Kamis, 05 September 2013

Lowongan kerja mining jobs vacancy at PT Adavale Harner Resources

PT Adavale Harner Resources
Business Development Executive
Job Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
• Building up business partnership with various stakeholders
• Maintain good relationship & coordinate with relevant authorities & partners
• Analyze market and business conditions
• Prepare business materials & reports
• Follow up permit / approval process of the business
• Bachelor in business or engineering and MBA (or equivalent experiences and related education)
• Mininum 5-8 years of relevant experiences in energy & utilities, especially coal and power sector
• Solid knowledge in project cost and benefits analysis and familiar with regulation practices
• Solid networking within coal industry and concession owner
• Fluent in both written and spoken English
• Good presentation and computer skills
• Able to work independently
• Proactive, highly motivated and flexible for travelling to remote area
Please send your application and CV to:

Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial RI Tahun 2013 - September 2013

NOMOR : 01/PENG/SET.KY/09/2013
Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial RI Tahun 2013 - September 2013Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 207 Tahun 2013 membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita yang memiliki integritas dan komitmen tinggi untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia sebagai berikut :

Rincian Jabatan dan Jumlah Formasi

Nama Jabatan
Kualifikasi Pendidikan
Penyusun Bahan Rekrutmen HakimS1 Hukum
S1 Psikologi
Analis Peningkatan Kapasitas HakimS1 Hukum
S1 Filsafat
Analis Laporan Dugaan Pelanggaran Kode Etik dan/atau Pedoman Perilaku Hakim *)S1 Hukum
S1 Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyah
Pemeriksa Dugaan Pelanggaran Kode Etik dan/atau Pedoman Perilaku HakimS1 Hukum
Pemantau Perilaku HakimS1 Hukum
Investigator **) *)S1 Hukum
S1 Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyah
S1 Sistem Informasi
S1 Teknik Informatika
D3 Komputer
Analis Peraturan Perundang-UndanganS1 Hukum

Keterangan :
*) Nama jabatan yang dapat dilamar oleh Pelamar Disabilitas (cacat kaki).
**) 1 Formasi khusus untuk Putra/Putri Papua.
Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial RI Tahun 2013 - September 2013
  1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, setia dan taat kepada Pancasila, UUD 1945, dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI);
  2. Tidak mengalami ketergantungan terhadap narkotika/sejenisnya;
  3. Usia per tanggal 1 Desember 2013 minimal 18 tahun dan paling tinggi 35 tahun (lahir setelah tanggal 30 November 1978);
  4. Berkelakuan baik yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
  5. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap;
  6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai BUMN/BUMD/swasta;
  7. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) maupun Calon/Anggota TNI/POLRI;
  8. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik;
  9. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah negara Republik Indonesia;
  10. Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan (jenjang dan jurusan) yang sesuai dengan formasi yang dibutuhkan;
  11. Sehat jasmani dan rohani dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter Pemerintah.
  1. Persyaratan Akademis untuk Pendidikan S1 dan D3 : Lulusan Program Studi yang terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional dengan kategori minimal B pada saat tanggal kelulusan, dan Nilai Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol) dalam skala 4 (empat);
  2. Menguasai bahasa inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan) diutamakan yang memiliki sertifikat Institutional Testing Program (ITP) TOEFL minimal dengan Skor 450 atau IELTS minimal dengan Skor 5;
  3. Bila diterima, bersedia menandatangani Surat Pernyataan untuk tidak keluar dari Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial minimal selama 5 (lima) tahun;
  4. Bagi mereka yang telah dinyatakan lulus hingga tahapan terakhir seleksi dan telah diusulkan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, tetapi mengundurkan diri dikenakan sanksi dengan diwajibkan mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan Panitia sebesar Rp 50.000.000,- (Lima Puluh Juta Rupiah) untuk disetorkan kepada Kas Negara;
  5. Bagi peserta yang telah memiliki ijazah setingkat lebih tinggi sebelum diangkat sebagai CPNS Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia, ijazah tersebut tidak dapat digunakan untuk penyesuaian kenaikan pangkat setelah diterima sebagai PNS di Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia;
  6. Bagi Peserta yang mendaftar formasi khusus untuk putra/putri Papua, minimal salah satu orangtua kandung adalah penduduk asli Papua.
  1. Pengumuman, tempat, dan waktu pelaksanaan tes untuk formasi khusus putra-putri Papua akan ditentukan kemudian;
  2. Pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun selama proses penerimaan CPNS;
  3. Informasi resmi yang terkait dengan Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia Tahun 2013 hanya dapat dilihat dalam situs http://cpns.komisiyudisial.go.id dan/atau https://komisiyudisial.go.id. Para Pelamar disarankan untuk terus memantau situs dimaksud;
  4. Kelulusan pada setiap tahapan tes ditentukan oleh kemampuan dan kompetensi Pelamar. Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum yang mengatasnamakan Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia atau Tim Pengadaan CPNS Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Tahun 2013;
  5. Berkas lamaran yang dikirimkan kepada Tim Pengadaan CPNS Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Tahun 2013 sebelum pengumuman ini dianggap tidak berlaku;
  6. Pelamar yang memberikan keterangan/data yang tidak benar, akan dibatalkan keikutsertaannya pada tahapan ujian dan/atau diberhentikan sebagai CPNS/PNS Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial RI dan dapat dilaporkan sebagai tindak pidana ke pihak yang berwenang karena telah memberikan keterangan palsu;
  7. Keputusan Tim Pengadaan CPNS Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Tahun 2013 dalam hal kelulusan Pelamar pada setiap tahapan tes bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :

