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Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Pengumuman Rekrutmen Calon Pegawai LPDB-KUMKM TA 2013

Nomor : 014 /Pum/Dir.3/2013


Lembaga Pengelola Dana Bergulir Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (LPDB-KUMKM) membutuhkan Putera dan Puteri Indonesia yang memiliki idealisme, jujur dan berdedikasi tinggi untuk duduk dalam beberapa posisi dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :
    1. Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer, khususnya Ms Office (word, excel dan powerpoint).
    2. Memiliki sikap jujur, berdedikasi dan integritas terhadap pekerjaan.
    3. Inovatif dan kreatif.
    4. Berkepribadian dan berpenampilan menarik.
    5. Mampu berbahasa inggris (lisan/tulisan).
    6. Diutamakan laki-laki.
    7. Usia Maksimal 30 tahun.
    8. Bersedia Dinas Luar.
    9. Bersedia ditempatkan di luar Jakarta pada Kantor Unit Layanan LPDB-KUMKM.
    1. Staf Bisnis
      1. Pendidikan minimal S1 diutamakan dalam bidang Ekonomi (Akuntansi/Manajemen), Teknik (Industri, Informatika/Komputer), Bisnis, Perbankan, MIPA (Statistika/Matematika), dan Sosial Ekonomi (Pertanian/Peternakan/Perikanan).
      2. Diutamakan berpengalaman kerja minimal 2 (dua) tahun di Lembaga Perbankan/Lembaga Keuangan Non-Bank di bidang analisa kredit, analisa keuangan termasuk melakukan analisa proposal kredit sektor riil.
      3. Memahami konsep dan mekanisme dalam penyaluran dana kredit serta pinjaman/pembiayaan.
      4. Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun bekerja dengan target individual.
    2. Staf Manajemen Risiko
      1. Pendidikan minimal S1 diutamakan dalam bidang Ekonomi (Manajemen), Statistik, dan Hukum.
      2. Diutamakan berpengalaman kerja minimal 2 (dua) tahun di Lembaga Perbankan/Lembaga Keuangan Non-Bank di bidang penanganan kredit bermasalah.
      3. Memahami konsep Risk Management dan penerapannya.
      4. Mempunyai pengetahuan di bidang pelayanan keuangan kepada Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (KUMKM).
      5. Mempunyai kemampuan dalam menganalisa risiko internal maupun risiko eksternal.
      6. Mempunyai kemampuan di bidang statistika dan analisa keuangan.
    3. Staf Hukum
      1. Pendidikan minimal S1 diutamakan dalam bidang Hukum.
      2. Diutamakan berpengalaman kerja minimal 2 (dua) tahun di Kantor Notaris/Pengacara/Bank/Lembaga Pembiayaan.
      3. Memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan dalam menganalisa suatu persoalan/kasus hukum.
      4. Memiliki pemahaman tentang hukum bisnis dan penerapannya.
    4. Staf Keuangan
      1. Pendidikan minimal S1 diutamakan dalam bidang Ekonomi (Manajemen/Akuntansi/Pajak/Perbankan), Statistik, Administrasi Negara, dan Teknik Industri.
      2. Diutamakan berpengalaman kerja minimal 2 (dua) tahun di Lembaga Perbankan/Lembaga Keuangan Non-Bank/Kantor Akuntan Publik.
      3. Memiliki kemampuan dalam Analisa dan Perencanaan Keuangan.
      4. Memiliki kemampuan dalam menerapkan prinsip-prinsip akuntansi dan manajemen keuangan yang berlaku umum dengan baik.
      5. Memiliki pemahaman yang baik terkait dengan Ketentuan Pajak.
      6. Memahami konsep Good Corporate Governance dan penerapannya.
      7. Memiliki pemahaman yang baik terkait asset management.
    5. Staf Evaluasi dan Pengkajian
      1. Pendidikan minimal S1 diutamakan dalam bidang Ekonomi (Keuangan/Manajemen/Perbankan), Statistik, dan Teknik Industri.
      2. Diutamakan berpengalaman kerja minimal 2 (dua) tahun di Lembaga Perbankan/Lembaga Keuangan Non-Bank di bidang penelitian/pengkajian dan pengembangan usaha di bidang Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (KUMKM).
      3. Diutamakan berpengalaman sebagai deskcollector.
      4. Memahami konsep monitoring, evaluasi pinjaman/pembiayaan, risk management dan penerapannya.
      5. Memiliki kemampuan dalam menyusun dan mengambil tindakan yang berkaitan dengan monitoring dan evaluasi .
      6. Mengetahui tentang Akta Jaminan.
      7. Memahami dan mengerti laporan keuangan.
Lamaran dilakukan dengan mengisi form lamaran yang terdapat dalam http://lamaran2.danabergulir.com selambat-lambatnya 12 hari kerja sejak pengumuman ini (Paling lambat 3 November 2013) Untuk mengetahui Kami lebih lanjut, dapat mengunjungi website kami, www.danabergulir.com.

