PT Pertamina Patra Niaga |
Originally registered as PT ELNUSA HARAPAN in 1997, PT PATRA NIAGA was launched in 2004 to focus on the downstream oil and gas (O&G) business.
In 2013, PT PERTAMINA (Persero) began to align all logos of its subsidiaries through Pertamina Directorate of Marketing and Commerce. The Directorate started to rebrand each of the subsidiary's logos including the PT PATRA NIAGA logo and changed the company's name to PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA.
Today PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA offers fuel trading, fuel handling, fleet management and depot management.
New efficient strategies and a rational organizational approach has strengthened the company's position, even with today's increased competition. PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA constantly strives to increase its competitiveness in both national and global O&G markets.
PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA is being Growth rapidly through 4th Corporate Values below:
1.Opportunity Seeking
2.Risk Awarness
3.Service Excellence
In 2013, PT PERTAMINA (Persero) began to align all logos of its subsidiaries through Pertamina Directorate of Marketing and Commerce. The Directorate started to rebrand each of the subsidiary's logos including the PT PATRA NIAGA logo and changed the company's name to PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA.
Today PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA offers fuel trading, fuel handling, fleet management and depot management.
New efficient strategies and a rational organizational approach has strengthened the company's position, even with today's increased competition. PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA constantly strives to increase its competitiveness in both national and global O&G markets.
PT PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA is being Growth rapidly through 4th Corporate Values below:
1.Opportunity Seeking
2.Risk Awarness
3.Service Excellence
Risk Management
Jakarta Raya
Jakarta Raya
Review the significant risks which are identified and controlled by the risk owners. Coordinate and review the methodologies and tools for managing risk exposure. Support the development of key risk indicators. Develop and revise the Risk Management framework and related Risk Management policy/charter. Manage and handle operational-ERM process.
Bachelor degree (S-1) in Economics (Acconting & Finance)/ Business/ Industrial Engineering Max 36 years old Minimum have two (2) years working experience in the area of risk management/ operation/ accounting/ internal control/ audit/ treasury). Excellent oral and written communication skill both in Indonesian and English. Having strong analytical skill. Computer literacy in Microsoft Office. Having strong motivation to learn, hard work & responsible to complete the job. Pro-active, goal-oriented, independent, and multitasking person. Strong knowledge of insurance's regulation. Have a nice :
- Experience with SAP
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Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Update Bursa Lowongan Pekerjaan dan Karir Serta Loker Terbaru 2014 untuk SMP, SMK, SMF, SMA, D1, D2, D3, S1, S2, S2
Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Update Bursa Lowongan Pekerjaan dan Karir Serta Loker Terbaru 2014 untuk SMP, SMK, SMF, SMA, D1, D2, D3, S1, S2, S2
Lowongan kerja migas di PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
Posted by: Tukiyooo
Lowongan kerja migas di PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Updated at :
Senin, 16 Desember 2013
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