  1. Melakukan pendaftaran online melalui situs http://cpns.komisiyudisial.go.id mulai tanggal 09 September 2013 pukul 00.00 WIB sampai dengan tanggal 23 September 2013 pukul 23.59 WIB;
  2. Pelamar yang telah mengisi formulir pendaftaran secara on-line dapat mengunduh dan mencetak bukti pendaftaran;
  3. Setiap Pelamar hanya diperkenankan mendaftar 1 (satu) jabatan;
  4. Disamping melakukan pendaftaran online, peserta wajib mengirimkan berkas lamaran kepada Tim Pengadaan CPNS Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial Tahun 2013 Jl. Kramat Raya No. 57 Jakarta Pusat 12450 melalui Pos mulai tanggal 09 September 2013 (CAP POS) sampai dengan tanggal 23 September 2013 (CAP POS), serta sudah harus diterima Panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 26 September 2013, dengan melampirkan :
    1. Surat lamaran (ditulis tangan) menggunakan tinta hitam dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar sesuai dengan format seperti pada situs https://cpns.komisiyudisial.go.id;
    2. Fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai akademik yang telah dilegalisir (cap basah dan tanda tangan asli) oleh pejabat berwenang:
      • Universitas oleh Rektor/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik;
      • Sekolah Tinggi oleh Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik;
      • Akademi dan Politeknik oleh Direktur/Pembantu Direktur Bidang Akademik.
    3. Print Out Bukti pendaftaran;
    4. Pas Foto warna terbaru ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 2 lembar (ditempel pada bukti pendaftaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup);
    5. Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang masih berlaku;
    6. Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang masih berlaku dan dilegalisir;
    7. Daftar Riwayat Hidup sesuai format pada situs https://cpns.komisiyudisial.go.id;
    8. Asli Surat Keterangan Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani dari Dokter Pemerintah;
    9. Fotokopi ketetapan akreditasi program studi dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT);
    10. Surat Pernyataan sesuai format pada situs https://cpns.komisiyudisial.go.id
  5. Seluruh berkas dimasukan kedalam Stop-map berwarna :
    1. Biru : Untuk S1
    2. Merah : Untuk D3
    3. Hijau : Untuk pelamar disabilitas
    4. Kuning : Untuk pelamar formasi khusus Papua
Sumber Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Sekretariat Jenderal Komisi Yudisial RI Tahun 2013 - September 2013

Rabu, 04 September 2013

Lowongan kerja mining jobs vacancy at PT Leighton Contractors Indonesia

PT Leighton Contractors Indonesia is a division of Leighton Asia and mainly specializes in contract mining, civil engineering and infrastructure, including site preparation, earthworks, roads, bridges, pipelines and tunnels. We provide a one-stop solution for all their mining requirements. Our experience in resource extraction, processing and infrastructure design and construction sees us well positioned to take advantage of the increasing opportunities in this market. The key component of our success and continued growth in Asia is the quality of the people that we employ.
Maintaining our position as one of Asias leading contractors and project developers depends on our ability to attract, retain and manage a diverse multi-cultural and highly qualified workforce. For us to achieve this objective, we seek to provide an environment within which our employees can enjoy working, gain new experience, learn new skills and develop their careers. We offer a wide range of career opportunities in a variety of locations. In order to succeed you will need to be mobile, have a flexible attitude and be prepared to travel. In return, we can offer a comprehensive and competitive package. Above all, we can offer a career within an environment where innovation and hard work are rewarded by recognition, advancement and personal career development.
Supervisor Maintenance Breakdown (INA-12-WHN-00022)
Location : Satui – South Kalimantan

