Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Lowongan kerja di JNE / PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir

PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir
From bird to bird nest sculpture, from the interstate to the inter-continental, JNE Cargo Division handles your shipments quickly and attentively. Working closely with reliable partners around the world as well as the utilization of information and communication technologies provide the ability to monitor the status JNE every cargo shipment to arrive. JNE extensive network allows customers to export and import processes efficiently and effectively. We are seeking candidates who have a basic competence; Honestly, Visionary, Responsible, and discipline for the following positions:
Supervisor Sales Cargo Service
Jakarta Raya
  • Creating a sales strategy that supports the achievement of predetermined targets
  • Analyze the customer needs
  • Coordination for the preparation of the price / pricelist on demand Customer
  • To coordinate the performance of sales executive, sales and sales support admin
  • Able to create effective sales strategies to achieve sales target what has been determined
  • Able to perform evaluation and analysis of sales performance
  • Education minimal D3-S1 All disciplines
  • Max age 30th
  • Min 2th of experience working in the art field advantage "freight forwarding"
  • Understanding the freight forwarding activity in general
Prosedure :
Written application and CV to the email sent to :

Lowongan kerja bank Panin

Panin Bank adalah salah satu Bank swasta terbesar di Indonesia dengan lebih dari 450 kantor cabang yang beroperasi di 30 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia. Panin Bank ingin menjadi penyedia layanan jasa keuangan terbaik di Indonesia dan Kami mengundang Anda untuk menjadi bagian dari Panin Bank dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Credit Risk Management Senior Officer
Jakarta Raya

  • Bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Risk Management Division Head
  • Melakukan analisa laporan keuangan debitur
  • Melakukan rating risiko kredit debitur
  • Membuat opini risiko kredit
  • Melakukan analisa kondisi ekonomi/industri
  • Menyusun laporan pemantauan eksposur risiko kredit kepada Komite Manajemen Risiko (KMR)
  • Pria atau Wanita berusia 25-30 tahun
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang yang sama atau sebagai Reviewer/Analis Kredit
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 dari berbagai jurusan
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan komunikasi yang baik
  • Berinisiatif tinggi dan mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
  • Menguasai MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, dll)
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
Only short listed candidates will be notified

Lowongan kerja migas di PT Pertamina Patra Niaga

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
Originally registered as PT ELNUSA HARAPAN in 1997, PT PATRA NIAGA was launched in 2004 to focus on the downstream oil and gas (O&G) business.
In 2013, PT PERTAMINA (Persero) began to align all logos of its subsidiaries through Pertamina Directorate of Marketing and Commerce. The Directorate started to rebrand each of the subsidiary's logos including the PT PATRA NIAGA logo and changed the company's name to PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA.

Today PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA offers fuel trading, fuel handling, fleet management and depot management.
New efficient strategies and a rational organizational approach has strengthened the company's position, even with today's increased competition. PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA constantly strives to increase its competitiveness in both national and global O&G markets.
PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA is being Growth rapidly through 4th Corporate Values below:

1.Opportunity Seeking
2.Risk Awarness
3.Service Excellence
Risk Management
Jakarta Raya
Review the significant risks which are identified and controlled by the risk owners. Coordinate and review the methodologies and tools for managing risk exposure. Support the development of key risk indicators. Develop and revise the Risk Management framework and related Risk Management policy/charter. Manage and handle operational-ERM process.
Bachelor degree (S-1) in Economics (Acconting & Finance)/ Business/ Industrial Engineering Max 36 years old Minimum have two (2) years working experience in the area of risk management/ operation/ accounting/ internal control/ audit/ treasury). Excellent oral and written communication skill both in Indonesian and English. Having strong analytical skill. Computer literacy in Microsoft Office. Having strong motivation to learn, hard work & responsible to complete the job. Pro-active, goal-oriented, independent, and multitasking person. Strong knowledge of insurance's regulation. Have a nice :

Lowongan kerja bank BCA Syariah

PT Bank BCA Syariah
PT Bank BCA Syariah diawali dari sebuah bank umum bernama PT Utama International Bank (PT Bank UIB) yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. Pada tahun 2009, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, mengakuisisi PT Bank UIB yang kemudian melakukan proses konversi kegiatan usahanya menjadi bank syariah, dengan nama PT Bank BCA Syariah. Dari proses konversi tersebut, pada tanggal 5 April 2010, PT Bank BCA Syariah resmi beroperasi. Dalam rangka mewujudkan Visi dan Misi BCA Syariah, berbagai produk funding, jasa dan pembiyaan telah dikembangkan dan dipasarkan kepada Masyarakat. Untuk pengembangan bisnis kedepan yang akan menunjang ekspansi usaha PT Bank BCA Syariah, kami memberikan kesempatan kepada anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan untuk mengisi posisi :
Staf Akad Pembiayaan
Jakarta Raya
  • Menerima lembar keputusan pembiayaan beserta dokumen pendukung dan memeriksa kelengkapan dokumen tersebut.
  • Membuat Surat Pemberitahuan Pemberian Pembiayaan (SP3)
  • Follow up kekurangan dokumen ke AO sebelum dilakukan penandatanganan.
  • Membuat order ke Notaris
  • Membuat perjanjian Pembiayaan di bawah tangan untuk Adendum Perubahan Jaminan Perpanjangan, Akad Perjanjian Syariah dan pengikatan jaminan di bawah tangan untuk jaminan Deposito, fidusia untuk perubahan jaminan BPKB.
  • Memeriksa Akta-Akta Notaris yang sudah selesai baik Perjanjian Kredit secara Notariil, Akta Pengikatan hak Tanggungan beserta Sertifikat Hak Tanggungan
Tugas – Tugas Bulanan :
  • Memonitor Cover Note dari Notaris yang sudah Jatuh Tempo
  • Membuat Surat ke Notaris apabila Cover Note sudah Jatuh Tempo
  • Maksimum 30 tahun
  • Laki-Laki/ Perempuan
  • S1 Hukum
  • Ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan (Soft Skills/Hard Skills) : Komputer
  • Memiliki Pengalaman di Bagian Legal Bank Syariah minimal 1 tahun

Lowongan kerja Teller di Hana Bank


PT Bank Hana, We are the global premier banking partner with Foreign Majority ownership and has a wold-wide network is seeking for a highly qualified person to fill the this position. Now we are granted as the Best Bank 2011 and opening some branches and heading for a quantum leap. If you are looking for the same, Join Us

(Jakarta Raya)
  • Female
  • Bachelor Degree in Banking or any discipline
  • Experience minimum 1 year as Customer Service in Banking Industry only (conventional branch)
  • Good in English
  • Only resume that includes photo that will be process
  • Fresh Graduate & No Experience in Banking is not allowed
Put the job code on the envelope. Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.

Visit for more detail information about us.
Interested candidates should send their application letter with full CV including a recent photograph, full transcript and diploma by mail to:

Hana Bank, 2nd FL,
Jl Gatot Subroto Kav 21 JKT.