Jakarta, 24 Oktober 2013
Direktur Umum dan Hukum

NRK 201209074

Lowongan Kerja di PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) D3 - November 2013

PT PP (Persero) Tbk didirikan dengan nama NV Pembangunan Perumahan berdasarkan Akta No 48 dari 26 Agustus 1953. Pada saat itu didirikan PT PP (Persero) telah dipercayakan untuk membangun rumah bagi para petugas PT Semen Gresik Tbk, anak perusahaan dari BAPINDO di Gresik.

PT PP (Persero) Tbk adalah salah satu perusahaan jasa konstruksi terbesar di Indonesia. Kami mengundang putra-putra terbaik Indonesia untuk bergabung bersama kami, untuk posisi :

Tanggung Jawab :
  • Membuat gambaran secara visual dari gambar rancangan awal suapaya bisa di mengerti
Kualifikasi :
  1. Laki-laki
  2. Usia maks 35 Tahun
  3. Pendidikan min D3 Teknik
  4. Bisa Aoutocad 2D
  5. Jujur dan disiplin
  6. Berpengalaman min 1 tahun
Tanggung Jawab :
  • Merancang dan memasang system mesin pada gedung
Kualifikasi :
  1. Laki-laki
  2. Usia maks 35 Tahun
  3. Pendidikan min D3 Teknik
  4. Jujur dan disiplin
  5. Berpengalaman min 1 tahun
 Mechanical Electrical
Tanggung Jawab :
  • Membuat & maintenance sistem electrical gedung
Kualifikasi :
  1. Laki-laki
  2. Usia maks 35 Tahun
  3. Pendidikan min D3 Teknik
  4. Jujur dan disiplin
Kirimkan CV lengkap Anda ke alamat :
Jl Incen Nurdin no 1 F Makassar

Info selengkapnya, dapat dilihat disini
Sumber Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja PT Pusri Palembang - November 2013

PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri, perdagangan dan jasa di bidang perpupukan, petrokimia, agrokimia, agroindustri dan kimia lainnya, termasuk mengemban misi Pemerintah dalam menyalurkan dan menjual pupuk bersubsidi dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional.
Saat ini PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang membutuhkan karyawan untuk ditempatkan di berbagai bidang sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan.

Teknik KimiaST-KIM
Teknik MesinST-MSN
Teknik SipilST-SPL
Teknik ElektroST-ELT
Teknik IndustriST-IND
Manajemen Keuangan / Akuntansi
Agribisnis / Sosek Pertanian
Ilmu Komunikasi / Komunikasi Visual

B. TINGKAT DIPLOMA (D3) (45 Orang)
Teknik Mesin
Teknik Elektro / Listrik
Teknik Elektronika
Teknik Instrumentasi
Teknik Komputer
Teknik Sipil
Analisa Kimia
K3 / Keselamatan Kerja
Asuransi Kerugian

C. TINGKAT D1 dan SLTA (125 orang)
Desain Grafis
SMK Mesin / Otomotif
SMK Listrik / Elektronika / Instrumentasi
SMK Sipil
SMK Keahlian & Pengalaman CNC
SMK Kahlian & Pengalaman Operator Crane
SMK Kahlian & Pengalaman Rigger 2

