Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Migas Januari 2013 di Kopkar Sucofindo

Our client, Total E&P Indonesie is a leading international oil & gas company with an attractive portfolio of exploration and development projects, urgently need following position below:
• Job Title: Contract Development & Compliance Officer
• Educational Background: Majoring in Law with minimum GPA 3 (scale 4)
• Professional experience Discipline: Experience in HR Management (preferable)
• Basic knowledge / skills / competencies: Analytical Thinking, HR Management
• Personalities: Adaptable, able work with tight schedule and under pressure, high motivated, willing to learn and ability to perform good interpersonal skill with team work
• Languages: Indonesian / English
• Computer Literate: Capable in using Microsoft
• EA Status: PKWT
• Duration & Period:
- Start Date of Service: Immediate need
- End Date of Service: 31 Dec 2013
• Working status: Balikpapan (city)
• Working schedule: Reguler 5:2
• Working location: Balikpapan
Jobdes and accountabilities:
1. To build the Contract comply with manpower law & prevailing government regulation.
2. To anticipate implementation in the new Manpower Minister Decree
3. To assist in problem solving concerning Industrial Relation case for Manpower Contract
4. To Maintain good working environment
To apply for the position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting “Contract Development & Compliance Officer” in email subject to:

Lowongan Kerja Migas Terbaru Januari 2013 di Chevron

Chevron is a major partner in Indonesia's economy and an active member of the community. Through our wholly owned subsidiary PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, we are the largest producer of Indonesia's crude oil. We are searching for new oil and gas reserves from central Sumatra to offshore East Kalimantan. We have begun design work on our deepwater natural gas project off East Kalimantan through Chevron Indonesia Company Our geothermal operations in Indonesia help make Chevron the largest producer of geothermal energy in the world. Chevron sells lubricants in Indonesia through our subsidiary PT Chevron Oil Products Indonesia.

Lean Sigma Facilitator (Ext-246/FE/EXP/CHEVRON-IBU/HO/2013)
  • Educational Requirement: S1 Degree (S2/Master Degree will be an advantage).
  • Responsibility:
    • Responsible for facilitating business process improvement projects, mentoring other Green Belt facilitators, teaching, and assisting teams to deterime financial benefit from metric improvements. 
    • Scope includes program deployment activities for the various teams within Chevron in Indonesia.
  • Requirement:
    • This position requires a combination of soft and technical skills. 
    • Interact with wide range of grade levels from operators to executives.  
    • Requires the ability to form collaborative relationships with peers, stakeholders, and contractors to successfully address business challenges and deliver value to Company.
    • A Company or professional organization certification as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt or Master Black Belt with demonstrated experiences in facilitating improvement teams that produced verified financial results will be a plus.
    • Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau).
    • Have a good leadership and communication, both in Bahasa or English.
    • Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization.
    • Strong in seeking learning activities.
    • Able to establish effective relationships with people of other culture and backgrounds.
: S1 / D4
: 2.75
  • All Engineering
: All Indonesian People
: Sumatra
: Riau
: Permanent
: 5 year(s)
How to Apply?
Submit your application to our e-Selections website:
Only application submitted through website will be processed.Our e-Selections website supports the protection of the environment, thus, no paper applications will be accepted. All applications are appreciated and will be treated with confidential manner.

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Pengumuman Rekruitmen Calon TAMTAMA PK TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) AL Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013

Pengumuman Rekruitmen Calon TAMTAMA PK TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) AL Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013 - TENTARA NASIONAL INDONESIA ANGKATAN LAUT Membuka Kesempatan Bagi Para Pemuda Indonesia untuk Dididik Menjadi TAMTAMA PK TNI AL Tahun 2013

Persyaratan Calon Tamtama TNI AL

Persyaratan Umum
  1. Warga negara Indonesia.
  2. Beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
  3. Setia Kepada NKRI yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD Negara RI tahun 1945.
  4. Pada saat dilantik menjadi prajurit, berusia paling rendah 18 tahun.
  5. Tidak memiliki catatan kriminalitas yang dikeluarkan secara tertulis oleh Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polres setempat).
  6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
  7. Tidak sedang kehilangan hak untuk menjadi prajurit berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap.
Persyaratan Lain
Pengumuman Rekruitmen Calon TAMTAMA PK TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) AL Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013
  1. Pria, berijazah serendah-rendahnya SMP.
  2. Belum pernah kawin dan sanggup tidak kawin selama mengikuti pendidikan pertama dan selama dua tahun setelah selesai Dikma.
  3. Tinggi badan tidak kurang dari 163 cm dengan berat badan seimbang.
  4. Berusia setinggi-tingginya 22 tahun dan sekurang-kurangnya 17 tahun 9 bulan pada saat pembukaan Dikma, 5 April 2013.
  5. Bersedia menjalani Ikatan Dinas Pertama (IDP) paling singkat lima tahun dan paling lama sepuluh tahun terhitung mulai saat dilantik menjadi Kelasi Dua/ Prajurit Dua.
Persyaratan Tambahan
  1. Bukan Prajurit TNI, anggota Polri maupun PNS.
  2. Tidak bertato dan tidak bertindik maupun bekasnya, tidak buta warna dan tidak berkacamata.
  3. Memiliki KTP dan Kartu Keluarga sesuai dengan tempat pendaftaran yang terdekat.
Lokasi Penerimaan Calon Tamtama TNI AL

