panjang di Reublik indonesia ini terbukti dengan pelayanan dan kualitas kinerjanya yang sangat nyaman. Saat ini BNI memiliki sebanyak 914 kancab bahkan sampai keluar negeri termasuk dinegara Malaysia, Jepang, dan Amerika Serikat, Singapura, Brunei, Filipina. Bank yang dipimpin oleh Gatot Mudiantoro Suwondo sebagai Direktur Utama ini mempunyai perbankan unit syariah. Saat ini BNI membuka penerimaan terbaru bagi kamu yang berkompeten dibidangnya melalui Rekrutmen D3 di Bank BNI (Persero) September 2013 dengan formasi berikut ini

Front Liner Area Sumatera Utara Dan NAD
  1. Calon kandidat Lulusan D3 dari PTN yang terakreditasi
  2. Calon kandidat dengan minimal IPK 2.5 (PTN) atau minimal 2.75 (PTS)
  3. Calon kandidat masih single
  4. Calon kandidat dengan umur per tanggal 01 Oktober 2013 maksimal 26 tahun
  5. Calon kandidat mempunyai penampilan Menarik, cakap, skill komunikasi
  6. Calon kandidat Mempunyai Tinggi Badan minimal 155 cm (perempuan) dan minimal 165 cm (laki2)
  7. Calon kandidat siap penempatan disemua cabang / outlet bank BNI di Sumetera Utara dan NAD.
Penutupan lowongan kerja 25 September 2013

Prosedur Pelamaran Bila kamu suka dengan loker ini, silakan daftarkan diri anda secara online melalui situs resminya yang ada pada link Apply dibawah. Demikianlah informasi terbaru dari Rekrutmen D3 di Bank BNI (Persero) September 2013 semoga anda diterima diperusahaan impian anda. Atas kunjungannya diucapkan terimakasih, Gbu

HOT NEWS Dianjurkan untuk Belajar latihan Ribuan kisi-kisi soal CPNS dalam bentuk sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Test) dan LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer) yang akan dipakai dalam Ujian penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2013 ini Salah satunya Dengan Cara belajar memakai Software CPNS, PDF CPNS, Ebook CPNS yang ada disini :

Bank BNI (Apply

Lowongan Migas di MEDCO ENERGI, exp. September 2011


PT Medco Sarana Kalibaru is a national company focuses on the distribution of consumable energy products. Due to our rapid growth we require young professional, innovative, talented and highly motivated person to join with us as;


- Minimum 3 years experience in fuels distribution / trading / logistic company.
- Have extensive sales network and customer database.
- Good knowledge on Export Import/Customs and Distribution.
- Able to travel around Indonesia.
- Minimum S1 holder from any discipline (SM), preferably from technical (SLS).
- Minimum 5 years experience in the similar position and have exposure managing major long term contracts (SM).
- Posses own car (SLS).

If you meet the qualifications above, send your recently photographs, application letter and CV s by email (in microsoft word or pdf format not more than 750 kb) to or HR Dept. PT Medco Downstream Indonesia, The Energy Building 27th floor, SCBD Lot 11 A, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52, Jakarta 12190

Not later than September 30th, 2011

Lowongan Kerja Migas di TRIPATRA,exp. Oktober 2011


Tripatra is a reputable Company in Energy sector and has been operating in Indonesia for more than 37 years. Tripatra has established a proven track record in providing safe reliable engineered solution to infrastructure needs in Energy sectors through:

• EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction)
• Engineering & Project Management
• Engineering Equipment Packaging
• O&M (Operation and Maintenance)

To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, Tripatra is now inviting experienced candidates who posses relevant education background, experience and competencies to join the company.


The Quality Assurance Manager shall be responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system such as:

• Develop and maintain company s QA manual.
• Set up projects QA/QC organization.
• Monitor all quality related activities in the project.
• Analyze the project report and recommend the improvement.
• Review quality inspection personnel qualifications and training requirements.
• Perform in-house and/or sub contractors/vendors quality audits on behalf of the company s management.

