Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

PT Pertamina (Persero) - Recuitment For Senior Analyst, Senior Officer (S1, S2) February - March 2014

lowongan kerja pertamina 2014 - The spirit of co morning all, we would like to share to you all the best job information from us to you all. The following job information came from one of Indonesia's leading energy companies and is the national oil company of Indonesia and wholly-owned by the Government of Republic Indonesia, that is PT Pertamina (Persero) or Pertamina.This company profile you can see in detail following this properly.Pertamina together with its 18 subsidiaries and 13 affiliates- has fully integrated oil and gas related businesses with domestic and  overseas operations. In 2013, Pertamina was included in the FORTUNE Global 500® 2013. Pertamina was ranked no 122 out of 500 with revenues of US$70.9 billion.Pertamina posted total assets amounted to US$47,858,056,000 for the end of June 2013.
To support the performance of the company in order to be better in 2014 and increase profits, PT Pertamina (Persero)  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

Gas - Senior Analyst Business Economical (GASPBD1403)

  • Educational Background: 
    • S1/S2 Industrial Engineering / Mechanical / Chemical / Petroleum / Geology / Geophysics / Management 
  • Capabilities and competencies: 
    • Business Development / Initiative, including the Partnership and Merger & Acquisition 
    • Feasibility Study 
    • Financial & Business Model 
    • Having knowledge and understanding in the field:
    • International Legal Contract / Business Law, Gas, Power, New & Renewable Energy Market & Industry (Domestic & International) 
    • Project Management 
    • Risk Management 
  • Experience: 
    • Minimum 10 years experience in the oil and gas industry and in the field of busines analysis & project economy, handle mergers & acquisition
Gas - Senior Analyst Business Initiative (GASPBD1402)

  • Educational Background: 
    • S1/S2 Industrial Engineering / Mechanical / Chemical / Petroleum / Geology / Geophysics / Management 
  • Capabilities and competencies: 
    • Business Development / Initiative, including the Partnership and Merger & Acquisition 
    • Feasibility Study 
    • Financial & Business Model 
    • Having knowledge and understanding in the field:
    • International Legal Contract / Business Law, Gas, Power, New & Renewable Energy Market & Industry (Domestic & International) 
    • Project Management 
    • Risk Management 
  • Experience: 
    • Minimum 10 years experience in the oil and gas industry and in the field of busines analysis & project economy, handle mergers & acquisitions
 Gas - Senior Analyst Project Risk Management (GASPBD1404)

  • Educational Background: 
    • S1/S2 Industrial Engineering / Mechanical / Chemical / Petroleum / Geology / Geophysics / Management 
  • Capabilities and competencies: 
    • 1Having knowledge and understanding in the areas of: Project Risk, Risk Management, and Financial & Business Model 
    • Having knowledge and understanding in the field:
    • International Legal Contract / Business Law, Gas, Power, New & Renewable Energy Market 
    • Having Certificate CRMP / ERMCP and PMI-RMP 
  • Experience: 
    • Minimum of 10 years experience in the oil and gas industry and in the field of Risk Management / Risk Project / Business Analyst
Gas - Senior Officer Business Intelligence ( GASPBD1401 )

  • Educational Background:
    • S1/S2 Industrial Engineering / Mechanical / Chemical / Petroleum / Geology / Geophysics / Management
  • Capabilities and competencies:
    • Marketing research
    • Market intelligence
    • Competitive advantage and strategy
    • Statistics
    • Having knowledge and understanding in the field:
    • Gas, Power, New & Renewable Energy Market, Industry, Regulation and Policy
    • Project management
    • Risk management
  • Experience:
    • Minimum of 10 years experience in the oil and gas industry and in the field of Busines Development and Market Intelligence 
For those of you who are interested in the position for a job above and competent in accordance with the requirements, please for the processes and procedures in registration can be through the offcial website of PT Pertamina (Persero).info
Closing date 9 March 2014.All applications will be treated in strict confidential and only use for the purpose of selection. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process. 