Job Description :
The candidate is responsible for maintenance and repair activities including safety performance ; Monitoring and reporting all breakdown equipment and personnel activities ; Coordinating personnel and of parts in the field and workshop facilities ; Incumbent will have 7 weeks : 2 weeks roster (FIFO)
Requirements :
Must possess at least a Diploma in Engineering (mechanical/ automotive) or equivalent ; Minimium 5 years of working experience in heavy equipment mechanical industry and familiar with dump truck/ dozer/ grader/ excavator from Caterpillar, Komatsu, Hitachi, Liebherr ; Good skill in trouble shooting, maintenance and repair heavy equipment ; Good command in English ; Must be willing to work in Satui, Tanah Bumbu (South Kalimantan) ; Indonesian citzenship only
Maintenance Medium Truck Supervisor (INA-12-WHN-00016)
Location : Satui – South Kalimantan

Job Description :
Responsible to oversee a crew of maintenance personnel on maintenance activities with the objective of delivering safe, reliable equipment to the project and achieving minimal downtime, working in with the overall Mine Plan.
Requirements :
Should hold min. trade qualifications in mechanical discipline with 5 years experience in trade ; Should have 3 years experience in supervising a team of mechanics in repairing and maintaining heavy earth moving equipment, especially medium truck ; In-depth understanding of the overall budget and long term plans for the equipment at the project. ; Proficient in the use of diagnostic tools and MS Office
Sr. Dispatch Engineering (INA-12-WHN-00017)
Location : Satui – South Kalimantan

Job Description :
Reporting to Superintendent Dispatch, Sr. Dispatch Engineer will contribute the processes, policies, systems, and practice to effective reporting of mine operation process. Identify and analyse production requirements and the implications for the dispatch systems. Incumbent will have 5 weeks : 2 weeks roster
Requirements :
Degree in Mine Engineering or related discipline •Minimum 5 years of related work experience in dispatch environment and familiar with Leica Jigsaw System, Modular Mining, etc. •Strong communication skills •A working knowledge of computer applications, mine design, mine equipment capabilities, and production rates •Proficiency with Microsoft Office programs and Server Database applications •Indonesian Citizen Only
Tyre Superintendent (INA-12-WHN-00018)
Location : Satui – South Kalimantan

Requirements :
Mechanical Engineering or trade/apprencticeship with min 10 years experience in planning and maintenance ; Strong background of OTR Tyre engineering or OTR Tyre Maintenance with 2 shift tyre fitter crew ; good in english and basic computer.
Tyre Supervisor (INA-12-TOKA-00002)
Location : Menado – North Sulawesi

Job Description :
Supervises and coordinates crew engaged activities of Tyre Repair & Maintenance ; Mounting-Dismounting ; Assembling- Disassembling ; Field activity ; Implementation Tyre Management System and Safety Management System ; Incumbent will have 7 weeks : 2 weeks roster (FIFO)
Requirements :
Minimium 5 years experience in tyre planning and maintenance of Heavy Equipments ; Strong background of OTR Tyre engineering or OTR Tyre Maintenance with 2 shift tyre fitter crew ; Good in English and basic computer ; Indonesian citizenship only
Mine Planning Engineer 1 (INA-12-MRTB-00007)
Location : Batang Toru – South Tapanuli

Job Description :
To perform mine design, mine planning and control activities WITH THE OBJECTIVE OF ensuring the safe and economically sound development of mines with environmental awareness.
Requirements :
Diploma in engineering or related disciplines (1 - 3 years experience) ; Some previous experience working in open cut mining environment ; Site based mining experience, both operational and engineering roles ; Familiar with Mine Planning Software : Minescape, Surpac, XPAC
Dewatering Pump Supervisor (INA-12-MGM-00030)
Location : Kalimantan Tengah - Muara Tuhup

Job Description :
Reporting to the Mining Superintendent ; this position is responsible for all maintenance of bores, pumps and generators across the large dewatering network at Cloud break mine site
Requirements :
Min 3 years experience in the same role in mining industry ; Experience in leadership role ; Strong communication / interpersonal / facilitation skill ; Planning, organisational, coordination & Scheduling skills ; Time management & Prioritisation skills ; Knowledge of Mine Safety & Inspection and OHS Acts and Regulations ;Indonesian citizen only ;Roster 4W on : 2W off
Senior Mine Planning Engineer (INA-12-MSJ-00031)
Location : Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur) – Samarinda