General Requirement

Graduate from q recognized university, with minimum 12 years experience in handling QA/QC of Oil & Gas projects.

Recruitment Department

Please write name and proposed position code at the subject of email.

Lowongan Kerja MIgas di Worley Parson, exp. Oktober 2011

PT WorleyParsons Indonesia

WorleyParsons Indonesia is a leading provider of professional services to the resources, energy, infrastructure and complex process sectors, 18 years operating in Indonesia and now has 26,000 spreading around 120 offices and 32 countries.

Sr. Instrumentation Engineer
Balikpapan & Jakarta office

• Perform engineering design duties associated with Front End Engineering and Detailed Design projects within the Oil & Gas sector.
• Duties will include equipment specification and selection in collaboration with designers and bid evaluation / vendor document review and approval.
• Design of Cause and Effect diagrams and Functional definition of required Process Control, Safety and Fire & Gas Systems.
• Co-ordination with Instrumentation Designers to produce required Project drawings, diagrams, hook-ups, schedules and lists.
• Quality Assurance – Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the Oil & Gas Business Unit Safety – Responsible for personal safety safe working practices for the Oil & Gas Business Unit.
• Understand and follow OH&S procedures.

• Engineering Degree in a relevant discipline.
• Anticipate at least +8 Years plus experience with instrumentation in the Oil & Gas environment, including a minimum of 2 years offshore experience.
• Experience with programmable electronic safety shutdown systems, Fire & Gas and Process Control Systems.
• Experienced in the specification, evaluation and documentation of electronic, pneumatic and hydraulic field instruments.
• Experience using Instrucalc and Integraph Intools in design environment.

Lead Civil/Structural Designer
Jakarta office

• Lead and manage the discipline team for the project and ensure that they deliver project requirements on time and within budget.
• Manage all aspects of the discipline scope for the project including technical integrity, safety in design, and sustainable design where applicable.
• Liaise with other design personnel including personnel from other disciplines to ensure overall project goals are met.
• Ensure that the project and any changes to the project comply with WorleyParsons systems, policies, processes, procedures and standards; applicable statutory and regulatory requirements; and the project scope of work.
• Ensure that the discipline team complies with the project change management process.
• Support the associated procurement, contracting, construction and construction strategies and processes to ensure that project requirements are delivered on time and within budget.
• Where required, prepare or assist in the preparation of project documentation such as budgets, estimates, forecasts, schedules, and reports.
• Lead and manage the team, motivate them and manage their performance.
• In conjunction with the Design Manager, Lead Designer for the discipline and/or Project Manager, identify and manage discipline resources and competency requirements of the team.
• Establish and maintain relationships with contractors, clients and other WorleyParsons personnel as required by the project.

• Minimum 10 (ten) years industry related experience. Five years in the oil and gas industry. Three years supervisory experience.
• Diploma/Degree certificate from a renowned University.
• Excellent technical & practical designing and drafting skills in the relevant discipline, and able to consistency deliver quality, accurate and timely work to WorleyParsons and its clients.
• Competent in the use of relevant software such as MS Office Suite and sound knowledge of design software.
• Excellent management skills including the ability to plan, set the goals and manage time, priorities, resouces, acountabilities, schedules and cost.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills, inculding the ability to convey information and ideas to individuals groups, and make presentations when required.

Proposal Engineer
Jakarta office

• Preparing tenders.
• Communicating tender s strategy & directing the efforts of the tender support team.
• Liaise with other departments to ensure tender deadlines are met.
• Preparing and assisting with tender pre-qualification submissions.
• Updating the Proposal Manager on regular basis about progress & areas of difficulties.
• Coordinating the full handover to the Project Manager afterwards.
• Monitoring & maintaining security of info & data.