PT PJB Services - Recruitment For Secretary of the Board of Directors ( D3,S1) February 2014

lowongan kerja PJB Service 2014 - The spirit of co morning all, we want to get back to your job information coming from one of the electrical energy service companies and is Sidoarjo based power generation operation and maintenance services company with more than 12 years (PJB Services has operated commercially since 2001) in providing total solution for power generation, including power plants operations and maintenance services, that is PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services or PT PJB Services.This company profile you can see this as follows.PT PJB Services is an affiliate company of state-owned electricity company PT PLN (Persero). PT PLN (Persero) through its subsidiary PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) holds 98% shares in PJB Services. At present, PJB Services has 7 units of power generation with total capacity of 3,072 Mega Watt. PJB Services total profit in 2011 reached Rp26.23 billion compared to 2010 which was Rp2.01 billion.
To support the performance of this company and increasing the progress that has been set in 2014, PT PJB Services  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

Sekretaris Direksi (Code : GSD-21)

  • Max age 25 years old (born in 1989 or thereafter)
  • Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) with GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Fluent in English, preferably have TOEFL cerificate with score min 450
  • Familiar with Computer (minimum Microsoft Office and Internet)
  • Not married and willing to not get married during on the job training period
  • Min height of 155 cm with proportional body weight)
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Good looking
  • Preferably experienced as a secretary 
  • Not tattooed
  • For those who wear glasses, the maximum tolerance of 4 diopters.
  • No physical disability (does not interfere with performance of its duties)
  • Drug free
Documents Required
  • Cover letter and Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Copy of valid ID Card
  • Copy of Family Card (KK)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate (Akte/Surat Kenal Lahir)
  • Legalized copy of academic certificate and academic trancripts
  • Copy of TOEFL certificate
  • Legalized copy of valid Police Records (SKCK)
  • D3Recent color photograph size 4x6  (3 pieces)
  • Statement letter stamped Rp 6000 which states that it is not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances and do not engage in criminal acts.
  • Health certificate and not color blind from doctors / hospitals
For those of you who are interested in the position for a job above and competent in accordance with job requirements,Please register yourself to and then submit your complete applications above  within 10 (ten) days after the publication to Strategic Recruitment & Career Centre - Jl Mayjend Sungkono Darmo Park 2 Blok 3 No 19 – 20, Surabaya, email : information about the method and procedure of registration procedures you can see through the official website of PT PJB
Please mark a position code on top left corner of your application envelope. All applications will be treated in strict confidential and only use for the purpose of selection.

Lowongan Kerja Asuransi Adira Dinamika (Adira Group) 2014

Asuransi Adira
PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika merupakan perusahaan asuransi otomotif ternama di Indonesia yang telah memiliki kantor-kantor cabang di seluruh kota besar di Indonesia. Adira Group telah banyak memiliki unit dan divisi mulai dari sektor perbankan sampai dengan asuransi dan pembiayaan atau kredit kendaraan baik baru maupun bekas. Adira terus mengutamakan pelayanan dan kepuasan konsumen yang mana hal ini paling penting supaya konsumen merasa nyaman dan tidak pindah ke perusahaan lain yang memiliki visi dan misi sama. Asuransi Adira Dinamika saat ini tidak hanya fokus pada asuransi kendaraan namun lebih komplek lagi yaitu melalui asuransi kerugian berbagai program. Pelayanan pada perusahaan Asuransi Adira dilakukan secara online 24 jam supaya konsumen lebih mudah berinteraksi dan menanyakan mengenai standar yang ada dalam perusahaan. Asuransi Adira Dinamika sampai saat ini telah memiliki jam terbang yang tinggi, perusahaan tidak akan gentar dan takut dengan adanya perusahaan-perusahaan yang baru bermunculan meskipun itu menawarkan jasa dan suku bunga lebih rendah.

PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika terus menghadirkan produk asuransi terbaru serta dengan gigih mempromosikannya melalui berbagai media eletronik dan sosial media seperti facebook, twitter, path dan pinterest supaya masyarakat lebih mudah mendapat informasi yang update setiap harinya. Asuransi Adira Dinamika kembali membuka seleksi peneriman karyawan baru dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Asuransi Adira
Branch HRDGA Head
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Usia tidak lebih dari 30 tahun
  3. Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan
  4. Indek prestasi minimal 2,75
  5. Taat dan tunduk pada peraturan undang-undang
  6. Pengalaman berorganisasi
  7. Memiliki kinerja yang bagus
  8. Berjiwa pemimpin
  9. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Pendaftaran dilakukan dengan cara mengirim lamaran, cv, foto terbaru dan fotocopy ijazah anda ke alamat dibawah ini:

PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika
Keterangan lengkapnya silahkan lihat disini

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Indofood Sukses Makmur

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang telah tumbuh pesat di Indonesia yang memproduksi berbagai jenis produk makanan dan minuman untuk semua kelangan usia. Perusahaan yang memiliki produk utamanya mie instant ini sekarang telah menjadi perusahaan multinasional yang tidak hanya menjual produknya di Indonesia namun sudah sampai ke kawasan benua Australia, Asia dan Eropa. Di luar negeri produk dari Indofood Sukses Makmur juga sangat digemari masyarakat karena produknya yang aman, higienis serta tanpa bahan pengawet berbahaya yang itu semua sudah lolos uji laboratorium serta dinas kesehatan yang menyatakan produknya aman dikonsumsi untuk semua kalangan. PT Indofood telah memiliki jati diri yang positif di mata publik, hal itu bisa dilihat dari produk perusahaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Indofood sukses makmur sudah tidak asing lagi di mata publik. Meskipun demikian, Indofood akan terus melakukan promosi melalui berbagai media baik media baik cetak maupun elektronik guna memperkenalkan produk barunya yang dikeluarkan setiap tahunnya.

Indofood Sukses Makmur penjualan setiap tahunnya relatif stabil naik, hasil baik perusahaan ini tentunya tidak lepas dari kerjasama tim Indofood yang solid serta saling membantu dan mengarahkan supaya terjadi suasana kerja yang nyaman serta terkoordinasi dengan baik. Indofood kembali membuka peluang career dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Indofood
Management Trainee Program
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan, diutamakan jurusan teknik
  3. Lulusan universitas swasta atau negeri
  4. Indek prestasi minimal 3,00
  5. Mampu bekerja secara tim maupun individu
  6. Mampu berbahasa inggris
  7. Memiliki skil individu yang bagus
  8. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  9. Siap ditempatkan di wilayah Tangerang dan Purwakarta
Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi diatas, segera kirimkan surat lamaran, curriculum vitae, foto terbaru dan fotocopy ijazah serta transkrip nilai melalui alamat dibawah ini:

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
Informasi selanjutnya silahkan menuju kesini

PT Surya Madistrindo - Recfruitment For Fresh Graduated, Experienced, SMA, SMK, S1 February - March 2014

lowongan kerja surya madistrindo 2014 - We continue to return information from the best job for all of us. Job information came from one of the distribution companies and is Jakarta based cigarrete retail company, that is PT Surya Madistrindo or PT SM.This company profile you can see below.The Company is a sole distributor of a leading cigarrete manufacturers PT Gudang Garam Tbk with main business in sales & distribution, and also field marketing activities for the entire product of PT Gudang Garam Tbk. PT Surya Madistrindo is already established since 2001. As of December 2012, Surya Madistrindo has 17 subsidiary companies spread in all over Indoensia.

To reinforce the team that has been built previously and increase profits in 2014, PT Surya Madistrindo  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

MOT (Operation Management Talent) (Code : OMT)

  • Male/Female, max age 30 years old
  • Education minimum Bachelor's Degree (S1) all majors
  • Open for fresh graduate
  • Willing to be stationed in all over Indonesia
Supervisor Warehouse (Code : SW)

  • Male/Female, max age 35 years old
  • Education minimum Bachelor's Degree (S1) all majors
  • At least 2 years of experience in the field of warehouse or logistic
Supervisor Accounting (Code : SA)

  • Male/Female, max age 35 years old
  • Education minimum Bachelor's Degree (S1) majoring in Accounting
  • At least 2 years of experience in the field of Accounting
Task Force (Code : TF)

  • Male/Female, max age 30 years old
  • Education minimum High School or equivalent
  • Open for fresh graduate
  • Willing to work in the field
Admin Staff (Code : AS)


  • Male/Female, max age 35 years old
  • Education minimum Bachelor'
For those of you who are interested in the above job position and has competence in accordance with the requirements of your job,please send your updated CV not later than 26 February 2014 and kindly mark code of the position applied at the email subject to : PT Surya Madistrindo - Jl Palagang Tentara Pelajar No 2 Sariharjo Ngagglik Sleman DIY or Jl Jalan Raya Semarang Kendal KM 10 Tambakaji Ngaliyan Semarang Jawa Tengah or submit via email to;; information about registration procedures and procedures you can see through the official
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed candidates will be notified.