Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Tenaga Ahli Bappenas Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013

Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Tenaga Ahli Bappenas Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013 - Direktorat Perlindungan dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Bappenas merupakan unit kerja yang mempunyai tugas melaksanakan penyiapan perumusan kebijakan, koordinasi, sinkronisasi pelaksanaan penyusunan dan evaluasi perencanaan pembangunan nasional di bidang perlindungan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, serta pemantauan dan penilaian atas pelaksanaannya.

Saat ini kami sedang mencari bakat-bakat terbaik yang memiliki minat untuk mengembangkan diri di bidang penelitian terkait kesejahteraan sosial untuk memenuhi posisi berikut:

Tenaga Ahli Bidang Manajemen Data
(Kode : MAN)
Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Tenaga Ahli Bappenas Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013
  • Laki-laki/Perempuan, minimal berusia 23 tahun.
  • Minimal berpendidikan sarjana (S1) di bidang ilmu: Statistik, Ekonomi, Administrasi Publik, dan ilmu sosial lainnya dengan IPK minimal 3,00.
  • Mampu menggunakan komputer dengan basis Microsoft Office dengan kemampuan baik
  • Menguasai aplikasi ekonometri dan statistik dengan baik, khususnya piranti lunak Stata dengan command standar pengolahan data (akan dilakukan pengujian kemampuan).
  • Familiar dengan pengolahan data sekunder berbasis survei/sensus, khususnya yang bersumber dari basis data Susenas, Sakernas, IFLS dan PSE/PPLS.
  • Memiliki pemahaman mendalam mengenai proses kerja di lingkungan pemerintahan.
  • Mempunyai minat dan perhatian di bidang kesejahteraan sosial.
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang excellent.
  • Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
  • Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik.
  • Mampu bekerja dalam tim.
  • Memiliki motivasi dan keinginan yang kuat untuk berkembang.
  • Bersedia bekerja penuh waktu (full time) dengan orientasi hasil pekerjaan (output based) selama 6 (enam) bulan, di mulai dari Juni ± November 2013.
  • Berdomisili di sekitar Jabodetabek dan mudah dihubungi/berkoordinasi.
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV, Fotokopi KTP, Fotokopi NPWP, Fotokopi Ijazah, Transkrip Akademik, dan Foto berwarna (4×6) 1 lembar sebelum 31 Januari 2013 ke alamat :

Email: dharendra.wardhana@bappenas.go.id
CC: dharendra@gmail.com
(scan softcopy dokumen dipersilakan)

Atau kirimkan melalui Pos ke (cantumkan kode di sudut kiri amplop) :

Direktorat Perlindungan dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Gedung Madiun, Lt. 6
Jl. Taman Suropati No. 2
Jakarta 12312

Sumber Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Tenaga Ahli Bappenas Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 Batubara di PT.Runge Indonesia

• Global career opportunities
• Learn new mining software
• Exposure to different commodities and mining methods
PT Runge Indonesia is the undisputed leader within the Mining Technology Services industry. Established for over 33 years we are an international organisation that provides Consulting, Software and Training Services to improve mine business planning to the mining, banking and related industries. Internationally recognised, our leading consulting team provides advisory services in base and precious metals; coal and industrial minerals. With 20 offices in 12 countries we provide a truly global offering to the industry.
PT Runge Indonesia s office is well established servicing a range of clients. Due to our ongoing success and continued expansion in the region, we are now seeking an experienced Geologist for our Jakarta based consulting team to further expand our Metals consulting business across Asia. Reporting to the Geology Manager Jakarta, you will be instrumental in expanding our experienced Metals Consulting team and you will lead a diverse range of projects including geological modelling, due diligence exercises and completing JORC compliant resource estimates for. You will play a key role amongst a global team of like-minded mining professionals and technical experts who specialize in all aspects of mining and mine business planning.
It is time to elevate your mining career to an international level. This is your opportunity to expand your technical knowledge as you work on significant consulting projects, and gain exposure to different commodities and mining methods. While these roles are based within the CBD you will also have the opportunity to travel to site and build your global reputation and mining network.
At PT Runge Indonesia, we encourage active participation in our business by employees and our values are reflected in a friendly yet professional work environment. Our ongoing success is founded on a combination of high expectations complimented by management support, job flexibility and genuine employee autonomy. You will be rewarded with a flexible salary package and conditions that will reflect your contribution to the success of the company.
To be successful in this role you will be qualified in geology with a minimum of 5 years resource modelling and hands on practical geological exploration and production experience in metaliferious and polymetalic deposit. You will demonstrate advanced project management and leadership skills and you will be highly computer literate including proven skills in geological modelling software. Fluent Bahasa Indonesian and English communication skills are required. Indonesian citizenship/permanent residence is required.
To apply or for further information about this and other current opportunities at PT Runge Indonesia please visit Runge s career s websitehttp://myrunge.runge.com.au/Groups/humanresources/Taleo.aspx