  • Warga Negara Indonesia.
  • Batas usia dihitung per 1 Mei 2013
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi perusahaan.
  • Jurusan / Program Studi yang dilamar harus sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan yang disyaratkan.
  • Hanya diperkenankan mengajukan lamaran untuk satu bidang keahlian.
  • Pendidikan S1
  • IPK minimal 2,75 (untuk jurusan dengan akreditasi A), 3,00 (akreditasi B & C).
  • Usia maksimal 28 tahun.
  • Tidak buta warna (total atau parsial) untuk S1 Teknik.
  • Jenis kelamin Laki-laki (kecuali:S1 Teknik Industri).
  • Pendidikan D3.
  • IPK minimal 2,75 (untuk jurusan dengan akreditasi A), 3,00 (akreditasi B & C).
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun.
  • Tidak buta warna (total atau parsial) untuk D3 Teknik.
  • Jenis kelamin Laki-laki (kecuali:D3 Administrasi).
  • Pendidikan D1.
  • IPK minimal 3,00
  • Usia maksimal 21 tahun.
  • Tidak buta warna (total atau parsial)
  • Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki (kecuali : D1 Komputer)
  • Belum Menikah
  • Diutamakan tidak sedang kuliah
  • Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki .
  • Pendidikan SLTA jurusan SMU/MAN IPA dan atau STM untuk SL-OPR
  • Pendidikan SMK (Teknik Mesin / Teknik Listrik / Sipil / Keahlian), sesuai dengan bidang SMK yang dilamar
  • Sekolah yang dimaksud hanya berasal dari SLTA di provinsi Sumatera Selatan,
  • Nilai kelulusan rata-rata 6,50.
  • Usia antara 18 – 20 tahun untuk SLTA/STM/SMK, usia maksimal 35 tahun untuk SMK Pengalaman.
  • Belum Menikah untuk SL-OPR, SL-MSN, SL-ELT, SL-SPL
  • Memiliki pengalaman di keahliannya masing-masing minimal 1 tahun dan diutamakan memiliki sertifikat keahlian (SMK Pengalaman)
  • Diutamakan tidak sedang kuliah.
  • Tidak buta warna (total atau parsial)
  • Tidak berkacamata / contact lens
  • Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm.
Persiapan Sebelum Mengajukan Lamaran
  1. Proses awal registrasi lamaran melalui situs http://www.rekrutmenpusri.com. Proses ini dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh pelamar. Untuk mengurangi kesalahan, pelamar dihimbau untuk mempersiapkan seluruh data dan dokumen pendukung yang diperlukan.
  2. Untuk menghemat waktu akses, sebelum mengisi formulir lamaran ini pastikan bahwa Anda telah menyiapkan data-data yaitu :
    1. Nomor Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP).
    2. Surat elektronik ( E-mail ) pribadi yang masih aktif yang biasa dan selalu Anda akses secara berkala.
    3. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir (untuk S1, D3, dan D1) atau Nilai Kelulusan rata-rata (untuk SLTA dan SMK).
  3. Usahakan untuk mengakses internet tidak pada jam sibuk atau pada tempat umum (warnet / wi-fi) yang kecepatan aksesnya tidak Anda ketahui
  4. Bacalah terlebih dahulu seluruh persyaratan yang diperlukan sebelum menentukan tingkat dan bidang pendidikan yang mana yang akan Anda lamar.
  5. Untuk pelamar tingkat pendidikan S1 dan D3, pastikan anda melihat terlebih dahulu peringkat akreditasi program studi anda melalui situs http://ban-pt.kemdiknas.go.id/direktori.php
Registrasi Online
  1. Siapkan seluruh data yang diperlukan.
  2. Lamaran hanya melalui registrasi online melalui situs http://www.rekrutmenpusri.com.
  3. Cari tingkat dan bidang pendidikan yang akan Anda lamar dan isilah formulir yang disediakan.
  4. Saat pengisian pastikan untuk mengisi formulir dengan benar dan lengkap sesuai petunjuk tertulis. Kesalahan pengisian sehingga terjadi ketidaksesuaian dengan berkas lamaran yang akan dikirim melalui pos mengakibatkan ketidaklulusan pada tahap I (verifikasi administrasi).
