Lowongan Kerja Bulan Maret 2014 Daerah Bogor-Kami Saat ini mempunyai informasi lowongan kerja pada bulan Maret 2014 untuk lokasi kerja Bantul. Untuk mengetahui info Lowongan Kerja Bulan Maret 2014 Daerah Bogor Silahkan anda simak dibawah:
Profile perusahaan
PT. J Darmawan Venture Capital adalah perusahaan modal ventura-lembaga keuangan non bank. Kami mengembangkan para pemimpin bisnis yang etis dengan menciptakan lingkungan edupreneur, sehingga para pemimpin bisnis kami dapat dilatih dan masuk ke bisnis secara langsung. Kami tidak hanya menyediakan pelatihan,fasilitas, atau modal, tetapi juga mentor dan komunitas di sepanjang jalan kewirausahaan.
Detil Pekerjaan
PT. J Darmawan Venture Capital adalah perusahaan modal ventura-lembaga keuangan non bank. Kami mengembangkan para pemimpin bisnis yang etis dengan menciptakan lingkungan edupreneur, sehingga para pemimpin bisnis kami dapat dilatih dan masuk ke bisnis secara langsung. Kami tidak hanya menyediakan pelatihan,fasilitas, atau modal, tetapi juga mentor dan komunitas di sepanjang jalan kewirausahaan.
Entrepreneurship Program (Code: EP)
We are looking for 10 (ten) young and passionate people to be great entrepreneurs. And by great we mean someone who is a go-getter, is willing to take a risk, is looking for adventure not just money and who really wants to create a positive impact on the nation.
1. Has a PASSION to become an entrepreneur
2. Excellent leadership skills
3. Male/Female
4. Fresh graduates are welcome; maximum 2 years after graduation
5. Minimum Bachelor Degree (any discipline)
6. Graduated from reputable universities
If you think you have the desire of being an entrepreneur, and think that you have or can develop the traits needed to be an entrepreneur, so we are very welcome you to become our business leader. You just need to send your recent detail information and interest.
Submit your personal information : name, address, telephone number, email address, cover letter, education background, work experience, and other information that you think you need us to know.
Please enclosed : copy of documents that confirm you personal information
Share your interest : we want to know you more. So please share with us your passion and interest. Maybe you can try to describe these questions below to share your interest in an essay.
1. Why you want to be an entrepreneur?
2. What is your strongest motivation to become an entrepreneur?
3. What makes you feel worthy of being entrepreneur?
4. What kind of business that you are interested in? Please explain the reason.
5. If you have became an entrepreneur, what contribution will you give?
6. What are you doing if your plan has not succeeded yet?
7. What is failure in your opinion?
8. What do you want the most in your life?
9. Define success in your own words.
Lokasi Pekerjaan :
Tingkat Pendidikan: Sarjana
Jabatan: Disesuaikan
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Gaji: Terjamin
Jenis Pekerjaan: Disesuaikan
Kategori: Manajemen Produk
Tanggal Berakhir: 13-03-2014
Lokasi: Bogor – Jawa Barat
Send your resume and share your passion and interest in an essay to: career@jdcapital.co.id
PT. J. Darmawan Venture Capital
Kompleks Darmawan Park
Gedung A
Jl. Raya Babakan Madang No. 99
Sentul Selatan – BOGOR 16810
Detil Pekerjaan
Kami Perusahaan Manufacture yang bergerak dibidang Tekstil khususnya Knitting & Dyeing Finishing berdomisili di Gunung Putri, Bogor membutuhkan Segera Karyawan Untuk Posisi:
Syarat :
- Pria
- Umur Min 25 Th
- Pengalaman Min 2 Th
- Pendidikan Min D3
- Menguasai Autocad 3D, Solidworks, Tekla, Coreldraw, Photoshop
- Bisa Baca gambar
- Fasilitas Mess & Makan 3x
Lokasi Pekerjaan :
Tingkat Pendidikan: Diploma
Jabatan: Staff senior
Pengalaman: 2-4 tahun
Gaji: Negotiable
Jenis Pekerjaan: Yang Lain
Kategori: Drafter
Tanggal Berakhir: 14-03-2014
Lokasi: Bogor – Jawa Barat
CV Kirim Via Email: recruitmenthrd99@yahoo.com
CP: Dede Juniarti Telp/SMS :087780805397-081281790212
Sekian informasi yang bisa INFO LOWONGAN KERJA 2014 berikan tentang lowongan kerja bulan maret 2014 Daerah Bogor . Silahkan kirimkan lamaran ke PT tersebut sebelum tanggal penutupan ditutup. Selamat berusaha dan semoga sukses.