Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Lowongan kerja mining di PT. Meares Soputan Mining : OHS

PT. Meares Soputan Mining is operating The Toka Tindung Gold Project located 34 km north east of Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Toka Tindung is fully operational and all infrastructure is in place. The first gold pour took place in April 2011.
To strengthen the existing management team and to ensure the achievement of the company objectives, PT. Meares Soputan Mining is pleased to invite applications for the following role:
OHS Document Controller is the key administrator in ensuring that OHS Document both manual and INX In-Control is properly maintained all the time. The document control will closely work with the INX In-Control Moderator across the site to make sure all OHS data is input accurately to the system and on time.
• S1/Diploma in Administration/ System Information/Secretarial
• At least 3 year experiences in the related field.
• Familiar with operation and maintenance of OHS management software database system such as INX or SIMS, or First Priority and etc
• Have a fundamental understanding of OHSAS 18001 philosophies, principles, systems, methods, tools, standards and training.
• Have a basic understanding of OHSAS 18001 Internal/External Audit and Management Review process including planning, preparation, execution, reporting results, and follow-up.
• Be able to develop and implement OHS programs, including coordination with process owner related with document creating or revising such as manual/procedures/ work instruction / checklist / form / etc, and ensure all of the them distributed and controlled
• Computer literacy
• Good communication in English both oral & written
Only applicants with the above requirements will be considered. Please submit your application letter and put the position above on your subject application letter with your CV and recent photograph, not later then 1 week from this advertisement date to:
PO BOX 1550 Manado,
or email to :
Maximum file attachment by email : 250 kb.

Lowongan kerja mining di Tambang Emas martabe

G-Resources is an Asia-Pacific gold company, based and listed in Hong Kong, and is operating the Martabe Gold Mine in North Sumatera. Having poured our first gold bars, the mine and processing plant is now focused on achieving the ramp up phase to go into full production. The open cut mine, with an average strip ratio of less than 1.4:1, and a conventional processing circuit incorporating jaw crushing, SAG and ball milling and CIL, is targeting to initially process 4.5mtpa to produce 250,000 ounces of gold and 3 million ounces of silver annually. The Martabe Gold Mine is striving to maintain an excellent track record in responsible mining practices, and clear commitment to compliance to mining regulations as well as developing and managing mining activities with the involvement of local communities.
To strengthen the existing management team and to ensure the achievement of the company objectives, the Martabe Gold Mine is looking for candidate to fill the role:
This position will be based at Martabe site and reports directly to the Staff Development Superintendent.
This position would be responsible for assist the Mobile Equipment and Permitting Training Supervisor in the development and implementation of knowledge and skill training, to ensure ongoing progression of all PTAR personnel who require permits and licences in order to work safely and effectively within the appropriate manpower regulations and legislation. The incumbent will be the front-line trainer and assessor of numerous permits and licenses.
Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
1. Is a Certified Trainer of at least two (2) of the following disciplines:
• Rigger/sling inspector
• Scaffolder
• Scaffold Inspector
• Fork Lift Class One/Bobcat
• Mobile Crane
• Gantry (overhead crane)
2. Current Indonesian light vehicle licences
3. 5 years experience in the mining industry with 3 years as a Vehicle / Equipment Operator Training Trainer
4. A sound awareness of operational safety issues and an excellent personal safety record
5. Thorough knowledge of Equipment Operator Standards
6. Is a Certified Rigger, Dogman and various MINERBA Vehicle Certificates
7. High level competency in personal computer applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
8. Batak language skills

If you believe you have the necessary skills, qualities and experience to succeed in this position, apply in confidence by quoting the position title & code on the email subject, no later than 20 May 2013 to:
Females are encouraged to apply; only short listed candidates will be notified for further processes. For more information on G-Resources and the Martabe Gold Mine please visit

Lowongan kerja mining di PT Meares Soputan Mining

PT Meares Soputan Mining is production the Toka Tindung Gold Project in North Sulawesi. Applicants are invited for the following position:
Overall management of Geotechnical function on site; Collecting, analysing and evaluating geotechnical data; Liaising with the mining engineering teams to provide technical support and ensure accurate planning throughout the mine site; Ensuring pit wall stability and quality control of support measures through the supervision of ground control, quality and testing programs.
• Degree qualifications in Mining / Geotechnical Engineering or related discipline;
• Minimum 8 years experience on an operational mine site;
• Ability to manage and lead a team
• Knowledge of geotechnical analysis and 3D modeling software;
Only applicants with the above requirements will be considered. Please submit your application letter and put the position above on your subject application letter with your CV and recent photograph, not later than 1 week from this advertisement date to:HR PT MSM
PO BOX 1550 Manado,
Or email to:

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Pengumuman Rekrutment PKWT Batch II PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ngurah Rai Commercial SBU 2013 - Juni 2013

