Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 Migas di PT Elnusa Tbk.

PT Elnusa Tbk. a national pride world class company for total solution in Upstream Oil and Gas Services (www.elnusa.co.id). We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:
Job Descriptions
1. To develop and maintain PT. Elnusa Tbk. non — operational assets (properties) in accordance with company’s strategic and financial growth objectives.
2. Generate & maintain working relationships with government, property developers, investors, consultants, and others related to the works.
3. Coordinate with other related Departement / Division regarding the technical and quality specifications of projects to build and provide inputs when necessary to ensure that the projects meets the standard quality and safety requirements
4. Feed Top management with internal and external analysis on strategic information about non-operational assets (property) development.
5. Develop & evaluate all services and operational manuals to ensure that they are accurate, current and applicable to the existing conditions.
6. Generate non-operational asset (property) management as a profit center.
Job Requirements:
1. Minimum Bachelors Degree (S1) from reputable University (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Business Management, Law). Post Graduate I Master Degree (S2) is preferable.
2. Preferably female. 30—45 years old.
3. At least 7 years of proven working experience in the related field is required, preferably Property Manager in the last job position.
4. Strong analytical thinking about property development is a must.
5.Ability to work effectively under pressure.
6. Commitment to integrity, excellence, and customer satisfaction
If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please forward your application with complete curriculum vitae, recent photograph and other qualifications (maximum 1MB) to:
Applicants will be treated strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will he notified

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Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Flight Operation Officer - Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Flight Operation Officer - Februari 2013 - PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan maskapai penerbangan terbesar di Indonesia yang sahamnya di pegang oleh Pemerintah (BUMN - Badan Usaha Milik Negara). PT Garuda Indonesia berdiri pada tanggal 26 Januari 1949 yaitu pada waktu perang melawan penjajah dengan nama Indonesian Airways dengan pesawatnya bernama Gunung Emas.

Sejak tahun 1960an cikalbakal PT Garuda Indonesia ini terus mengalami kemajuan pesat samapai besar seperti pada saat ini. Garuda Indonesia saat ini telah memiliki lima anak perusahaan, yaitu; PT. Aerowisata (layanan travel, hotel, transportasi dan katering); PT. GMF Aero Asia (pemeliharaan pesawat terbang); PT. Abacus Distribution System (penyedia reservasi komputer); PT. Gapura Angkasa (layanan pemeliharaan di lapangan) dan PT. Lufthansa System Indonesia (Penyedia dan solusi di bidang IT). Maskapai Garuda Indonesia setiap minggunya melayani hampir 2300 penerbangan domestik maupun Internasional.

Saat ini, PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk sedang membuka peluang berkarir untuk posisi;

Flight Operation Officer

Tanggung Jawab:
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Flight Operation Officer - Februari 2013
  • Memastikan tersedianya analisa dan perumusan route performance test
  • Memastikan tersedianya analisa weather, notam, dan data yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan penerbangan
  • Memastikan tersedianya analisa airport, airways, dan navigation facilities
  • Memastikan tersedianya payload performance calculation
  • Memastikan kelengkapan perijinan untuk jalur lintas penerbangan tersebut
  • Memastikan tersedianya rumusan, mempubikasikan dan mendokumentasikan flight plan untuk setiap operasi penerbangan
  • Memastikan terlaksananya proses  crew briefing untuk setiap operasi penerbangan
  • Memastikan penerbangan dapat dilaksanakan secara aman dan efisien
  • Memastikan terlaksananya pengawasan pelaksanaan penerbangan (flight watch)
  • Memastikan dilakukannya re-despatch/ re-release status Penerbangan bila terjadi iregularities
  • Memastikan terjadinya koordinasi dan menyediakan rekomendasi perubahan pelaksanaan penerbangan berdasarkan informasi terbaru yang berhubungan dengan flight safety
  • Memastikan safety awareness/keselamatan penerbangan dan kepatuhan terhadap standar penerbangan
  1. Pria / Wanita
  2. Usia Min. 21 tahun  dan Max. 29 tahun
  3. Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
  4. Pendidikan Min. D3, diutamakan Jurusan Managemen Transportasi Udara dan FOO
  5. Memiliki lisence FOO dengan rating B 737 Classics, masukan data lisence FOO Anda di bagian Training / Course
  6. Tidak buta warna, dibuktikan dengan surat dokter
  7. Tidak sedang menjalani ikatan dinas di Perusahaan
  8. Mudah beradaptasi, disiplin, dan memiliki integritas
  9. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris, lisan dan tulisan
  10. Bersedia untuk ditempatkan dimana saja di wilayah Indonesia maupun Internasional
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, pendaftaran dilakukan secara online di website e-Recruitment PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk paling lambat 03 Februari 2013 di alamat http://career.garuda-indonesia.com


