Senin, 29 April 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Perum Perumnas, Staff Profesional S1 dan S2 - April, Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Perum Perumnas, Staff Profesional S1 dan S2 - April, Mei 2013 - Perusahaan Umum Pembangunan Perumahan Nasional (Perum Perumnas) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan properti dan kawasan perumahan, mengundang Anda untuk berkarir sebagai;

Staf Profesional
Persyaratan :
  • Sarjana (S1) dan Pasca Sarjana (S2) dari Universitas Negeri/Swasta dengan akreditasi A dan B
  • Jurusan :
    Teknik Sipil
    Teknik Geodesi
    Teknik ELektro
    Teknik Informatika
    Teknik Arsitektur
    Hukum Perdata/Pidana
    Ekonomi Manajemen/Marketing
    Ekonomi Akuntansi
    Administrasi Bisnis
  • Lowongan Kerja BUMN Perum Perumnas, Staff Profesional S1 dan S2 - April, Mei 2013
  • IPK (skala 4) Min 3,0 (untuk S1 non-Teknik), 2,8 (untuk S1 Teknik) dan 3,2 (untuk S2)
  • Usia pada 01 Juni 2013 max 27 tahun untuk S1 dan 30 tahun untuk S2
  • Enerjik, berdedikasi dan pekerja keras
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Perum Perumnas
Untuk melamar silakan klik, dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian. Persyaratan berikut harus dikirimkan ke PO BOX 40 YKBS 55281 A, dengan menyertakan CV, pas foto (4x6), copy Ijazah, Surat Pengalaman Kerja (bila ada) dan Traskrip Nilai

Catatan :

Lowongan Kerja PT. Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (ILCS) - Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT. Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (ILCS) - Mei 2013 - PT. Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (ILCS), perusahaan e-trade logistic yang merupakan subsidiary 2 BUMN terkemuka di Indonesia, membutuhkan karyawan terbaik untuk melayani kebutuhan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) masyarakat logistik Indonesia, yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi-posisi sebagai berikut:"

IT Strategic Staff

  • Minimum Diploma from IT or similar major, GPA min 2.75. Fresh graduates are welcome.
Key responsibility:
  • Responsible to manage IT Strategic and Planning implementation.
Key competency :
  • Software life cycle development
  • IT Security
  • Application Developer (php, visual basic)
  • Database System
  • Documentation, workflow, diagram dan flowchart
  • Analytic Thinking
  • Team work
  • Time

  • Having good verbal and writing communication skill.
  • Fast learner.
  • Good attitude and strong motivation in working.
  • Capable in working in team or individual with minimum supervision .
IT Infrastructure

  • Minimum Diploma from IT or similar major, experience in the same field, GPA min. 2.75. Fresh graduates are welcome.
Key responsibility:
  • Responsible to manage and maintain infrastructure of products application.
Key competency:
Lowongan Kerja PT. Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (ILCS) - Mei 2013
  • System/platform planning & design infrastruktur (server, network dan access)
  • System/platform operation & maintenance
  • Data Network Planning & Design
  • Data network operation Maintenance
  • IT Security& Reliability
  • Experience server blade and virtualition
  • Analytic Thinking
  • Team work
  • Time management
  • Having good verbal and writing communication skill.
  • Fast learner.
  • Good attitude and strong motivation in working.
  • Capable in working in team or individual with minimum supervision .
 Programmer & Database system

  • Minimum Diploma from IT or similar major, GPA min. 2.75. Fresh graduates are welcome
Key responsibility:
  • Responsible to develop application, manage and maintain database system in Company products..
Key competency:
  • System/platform planning & design
  • Application development & programming ( php, java, c++,
  • IT Security& Reliability
  • Database administration
  • Database Design (oracle, ms sql, postgresql)
  • Analytic Thinking
  • Time management
  • Having good verbal and writing communication skill.
  • Fast learner.
  • Good attitude and strong motivation in working.
  • Capable in working in team or individual with minimum supervision .
IT Integration (ESB)

  • Minimum Bachelor from IT or similar major, GPA min. 2.75, having experience in the same field for at least 3 years.
Key responsibility:
  • Responsible to develop application system integration on Company products.
Key competency:
  • System/platform planning & design (php, java, c++,
  • IT System Integration
  • Application Design
  • Application Programming & Development (web service, XML, php json dan Java)
  • IT Security& Reliability
  • IT Quality Assurance
  • Analytic Thinking
  • Time management
  • Having good verbal and writing communication skill.
  • Fast learner.
  • Good attitude and strong motivation in working.
  • Capable in working in team or individual with minimum supervision .
Programmer Web Portal

  • Minimum Bachelor from IT or similar major, GPA min. 2.75, having experience in the same field for at least 3 years.
Key responsibility:
  • Responsible to develop web portal and application system integration on portal products.
Key competency:
  • System/platform planning & design (php, java, c++,
  • IT System Integration
  • Application Design
  • Application Programming & Development (web service, XML, php json dan Java)
  • E-payment system
  • Multimedia application
  • Analytic Thinking
  • Time Management
  • Having good verbal and writing communication skill.
  • Fast learner.
  • Good attitude and strong motivation in working.
  • Capable in working in team or individual with minimum supervision .
Project Manager

Key requirements:
  • Minimum Bachelorfrom IT or similar major, GPA 2.75, having experience in the same field for at least 5 years, having PMP certificate is a must.
Key responsibilities:
  • Responsible to manage, monitor and control Company projects.
Key competency:
  • Project Management
  • Business Oriented & Analyst
  • IT System Integration
  • System/platform planning & design
  • Portal platform & design system
  • Logistik port system
  • Analytic Thinking
  • Leadership
  • Time management
  • Conceptual thinking
  • Having good verbal and writing communication skill.
  • Fast learner.
  • Good attitude and strong motivation in working.
  • Capable in working in team or individual with minimum supervision
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT. Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (ILCS), silakan kirimkan CV paling lambat s/d tgl. 05 Mei 2013, dan diemail ke or apply online at

Sumber Lowongan Kerja PT. Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (ILCS) - Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN - Pelatihan Pemagangan di PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Tingkat SMK dan SMU - Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN - Pelatihan Pemagangan di PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Tingkat SMK dan SMU - Mei 2013 - PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang industri galangan kapal. Kantor pusat dan industri galangan kapal ini terdapat di Surabaya, Jawa Timur.

PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero), bermula dari sebuah galangan kapal yang bernama MARINA dan didirikan oleh pemerintah Belanda pada tahun 1939. Pada masa pendudukan Jepang, Perusahaan ini beralih nama menjadi Kaigun SE 2124. Setelah kemerdekaan, Pemerintah Indonesia menasionalisasi Perusahaan ini dan mengubah namanya menjadi Penataran Angkatan Laut (PAL). Pada tanggal 15 April 1980, Pemerintah mengubah status Perusahaan dari Perusahaan Umum menjadi Perseroan Terbatas sesuai dengan akta No. 12, yang dibuat oleh Notaris Hadi Moentoro, SH.

Lowongan Kerja BUMN - Pelatihan Pemagangan di PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Tingkat SMK dan SMU - Mei 2013
Lokasi Perusahaan di Ujung, Surabaya, dengan kegiatan utama memproduksi kapal perang dan kapal niaga, memberikan jasa perbaikan dan pemeliharaan kapal, serta rekayasa umum dengan spesifikasi tertentu berdasarkan pesanan.

Kemampuan rancang bangun yang menonjol dari PAL Indonesia telah memasuki pasaran internasional dan kualitasnya telah diakui dunia. Kapal-kapal produksi PAL Indonesia telah melayari perairan di seluruh dunia.

  • Gedung diklat Divisi BIN ORG & SDM PT PAL Indonesia
Tanggal pendaftaran
Program Pelatihan pemagangan
  1. Plat Fitter / Konstruksi Kapal Baja
  2. Pengelasan Pelat
  3. Pengelasan Pipa
  4. Operator Crane PT PAL
  5. Listrik PT. Bambang Djaja
  6. Las PT. Bambang Djaja
  • Pendidikan SMU / SMK
  • Usia max 23 th pada tgl 22 April 2013
  • Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang dilengkapi dengan
    1. FC Ijazah terakhir / surat keterangan telah mengikuti ujian akhir
    2. FC KTP
    3. Pas foto berwarna 3X4 = 2 lembar
    4. Surat keterangan sehat dari Dokter
    5. Surat pernyataan sanggup mengikuti program pelatihan pemagangan (disediakan)
  • Bagi peserta yang telah selesai mengikuti program pelatihan – pemagangan akan mendapatkan sertifikat Pelatihan dan sertifikat Pemagangan (Sebagai pengalaman pengakuan Kerja) dan bila dinyatakan lulus seleksi akan mendapatkan kesempatan bekerja di PT PAL INDONESIA
Keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi :

Jl. Ujung Surabaya
Telp. 031-3292275 pesawat 2204,2240atau
Email :

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Lowongan Kerja Migas di PETRONAS

Through drive and support from its staff, PETRONAS, in its short history, has demonstrated remarkable growth and performance to emerge as a Fortune Global 500 company. Incorporated in Malaysia in 1974, PETRONAS, in its 30 years of operations, has established a global footprint that includes exploration and retail operations in more than 30 countries, and counts among its 30,000 strong workforce people of 28 nationalities.
Under the Production Sharing Contract arrangement with SKK MIGAS, PETRONAS CARIGALI Indonesia Operation is looking for some positions below to support our development project:
Technical Assistant (Exploration)
Supports and assists to G&G team to conduct evaluate surface and sub-surface, G&G study, seismic 2D and 3D acquisition, site survey, drilling activities of exploration well, compile G&G data by editing, redrawing, printing, cataloging and binding.
To others supporting for Indonesia working area update liaise with PND, editing location map, logistic map, HSE map and Planning activities for Scout check material and new venture.
General Requirement:
- Minimum D3 from related discipline.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in similar position within oil and gas industry.
- Familiar with some software such as ArcGIS, Map Info, Corel, Photoshop, AutoCAD etc.

Those who have close qualifications above are encouraged to send your updated CV to:
Please put position title as the email subject.
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
(Please keep attachment to less than 300kb)

Lowongan Kerja Migas 2013 di Baker Hughes; 7 positions; 2 of 2 ads

As a leader in the oilfield services industry BAKER HUGHES offers opportunities for people who want to grow and build their careers in our high performance organization
Operating in more than 90 countries arid employing more than 50.000 in fields such as drilling and evaluation completes and production and fluids and chemicals, we continuously strive to develop our people through on-going commitment to learning and performance Improvement
Current Available Opportunities:
• Drilling Engineer - Saudi Arabia Ref 1304714
• Well Planer – Saudi Arabia - Ref 1304308
• Coiled Tubing Specialist III Ref. 1304323
• Field Specialist IV Ref 13134333
• Field Specialist III (FRAC) - Ref 1304322
• Assembly Maintenance & Overhaul Supervisor - Ref 1303916
• Assembly. Maintenance & Overhaul Technical - Ref 1309810
How to apply:
• Please visit
• Enter the reference number you are interested in
• Apply
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