courtesy:aidsdigital.net |
lowongan-kota.blogspot.com - The spirit of co morning all, here we want to convey to you all job information coming from one of the state hospitals in Indonesia and a reputable general hospital in Indonesia which is already established since 1982, that is
Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta or
RSUP Dr Sardjito.Hospital's profile you can see this as follows.The Hospital is located at Yogyakarta.
RSUP Dr Sardjito is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia and operates directly under the Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia through Directorate General of Health Efforts. The Hospital is domiciled in Yogyakarta and located in Jl Kesehatan Sekip Sleman Yogyakarta. The Hospital also operates as a reference hospital in Yogyakarta and Souther part of Central Java regions. At present, the Hospital has 750 beds, including 2 VVIP, 93 VIP, 48 main class, 88 class I, 244 class II, and 275 class III.
To support the performance of the hospital and improve service to customers,
Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta job opening for the position and requirements as follows:
For those of you who are interested in the above position for a job and has competence in accordance with job requirements above,please register ad submit your applications via online through sdm.sardjitohospital.
applyRegistration will be closed on 17 February 2014.All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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Fresh Graduate,