Minggu, 03 November 2013

Lowongan Kerja Bali November 2013 Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Bali November 2013 Terbaru - Yang kami lakukan semata - mata untuk membantu anda semua dalam menemukan Lowongan Kerja Terbaru yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan keahlian kerja yang telah anda miliki,dimanapun anda berada dan apapun pekerjaan yang ingin anda dapatkan kami sediakan disini. Silahkan simak Lowongan Kerja Bali November 2013 Terbaru di bawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja Bali November 2013 Terbaru






Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your full resume and recent photograph by Email :

jane_ctj@yahoo.co.id / rolf.w.herrmann@gmail.com



Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang industri Plastik Rotan Sintetis untuk industri perhotelan membuka lowongan pekerjaan dengan posisi sebagai berikut :


Spesifikasi :

Pendidikan SMK jurusan Bangunan / D3 Teknik Sipil
Sehat jasmani & rohani
Jujur, bertanggung jawab
Ditempatkan di BALI - Denpasar

Kirim lamaran & CV lengkap disertai photo ke :

V2 Studio, Plaza Tuban 33
Jl. By Pass Gusti Ngurah Rai, Kuta – Bali
Lowongan Kerja Bali November 2013 Terbaru semoga benar-benar dapat membantu yang sedang butuh pekerjaan. Jika mungkin membutuhkan referensi yang lain sobat dapat membaca Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Yogyakarta November 2013

Lowongan Kerja Bank Pundi terbaru November 2013

LOWONGAN KERJA DESEMBER 2013 - Bank Pundi merupakan lembaga perbankan swasta nasional yang tumbuh dan berkembang sejak tahun 1992. Perbankan ini awalnya berdiri di jakarta dan menjadi pilar penting bagi perekonomian bangsa indonesia, perseroan memberikan kemudahan bagi para nasabah, juga dengan pemberian kredit yang cepat dan tepat sehingga bank pundi banyak memikat para pengusaha muda. Dengan peningkatan yang signifikan, perbankan sudah mempunyai banyak cabang tersebar dinusantara dan memperkerjakan mencapai 8000 karyawan yang bertalenta.

Sama halnya dengan lembaga keuangan lainnya, bank pundi memberikan fasilitas kemudahan pengambilan dan pengiriman uang melalui unit Anjungan Tunai Mandiri yang sudah dibangun dibeberapa tempat umum yang strategis. Bank pundi memberikan layanan kredit mikro terhadap pengusaha kecil, dan ini dapat membantu pemerintah dalam mengurangi tingkat pengangguran.

Sebagai perseroan terbaik, bank pundi kembali membuka rekrutmen lowongan terbaru bagi kamu yang berdomisili diseluruh indonesia, dengan harapan mencari kandidat yang beprestasi dan mampu bekerja dalam posisi jabatan berikut

Business Manager SME
Team Leader SME
Account Manager SME

Kualifikasi lowongan
  1. S1 dari semua jurusan
  2. Cowok dan cewek Berumur 28 – 38 tahun
  3. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  4. Seorang yang Komunikatif
  5. Punya integritas yang tinggi
  6. Bertanggung jawab dan jujur
  7. Berpengalaman
Bila kamu tertarik dengan salah satu posisi jabatan diatas, silakan lengkapi persyaratannya dan segera kirimkan lamaran anda pada email bak pundi
Untuk kelanjutannya silakan lihat disini

Ingin Lulus seleksi Pegawai Bank.!! Anda berminat lolos tes ujian seleksi psikotes dan tulisan di perbankan, Tertarik?? klik disini

Description : Lowongan Kerja Bank Pundi terbaru November 2013 PT Mayora Indah Rating : 4.6Reviewer : Situs Lowongan-kota.blogspot.com ItemReviewed : Peluang kerja Terbaru di Bank Pundi November 2013

