Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Indah Karya (Persero) - Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Indah Karya (Persero) - Juli 2013 - PT Indah Karya (Persero) adalah konsultan milik negara yang memulai usahanya sebelum perang dunia ke II sebagai perusahaan swasta milik Belanda yang bernama Ingenieurs Bureau Vrijburg (IBIV). Pada tahun 1961 dinasionalisasikan menjadi PN Indah Karya sebagai perusahaan milik negara. Sejak tahun 1972 berubah menjadi PT Indah Karya (Persero) di bawah Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.

PT Indah Karya (Persero) adalah salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang Konstruksi dan Manajemen, didirikan pada tanggal 29 Maret 1961. Kantor Pusat PT Indah Karya (Persero) berkedudukan di Bandung dengan kantor-kantor Cabang yang tersebar diseluruh wilayah Indonesia.

PT Indah Karya (Persero) membutuhkan karyawan/karyawati dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
  1. Chief Inspector/Koordinator Lapangan (S1 pengalaman min 5 thn)
  2. Inspector/Pengawas Lapangan (S1 pengalaman min 4 thn)
  3. Estimator (S1 pengalaman min 4 thn)
  4. Sekretaris (S1/D3 pengalaman min 2 thn)
  5. Administrasi Proyek (S1/D3 pengalaman min 2 thn)
  • Pria/Wanita usia min 25 sd 35 thn (untuk No. 1 sd 5)
  • Kualifikasi (untuk No. 1-3 & 5)
  • Teknik Sipil (Pengalaman di Konstruksi Pabrik/Gedung)
  • Teknik Arsitektur (Pengalaman di Konstruksi Pabrik/Gedung)
  • Teknik Mesin (Pengalaman di Mesin Produksi/Mekanikal Pabrik)
  • Teknik Elektro (Pengalaman di Instrument Panel Produksi/Pabrik)
  • Kualifikasi Ekonomi/Manajemen/Hukum/Teknik (Untuk No. 4)
  • Menguasai aplikasi komputer MS Office (untuk No. 1 sd 5), MS Project (untuk No. 1) dan Autocad (untuk No. 1 sd 3)
  • Memiliki Kerpibadian Jujur, Pekerja Keras, dan Mampu Komunikasi dengan Baik (untuk No. 1 sd 5)
  • Bersedia di tempatkan di wilayah Sorong-Papua (untuk No. 1-3 dan 5)
  • Penempatan di Bandung dan Bersedia Tugas ke Luar Kota/luar Pulau Jawa (untuk No. 4)
Bagi yang berminat untuk berkarir bersama PT Indah Karya (Persero), surat lamaran dan Curiculum Vitae dikirim paling lambat 24 Juli 2013 ke alamat :

PT Indah Karya (Persero)
Jl. Golf No. 2a Ujung Berung-Bandung 40294
up. Bapak Ari CD Prasetyo

Sumber  Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Indah Karya (Persero) - Juli 2013

Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

Lowongan PT Advics Indonesia

PT. Advics Indonesia is a multinational company with head quarter in Japan and affiliation all over the world. Our core business as a trading of Automotive Brake System, supply for major car maker in Indonesia. Our mission is to add value to society by creating products that improve safety, comfort and environmental responsibility.

Quality Assurance Staff
Responsibility :
1. Quality inspection
2. Control part quality at supplier and customer
3. Maintain customer and warranty claim
4. Control quality document
5. Control production process at supplier
6. Report quality matter to QA Supervisor and Operation Manager
Requirements :
1. Maximum age 27 years
2. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering min GPA 3.00
3. Good in analytical thinking, hard worker and able to work under pressure
4. Good in MS Office (Excel, Word and Power Point)
5. Proficiency in English, Japanese will be advantages
6. Willing to work at Cikarang

Purchasing Supervisor
Responsibility :
1. Receive and review purchase request from all departments
2. Confirm user about goods specifications and target date
3. Negotiation with suppliers for the best cost and quality
4. Daily delivery control
5. Make budget for purchase amount
6. Monitoring purchase amount with budget,
7. Provide data about supplier performance
8. Make monthly purchasing report to Operation Manager
Requirements :
1. Maximum age 27 years
2. Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering with min GPA 2.75
3. Good in analytical thinking, hard worker and able to work under pressure
4. Good in MS Office (Excel, Word and Power Point)
5. Proficiency in English, Japanese will be advantages
6. Willing to work at Cikarang

