Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Lowongan migas di Pertamina (persero)

Auditor - Internal Audit ( SPIAUD1311 )
Job Description
1. Melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi implementasi Norma/Kode Etik Internal Auditor dan International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (IPPF) pada kegiatan assessment, audit dan konsultansi dengan menggunakaan formulir-formulir standar pada setiap penugasan, guna menjamin standar kualitas hasil kerja yang ditetapkan.
2. Menyusun Program Kerja Pemeriksaan Tahunan (PKPT), dan melaksanakan PKPT sesuai penugasan assessment, audit dan konsultansi.
3. Mengevaluasi dan melaksanakan implementasi kebijakan assessment internal control, risk management, HSE dan GCG;
4. Melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi proses penyiapan, pengolahan data dan informasi hasil assessment, audit dan konsultansi sesuai penugasan dan monitoring realisasi tindak lanjutnya.
Job Requirement
Pendidikan :
- Minimal S1 Teknik Perminyakan, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro(Instrument/Listik)
Kemampuan & Kompetensi :
1. Mampu melaksanakan pemeriksaan (audit) secara profesional.
2. Menguasai norma, kode etik dan teknik & prosedur audit.
3. Mampu berkomunikasi secara baik dan lancar (komunikatif)
Pengalaman :
- Minimal 5 tahun sebagai Auditor
- Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang Migas dan di Project-project
- Diutamakan yang memiliki Sertifikat Sebagai Auditor.
Junior Auditor - Internal Audit ( SPIJAU1312 )
Job Description
- Melaksanakan implementasi Piagam Audit, Kode Etik Internal Auditor, Norma Internal Audit dan International Standars for Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) pada setiap proses assessment, audit dan konsultansi meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pelaporan dan tindak lanjut hasil audit.
- Melaksanakan PKTP sesuai dengan penugasan assessment, audit dan konsultansi sehingga pelaksanaan tugas dapat tercapai sesuai dengan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan.
- Melaksanakan implementasi metodologi kebijakan assessment internal control, risk management dan kehandalan HSE dan GCG serta program lainnya sehingga dapat menjamin tercapainya standard kualitas hasil kerja yang telah ditetapkan.
Job Requirement
- S1 Ekonomi/Sosial/Hukum/Teknik
- Memahami proses audit
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan audit.
- Memahami project management
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan)
- 3-5 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang audit, kegiatan operasi migas, quality control/quality assurance, manajemen risiko
Please submit your application letter and resume to our official website :
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) sama sekali tidak memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen ini. Apabila ada oknum yang mengatasnamakan Pertamina dan menjanjikan sesuatu dengan imbalan tertentu, harap melaporkan kepada Contact Pertamina di telepon 500-000 atau email:

Lowongan migas di Weatherford

One of the largest global providers, Weatherford helps build innovative mechanical solutions, technology applications, and services for drilling and production in all sectors of the oil and gas industry. Weatherford operates in over 100 countries and employs more than 60,000 people worldwide.
Senior Business Information System Developer
• Develop, enhance, document, and maintain software solutions as described in design specifications
• Assist the Technical Lead in design, architecture and specifications of the technical solution
• Development and maintenance of source code and technical documentation
• Support the deployment, operations, and maintenance of in-house developed software
• Continuously monitor industry trends, technologies, and standards and be able to research, recommend, and apply new technologies
• Document features, technical specifications, and infrastructure requirements for self-produced technical work and job processes
• Provide coaching and leadership to junior level developers.
• Apply technology framework to promote standardizations, efficiencies, and quality
• Deliver project in a team oriented and fast paced environment within time scheduled and budget allocated
• Perform other IT&S related projects and tasks as relevant and when directed by the associated reporting supervisor or manager.