Lowongan Pekerjaan Tamatan SMA/SMK November 2013 PT Mayora Indah

LOWONGAN KERJA DESEMBER 2013 - PT Mayora Indah Tbk sebagai perusahaan produsen industri makanan dan minuman olahan yang terbaik di indonesia. Dengan mengandalkan pengalaman, mayora sudah membuktikan kualitas terbaiknya sejak dari tahun 1977. Dengan lebih memberikan pendekatan terhadap konsumen, mayora mempersembahkan beberap produk yang familiar dikalangan masyarakat, saat ini mayora sudah memproduksi merek terkenal dunia seperti Kopiko, torabika, astor dan berbagai produk makanan lainnya. Mayoritas konsumen pasar nasional maupun global telah memberikan nilai positif dan mengakui kualitasnya, sehingga mayora group menjadi Consumer Goods Industry secara profesional.

Beberapa penghargaan dan pengakuan telah diraih seperti posisi pertama dalam produksi Makanan dan Minuman terbaik di indonesia. Produksi mayora sudah menjamin kehalalannya dan keaslianya, tidak hanya terdaftar dalam Majelis Ulama Indonesia, bahkan menjadi pemenang Produsen Terbaik Halal Produk dari versi MUI tersebut.

Sebagai perseroan yang sukses, mayora tetap fokus dalam mencari ivonasi - inovasi kualitas terbarunya untuk memberikan kepuasan terhadap konsumen baik nasional maupun global. Mayora indah, saat ini sedang membutuhkan beberapa kandidat yang suka dengan tantangan baru dan mampu bekerja secara profesional untuk mengisi beberapa posisi jabatan lowongan kerja berikut
Staff Admin Project
Section Head Produksi
Unit Head
Section Head
Staff Accounting
Supervisor Accounting
Staff QC Analis
Project Officer

Kualifikasi lowongan
  1. Cowok dan cewek
  2. Berbdan sehat
  3. Pendidikan SMA/SMK, Diploma dan sarjana
  4. Lulusan dari perguruan tinggi dalam atau luar negeri
  5. Mampu bekerja dengan shift
  6. Akan ditempatkan di wilayah tanggeran, lampung, cikupa, jakarta, bogor, makasar dan sulawesi
Bagi kamu yang memiliki kemampuan diatas silakan kirimkan aplikasi surat lamaran anda melalui alamat berikut PT Mayora Indah Jln Tomang Raya no 21-23 Jakarta 11440
Untuk info lebih lanjut silakan lihat disini

Ingin Lulus seleksi CPNS atau Pegawai BUMN .!! Anda berminat lolos tes ujian seleksi psikotes dan tulisan diperusahaan BUMN, Tertarik?? klik disini

Description : Lowongan Pekerjaan Tamatan SMA/SMK November 2013 PT Mayora Indah Rating : 4.6Reviewer : Situs Lowongan-kota.blogspot.com ItemReviewed : Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru di PT Mayora Indah Tingkat SMA November 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN November 2013 di PT Bio Farma (Persero)

LOWONGAN KERJA DESEMBER 2013 - PT Bio Farma (Persero) merupakan produsen terbaik obat-obatan khususnya vaksin dan anti sera secara nasional maupun global. Bio farma ini mencatatkan namanya menjadi perusahaan terbesar dikawasan asia tenggara untuk bidangnya, dan perseroan tersebut merupakan bagian dari badan usaha milik negara indonesia dimana sepenuhnya sahamnya dimiliki pemerintah.