  5. Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya secara online, pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi melalui email untuk mencetak lembar verifikasi. Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan untuk mengirimkan dokumen. Anda tidak dapat menerima e-mail registrasi apabila alamat e-mail yang anda input salah dan atau sudah tidak aktif, sehingga Anda tidak bisa log-in untuk pengumuman selanjutnya. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan pelamar dalam memasukkan alamat e-mail.
  6. Pelamar hanya diperkenankan untuk melamar untuk satu posisi saja. Untuk itu pastikan Anda telah memilih tingkat dan bidang pendidikan yang sesuai, serta menuliskan semua data dengan benar, sebelum menekan tombol Registrasi.
  7. Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/informasi yang sebenar-benarnya karena data ini yang akan diklarifikasi saat pelaksanaan verifikasi dokumen.
  8. Masa registrasi online adalah 31 Oktober – 6 November 2013. Batas akhir registrasi adalah tanggal 6 November 2013 pukul 24.00 WIB.
  9. Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan/atau tidak melamar secara online, dianggap tidak berlaku.
Pengiriman Dokumen
  1. Setelah melakukan registrasi online, Anda akan menerima notifikasi melalui email dan mendapat lembar verifikasi. Cetaklah lembar verifikasi dan persiapkan dokumen-dokumen yang tercantum di dalam lembar verifikasi, yaitu :
    1. Lembar verifikasi.
    2. Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang masih berlaku
    3. Pasfoto berwarna ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 3 lembar
    4. Surat lamaran
    5. Daftar riwayat hidup
    6. Fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai sesuai dengan persyaratan pendidikan yang dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang.
  2. Kirimkan dokumen-dokumen yang diminta dan masukkan ke dalam amplop coklat. Tuliskan nomor registrasi Anda di pojok kanan atas amplop.
  3. Kirimkan dokumen ke alamat di bawah ini :
  4. Masa penerimaan dokumen dari tanggal 1 – 16 November 2013 (batas akhir diterima oleh PPJK Unsri) . Namun usahakan untuk mengirimkan dokumen yang diminta sesegera mungkin setelah Anda menerima notifikasi email dan mendapat nomor registrasi.
  5. Apabila data yang dimasukkan pada registrasi online tidak sesuai dengan data dokumen yang dikirim, maka pelamar dianggap gugur dalam seleksi administrasi.
  6. Dokumen yang masuk setelah tanggal 16 November 2013 tidak akan diproses dan peserta tidak berhak mengikuti proses berikutnya.
  1. Situs resmi http://www.rekrutmenpusri.com merupakan informasi dan layanan resmi yang terkait dengan Penerimaan Rekrutmen PT Pusri Palembang tahun 2013.
  2. Proses seleksi PT Pusri Palembang hanya dilakukan sesuai dengan jalur yang telah diinformasikan secara resmi melalui situs tersebut, dan perusahaan tidak bertanggung jawab atas tindakan-tindakan di luar proses seleksi yang telah ditetapkan.
  3. Rekrutmen PT Pusri Palembang selalu berlandaskan prinsip Good Corporate Governance dan berlangsung secara objektif, fair, akuntabel, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
  4. Panitia tidak menerima surat menyurat dalam bentuk apapun terkait dengan pelaksanaan rekrutmen ini.
  5. Seluruh proses rekrutmen ini tidak dikenakan biaya.
Untuk memudahkan proses registrasi online Anda, sebelum melakukan registrasi, siapkan Nomor KTP yang masih berlaku, alamat e-mail dan nomor HP aktif, dan pastikan kembali jurusan dan pengalaman yang Anda miliki telah sesuai dengan persyaratan yang akan dilamar.
Untuk memulai proses registrasi online, silakan klik Link Dibawah ini
Catatan :