• Bachelor s Degree in Engineering.
• Minimum years of experience.
• Complete understanding of Tender process and activities.
• Understand the PTK 007 for bidding in Indonesia.
• Good planning skills.
• Good organisational skills.
• Excellent English written & communication skill.
• Meticulous attention to detail.
• Good interpersonal skill with people at all levels.
• Good Ethical standards.
• Able to present information in clear and concise style.
• Good Computer skills, minimum Ms. Office.

Sr. Safety Engineer
Jakarta office

• To identify the safety engineering scope of work from basis of design.
• To be able to determine and estimate norms to conduct the scope of work.
• To be able to raise a suite of project deliverables including procedures, design basis and HES Plan & Schedules of activities.
• Network with other groups. Interface management with the client.
• Liaise with SRM department in KL.
• Address and co-ordinate safety in Design requirements.
• Conduct HAZID workshops.
• Concept Option Selection.
• Inherent Safety Review.
• Knowledge of HAZOP workshops, Fire & Explosion Analysis, Fire Protection related studies and Formal Safety assessments.
• Safety Critical Element & Performance Standards.
• Design Requirements for Safety Systems.
• Design Safety reviews/Studies, Layout, EERA, ESSA, F&G, Dropped Object, Hazardous Area.
• Active Fire Protection Design (or knowledge of).
• Passive Fire Protection Design (or knowledge of).
• CTR Management 7 progress reporting, Estimation of work scopes & CTR.
• To determine the Major Accident Hazard events and to apply a formalised approach of Hazard management and provide means of mitigation and reduction of such hazards.
• To take ownership of and provide direction to engineers through ability to prepare and author full suite of project safety deliverables.
• Manage a small team of professional and technical people.
• Quality Assurance- Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the Safety & Risk Department.
• Safety- Responsible for personal safety safe working practices for the Safety & Risk Department. Understand and follow OH&S procedures.

• Minimum 8 - 10 years industry related experience.
• Bachelor Degree in Chemical/Mechanical Engineering from a renowned University.
• HAZOP Chairman experience preferred.

Project Engineer
Balikpapan office

• To manage, direct and supervise all direct project functions, thus ensuring cost effective and efficient achievement of all works.
• Prioritisation of designated project in accordance with available resources.
• Liaise with WAO management to ensure the needs of the asset are met as required.
• Review and approval of project estimates to achieve given scope of work.
• Management of all works relating to the asset from registration to completion.
• Overall supervision of individual projects through the designated project engineering team.
• Motivate, manage and develop the projects engineering personnel resources assigned to his responsibility.
• Ensure the Project Team obtains the necessary resources to perform their project objectives.
• Direct line responsibility to the Engineering Manager during engineering design and procurement period of the projects and functional responsibility to the Engineering Manager during the offshore implementation of the projects.
• Direct responsibility to the Offshore Manager during the offshore implementation period of the contract.
• Reports projects progress and achievements, to the required level of detail to the Engineering Manager and Offshore Manager.
• Assist if necessary during the commissioning phase of the project.
• Quality Assurance – Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the BU, etc.
• Safety – Responsible for personal safety safe working practices for the BU, etc. Understand and follow OH&S procedures.

• Minimum 10 (ten) years industry related experience. Five years in the oil and gas industry. Three years supervisory experience.
• Bachelor Degree in Engineering from a renowned University.
• Offshore related oil & gas experience.

Safety Engineer
Jakarta office

• To identify the safety engineering scope of work from basis of design.
• To be able to determine and estimate norms to conduct the scope of work.
• To be able to raise a suite of project deliverables including procedures, design basis and HES Plan & Schedules of activities.
• Knowledge of HAZOP workshops, Fire & Explosion Analysis, Fire Protection related studies and Formal Safety assessments.
• Design Safety reviews/Studies, Layout, EERA, ESSA, F&G, Dropped Object, Hazardous Area.
• Active Fire Protection Design.
• Passive Fire Protection Design.
• CTR Management & progress reporting.
• Quality Assurance- Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the Safety & Risk Department.

• Minimum 4 - 7 years industry related experience.
• Bachelor Degree in Chemical/Mechanical Engineering from a renowned University.