Job Description :
Responsible to provide detailed and computer based analytical planning input into tenders and proposals.
Should hold diploma / degree in Mine Engineering or equivalent ; Have min 5 years in general planning roles on coal mining projects ( at least 3 years working experience on project site) ;Proficient in using Minescape ; Indonesian citizen only; Roster 5W on : 2W off
If you possess the skills that we require and are interested in joining us, click on the link below: http://www.leightonasia.com/en/our-people/Pages/current-openings.aspx
We only process applicant who apply through our website. Only short listed candidates will be notified for interviews

Lowongan kerja mining jobs vacancy at PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo)

PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo) is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world largest manufacturer of heavy equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets. Trakindo was established in 1970 and became the authorized dealer for Caterpillar in 1971 and now has more than 65 branches throughout the country from Sumatera to Papua.
Trakindo provides outstanding service to its customers in mining, construction, forestry, agricultural, energy, marine, and industrial sectors with a complete selections of Caterpillar engines, equipment, part, as well as new used Caterpillar parts and equipment.
We invite professionals to fill up some open positions across Indonesia for following posts:
1. Mechanics
2. Electricians
3. Technicians
4. Supervisors
5. Managers

General requirement:
- Minimum 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position.
- Good command of English, verbal and writing.
- Computer literacy.
- Good knowledge in large hydraulic shovels and drill equipment.
- Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia.

Specific requirements:
- Knowledge in mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems of heavy equipment, familiar with repair and maintenance procedures.
- Knowledge in occupational safety and health management systems.
- Experience with hydraulic shovels and blasthole drills.

Applicants interested to apply please send your updated CV to career@trakindo.co.id or wing.baskara@trakindo.co.id. Only suitable candidates will be notified.

Lowongan kerja mining jobs vacancy at PT Leighton Contractors Indonesia

PT Leighton Contractors Indonesia is a division of Leighton Asia and mainly specializes in contract mining, civil engineering and infrastructure, including site preparation, earthworks, roads, bridges, pipelines and tunnels. We provide a one-stop solution for all their mining requirements. Our experience in resource extraction, processing and infrastructure design and construction sees us well positioned to take advantage of the increasing opportunities in this market. The key component of our success and continued growth in Asia is the quality of the people that we employ.
Maintaining our position as one of Asias leading contractors and project developers depends on our ability to attract, retain and manage a diverse multi-cultural and highly qualified workforce. For us to achieve this objective, we seek to provide an environment within which our employees can enjoy working, gain new experience, learn new skills and develop their careers. We offer a wide range of career opportunities in a variety of locations. In order to succeed you will need to be mobile, have a flexible attitude and be prepared to travel. In return, we can offer a comprehensive and competitive package. Above all, we can offer a career within an environment where innovation and hard work are rewarded by recognition, advancement and personal career development.
Plant Accounts Manager (INA-12-HO-00023)
Location : Jakarta Office

Job Description :
To manage and update all data set within Plant Administration

Requirements :
Diploma/ Degree in Accounting from a recognized University ; Minimum 8-10 years experience in management accounting and in managerial level for 3-5 years ; Fluent in English both oral and written ; Strong expertise in Microsoft Office Understanding of accounting policies and procedure as well as tax regulation on fixed asset in mining industry ; Has strong analytical and problem solving skills ; Has good interpersonal, leadership and communication skills ; Strong understanding of ERP systems and the movement of data within a financial system ; Willing to travel to project site ; Indonesian nationality only

Admin & CAPEX Supervisor (INA-12-BPN-00040)
Location : Balikpapan Support Office

Job Description :
To assist with the procurement of plant, materials and equipment with the objective of achieving favourable supply and payment terms and Admin process on behalf of the Company in consideration of value, timely/reliable delivery schedulues and conformance with project specifications.

Requirements :
Diploma/ degree in Purchasing or related field ; Minimum 5 years working experience in the same role ; Good expertise in MS Office ; should have minimum 1 year experience in Construction Industry and 2 years in Project Experience preferrable ; Fluent in both National Language and English (verbal and written) ;In-depth understanding of project materials, plant and equipment ; The position is open for Indonesia nationals only.