Lowongan Kerja Pegawai Kantor Perwakilan Daerah BPPPTI Kemkominfo - November 2013

Balai Layanan Umum BPPPTI (Balai Penyedia dan Pengelola Pembiayaan Telekomunikasi dan Informatika) membuka kesempatan bagi seluruh Warga Negara Indonesia untuk menjadi pegawai pada Kantor Perwakilan Daerah yang akan ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia.
Warga Negara Indonesia.
Domisili sesuai wilayah kerja kantor perwakilan daerah.

rekrutmen pekaperda bp3ti 2013

Berkelakuan baik, dibuktikan dengan SKCK dari Kepolisian (masih berlaku).
Berbadan sehat, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat dari RSU Daerah atau Puskesmas setempat (6 bulan terakhir).

Area Manager (AM)
Asisten Manager Program dan Anggaran (AMPA)
Asisten Manager Monitoring dan Evaluasi (AMME)
Asistem Manager Administrasi dan Umum (AMAU)
Staf Pelaksana (SP)

Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Kepala BPPPTI dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan pada sudut kanan atas. Surat lamaran tersebut paling lambat diemail pada tanggal 4 November 2013 pukul 24.00 WIB ke alamat email pada tabel diatas berdasarkan wilayah domisili masing-masing dengan melampirkan :

  1. Scan ijazah terakhir
  2. Scan transkip nilai
  3. Scan pas foto berwarna 4x6 terbaru
  4. Scan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
  5. Scan Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat dari RSU setempat
  6. Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae)
  7. Scan surat keterangan pengalamankerja (jika ada)
  8. Scan surat keterangan organisasi atau sertifikat pelatihan yang relefan (jika ada)
  9. Scan Kartu Tanda Penduduk
  10. File dikirim dalm bentuk zip atau rar dengan ukuran file maksimal 5 Mb.
  11. Tes tertulis akan diselenggarakan secara serentak pada pertengahan bulan November 2013.
  12. Pengumuman lengkap (dalam bentuk file pdf) dapat didownload dengan mengklik link dibawah ini:
Sumber Lowongan Kerja

Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Lowongan Kerja di Danareksa - November 2013

Sebagai pelopor Pasar Modal di Indonesia, serta tradisi penerima penghargaan lokal dan internasional atas prestasinya, Danareksa didukung oleh profesional yang kompeten. Oleh karena itu kami mengajak tenaga-tenaga muda dan unggul yang siap berkarir di industri Pasar Modal sebagai :

Account Executive dan Marketing Executive (Kode : AE-ME-2013)
  • Minimal D3 segala jurusan
  • Usia Maksimal  35 tahun
  • Memiliki licensi WPPE (Khusus AE)
  • Pengalaman di Pasar Modal lebih diutamakan
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris merupakan nilai tambah
  • Berorientasi pada pelayanan pelanggan
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, silakan mengirimkan lamaran dan curriculum vitae berikut pas foto berwarna terbaru, ke alamat email recruitment@danareksa.com, dengan subject email “ AE-ME-2013” sebelum tanggal 5 November 2013.

Anda dapat juga mengirimkan lamaran per pos ke alamat berikut dengan menuliskan kode lowongan seperti di atas pada area kanan atas amplop.

Human Resources Division
PT Danareksa (Persero)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14
Jakarta 12120