Please send your recent CV to our Recruitment team.

Email address :

"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview"

Lowongan Kerja Migas, exp. Oktober 2011

We are multinational company engaged in Power Plant Operations in the ASEAN region. In line with our expansion plan, we are looking for dynamic and suitably qualified personnel to fill up the vacancies in our organization.

1. Shift Charge Engineers
2. Boiler Engineers
3. Turbine Engineers
4. Electrical Engineers
5. Control & Instrumentation Engineers
6. Coal Fuel & Ash Handling Engineers
7. Chemists / Senior Lab Technicians
8. Health Safety & Environment Officers
9. Senior Unit Operators, Foremen (Boiler, Turbine, Electrical, C&I)

Applicants for the above positions must be ready to accept overseas postings and process the following qualifications and experience:

1. Shift Charge Engineer

• Degree in electrical or mechanical engineering with Second Class Upper Honours and above from an accredited university or a recognised institution of higher learning;
• Registered as a Professional Engineer.

• Working experience in coal power plant with a minimum of 8 years in direct management, supervisory and hands-on in O&M functions;
• Good knowledge in and capable of, interpreting applicable international codes, standards regulations and practices in power plant operations
• The candidate must show versatility in adapting to a foreign business environment hence previous overseas postings is advantageous;
• Good in planning, organising and managing a group of engineers to maintain high availability and reliability of the power plant in compliance with national grid requirements and standards;
• Candidates are expected to be of age 35 years and above.

2. Boiler Engineer Qualifications
• Degree in mechanical engineering from an accredited university or a recognised institution of higher learning.

• Competent and possess hands-on experience with at least 5 years in high pressure boiler O&M and routine servicing and maintenance of the boilers and auxiliary equipment in a thermal power plant;
• Ability to troubleshoot and repair technical malfunctions in the high pressure boilers and the boiler auxiliaries and preparing scope of repairs and overhaul;
• Supervising the works and organizing necessary trainings for boiler foremen, technicians;
• Fully competent in application of boiler protective devices and their settings;

3. Turbine Engineer

• Degree in mechanical or industrial engineering from an accredited university or a recognised institution of higher learning.

• Competent and possess hands-on experience with a minimum 5 years experience in steam turbine O&M and routine servicing and maintenance of the steam turbine and auxiliary equipment in a thermal power plant;
• Capable inspection, trouble shooting and preparing scope of repairs and overhaul and supervision of the same;
• Supervising the works and organizing necessary training for steam turbine foremen and technicians;
• Fully, competent in application of steam turbine protective devices, hydraulic & servo systems and their settings.

4. Electrical Engineer

• Degree in electrical and electronic engineering from an accredited university or a recognised institution of higher learning.

• Competent and possess hands-on experience with a minimum 5 years’ experience in electrical O&M and routine servicing and maintenance of the electrical systems and auxiliary equipment in a thermal power plant;
• Experience in application and testing of relays, metering and control systems in a high voltage electrical substation;
• Good knowledge in and capable of maintaining ‘SCADA, DCS, DEH, PLC and other electrical control systems in power plant;
• Fully competent in design and application of electrical protective device logic and settings;
• Working knowledge of steam turbo-generators and boiler auxiliary equipment is required;
• Familiar with the computerised maintenance management system;

5. Control & Instrumentation Engineer

• Degree in electrical and electronic engineering from an accredited university or a recognised institution of higher learning.

• Competent and possess hands-on experience with a minimum 5 years experience in control & instrumentation routine servicing and maintenance of the boiler & turbine control systems and auxiliary equipment in a thermal power plant;
• Experience in application and testing of actuators, control valves, servo motors and other supervisory systems;
• Competent in troubleshooting control & instrument loops in the power plant;
• Working knowledge of steam turbo-generators and boiler auxiliary equipment is required;
• Familiar with the Information Management System.

6. Coal, Fuel & Ash Handling Engineer

• Tertiary education in related discipline from a recognised institution of higher learning.