Lowongan Kerja PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), Research And Development Staff - Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), Research And Development Staff - Februari 2013 - PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) is a State Owned Enterprise, Non Bank Financial Institution, Playing Active Role In Facilitating Infrastructure inancing, Encouraging Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Indonesia:

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) is looking for experienced highly competent and self motivated professionals to fill the following position :

Research And Development Staff
Jakarta Raya

Lowongan Kerja PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), Research And Development Staff - Februari 2013
  • Male / Female, Maximum 27 years old
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree In Economic / Management
  • Having minimum 2-3 years experience in finance or capital market
  • Having knowledge on micro and macro economic
  • Having experiences in corporate planning or research and development area
  • Having good writing skills for reporting (i.e annual report) and research materials
  • Having good presentation skill, analytical, and problem solving skills
  • Hard working, fast learning, pleasant personality and honest
  • Willing to work in a team and under pressure.
  • Good command of English both in written and spoken is a must
All applications will be treated in strictly confidential and only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Please send your application letter accompanied by your comprehensive CV & recent photograph (passport size) before 01 February 2013 to :

E-mail : career@ptsmi.co.id
(Applied position must be written as the email subject)
Sumber Lowongan Kerja PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), Research And Development Staff - Februari 2013

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 Migas di PT. Parna Raya

PT. Parna Raya is a reputable holding company, a member of PT. Parna Raya and its groups of subsidiaries and affiliates. Our company division consists of petrochemicals, mining, oil and gas, trading, hospitality (hotel), shipping and land transport businesses. We are seeking for the following candidate(s):
1. Administration Staff
2. Finance Staff
3. Finance Manager
4. Tax Staff
5. Tax Manager
6. Finance Cashier

• Min. Bachelor Degree from Reputable University. min GPA3.00 (Master Degree is an Advantage) ( 1,2,4,6,10,11,12)
• Min. Master Degree from Reputable University , min GPA 3, 5 (3,5,7,8,9)
• Male/Female Max 45 years old (3,5,7,8,9)
• Min 3-5 years experience (1, 2, 4,6,10,11,12 )
• Min 7-10 years experience (3, 5 ,.7,8,9)
• Must have Certified Public Accountants (CPA) (3,5)
• Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office, Internet and Accounting Program (SAP, MOA, Accurate, etc) (2,3,4,5, 6)
• Having good Industrial Relation with government such as Depnaker. jamsostek, and advanced knowledge In Indonesia Labor Act or Manpower Regulation alto handmn8Rs in handling employee industrial relation and industrial dispute settlement (employee cases, contracts, etc) (8,9)
• Have strong coordinating and reviewing monthly and other period financial reports (2,3,4,5,6)
• Strong in financial statement analysis. cash flow, forecast, & budgeting (3,4,5)
• Have certified for Brevet A & Brevet B (2,3,4,5,6)
• Excellent in logical thinking, analytical skill and innovative problem solving
• Proactive, hardworking, discipline. result oriented
• Customer & service oriented person with parson and desire
• Advanced in using Microsoft Office (Excel-Word, Power point, etc) and Internet
• Communicative and able to work as a team
• Good personality inter-personal skill and communication skill
• Reliable and initiative with good planning and self management,
• Highly motivated and creative minded with strong drive To succeed Is a mint
• Discipline, punctual, and ready work immediately
• Must be detail-oriented and have the ability to multi-task
• Able to work under pressure, deadlines and over long hours independently with minimum supervision
• Fluent in English both written and spoken
• Full-Time position(s) available
Please submit your application by email to recruitment@parnaraya.co.idor sent your CV to P0 BOX 8639 JKS GR with position subject mentioned above and please check our website at www.parnaraya.com

Lowongan Kerja 2013 Migas di INPEX; 8 positions;

Sustainable Energy for A bright future in Indonesia
INPEX is a worldwide Oil and Gas exploration and production company based in Japan that ranks high among the global Independent Upstream Companies next to the super major. INPEX is currently carrying out Oil and Gas project through its group companies involved in more than 75 project across 27 countries. INPEX has been expending its exploration and production activities in Indonesia since 1966. as the pioneer of Indonesia deep water exploration and the operator of masela blok and Babar Selaru Blok, INPEX has successfully discovered the Abadi giant gas field, which will be developed using Floating Liquefied natural Gas (FLNG) concept. Parallel whit the activities, INPEX Organization is growing rapidly and over 100 positions are vacant within followings functions :

- Project Management And Business Development
- Logistic base Engineering
- Supply chain management
- Legal
- Commercial
- Human Resources And General Services
- Finance & Accounting
- Communication &relation
for detail information please log in to : http://career.inpex.co.id
All application will be kept strictly confenditial and only shorlisted candidates will be notified 
Visit our website : http://www.inpex.co.jp/english