Website: www.danareksa.com
Sumber Lowongan Kerja

Kamis, 28 November 2013

Lowongan kerja pertambangan di PT Petrosea Tbk , november 2013

PT Petrosea Tbk has been designing, building and mining in all corners of Indonesia since 1972 and today is recognized as one of Indonesias leading mining, engineering, and construction contractors with international standard capabilities. Due to our rapid growth at present, we are currently taking applicants for below position:
Control and monitor the technical execution of a Project (or section of a Project) including the liaison and control between Engineering/Procurement/Construction to ensure that all materials and services that are purchased, fabricated, and constructed are delivered on time and in strict accordance with the approved project specifications and accepted industry codes, as well as providing specific solutions to constructability or interface (clash) issues during the construction phase.
1. Min. Bachelor degree in Engineering.
2. Min. 5 years previous experiences as Project Engineer.
3. Proven track record of performing a Senior Project Engineers role in projects in the Mineral Sector that also encompasses a multi-cultural workforce with the use of International Subcontractors.
4. Willing to work extended hours to meet with Project deadlines.
5. Required to work onsite in extreme remote areas with limited facilities.
6.Comprehensive knowledge of engineering, procurement and construction management principles and practices. Must possess an in depth knowledge of the Engineering and Design process as well as extensive experience in construction methods.
7. Requires multitasking capabilities (project engineering, scheduling, budgeting, etc.)
8. Ability to supervise and evaluate the work of subordinates.
9. Maximise Project margins by ensuring appropriate Technical Specifications and Codes are adopted and followed by all Vendors and Fabricators to ensure the design life integrity is achieved.
10. Minimise re-work by being involved in constructability reviews.
11. Provide assistance to startup and commissioning team.
1. Be fully conversant with the contents of the Project Safety Management Plans and the Company policies on safety. Ensure that Safety topics are discussed with all Vendors/Subcontractors/Fabricators prior to award and be vigilant in enforcing the agreed standards. Conduct inspections on statutory, fire and rescue equipment to ensure completeness and readiness for use.
2. Be fully conversant with all Project Management Plans and all Company procedures. Enforce the use of the procedures and immediately identify any non compliances with the Project Manager.
3. Ensure all technical specifications and industry codes are strictly enforced by all Vendors and subcontractors.
4. Manage and efficiently close out all Technical Queries that are raised by all partners including Vendors, Subcontractors, and Construction personnel. Maintain a TQ status report to track all TQs.
5. Promote a Teamwork environment to get all members of the Team providing input to each situation. Take ownership of solutions and promote a positive reward culture.
6. Develop a Team to handle all Project Engineering activities. Prepare Position Descriptions for the team members and lead them to ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely manner and with efficiency.
7. Manage the interface between Procurement and Engineering to ensure that Technical Bid Evaluations are prepared on a timely basis. Liaise with Vendors (via consultation with the Procurement Manager) as necessary to ensure that all technical aspects are dealt with prior to the award of work to Vendors and subcontractors. Attend the Kick-off meeting for all major orders.
8. Monitor the Project schedule and the schedule of Vendors/Fabricators and advise the Project Manager when issues are evident or likely to be reported incorrectly.
9. Liaise closely with the Construction Manager and be involved with all constructability reviews during Project start-up.
10. Liaise with the Quality Manager to ensure all Vendors are adhering to the approved Project specifications and codes. Raise issues as they arise and assist with the close-out of NCRs.
11. Be commercially aware. Review the scope of work documents for all subcontracts and procured items to ensure that variations will be minimized. Liaise with the Project Services Manager for all issues surrounding the assessment of Variations by the project partners.
(Placement: Jakarta)