• Competent and possess hands-on experience with a minimum of 5 years experience in coal, fuel and ash handlings in a coal power plant or similar industries;
• Familiar with operational performance improvement to include heat rate, cycle isolation of the boiler and overall plant performance;
• Thorough understanding of the operations of coal loading, unloading and maintenance of the jetty facilities, conveyor belting systems and coal storage management;
• Working knowledge of boiler cycle chemistry and power plant efficiency is require;
• Ability to make timely decisions on relevant systems during power plant emergencies;
• Ability to handle and possess good supervisory skills in heavy machineries such as excavator, crane, bulldozer, stackers, loaders, etc.;

7. Chemist / Senior Lab Technician

• Degree in chemistry or chemical engineering from an accredited, University or a recognised institution of higher learning.

• Able to manage and control the chemical processes and procedures to ensure safe and effective operation of the plant and facilities and to ensure full compliance with all relevant environmental and safety requirements;
• Ensure environmental issues are within stipulated procedures and regulations;
• Responsible for reliable, safe and efficient operations of the chemical processes;
• Measuring, analysing and implementing corrective actions to ensure that the plant is operated within requirements for coal, water, steam, fuels and oils parameters and advise the Operations staff for corrective actions;
• Whenever required, liaise with relevant authorities to ensure that all Laws and Regulations relating to effluent and waste disposal are complied with;
• Management of chemical laboratory and other related equipment, including sampling and analysis of coal, water, steam, fuels and lubricants;
• Supervise and provide training to the lab technicians;

8. Health Safety & Environment Officer

• Degree in Science from an accredited university or a recognised institution of higher learning.

• Preparing health and safety strategies and developing internal policy;
• Outlining safe operational procedures identifying and accounting for all relevant hazards;
• Conduct regular site inspections to ensure policies and procedures are being implemented;
• Lead in-house training with managers and employees in relation to health and safety issues and risks;
• Able to maintain, produce proper records on safety issues and provide solutions for improvements;
• Manage and organise safe disposal of hazardous substances, e.g. chemical waste;
• Ensure safe installation of equipment, permit to work policy is strictly followed;
• Provide advise on specialised areas, e.g. fire regulations, hazardous substances, noise, safeguarding machinery and occupational diseases;

9. Senior Unit Operators, Foremen (Boiler, Turbine, Electrical, C&I)

• Diploma or chargeman certificate in an applicable field from a recognised technical institute.

• Competent and has extensive hands-on experience of at least 10 years in the relative field of operations and/or maintenance work on main and auxiliary equipment in a sizeable thermal power plant;
• Able to lead and train a group of technicians under his charge;
• Able to prepare jobsheet for routine, planned and unplanned maintenance including the daily distribution of manpower and tools in related section.
• Able to make appropriate and timely decisions during plant emergencies and attend to defects for normalisation of the plant;
• Taking and cancelling of permit to work for the respective section under his charge;
• Prepare spare parts and consumable lists during all types of maintenance and overhauls
• Candidates are expected to be of age 40 years and above.

For positions (2) - (5)
a) Registered as a Professional Engineer will be advantageous;
b) Candidates are expected to be 30 years of age and above

Other Attributes for all positions:

Flexible personalities comfortable with a multi-tasking role and founded on honest, ambitious and hardworking character traits are requisites. Travelling within and outside the country, are inherent for the above positions. Candidates are expected to possess good communication skills, good in written and spoken English and computer literate.

Interested applicants who fit the work profiles described above are invited to send their comprehensive resumes stating their current and expected salaries, and enclosing a most recent passport size photograph. Your resume must emphasize and convince the panel of reviewers why you should be shortlisted for the vacancy which you are applying for, and only shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview.