1Panda Belawan Mako Lantamal I, Jl. Serma Hanafiah No.1 Belawan061-6940549
2Panda Padang Mako Lantamal II, Padang, Jl. Sutan Syahrir Bukit Putus, Padang0751-61232
3Panda Tanjung Pinang Mako Lantamal IV, Jl. Yos Sudarso Batu Hitam, Pinang 0771-318442
4Subpanda Pontianak Mako Lanal Pontianak, Jl. Komodor Yos Sudarso No.1 Pontianak0561-770660
5Panda Makassar Mako Lantamal VI, Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 308 Makassar0412-327593
6Subpanda Balikpapan Mako Lanal Balikpapan, Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 14 Kaltim 0542-4222016
7Panda Kupang Mako Lantamal VII, Jl. Laksda Yos Sudarso, Kupang0380-890123
8Panda Manado Mako Lantamal VIII, Jl. Walanda Maramis Kairagi, Manado0431-254591
9Panda Ambon Mako Lantamal IX, Halong Teluk Ambon, Ambon0912-343162
12Panda Jayapura Mako Lantamal X, Jl. Amphibi No. 1 Hamadi, Jayapura0967-532127 
12Panda Merauke Mako Lantamal XI, Jl. Nowari Merauke 0971-325078 
12Subpanda Palembang Mako Lanal Palembang, Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 1 Boom Baru, Palembang0712-712295 
13Panda Rute I
a. Lampung Mako Lanal Lampung, Jl. Yos Sudarso KM. 12 Panjang Lampung0721-487650 
b. Cirebon Mako Lanal Cirebon, Jl. Kesunean No. 33, Cirebon 0231-245762
c. Jakarta Mako Lantamal III, Jl. Gunung Sahari No. 2 Jakarta Utara021-64712483
14Panda Rute II
a. Cilacap Mako Lanal Cilacap, Jl. Niaga No. 2, Cilacap0282-534255 
b. Yogyakarta Mako Lanal Yogyakarta, Jl. Melati Wetan No. 62, Yogyakarta0274-587559 
c. Semarang Mako Lanal Semarang, Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 12, Semarang024-7623036
15Panda Rute III
a. Malang Kantor Pusat Lapetal Malang, Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 16 Malang0341-351484
b. Banyuwangi Mako Lanal Banyuwangi, Jl. Raya Situbondo No. 54, Banyuwangi0333-512733 
c. Surabaya Mako Lantamal V, Jl. M. Natsir No. 56 Surabaya031-3293576 

Jadwal Penerimaan Calon Tamtama TNI AL



Waktu Pelaksanaan


Sosialisasi dan publikasi

12 Nopember - 14 Desember 2013



17 Desember 2013 - 12 Januari 2013  


Laporan animo akhir

12 Januari 2013


Seleksi tingkat Daerah Panda Lantamal/Lanal

14 Januari - 24 Pebruari 2013


Seleksi tingkat Daerah Panda Rute

14 Januari - 12 Maret 2013


Pantukhirda Panda Lantamal/Lanal

25 - 26 Pebruari 2013


Calon tiba di Panpus

21 Maret 2013


Seleksi tingkat Pusat

22 - 28 Maret 2013


Sidang Pantukhirpus

2 April 2013


Pengumuman dan pemulangan

3 April 2013


Pengiriman calon ke Puslatdiksarmil

4 April 2013


Pembukaan Pendidikan Pertama

5 April 2013

Materi Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Tamtama TNI AL

Seleksi tingkat Daerah, dilaksanakan oleh Panda Lantamal/Lanal/Rute dengan materi pemeriksaan/pengujian sebagai berikut:
  1. Pemeriksaan administrasi
  2. Pemeriksaan kesehatan
  3. Pemeriksaan psikologi
  4. Pemeriksaan darah oleh PMI, meliputi HBs Ag, Vd RI, HCV, HIV/AIDS
  5. Pemeriksaan dan pengujian kesamaptaan jasmani
  6. Pemeriksaan mental ideologi
  7. Pantukhir tingkat Daerah
Hasil dari seleksi tingkat Daerah adalah calon Tamtama yang siap dikirim ke Kantor Pusat Lapetal (Lembaga Penyediaan Tenaga Angkatan Laut) Malang untuk mengikuti seleksi tingkat Pusat dengan jumlah maksimal sesuai alokasi kirim.