To prepare detailed cost estimates the Company can have confidence in, all in accordance with Company procedures and accepted good practice for the industry; actively assist the Estimating Team to continually enhance estimating procedures and processes; actively contribute to a positive teamwork environment at all times.
1. Min Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering
2. Min 7 years of experience with 2 years as an Estimator
3. Preferably has experience in Material Handling Works
4. May require acting as Lead Estimator/Bid Manager
5. May require to be rotated as a Project Engineer on site once Petrosea can secure the project.
6. Computer literate Ms. Office, Ms. Project, preferably also AutoCad, Primavera
1) Prepare estimates is CES format in accordance with Petroseas procedures
2) Prepare and maintain electronic and hardcopy tender files in accordance with Company procedures
3) Prepare or arrange for detailed MTOs (quantity take-off) from tender documentation
4) Attend site visit and prepare detailed report of existing local conditions, available facilities and technical capabilities
5) Ensure the Estimate is built up methodically and in sufficient detail and is in accordance with good estimating practice. Sufficient explanatory notes are to be included referring the location of supplementary information.
6) Ensure that a comprehensive Subcontract Enquiry Package is sent only to Company Approved Subcontractors for any “major subcontract” work. Terms and conditions of the Subcontract Package must be back to back with the head contract. Comprehensive Subcontract Enquiry Packages to be reviewed by all Division functional departments.
7)Ensure Subcontractor responses are properly evaluated and the results tabulated on a Subcontractor Bid Evaluation spreadsheet.
8) Ensure (by working closely with the Lead Estimator) that the Indirect Cost Estimate is properly prepared and cost.
9) Identifies (with the Bid Manager and Lead Estimator) the “big ticket” items in the Estimate and proactively works on these with the bid team with a value added outcome as the aim.
10) Assist designated Planner in the preparation of the construction schedule, providing man hours and plant requirement for each activity and also indicating anticipated durations and minimum manning.
11) Participate with the Lead Estimator and other Discipline Estimators in benchmarking productivities to be applied to the Estimate against recognized industry norms. The productivity uplift/discount shall be shown separately for each bill item in the estimate.
12) Assist the Lead Estimator and Bid Manager in the identification, evaluation and ranking of risks as well as developing a strategy to manage and mitigate the risks to Company. R&O Matrix is to serve as the basis for estimating an appropriate contingency allowance for inclusion in the Cost Estimate.
13) Ensures the Estimate Basis is “Current Cost” by utilizing the labour and staff rates prepared by the Estimating Manager and all material prices are from current quotations.
14) Present for review by the Lead Estimator the Cost Estimate in detail prior to review of the tender by management.
15) Assist Bid Manager with the preparation of a list of commercial and technical clarifications and qualifications to the proposal.
16) Assist Bid Manager in completing Clients pricing and technical tender schedules.
17) When requested, carry out peer review of estimates compiled by other estimators and or divisions, checking for completeness, pricing accuracy and adequate manning and plant requirements.
18) Responsible for continually maintaining and updating the database of estimating norms including feedback from past projects in Division Estimating and Norms Manual.
To be fully accountable and responsible for planning and scheduling of the entire project scope to ensure that a) works are effectively sequenced and resourced, b) that upsets / opportunities are identified early so effective actions can be implemented, and c) provides support to claims preparation and review.
• Proven track record of performing a Planners role in projects in multidisciplinary EPC projects encompassing a multi-cultural workforce with the use of International Subcontractors.
• Willing to work extended hours to meet with Project deadlines
• Required to work onsite (and have experience in) in extreme remote areas with limited facilities
• Comprehensive knowledge of planning principles and practices. Must possess an in depth knowledge of the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction process as well as extensive experience in construction methods.
• Requires multitasking capabilities (project engineering, scheduling, budgeting, commercial, etc.)
• Ability to supervise and evaluate the work of subordinates.
• Maximise project margins by ensuring all EPC works are resourced and sequenced
• Minimise re-work by being involved in constructability reviews.
• Min. Bachelor degree in Engineering
• Min. 5 years previous experience as Project Planner (10 preferred)
• Highly computer literate: Primavera P3, MS Access + Office Suite
1. Be fully conversant with the contents of the Project Safety Management Plans and the Company policies on safety. Ensure that Safety topics are discussed with all Vendors/Subcontractors/Fabricators prior to award and be vigilant in enforcing the agreed standards.
2. Be fully conversant with all Project Management Plans and all Company procedures. Enforce the use of the procedures and immediately identify any non-compliance with the Project Manager.
3. Ensure all technical specifications and industry codes are strictly enforced by all Vendors and subcontractors.
4. The development of a detailed project schedule based on the project requirements and incorporating the relevant internal / external data.
5. Manage and co-ordinate all Project planning activities including forecasting, progress measurement, reality / accuracy checks,
6. Promote a Teamwork environment to get all members of the Team providing input to each situation. Take ownership of solutions and promote a positive reward culture.
7. Develop a Team to handle all Project Planning activities. Prepare Position Descriptions for the team members and lead them to ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely manner and with efficiency.
8. Liaise closely with the E+P+C Managers and be involved with all constructability reviews during Project start-up.
9. Be commercially aware. Review the scope of work documents for all subcontracts and procured items to ensure that variations will be minimised. Liaise with the Project Services Manager for all issues surrounding the assessment of Variations by the project partners.
Direct and control a project from the date of award to the issue of a practical completion certificate and ideally be involved until end of the maintenance period to ensure a project is running well, completed on time and to budget in accordance with all the company standard procedures and to the total satisfaction of the clients.