All applications are to be received at the following email address:

Latest by 28th September 12, 2011

Rekrutmen CPNS Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM Untuk S1 September 2013

LOKER BUMN CPNS OKTOBER 2013 - Rekrutmen CPNS Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM Untuk S1 September 2013 Tahukah anda Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengahatau sering disingkat dengan nama Kemenegkop dan UKM yang mempunyai peran dalam menangani urusan koperasi dan usaha kecil dan menengah. Kementerian ini selalu berupaya dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat indonesia dengan usaha koperasi. Kementerian yang saat ini menjabat sebagai menterinya adalah Bapak Syarifuddin Hasan sejak ditanggal 22 Oktober 2009. Dengan adanya surat edaran dari pusat tentang penerimaan pegawai negeri sipil melalui Rekrutmen CPNS Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM Untuk S1 September 2013 dengan beberapa formasi berikut ini

Formasi CPNS Kemenegkop dan UKM
  1. Analis Sistem Pengawasan Koperasi
    1. S1 Akuntansi/Ekonomi -  (5 Orang)
    2. S1 Manajemen/Perkoperasian  (10 Orang)
    3. S1 Hukum (5 Orang)
    4. S1 Komputer/Sistem Informasi (5 Orang)
  2. Analis Manajemen Koperasi
    1. S1 Manajemen/Perkoperasian  (15 Orang)
    2. S1 Manajemen/Ekonomi  (5 Orang)
  3. Analis Hukum - S1 Hukum  (5 Orang)
Prosedur Pelamaran Bila kamu suka dengan salah satu Formasi diatas silakan ikuti tahapan seleksi berikut ini

Persyaratan Berkas, Umum, Khusus (Lihat pada sumber)
Pendaftaran mulai tanggal 23 - 27 September 2013

Untuk informasi lenih lanjut silakan ikuti pada link sumber dibawah. Demikianlah informasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari Rekrutmen CPNS Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM Untuk S1 September 2013 semoga sangat berguna untuk saudara yang ingin menjadi Pegawai negeri yang terbaik untuk mengabdi kepada negara. Terimkasih telah berkunjung diblog ini. Gbu

HOT NEWS Dianjurkan untuk Belajar latihan Ribuan kisi-kisi soal CPNS dalam bentuk sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Test) dan LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer) yang akan dipakai dalam Ujian penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2013 ini Salah satunya Dengan Cara belajar memakai Software CPNS, PDF CPNS, Ebook CPNS yang ada disini :

CPNS Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM  (sumber)

Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Untuk D4, Akta 4, S1 September 2013

LOKER CPNS BUMN OKTOBER 2013 - Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Untuk D4, Akta 4, S1 September 2013 Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara atau yang sering disingkat dengan nama Taput merupakan sebuah kabupaten yang berada di provinsi sumatera utara tepatnya di tapanuli bagian utara. Taput mempunyai ibukota bernama Tarutung dengan hari jadi 5 Oktober 1945 dengan luas 3.793,71 km2 terdiri atas 15 Kecamatan, 12 Kelurahan dengan populasi penduduk sekitar 279.257 jiwa, Saat ini taput dipimpin oleh seorang bupati yaitu bapak Torang Lumbantobing. Dalam kesempatan kali ini Taput menerima tenaga pegawai negeri sipil untuk kebutuhan kabupaten dengan formasi melalui Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Untuk D4, Akta 4, S1 September 2013 berikut ini

Formasi CPNS Taput
  1. Tenaga Guru SD
    1. Guru Kelas - S1 PGSD (2 Formasi)
  2. Tenaga Guru SMP
    1. Guru PPKN (2 Formasi)
    2. Guru Agama Kristen Protestan (2 Formasi)
    3. Guru Matematika (3 Formasi)
    4. Guru Bahasa Indonesia (2 Formasi)
    5. Guru Bahasa inggris (2 Formasi)
  3. Tenaga Guru SMA
    1. Guru penjaskes (1 Formasi)
    2. Guru Matematika (3 Formasi)
    3. Guru Bahasa Indonesia (4 Formasi)
    4. Guru Bahasa inggris (3 Formasi)
    5. Guru Biologi (1 Formasi)
    6. Guru ekonomi (4 Formasi)
    7. Guru Kimia (1 Formasi)
  4. Tenaga Guru SMK
    1. Guru Fisika (1 Formasi)
    2. Guru listrik (2 Formasi)
    3. Guru Teknologi pengolahan hasil pertanian (1 Formasi)
    4. Guru agama kristen protestan (1 Formasi)
    5. Guru Matematika (1 Formasi)
    6. Guru Bahasa inggris (1 Formasi)
    7. Guru administrasi perkantoran (1 Formasi)
    8. Guru teknik kendaraan ringan (1 Formasi)
    9. Guru teknik pemesinan (1 Formasi)
Prosedur Pelamaran Bagi kamu yang suka dengan salah satu fromasi diatas silakan ikuti tahapan yang diberikan berikut