Seleksi tingkat Pusat, dilaksanakan oleh Panpus di Kantor Pusat Lapetal Malang dengan materi pemeriksaan /pengujian sebagai berikut:
  1. Pemeriksaan administrasi
  2. Pemeriksaan kesehatan umum dan kesehatan jiwa
  3. Pemeriksaan dan pengujian kesamaptaan jasmani
  4. Pantukhir tingkat Pusat
Untuk informasi selengkapnya dan tata cara pendaftaran secara Online, silakan menuju laman berikut :
Klik Disini
Pendaftaran Pengumuman Rekruitmen Calon TAMTAMA PK TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) AL Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013, paling lambat 12 Januari 2013 (Senin - Jumat, Jam 08:00 - 14:00)
Sumber Pengumuman Rekruitmen Calon TAMTAMA PK TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) AL Tahun 2013 - Januari 2013

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

How to Protect Yourself from Paying Hefty Airport Parking Fees

If you are heading to the airport to board your flight, consider renting a car that driving your own car. No matter whether you are travelling for business or leisure, renting a car to the airport offers a great deal of advantages. Parking at the airport is a real big problem. Firstly, you won't easily get a space to park your car. Secondly, even if you manage to look for a parking space somehow, airport parking involves a host of fees, taxes and surcharges that can burn a hole in your pocket. Therefore, it is better to resort to an airport rental instead of taking your own car.

The benefit of renting a car is that you can leave it at the airport after your arrival. You do not need to waste time in looking for a parking space for your vehicle. Additionally, it protects you from falling prey of expensive parking fees at the airport.

The parking at the airport involves a timeline. You are allowed to park your car for a stipulated time period only. The problem arises if your inbound flight gets delayed. You will again have to pay a hefty amount as fine for not taking out your vehicle from the parking space after the timeline is over. Moreover, there is no guarantee for the safety of your vehicle. In order to get rid of all such problems, you can rely on airport rentals.

If renting a car to the airport seems an expensive proposition for you, you can resort to a much affordable alternative. Airport shuttle services run from airport to the main city locations and vice versa. You can board them from the location nearest to your place. They are equally comfortable offering ample space for your baggage. The only negative point is that you will have to share the ride with some people who also are heading to the airport.

Car share services are a convenient option if you are not accompanied with your family and are not carrying much baggage. If you are heading for a vacation with your family, you might find it slightly difficult to adjust. But they are an excellent option for frequent travellers.

If you want to rent a car to the airport, most companies across the world offer you the facility to book online. You can visit their website and submit your requirements. You can easily book a vehicle within few clicks.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Costa Rica an exotic and eco friendly honeymoon escape

If your are after a truly unique destination with rainforests and beaches galore, head to Costa Rica, an exciting and secluded retreat fast becoming one of the best honeymoon destinations. Choose from an exciting range of tours and activities and relax in a unique rainforest lodge before planting a tree to commemorate your unforgettable honeymoon experience.

The remote and eco-friendly Lapa Rios Eco Lodge is set in 1,000 acres of Central America's last remaining lowland tropical rainforest. Couples can get close to nature and relax in the peaceful seclusion. Sixteen spacious suiita-thatch bungalows are nestled within the rainforest and provide complete privacy and spectacular ocean views. The interiors are simple and contemporary with warm wooden floors, two bamboo queen-sized beds or one king-sized bed shrouded with soft net and classic bamboo furnishings. Outside there is a private garden and a spacious private deck with a seating area to enjoy a cool drink whilst admiring the panoramic ocean views. Enjoy a dual-showering experience in the modern bathroom. On one side a stone-laid floor massages your feet as you shower under soft, rain-like cool water, providing the sensation of showering in your own private waterfall. A second shower offers the more conventional hot and solar-heated water with tile-floor, perfect for a relaxing cleansing after a day's hike in the rainforest.

Explore the beautiful Osa Peninsula by taking part is some of the fascinating tours and activities offered by the Lapa Rios Eco Lodge. Experienced local guides will provide you with an authentic interpretation of the rainforest and the importance of conservation. You can personalise your honeymoon and arrange to do as few or as many activities as you please. Some of the tours are short such as the starfish walk where you can learn about the marine biology of the Golfo Dulce, one of only four tropical fjords in the world. Tour pristine waters and coconut-shaded beaches and see land crabs starfish and sea cumbers whilst still having plenty of time to relax on your return. For an extended rainforest experience, take the Wild waterfalls tour. Hike through the lush rainforest to pristine waterfalls and splash back along the Carbonera River, ideal for the more adventurous of hikers.

Or why not try your hand at kayaking, where floating in calm waters you will see a different type of forest with a spectacular variety of wildlife. Travel further along the river to the Pejeperro Lagoon and explore the wonderful world of mangroves. For the more adventurous, tour the rainforest at high speed with the thrilling Miramar canopy zip-line. Five lines stretch between five platforms winding 600m through primary forest – an exhilarating way to spend an afternoon!

Spend a morning being pampered in the tranquil setting of the rainforest. Choose from four types of unique massage and relax with nothing but the sounds of the surrounding jungle and softly breaking waves. A rainforest massage is a perfectly blissful experience available only in the best honeymoon destinations.

A special activity recommended for honeymooners is to plant a tree as part of the Lapa Rios reforestation program and leave a memory of their unforgettable honeymoon. Couples will learn about their tree, its role in the ecosystem and receive a certificate to commemorate their efforts.