1. Willing to work extended hours to meet the deadline
2. Min. 8 years previous experiences in construction and engineering
3. Min. Bachelor Degree, preferably in Engineering
4. Comprehensive knowledge of engineering and construction management principles and practices and the associated flow of design and construction project management.
5. Ability to recognize potential claims and manage project contract activities to avoid costly claims and litigation.
6. Ability to supervise and evaluate the work of subordinates
7. Ability to communicate effectively both oral and written
8. Ability to develop and maintain effective monitoring and control systems and carry them to the intended conclusions to meet Agency goals for the program.
1. Direct and control the flow of work for a construction project, including estimating time, supplies and personnel required for completing the project to ensure that projects are being carried out according to established plan.
2. Responsible in analyze commercial and technical bid for all Subcontractor / Vender proposal as well as review the terms and conditions in Subcontractor / Vender RFQ packages to ensure all commercial and technical bid evaluations are completed and comply with the head contract.
3. Assist PM in control and execute the Project by conducting a kick off meeting with the Project Team, assign duties and responsibilities as detailed in the functional matrix in order to ensure project initial are well manage.
4. Direct, review and analyse client specifications and documents to ensure the requirements defined are incorporated into the works and the responsibilities allocated under the project quality system are understood and implemented.
5. Interface and coordinate subcontract activities to ensure that they will support the achievement of project aims and the support of company construction objectives.
6. Control and utilize companys equipment efficiently, maintain schedule compliance on planned maintenance and reduce cost as appropriate in order to optimize asset utilization.
7. Control and monitor detailed cost forecasts, manage variations in order to close out to maximise returns in a timely manner.
8. Maintain and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements.
Perform, direct and control the mechanical design of material handling systems by providing leadership and support to the people in the unit to ensure that schedules, budgets and man hours are achieved comply with company and client standards and procedures.
1. Min. Bachelor degree preferably in Mechanical Engineering
2. Min. 8 years experiences in Mechanical Materials Handling and Piping, Process Design, and Process Engineering
3. Strong leadership, analytical thinking
4. Excellence computer skill
1. Analyse and review the quality of estimates produced by the disciplines to ensure Engineering estimates are accurate, complete and deliver on time.
2. Perform, plan, direct and review design activities produced by the disciplines to ensure designs are fit for purpose comply with budget, client and industry specifications in timely manner delivered.
3. Analyse and review contract to ensure the overall contract are comply with the scope of work and contract terms and conditions as they apply to mechanical and piping engineering.
4. Develop and maintain resources including coordinate the allocation of design work within the discipline group to ensure timely and efficient production of quality designs
5. Control and coordinate the development of new ideas, methods and innovative designs through the application of quality, competitive mechanical and piping engineering in order to improve the companys marketability, efficiency and profitability.
6. Establish, review and promote the Development Program for staff and graduate engineer, in order to develop and enhance their performance and motivation.
7. Establish and review timely progress report for Mechanical and Piping engineering activities for further analyse by Engineering Manager.
8. Maintain and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements
9. Establish to maintain and manage all stake-holders interests to ensure harmonious and cooperative relationships in industrial relations, community relations and staff welfare/career development in all aspects of the project.
Direct, monitor and control the construction activities of a project in order to ensure that it is completed on time and to the total satisfaction of the client whilst achieving tender profit margins and meeting the safety and quality expectations of the company.
• Willing to Work extended hours to ensure project completion on time.
• Min. 10 years previous experiences in construction
• Computer literate, including knowledge of computerized architectural data bases and/or CAD drawing systems.
• Organizational, supervisory and negotiating skills.
• Analytical, reasoning and problem solving skills.
• Ability to maintain accurate and detail records.
1. Plan and monitor the works through a detailed level III programme and accurately record actual progress against the critical path activities to ensure that programme and reported progress position are consistently accurate.
2. Direct, control and monitor the implementation of management strategy in the construction activities in order to optimises companys position on the project within the terms of the contract.
3. Control, monitor and liaise with the financial management of the project to ensure targeted profitability is achieved and potential for profitability is maximised.
4. Lead, manage and coordinate Construction Engineers and Superintendents in control of all labour and plant resources in order to achieve the construction schedule and the project safety and quality requirements on the site.
5. Develop and maintain relationship with the client to ensure that the project is undertaken in a cooperative manner.
6. Coordinate and liaise with Project Manager in representing the company in all meetings and matters pertaining to the contract with respect to the client and any third party to ensure all matters discussed are meet the best solution.
7. Develop, support and liaise with Project Control team with the project programming, weekly progress assessment and reporting function to ensure all report and assessment are accurate in timely manner
8. Maintain and implementing HSE programs including Environmental Management System to ensure the effectiveness of the programs conform to official standard and requirements.
To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in email subject to recruitment.jkt@petrosea.com in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a file size not more than 350kb, not later than 29 October 2013.