QA Audit & Training Superintendent (INA-12-HO-00025)
Location : Jakarta Office

Job Description :
To Support the organic growth of the organization and new project additional QA Auditing and Training Resources are required. The key purpose of this role is:
a. To develop the competencies in QA at the project level for QA Rep and projrct management
b. To conduct L2 Quality Audit for all project and sites with the specific focus on Mining Operations

Requirements :
Minimum Degree in Engineering and certified of Lead Auditor (QMS) ; more than 3 years working experience related to developing and implementing system & process in the mining/ relevant contractor preferably in Mining ; min. 2 years experience in Audits and training ; ability to facilitate disciplines and project to identify, define, documented and review their process and systems ; process mapping and system approach ; internal quality auditing ; familiar with statistical technique ; computer literate (Visio, QMS, MS Word, Excell, Power Point)

Asset Administration Supervisor (INA-12-HO-00024)
Location : Jakarta Office

Job Description :
Effectively manage fleet administration, its documenting, procurement, disposal, hire equipment and system.

Requirements :
Diploma/ degree from industrial, management or related field ; Min 3 - 5 years experience in maintenance management including systems and fleet management ; Experience in cost and life cycle management, contract and system development ; Good expertise in MS Office ; Fluent in English both verbal and written ;The position is open for Indonesian nationals only.

Plant Engineer (INA-12-BPN-00041)
Location : Balikpapan Support Office

Job description :
Setting, maintaining and auditing plant equipments as per engineering standards ; Minimise the consequences and cost of failures and maximise productivity ; Maintaining heavy equipment assets and calculating cost of rent that will be charge to each site ; Contact the vendor/supplier for standard equipment unit that will be bought as capital asset ; Identify & make analysis of performance equipment as per plant costing ; Coordinating with other parties for mobilisation unit and make sure the heavy equipment units are running well

Requrements :
Should hold minimal Diploma in Mechanical Engineering ; Minimum 2-3 years experience in the same area (asset) ; Familiar with plant equipments and heavy earth moving equipments ; Indonesian citizen only

Audit & Risk Superintendent (INA-12-HO-00022)
Location : Jakarta Office

Job Description :
To oversees companys financial transactions, and monitor companys spending, and analyze and recommend a variety of cost-cutting methods accordingly.

Requirements :
Min bachelors degree in accounting/related field and previous experience working as an accountant or auditor at the big public accountant firm; must be highly analytical, organized and skilled in areas such as economics, business and mathematics ; strong communication and leadership; Willing to travel to project site ; Indonesian nationality only

Learning System Administration Officer (INA-12-BPN-00034)
Location : Balikpapan Support Office

Job Description :
The incumbent is accountable for administration preparation and development of all training materials such as modules, training assessments, Administration and training document filing systems.

Requirements :
Diploma / Degree in System and Administration ; Minimum 2 years experience as technical training administator / system ; Computer literate in MS Word, Excell, Power Point and Access ;Preferably has experience in developing training system material for Operation & Plant.

Training Specialist - Mechanical (INA-12-BPN-00001)
Location : Balikpapan Support Office

Job Description :
To provide allied training for Leighton Maintenance personnel in order to increase the productivity, maintenance and repair capability of Leighton personnel.

Requirements :
At least SMU level with 2 years experience as field trainer ; Has experience in heavy equipment maintenance and maintenance planning ; Able to train, test and audit mechanics ; Understand Maintenance Training Curricula ; Having Train of the Trainer certificate ; Good use of English and Bahasa Indonesia and basic computer, preferably possess POP certificate ; The incumbent will have 7 weeks on/ 2 weeks off roster ; Indonesian citizenship only

HR - OD Superintendent - Special Project (INA-12-HO-00028)
Location : Jakarta

Job description :
To support & develop the organization development function initiative for the business unit with the primary objective of ensuring the related development programs are in line with organization development strategy.

Job Requirements :
Having at least degree in Management for Social Science or psychology with min of 5 years working experience in similar role ; preffered having experience as consultant in organization development for at least 1 year ; in-depth implementation knowlege of HR & Organization development functions ; proficient in Ms.Office ; training delivery capability ; Indonesian citizen only

Training Specialist Operation (INA-12-BPN-00042)
Location : Balikpapan Suppor Office

Job description :
The incumbents role is to deliver and develop training module which aims to provide skilled and competent employes to support the operational/production demand of man power

Job requirements :
At least from SMU level with 2 years experience as field trainer ; Has extensive experience in operating earthwork heavy equipment in mining company ; Possess Train of the Trainer certificate ; Preferably possess POP certificate ; Good use of English and Bahasa Indonesia and basic computer ; Indonesian citizenship only ; the incumbent will have 7w/2w roster.
If you possess the skills that we require and are interested in joining us, click on the link below: http://www.leightonasia.com/en/our-people/Pages/current-openings.aspx
We only process applicant who apply through our website. Only short listed candidates will be notified for interviews