Lowongan Kerja 2013 Tambang Batubara di PT Baradinamika Mudasukses;

Kami bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubara sejak 1992 dengan sistem terintegrasi dalam penyediaan batubara untuk mencapai kualitas mutu yang tinggi demi kepuasan pelanggan. Kami selalu ingin berbenah dan menjadi lebih baik.
Dengan meningkatnya target produksi batubara, saat ini kami sedang mencari individu-individu yang luar biasa dan professional untuk mengisi posisi - posisi sebagai berikut :
Field Finance & Accounting Supervisor
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia min. 25 thn, max 35 th
• Pendidikan lebih disukai D3 / S1 – Akuntansi.
• Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di posisi yang sama, lebih disukai bagi yang berpengalaman diperusahaan yang bergerak di bisnis batu bara ( kotraktor / owner ).
• Menguasai MS Office dengan sangat baik.
• Menguasai Financial & Cash Flow management, Budgeting, Akuntansi dasar & menengah.
Geologist ( Code : GEO )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Max 37 Thn.
• Lulusan S1 Geologi.
• Pengalaman Minimal 5 tahun diposisi yang sama dengan aktivitas utama eksplorasi.
• Mampu memimpin proyek dan mengelola secara mandiri.
• Memahami map info/surpac/minescape dan software GIS lainya
• Terbiasa dengan pelaporan aktifitas explorasi
• Memahami kualitas batubara dan pola penyebarannya.
Mine Engineer ( Code : ME )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Max 37 tahun.
• Pendidikan lebih di sukai S1 Teknik Pertambangan.
• Pengalaman Min. 4 tahun diposisi yang sama diperusahaan tambang batubara.
• Lebih disukai berpengalaman di perusahaan tambang dengan sistem yang terintegrasi.
• Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengoperasikan mining software (Minescape).
• Dapat membuat rencana dan desain tambang yang bersifat short term maupun long term.
• Menguasai dan mampu mengaplikasikan good Mining practice.
• Dapat menyusun serta membuat laporan data-data hasil pengamatan lapangan.
Mining Operation Manager (Code : OM )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Max 48 Thn.
• Pendidikan Min S1 Teknik Tambang.
• Pengalaman Minimal 5 tahun sebagai operation manager di perusahaan tambang batu bara dengan produksi diatas 3 juta mt batu bara per tahun.
• Menguasai mine engineering, mine operations, coal processing, dan coal quality control.
• Memahami dan mampu mengaplikasikan good mining practice.
• Memiliki jiwa kepimpinan yang tinggi.
Maintenance / Plant. Dept. Head ( Code : MPDH )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, max 45 tahun
• Pendidikan min STM/SLTA, lebih disukai S1 teknik mesin
• Pengalaman minimal 12 tahun di Repair & maintenance alat alat berat dan minimal 3 tahun sebagai maintenance / plant dept. Head
• Sangat menguasai repair & maintenance alat berat, crusher & conveyor beserta systemnya.
• Menguasai maintenance plan
• Lebih disukai bagi yang menguasai ellipse – modul WA maintenance
• Jiwa kepimpinan yang tinggi sangat diperlukan, menyukai tantangan untuk perubahan adalah persyaratan wajib.
Maintenance Planner ( Code : MP )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min 25 Thn Max. 35 Thn.
• Pengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 3 tahun di perusahaan tambang atau Kontraktor tambang.
• Memahami heavy equipment maintenance management.
• Lebih disukai menguasai ellipse modul WA – maintenance.
• Pendidikan lebih disukai D3/S1 Teknik industri / Teknik mesin.
• Daya tangkap dan analisa yang baik sangat diperlukan.
Fresh graduate Development program – HR
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, max 25 th.
• S1 Psikologi dari universitas ternama, lebih disukai dari universitas negeri.
• Fresh graduate / pengalaman kerja maksimal 2 tahun.
Kualifikasi Umum untuk semua posisi :
• Semua posisi penempatan di Loreh – Malinau, Kaltim.
• Minimal menguasai microsoft office.
• Mampu bekerja secara team maupun individual.
• Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
• Aktif, inovatif, dan berdedikasi tinggi.
Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, dapat mengirimkan CV Lengkap dan Foto terbaru ke alamat email kami di bawah ini, dengan mencantumkan nama posisi atau code posisi yang di lamar pada subject email :
Paket remunerisasi yang menarik akan kami tawarkan kepada kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan kami.
”Mohon maaf bagi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tidak akan kami proses”