Sebagai pemasok kebutuhan vaksin internasional, bio farma ikut serta dalam mendukung imunisasi indonesia dan negara - negara lain. Program ini diprakarsai oleh Badan Kesehatan Dunia dan indonesia merupakan salah satu anggotanya

Untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dan terhindar dari berbagai virus polio, campak, hepatisis, Indonesia melalui bio farma selalu mengadakan program wajib imunisasi terhadap anak - anak. Tidak hanya itu saja pemerintah juga memerangi virus bakteri yang kerap kali terjadi pada masyarakat indonesia dengan memberikan vaksin DTP, DT maupun BCG. Dalam mensukseskan imunisasi ini, bio farma mengoptimalkan konstribusi vaksinnya mencapai 1.1 miliar dosis. Hal ini menandai banyaknya kebutuhan vaksin dan anti sera yang diperlukan dalam mencegah berbagai penyakit virus di indonesia

Bio Farma, memberikan kesempatan bagi kamu lowongan kerja yang bertalenta muda dan profesional untuk mengisi posisi jabatan IT Staff, Adapun kualifikasinya sebagai berikut

IT Staff
  1. Pendidikan teknik komputer, teknik elektro, ilmu komputer
  2. Berusia maksimal 30 tahun
  3. Berpengalaman
  4. Mengerti akan jaringan dan sistem keamanan komputer
Bila kamu mempunyai keahlian seperti diatas, silakan daftarkan diri anda melalui situs resmi ITB Career sebelum sampai tanggal Penutupan lowongan 9 november 2013
Untuk informasi lowongan lihat disini

Ingin Lulus seleksi CPNS atau Pegawai BUMN .!! Anda berminat lolos tes ujian seleksi psikotes dan tulisan diperusahaan BUMN PT Bio Farma (Persero), Tertarik?? klik disini

Description : Lowongan Kerja BUMN November 2013 di PT Bio Farma (Persero) Rating : 4.6Reviewer : Situs Lowongan-kota.blogspot.com ItemReviewed : Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru di PT Bio Farma (Persero) November 2013

Lowongan Kerja Migas di Puma Energy International

Puma Energy International is a rapidly expanding, midstream and downstream oil company operating in 32 countries worldwide. Headquartered in Geneva (Switzerland) with regional offices in Johannesburg (South Africa), San Juan (Puerto Rico) and Singapore, we are a responsible supplier and storage facilitator of high-quality petroleum products and one of the largest independent fuel storage operators.
Indonesia is one of our key market: our focus is on long-term investments and lasting relationships. We are continuously strengthening our capabilities with investment in high quality infrastructure. To achieve our vision and mission together with our great team, we invite talented individual who seek for challenges to join our company.
Teritorry Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: B2B
Experience Desirable: 3 year on same field
Education Desirable: Technic or Management

Main Purpose
Implement the sales activities from the negotiation, sales quote, until delivery to reach the target achievement.

Key Responsibilities
• Implementing Sales plan, controlling and evaluating sales activity on target base, execution of business plans and identify new customers based on sales strategies.
• Support the preparation of negotiations, maintain an update list of prices, evaluate new customer and collate market information.
• Maintain strong long term relationship with customers, plan and organize site visit, problem solving of loading schedules and maintain close and constant communication with operation and, logistic and customer service for better services provision
• Monitor actual performance versus budget, monitor projected sales volume and preparation of sales report

Knowledge Skills and Abilities
• Have a knowledge on Kalimantan Market Area, and has sales experience in Kalimantan
• Ability to Generate sales and profit
• Experience in oil and gas industry
• Good track record in sales.
• Strong negotiation, presentation and communication skills.
• Team player and ability to interact with all levels.
• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Account Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: B2B
Experience Desirable: 1 year on same field
Education Desirable: Technic or Management

Main Purpose
Maintain administrative control of the assigned clients portfolio, as well in goal achievement and in effectiveness to recover values, maintain the credit lines established by the company and making cashing negotiations

Key Responsibilities
• Monitoring, Controlling and evaluating sales activity on target base
• Data Analysis / supporting on negotiation
• execute Business plans and all the norms, standards and commercial procedures of the company
• Prepare direct and indirect sales repot accurate, and on time
• Issue management : Handling customer feedback and resolve issue.