Pengumuman Rekrutment PKWT Batch II PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ngurah Rai Commercial SBU 2013 - Juni 2013 - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ngurah Rai Commercial Strategic Business Unit (SBU) sedang melakukan rekrutmen PKWT Batch II dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

I. Persyaratan :
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia
  2. Tidak terlibat dalam obat-obatan/narkoba
  3. Tidak pernah dipenjarakan oleh karena malakukan tindak kejahatan
II. Proses pengiriman Surat Lamaran
Pengumuman Rekrutment PKWT Batch II PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ngurah Rai Commercial SBU 2013 - Juni 2013
  • Surat lamaran ditujukan ke : General Manager/Co. General Manager PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ngurah Rai Commercial SBU c.q Finance and Administration Managet PO. BOX 1206 TBB. 80362
  • Dokumen lamaran yang harus dipenuhi sebagai berikut :
  1. Surat lamaran
  2. CV
  3. Foto warna terbaru 4x3 (3 lembar)
  4. Foto kopi Ijazah D3 terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
  5. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang ASLI
  6. Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
  • Lamaran dikirimkan paling lambat 12 Juni 2013
  • Lamaran yang dikirimkan menjadi hak dan milik panitian rekrutmen
  • Lamaran hanya bisa dikirimkan via PO. BOX 1206 TBB. 80362
III. Kualifikasi Pendidikan :

    IV. Proses Penilaian
    Proses penilaian dilaksanakan di Bali oleh Lembaga Teknologi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia dengan proses sbb :
    1. Administrasi
    2. Tes Kemampuan Dasar
    3. Psikologi
    4. Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris
    Sumber Pengumuman Rekrutment PKWT Batch II PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ngurah Rai Commercial SBU 2013 - Juni 2013

    Lowongan Kerja PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS ), Vessel Planning Staff - Juni 2013

    Lowongan Kerja PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS ), Vessel Planning Staff - Juni 2013PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS ) adalah perusahaan penyedia fasilitas terminal petikemas untuk perdagangan domestik maupun internasional bagi pelaku usaha di wilayah Indonesia Timur.. Saat ini TPS mengantongi ISO 9001 (standar mutu), ISO 14001 (standar lingkungan), OHSAS 18001 (standar keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja), dan ISPS Code (standar keamanan kapal dan fasilitas pelabuhan).Membutuhkan :

    Vessel Planning Staff
    Jawa Timur - Surabaya

    Tanggung Jawab :
    Lowongan Kerja PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS ), Vessel Planning Staff - Juni 2013
    • Meneliti kelengkapan Dokumen Bongkar Muat Container sebagai bahan perencanaan kegiatan bongkar / muat untuk memastikan keakurasian dan kebenaran dokumen untuk proses perencanaan lebih lanjut.
    • Memastikan data container yang sudah siap muat secara system (sudah berdocument PEB) dan mengkoordinasikannya dengan internal terkait jika diketemukan ada data yang secara system masih meragukan. Selanjutnya dikoordinasikan dengan pihak pelayaran untuk pengecekan dan konfirmasi  lebih lanjut
    • Membuat dan Menerbitkan perencanaan Bongkar Muat Container, restow, transshipment, dengan memperhatikan kaidah dasar perencanaan maupun segregasinya dan seterusnya didistribusikan kepada Yard Operation, Berth Operation, Administration Operation dan Perusahaan Pelayaran sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan kerja dilapangan dan dermaga agar dapat memenuhi target perusahaan yang telah ditentukan.
    • Melakukan koordinasi secara proaktif dalam kerja team dengan staff perencanaan, dan  seluruh  staff  operasi  agar  menghasilkan   produktifitas Bongkar Muat Container secara optimal.
    • Ikut secara aktif memberikan ide / inisiatif /masukan terkait kelancaran dan percepatan proses bongkar muat
    •  Menerapkan peraturan tentang sistim keselamatan, kesehatan dan keamanan kerja sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku untuk mencapai target yang ditetapkan perusahaan
    Persyaratan :
    • Pendidikan minimal D3 – Umum / Perkapalan / Akademi Pelayaran
    • Pengetahuan tentang kapal (stabilitas, keselamatan dan lain-lain)
    • Pengetahuan tentang "conteinerisasi"
    • Kemampuan Bhs. Inggris / aktif
    • Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan mampu membuat perencanaan
    • Pengalaman kerja dibidang  perencanaan Bongkar Muat Petikemas minimal 1 tahun  ( diutamakan )
    • Usia maksimal  35  tahun per 01 Agustus 2013
    • Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer /  MS Office,
    • Bersedia bekerja secara shift
    Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS ) dan yang memenuhi kriteria di atas, silakan melamaran secara online sebelum 15 Juni 2013 melalui laman :
    Sumber Lowongan Kerja PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS ), Vessel Planning Staff - Juni 2013