Lowongan Kerja 2013 Migas di PT Berau Coal

We are one of the largest and fast growing coal mining companies running our operation in Berau, East-Kalimantan. We are looking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to fill the following positions:
1. Long Term Mine Planner
Responsible to develop long term mine plan, provide recommendation of mine development, making technical and economical mining evaluation and provide risk analysis for long term mine plan.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering.
• Minimum 3 years experience at similar position
• Holding POP certification would be an advantage.
• Proficient in mine planning software (Minex, MineScape, etc).
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan)..
2. Short Term Mine Planner
Responsible to design short term mine plan; making of daily, weekly and quarterly plan. Evaluate progress of production target. Recommend efficiency and effective in mine operation.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering.
• Minimum 2 years experience at similar position.
• Holding POP certification would be an advantage.
• Proficient in Mine Scape Core & Open cut certified.
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan)..
3. Transhipment Supervisor
Responsible to the Shipping Manager&PFSO for supervising the loading unloading coal activities from barges to mother vessel / OGV (Ocean Going Vessels) and coordinating the transportation to the coal transshipment point.
Requirements :
• Bachelor degree / Diploma IV in Nautic
• Chief Mate Ocean (MPB II / ANT II qualification).
• Minimum 2 years working experience as officer in International liner, shipping agency or stevedoring company will be advantage
• Fluent in English.
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan).
4. Mine Surveyor
Responsible to measuring, processing the data survey, and show the boundary pole of mining location to the customer.
• SMA/SMK, in mapping & Survey.
• Minimum 2 years experience at similar position preferably from coal mining industries.
• Have good motivation and physical ability.
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan)..
5. Product Support
Responsible to market development and addressing the customer in product handling.
Requirement :
• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering/ Mining Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering.
• Minimum 2 year experience as marketing on mining or coal trading company
• Having knowledge about coal quality and boiler machine is an advantage.
• Good looking, energetic and excellent communication skill.
• Proficient in English is a must.
• Placement at Jakarta.
6. Geological Operation
Responsible to coordinate geological data retrieval operations in order to identify the geological resources and mining support activities
• Bachelor degree in Geological Engineering
• Min 4 years experience at similar position
• Familiar with JORC standart exploration
• Familiar in geological data management & geological resource model
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan).
7. Safety Supervisor
Responsible to supervise the implementation of safety & risk control program base on PT Berau Coal occupational Health & Safety management system and also perform inspection regularly at operational area including contractor in order to make safe operation.
• Bachelor degree mining Engineering, Geological, Civil Engineering, Occupational Health & Safety/ Public Health, Mechanical Engineering
• Minimum 2 years experience at similar position preferably from coal mining industries.
• Having knowledge in OSHAS 18001
• Holding POP/AK3 certification would be an advantage.
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan).
8. Blasting Engineer
Responsible to ensure that implementation of blasting operation is on schedule. Responsible the supervisor of blasting operational, such as : Drilling / Making hole, Loading of explosives. Responsible to ensure that good explosions (with no boulder, fly rock, ground vibration and small air blast). Responsible to evaluate and give advice to create efficiency and effective on blasting operations.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering
• Minimum 2 years experience as Blasting Supervisor
• Having second class blaster certification, KJL and preferably to KIM
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan).
9. OHSE Training
Reporting to the to the HSE Training Superintendent, the HSE Trainer”s primary focus will be coordinating and delivering HSE Training [SIMAK K3L] programs to the Berau Coal & Contractor employees.
• Bachelor Degree Majoring Mining Engineering, Geological, HSE & other technical discipline.
• Minimum of 3 years relevant experience associated with implementation of Safety Management Systems including exposure to international management system standards such as OHSAS 18000 series.
• Proven adult education methodology to create the instructional design and deployment models for companywide HSE training workshops, courses and programs.
• The candidate will have an understanding of adult learning theory and be able to apply adult learning methodologies.
• Recognized technical certification in Safety Management Systems and/or Occupational Health and Safety is a definite asset.
• Ability to work under minimal supervision in a fast-paced, self-motivated working environment.
• Well developed communication skills, writing skills and computer literacy in the English language with good interpretational skills.
• Deep knowledge for HIRADC, HSE Management Systems, Fire Management Systems and Having TOT certification.
• Placement at Berau, East Kalimantan.
10. Survey Supervisor
Responsible to planning, directing, and overseeing the implementation of fuction in all areas of the mine survey company. Oversee processing of survey data and to validate the data collected and processed
• Bachelor degree in geodetic engineering,.
• Minimum 3 years experience as OHSE Training.
• Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan).
All candidates must fluent in English, computer literature (min. MS.Office) and always strive to excellent.
For applying those position;
Please log on to this link
or visit
 click on PT Berau Coal Logo
or send ur application to :