• Degree in Business Information System or any related discipline or equivalent
• 5 years minimum working experience performing full software development lifecycles
• Possess MCAD certification
• Expert in .NET, AJAX, Web 2.0, XML, and CSS
• Expert in RDBMS and OLAP
• Expert in SQL programming
• Expert of debugging, performance tuning and problem solving
• Strong proficiency in implementing various software design methodologies, multi-tier application architecture in internetworking environment
• Strong proficiency of configuring and managing MS SQL and IIS Servers with advance high availability and disaster recovery features
• Expert in MS SQL Reporting Services and MS SQL Analysis Services
• Strong proficiencies performing system integrations between various different platforms and technologies
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
• Self-motivated team player who can efficiently manage multiple work assignments and priorities
• Good written and verbal communication in English

Strategic Account Manager (Jakarta & Balikpapan)

1. Promote Weatherford’s good name through customer interaction and a professional approach to the job in hand - fostering good relations for continued business across all disciplines within the client organization. Identify key personnel within the customer account and understand their role and responsibilities within customer’s organization.
2. Visit a previously determined range of potential Client companies on a regular basis to update them on all Weatherford products and services, and discuss any future work requirements which Weatherford could develop – and thus increase number of Client company’s and develop further business.
3. Produce regular reports appertaining to visits, current and future business prospects and opportunities, which will form the basis of the Client company ”Account Plan”, which will be used develop an account & product strategy with a view to further develop Weatherford’s business.
4. Efficient and effective preparation of tender documents for all products and services tendered by Client companies, arrange follow up visit with the company in order to fully ascertain their requirements and develop the basis for Weatherford’s response to the invitation to tender.
5. Maintain regular contact across the various departments of Weatherford’s – for example when developing the tender documentation, the Account Manager will need to discuss requirements with Operations and Business Unit personnel in order to ensure that the products and services can be provided, and will arrange for the final documents to be scrutinized by QHSSE, Finance, Legal etc. in order to ensure that all non-technical areas of the tender have been fully covered.
6. The Account Manager must be familiar with the Customers business and operational processes.
7. Regain key business contracts with premier customers.

• Must have completed tertiary education in a Technical subject or ability to demonstrate equivalent.
• Demonstrate good knowledge of Rig Systems / Production Drilling Operations.
• Demonstrate Supervisory and Communication Skills, along with an ability to work in a team environment, as well as an ability to work unsupervised and exercise initiative to resolve potential problems.
• Demonstrate an ability to effectively utilize dedicated resources, and the ability to plan, control, and take responsibility for own work.
• Must be able to anticipate customer needs and be a key player in developing relationships.
• Must have a clear customer focus and be able to understand the variety of people and business cultures in different areas of the business - and respond to them accordingly.
• Must have a good commercial awareness.
• Must be a team player with good communication skills, both verbal and written.
• 5 years experiences in oilfield service industry sales and marketing
• Must possess at least 3 years relevant experience in offshore or land operations ideally which should have been in a marketing and/or service support capacity
• Should have a Degree in Engineering or similar Petro-Chem relevant technical subject or 5 years practical experience in the Drilling industry.
• Expatriate are welcome to apply.

We offer career growth in an exciting, challenging and rewarding professional environment both in the position advertised and beyond. Please send your updated CV with Position Title as your Email Subject to:
Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.

Lowongan migas di JGC Indonesia

We are reputable Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Company especially for Oil and Gas industry is seeking high caliber candidates to fill vacancies for the following positions:
Mechanical Static Engineer
Qualification :
• Education: S-1 degree.
• Experienced : minimum 4 years in Engineering.
• Experienced in establishment Design Basis, Specification, Standard Drawing, Data Sheet and Engineering Drawing generation/Review/Approval, Design Calculation using related software, Requisition, Technical Bid Evaluation, Vendor Document review for Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchangers, Storage Tanks, and its accessories.
• Excellent command of oral and written English
• Computer literate (MS office, MS Word, Ms Excel, Ms Project and related software)
• Self – starting and motivated as well as able to work in demanding area.
• Have strong leadership, proactive, and excellent teamwork.
Please send your application and CV to :
Please quote applied POSITION TITLE in the “Subject” line

Lowongan PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (Sumatera Utara dan Kendari) November 2013

Lowongan PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (Sumatera Utara dan Kendari) November 2013 - PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi consumer goods seperti sabun, detergen, margarin, snack, es krim, kosmetik dan lain-lain. PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk saat ini sedang membutuhkan karyawan/karyawati untuk di tempatkan di Sumatera Utara dan Kendari. Posisi yang ditawarkan adalah sebagai berikut :