Marketing Supervisor
Responsibility :
1. Negotiate with new/existing customer about price meter
2. Follow up customer forecast order/PO, and communicate with production site
3. Coordinate for every new project from car maker in term of general schedule with mass production
4. Make monthly marketing report to Operational Manager
Requirements :
1. Maximum age 27 years
2. Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering min GPA 2.75
3. Good in analytical thinking, hard worker and able to work under pressure
4. Good in MS Office (Excel, Word and Power Point)
5. Proficiency in English, Japanese will be advantages
6. Willing to work at Cikarang

Send your CV by email to :
- arditya@advics.co.id, or postmail to :
- Kawasan Industri EJIP Plot 5J Cikarang
Selatan – Bekasi 17550, Jawa Barat
(Up. Arditya B. Prasetia)

The latest is on July 31th, 2013


Lowongan PT Mahanusa Hijau Selaras

PT Mahanusa Hijau Selaras merupakan Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang sedang berkembang di wilayah Kalimantan Barat (Sanggau dan Sintang) dan Kalimantan Timur dengan menerapkan prinsip Best Practice Plantation System membutuhkan SEGERA calon tenaga kerja yang bertalenta dan siap menerima tantangan, sebagai:

QC-Civil Engineering (QC-CE)

  1. Laki-laki, maksimal usia 30 tahun;
  2. Pendidikan terakhir D3/S1 Teknis Sipil.
  3. Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun.
  4. Menguasai kualitas jembatan, jalan, jembatan, dan gorong-gorong, mampu mengestimasi potongan nilai BAPP terhadap pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai SPK, menguasai RAB & gambar desain, mampu memberikan evaluasi dan rekomendasi terhadap kualitas bangunan (kontraktor).

Silahkan email Lamaran dan CV anda ke:

Paling lambat tgl 24 Juli 2013

Lowongan PT Voksel Electric Tbk

PT Voksel Electric Tbk. ("the Company”) was established in Jakarta on April 19, 1971. Since 1989, the Company became a foreign capital investment through a joint venture agreement with Showa Electric Wire & Cable Co. Ltd Japan ("Showa'). In concurrent with its aggressive growth strategy, the Company issued its initial public offering in the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchanges on December 20th 1990. Through consistent hard work and dedication from all management and employees, the Company soon positioned itself as one of the leading cable manufacturers in Indonesia. The Company's core businesses include manufacturing of power, telecommunication and fiber optics cables. Through its continuous pursuit for quality excellence, the Company was awarded numerous international quality certificates, such as ISO 9002:1994 year 1995, ISO 9001:1994 year 1999 and ISO 9001:2000 year 2003 by SGS Yarsley International Certification Services, Ltd.

Engineer (PLC System)

  1. Male, maximum 25 years old
  2. Min. Bachelor degree (S1) in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering with GPA 2.8 from reputable university
  3. experience to use the PLC system
  4. Computer literate
  5. Hard worker, independent with strong leadership ability
  6. Fluently in English
  7. Having capability to work as a team
  8. Good interpersonal, analythical thinking & communication skills
 If you are suitable match for the above position, please send your Application Letter including your CV and your recent photograph to:
People Development
Jl. Raya Narogong km 16, Cileungsi Bogor

>>submit your CV at the latest July 31, 2013.

Lowongan PT Jaddi Foods

Jaddi Foods was established in 1996, out of anticipating the development, the ever growing population and its urbanization, and the stronger emerging middle class with steady increasing income in Indonesia. It was enough to see the demographic changes was also changing the upcoming life-style and increasing the demands for Cafes, hang-out places as well as International food varieties in every category market level.

The company has consistently achieved remarkable growth since its inception by carefully selecting and establishing a formation of Food & Beverages ventures to fill in these demands. With this formation, Jaddi Foods has successfully converged European and Asian Heritage of cooking, baking and serving fresh, innovative and unique food ideas to meet customers’ needs and lifestyle for taste satisfaction and quality products in its specific market segment

Hot Kitchen CDP (Chef De Partie)

  1. Pria/Wanita
  2. Maksimal 37 Tahun
  3. Memiliki pengalaman min. 3 tahun di bidang yang sama (lebih disukai bila memiliki pengalaman sebagai CDP di perusahaan Catering)
  4. Mampu untuk membuat produk dalam jumlah besar dalam batas waktu yang telah ditentukan
  5. Mampu bekerjasama dalam Tim
  6. Diutamakan bila memiliki pengetahuan mengenai “Food Cost” dan “hygiene”

If you are eager to take on the challenge, please send your application with CV, transcript, diploma certificate and latest photograph to :talent@jaddifoods.com

>>submit your CV at the latest July 21, 2013.