Persyaratan Berkas, Umum, Khusus (Baca di sumber)
Pendafataran 23 sept - 4 Oktober 2013

Untuk info lebih lanjut silakan saudara lihat pada link sumber resmi dibawah ini. Untuk pengumuman ini silakan baca dulu secara pelan-pelan dan jangan lewatkan semua berkas serta kualifikasinya dan banyak berdoa, kami berharap anda diterima dan lulus dalam seleksi PNS ditahun ini. Atas kunjungannya diucapkan terimakasih. Gbu

HOT NEWS Dianjurkan untuk Belajar latihan Ribuan kisi-kisi soal CPNS dalam bentuk sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Test) dan LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer) yang akan dipakai dalam Ujian penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2013 ini Salah satunya Dengan Cara belajar memakai Software CPNS, PDF CPNS, Ebook CPNS yang ada disini :

CPNS Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara (sumber)

Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan - Oktober 2013

Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS)
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ditjen PAUDNI)
Tahun 2013
Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan - Oktober 2013Ditjen PAUDNI membuka kesempatan secara luas kepada masyarakat untuk diangkat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) di lingkungan Ditjen PAUDNI Formasi Tahun 2013 dengan rincian dan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

Persyaratan :
Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan - Oktober 2013
  • Warga Negara Republik Indonesia.
  • Usia paling rendah 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan paling tinggi 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun.
  • Usia pelamar ditentukan berdasarkan tanggal kelahiran yang tercantum pada Ijazah yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pelamaran.
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
  • Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan.
  • Tidak dalam kedudukan sebagai pengurus/anggota partai politik.
  • Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri maupun pegawai swasta.
  • Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon/PNS.
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan oleh Pemerintah.
  • Pendaftran secara online mulai tanggal 23 September s.d 07 Oktober 2013 melalui website
Ketentuan Lain :
  • Pendaftaran tanpa dipungut biaya apapun.
  • Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi maupun tidak memenuhi syarat administrasi, berkas lamaran tidak dapat diambil kembali dan menjadi hak milik Panitia.
  • Hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam petunjuk teknis akan diatur kemudian oleh panitia.
  • Keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  • Pengumuman selengkapnya, silakan unduh file : Klik Disini

Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Untuk D3, S1 September 2013

LOKER BUMN CPNS OKTOBER 2013 - Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Untuk D3, S1 September 2013 Kabupaten Mandailing Natal merupakan kabupaten dengan luas 6.620,70 km2 yang terdiri atas 23 Kecamatan,  386 Kelurahan yang ada di provinsi sumatera utara yang disebut Madina. Kabupaten ini mempunyai ibukota bernama Panyabungan dengan populasi mencapai 403.894 jiwa dan dipimpin oleh seorang bupati yang bernama H. Hidayat Batubara. Kabupaten yang mempunyai perbatasan langsung dengan Sumatera Barat sedang membuka penerimaan calon pegawia negeri sipil melalui Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Untuk D3, S1 September 2013 dengan beberapa formasi berikut ini