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank BNI Syariah, Cabang Jabodetabek, Front Liner dan Staff Administrasi - Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank BNI Syariah, Cabang Jabodetabek, Front Liner dan Staff Administrasi - Januari 2013 - Dalam rangka pengembangan bisnis tahun 2013, BNI Syariah, membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk ditempatkan di Cabang Jabodetabek pada posisi:

1. Front Liner
  • Deskripsi pekerjaan : bertugas melayani transaksi keuangan nasabah serta memberikan informasi produk dan jasa perusahaan.
Persyaratan :
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Usia maks.25 tahun
  • Pendidikan min. D3 (dari berbagai jurusan), IPK min. 3,00
  • Belum menikah
  • Memiliki kepribadian yang baik
  • Memiliki penampilan menarik
  • Memiliki motivasi tinggi, menyukai tantangan dan teliti dalam bekerja
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer min.MS Office (Word, Excel & Power Point)
  • Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik secara lisan dan tulisan
2. Staff Administrasi
  • Deskripsi pekerjaan : bertugas mengelola tugas-tugas administrasi terkait operasional perbankan.
Persyaratan :
  • Pria/wanita, usia maks. 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan min. D3 (dari berbagai jurusan), IPK min. 3,00,
  • Belum menikah
  • Mampu menguasai komputer min. MS Office (Word, Excel & Power Point)
  • Memiliki motivasi tinggi, menyukai tantangan dan ulet dalam bekerja
  • Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik secara lisan dan tulisan
Apabila Anda tertarik untuk berkarir bersama PT Bank BNI Syariah, dapat mengisi formulir sebelum 20 Januari 2013, Klik Disini

Note :