Knowledge Skills and Abilities
• Have a knowledge on Kalimantan Market Area, and has sales experience in Kalimantan
• Good customer relationship
• Team player and ability to interact with all levels.
• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Marine Discharge and HSE Supervisor
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Marine
Experience Desirable: 4 years on same field
Education Desirable: Marine

Main Purpose:
Supervise the entire ship to ship (barge) activities. Perform the supervision of all ship to ship equipment maintenance, contractors and operations staff. Supervises the loading / discharge activities. Reacts to emergencies in an organized manner as per ERP procedures

Key Responsibilities
• Perform all the day to day operations.
• Supervise all Ship to Ship contractors and their tasks and activities.
• Record all the relevant activities in the shift log and fill the necessary data in the log as well as in various records.
• Control and monitor all the oil movement operation on the vessel and barge and supervises the activities of the control room on board the vessel.

Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Must Attend Fire and Safety Training
• Sound knowledge of QHSSE,IMS,SAPS and all other terminal regulations and procedures
• Sound knowledge of Marine tanker operations, Loading Master and other terminal operations
• Sound knowledge of engineering and technical details of the terminal facilities
• Fluent in English

Marine Administration
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Jakarta
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Marine
Experience Desirable: 2 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Management, Administration

Main Purpose:
The Back-office Admin activities are Coordination, Implementation, and Documentation control, Voyage stock reconciliation, financial reporting and demurrage reconciliation. Payment, procurement and invoicing documentation control.

Key Responsibilities
• The Back-office Admin activities are Coordination, Implementation, and Documentation control, Voyage stock reconciliation, financial reporting and demurrage reconciliation.
• Documentations and Reports Preparation.
• Adhere to company health, safety and environmental policies and procedures.
• Ensure and control all documentation for Cargo Deliveries custom Declaration activities.
• Handles other responsibilities as directed by Marine Manager

Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Must Attend Fire and Safety Training
• Sound knowledge of QHSSE,IMS,SAPS and all other terminal regulations and procedures
• Sound knowledge of Marine tanker operations, Loading Master and other terminal operations
• Sound knowledge of engineering and technical details of the terminal facilities
• Fluent in English

Terminal Superintendent
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Operation
Experience Desirable: 5 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Technic

Main Purpose:
Responsible for managing the operation at the assigned Puma Energy terminal. Comply with the operations business plan and schedule. 100% commitment with the SAPS industrial safety program.

Key Responsibilities
• Coordinate with Commercial Management daily delivery of fuel, by means of the ordering program, one day in advance, so that deliveries are scheduled.
• Review and send to the General Management, Operations Management and Commercial Management daily inventory control, by means of the movement reports.
• Authorize the purchase of tools, materials and equipment by means of quotes and purchase orders, following regional procedures, and in order to keep the Terminal in good working conditions.
• Prepare and review reports concerning the state of condition of the Terminal, based on inspection reports of the Operators delivered by the Shift Supervisor; authorize maintenance or repair programs prepared by the Supervisor.
• Liaison between management and operations by means of reports; maintain good communication flow to ensure all parties involved are fully aware of daily activities and results.
• Authorize fire simulation and /or fuel spillage programs, in coordination with assistance bodies, to prepare the staff to act in case of accidents.
• Coordinate with Operations Management all programs for receiving tankers, including inventory control and consumption projections.
• Coordinate the adequate rotation of the inventory in the tanks of the Terminal.
• Prepare and execute procedures for the discharge from tankers
• Prepare the monthly safety and security report.
• Prepare the monthly safety committee meeting.

Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Must Attend Fire and Safety Training
• Sound knowledge of QHSSE,IMS,SAPS and all other terminal regulations and procedures
• Sound knowledge of Marine tanker operations, Loading Master and other terminal operations
• Sound knowledge of engineering and technical details of the terminal facilities
• Fluent in English

Terminal Administration
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Operation
Experience Desirable: 1 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Technic or Administration

Main Purpose:
To Administrate all of Terminal activities, such of General Service, Business Support and Finance

Key Responsibilities
• Responsible for the Order Taking, Dispatch Order, Invoice to Customers, Debit/Credit Notes and Invoice for Advanced Sales.
• Responsible for General Service matter for the Terminal Facilities.
• Administers maintenance plan for the Terminal Facilities
• Perform administration for Human Resource, Finance, Business Support, B2B and HSSE for the Terminal

Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Strong understanding of HSSE best practice and procedures and how to apply them in the workplace
• Technical Operations knowledge

Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan, Palembang and Jakarta
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Operation
Experience Desirable: 1 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Technic

Main Purpose :
To operate terminal facility as procedure and work instruction in the activities of truck and vessel loading or unloading.

Key Responsibilities
• To check truck and vessel facility appropriate as procedure.
• To operate and to checking terminal equipment as procedure.
• Run loading and unloading process as procedure.
• To check and administare stock calculation every day.
• To coordinate with business support department for stock condition.

Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Strong understanding of HSSE best practice and procedures and how to apply them in the workplace
• Technical Operations knowledge
• Stock Calculation
• Loading & Unloading

Finance Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Jakarta
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Finance
Experience Desirable: 10 years as Finance Manager
Education Desirable: Finance and/or Accounting

Main Purpose :
Responsible for financial policies and internal controls. Manage annual budget process, control Costs, Capex, debtors, cash flow, Fixed asset register and archiving. Ensures that all internal and external reporting requirements are met. Responsible for ensuring that local company secretarial requirements are met.

Key Responsibilities :
• Ensuring compliance with Company Secretarial and Statutory Requirements, including accounting standards and policies.
• Ensuring Group Accounts and performance reporting deadlines and requirements are met. Providing financial and non-financial MI to the business.
• Management of in-country function including management of Foreign Exchange, investment and the borrowing funds and relationships with the banks.
• Maintenance of the Internal Control Environment and liaison with internal & external auditors. Ensuring financial infrastructure and systems are maintained.
• Understand and monitor key financial and control risks and ensure mitigations are in place.
• Tax administration & optimization.
• Liaison with Retirement Fund Administrators and Investment Advisors.
• Co-ordinate legal issues and the association with the assistance of Legal Counsel.

Knowledge Skills and Abilities:
• Accounting Skills
• Associate Tax Reviews
• Business Knowledge
• IT Efficiency
• Leadership Skills
• Numeric & Analytical skills
• Fluent in English and Indonesia language is a must

Project Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Jakarta
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Finance
Experience Desirable: 10 years on Project (Especially on EPC Project)
Education Desirable: Civil Engineering

Main Purpose:
Responsible for launching the Puma brand (which will involve some brand switches) across the territory at Retail Stations, depots and terminals. Design, Construction and Supervision of various petroleum projects. Ensuring timely and satisfactory completion of plans and specifications

Key Responsibilities :
• DESIGN: Produce, agree and manage, with all relevant parties, a realistic design program and information required schedule to satisfy design, procurement and construction requirements.
• PROJECT FINANCING: Be responsible for the communication between the lenders and their technical advisors and the project team. Be responsible and follow up on the budget of the project.
• SUPERVISION: Coordinate project execution activities to ensure that projects are implemented within budget and schedule.
• STANDARDS COMPLIANCE: Ensure compliance of codes, standards, regulation and practices applicable to the design and construction

Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Experience with construction, upgrading and renovation of petrol stations
• Negotiating with suppliers and 3rd party contractors to execute the brand visual manifestation
• Network planning of petrol stations
• Project management of similar brand switch programs with other oil companies
• Project management to manage and execute projects on time and within budget
• Fluent English, and Indonesia
• Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, excellent in Power Point and Excel. Photoshop, Flash, and knowledge of other presentation techniques are required.

Suitable candidate should submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae and within 14 days. To : recruitmentindonesia@pumaenergy.com
Please Fill the position as email subject