Formasi CPNS Mandailing Natal
  1. Tenaga Guru
    1. Guru Kelas (54 formasi)
    2. Guru Kimia (2 formasi)
    3. Guru Bahasa inggris (3 formasi)
    4. Guru Teknik Mesin (1 formasi)
  2. Tenaga Kesehatan
    1. Bidan - D3 Kebidanan (16 formasi)
    2. Perawat 
      1. D3 Keperawatan  (15 formasi)
      2. S1 Keperawatan  (2 formasi)
    3. Ahli Gizi - D3 Gizi (2 formasi)
    4. Penyuluh kesehatan masyarakat - S1 Kesehatan masyarakat (1 formasi)
    5. Asisten Apoteker - D3 Farmasi (2 formasi)
    6. Analis Kesehatan - D3 Analis kesehatan (2 formasi)
Prosedur pelamaran Bila kamu tertarik dengan salah formasi diatas silakan ikuti tahapan berikut ini

Persyaratan Berkas, Umum, Khusus (baca di sumber)
Pendaftaran 23 sept - 4 Oktober 2013

Untuk info lowongan kerja dari Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Untuk D3, S1 September 2013 semoga sangat bermnafaat bagi kamu yang sedang menjadi pegawai negeri sipil melalui Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Untuk D3, S1 September 2013 atas kunjungan diucapakn terimakasih. Gbu

HOT NEWS Dianjurkan untuk Belajar latihan Ribuan kisi-kisi soal CPNS dalam bentuk sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Test) dan LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer) yang akan dipakai dalam Ujian penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2013 ini Salah satunya Dengan Cara belajar memakai Software CPNS, PDF CPNS, Ebook CPNS yang ada disini :

CPNS Mandailing Natal (sumber)

Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara Lulusan S1, D4, Akta 4 September 2013

LOKER BUMN CPNS OKTOBER 2013 - Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara Lulusan S1, D4, Akta 4 September 2013 Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara merupakan kabupaten dengan mempunyai luas 3.571 kmdengan terdiri atas 8 Kecamatan, 8 Kelurahan, 82 Desa dengan populasi penduduk mencapai 330.701 jiwa. Kabupaten yang termasuk kabupaten baru ini mempunyai hari jadi ditanggal 15 Januari 2009 dengan dipimpin oleh seorang bupati yaitu bapak H. Khairuddin Syah Sitorus, SE. Labuhanbatu Utara yang terletak di  Aek Kanopan ini membuka penerimaan Calon penerimaan pegawai negeri sipil terbaru melalui Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara Lulusan S1, D4, Akta 4 September 2013 dengan beberapa formasi berikut ini
Formasi CPNS Labuhanbatu Utara
  1. GURU KELAS - S-1 PGSD (35 Formasi)
  2. GURU ELEKTRO - S-1/D-IV Pend. Teknik Elektro / S-1/D-IV Teknik Elektro dan Akta IV/Sertifikat Profesi (2 Formasi)
  3. GURU AGAMA KRISTEN - S-1Pendidikan Agama Kristen  (2 Formasi)
  4. GURU ADMINISTRASI - S-1/D-IV Pend. Administrasi Pendidikan / S-1 / D-IV Administrasi Pendidikan dan Akta IV/Sertifikat Profesi  (1 Formasi)
Prosedur Pelamaran Bila kamu tertarik dengan formasi diatas silakan kamu ikuti tahapan berikut ini

Persyaratan Berkas Khusus, Umum, (Baca di sumber)
Pendaftaran dimulai pada tanggal 23 September 2013 - 04 Oktober 2013

Untuk informasi lebih detail anda bisa melihatnya di situs resminya dibawah ini. Demikianlah info dari Rekrutmen CPNS Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara Lulusan S1, D4, Akta 4 September 2013 semoga anda lulus dalam seleksi dan menjadi Pegawai negeri sipil yang berintegrasi dan berkompeten. Gbu

HOT NEWS Dianjurkan untuk Belajar latihan Ribuan kisi-kisi soal CPNS dalam bentuk sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Test) dan LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer) yang akan dipakai dalam Ujian penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2013 ini Salah satunya Dengan Cara belajar memakai Software CPNS, PDF CPNS, Ebook CPNS yang ada disini :

CPNS Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara  (sumber)