Temporary Finance Admin
Persyaratan :
  1. Pria / Wanita usia maksimal 28 tahun
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 Akuntansi / Finance
  3. IPK minimal 2,75
  4. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai admin
  5. Menguasai komputer (MS Office)
  6. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  7. Menguasai bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
  8. Dapat bekerja sendiri atau dalam tim
  9. Bersedia ditempatkan di Area Kendari

Finance Admin for Oleochemical
Persyaratan :
  1. Pria / Wanita
  2. Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
  3. IPK minimal 3,00
  4. Berpengalaman di bidang Finance dan Administrasi Akuntansi
  5. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  6. Menguasai bahasa Inggris baik pasif maupun aktif
  7. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  8. Mampu bekerja dalam tim
  9. Bersedia ditempatkan di Sei Mangkei - Simalungun - Sumatera Utara
Lamaran / Pendaftaran melalui online ke link di bawah ini (sebelum 30 November 2013) :

(Kemudian Klik tombol "Lamar Sekarang")

Lowongan kerja 2013 di Angkasa pura logistik

LOWONGAN KERJA DESEMBER 2013 - PT Angkasa Pura Logistik (Aplog) adalah perusahaan terbaik yang dimiliki Angkasa pura persero,  Aplog sudah memulai bisnisnya sejak tahun 2012 dan langsung menberikan tanggapan positif dikalangan pelanggan perseroan. Angkasa pura logistik menyediakan berbagai layanan bandara berbasis kargo maupu logistik, Sehingga keamanan dan fasilitas bandara lebih lengkap dan efesien. Perseroan sudah melengkapi keamanan kargo dengan pemeriksaan memakai X-ray, ini menjadi pelayanan serius bagi keselamatan penumpang pesawat terbang.

Hampir disetiap kota besar angkasa pura logistik memiliki unit kerja diberbagai bandara, dan mempunyai lebih dari 750 sumber daya manusia unggul dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi pelanggan. Dalam pengembangan perseroan bertaraf internasional, Aplog sudah memfasilitasi tatanan perusahan dengan mencampur teknologi canggih sehingga lebih efektif dan efesien. Seperti dalam pengudangan sudah dilengkapi sistem CCTV, Alarm dan emergency, bahkan beberapa petugas keamanan yang berwenang.

Kami menyadari betapa pentingnya SDM tangguh dan bertalenta dibeberapa aspek, hal ini membuat perseroan membutuhkan beberapa tenaga ahli yang matang dan memiliki sikap baik untuk lebih memajukan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu kami membuka lowongan kerja terbaru bagi anda berpendidikan sarjana untuk menduduki posisi jabatan berikut

QHSE Manager
General affair manager
Branch manager

Kualifikasi lowongan
  1. Pendidikan sarjana S1
  2. Calon kandidat mampu berbahasa inggris
  3. Calon kandidat mampu mengoperasikan miscrosof office
  4. Siap ditempatkan di jakarta, Makassar, Manado, Banjarmasin, Ambon, Kupang, surabaya, bali, solo, semarang, balikpapan
  5. Calon kandidat berpengalaman
  6. Calon kandidat berusia maksimal 45 tahun
Bila kamu memiliki beberapa kriteria yang cocok dengan persyaratan diatas, silakan kirimkan berkas lamaran anda melalui alamat Pt Angkasa Pura Logistik, Gedung Center For Excellence Jalan Tabing Blok B-16 Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat 10610 sebelum tanggal 30 November 2013 
Untuk informasi detail lowongan disini

Sekianlah informasi terbaru lowongan kerja Bumn dari Angkasa pura logistik, kami berharap bisa menjadi pegangan anda dalam mencari pekerjaan. Silakan bantu kami dari hal terkecil yaitu dengan cara membagikan loker ini kepada kawan-kawan anda melalui Like tombol G+1 dibawah. Terimakasih telah membaca lowongan diblog sederhana ini. Gbu